Member Reviews

Henry Page had never been in love until Grace Town walked into his drama class. Grace wasn't your average teenage girl, she wore boys clothes that were too baggy for her, her hair was unbrushed and she walked with a limp. But the more Henry got to know her, the more beautiful she became to him. Only she's hiding something and the more Henry tries to get her to let him in, the more she pushes him away.

Henry really bothered me in the beginning, he was so whiny and annoying and literally stalked Grace for a good chunk of the book... not my thing... but he did a full 180 by the end of the book and definitely redeemed himself for me. I honestly don't know what he saw in Grace, she was so moody and just seemed like far too much trouble to me... Although I did enjoy Henry's friends La and Muz as well as his parents and older sister Sadie.

Gah... I don't know, something about this book just didn't sit well with me... Maybe it was the constant mention of Grace's disability or the jokes thrown in (which I understand was supposed to lighten the tone of the story) but something was just off to me.

I did really enjoy the overall message of the book and the way it ended though.

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