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A romance set in the quaint English countryside with a bookstore as one of the primary settings and major "The Holiday" vibes? I was completely sold on Samantha Young's book MUCH ADO ABOUT YOU from the summary (and the adorable cover didn't hurt!).

When we first meet Evie, her life has hit a dead end in Chicago after one too many dating fails and a missed promotion at work. Her solution? Quit her job and head to England on holiday for a month while doing some serious self-evaluation and figuring out what comes next. And what's definitely *not* part of that plan? A handsome farmer named Roane Robson...or at least we think he's just a farmer.

In general, I enjoyed this book and give it an overall 3/5 stars. I was looking for a quick, fairly unsubstantial (not in a bad way but in a "I want to shut my brain off and enjoy this book" kind of way and this was definitely that. Insta-love isn't my favorite romance trope and this one relies pretty heavily on it in terms of Evie and Roane's feelings for one another. I don't know that I was ever fully sold on their chemistry beyond a physical attraction and the book wants you to believe they both understand and see one another in a way they never have with anyone else before despite having just met and knowing very little about one another.

The dialogue was mostly good if somewhat cheesy. If I were to rank this on a flame scale of 1 to 5 for the sex/romance scenes, I'd give it a 2.5/5 flames. You could definitely recommend this to a casual acquaintance without worrying they'd be scandalized. It's a good intro book for someone wanting to delve into the romance genre.

I liked the secondary cast of characters well enough even though the book goes a little heavy on the small town village gossip stereotype to the point it it often came across as over the top. At times the secondary cast of characters got in the way of our main story. There were a lot of competing mini plots within the book (Caroline's, Viola and Lucas, Annie and Maggie, etc.) that distracted from the main plot, especially because I felt the book dragged way too long in getting to the big SPOILER reveal about Roane's true identity. I wanted what took place in the final 20% of the book to get more time because the ending was way too rushed. Evie was going through a lot of emotional whiplash and you definitely felt that as the reader, too.

At the end of the day, this book isn't going to stick with me forever but it was a nice bit of romantic escapism especially at a time when we are all stuck at home and can't go on dates or travel.

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Utterly charming! A heartwarming and literary romance. As a Chicagoan, I loved the beginning :). The book is honest and also had some heated moments- both in emotion and in the bedroom! This is a very positive read if you’re in need of a pick-me-up.

Evie is incredibly unhappy in Chicago. She’s fed up with love and hates her job. She decides to take a much needed vacation to England. She finds a woman who rents not only her apartment, but her bookstore too! Evie jumps at the chance and quickly meets Roane, a VERY eligible bachelor.

If you are a Shakespeare fan, don’t miss this.

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When Evie is passed over for a much deserved promotion and then stood up, she plans a holiday away in a small seaside village abroad which includes running a bookstore and living in the flat above it. Maybe changing things up entirely and giving up on men for a bit will give her fresh perspective so she can figure out what exactly she wants out of life. Enter Roane, the attractive and clearly interested local. Evie has her hands full trying to resist his persistence and struggles to keep focused on what she came here for.

This modern friend to lover story has all of the elements for a book lover’s dream. I found the villagers and the way that Evie melded into their lives (and also meddled in their lives!) to be charming and full of heart. After finishing the book, I wish I was as attached to Roane and Evie as I was to the rest of the story. Somewhere along the line, their much talked about physical attraction to one another overshadowed their actual relationship, which made the proposal, break up, and reconciliation feel rushed. I do hope the author writes more books about the villagers I grew to love and I look forward to more from her.

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Young’s words had me engaged once again. Her descriptions and characters had me addicted to this friends to lovers romance. The idea of traveling to a new destination and falling in love with the town and everything there is my kind of story. Who doesn’t want to pick up and create a new adventure? I totally ship Evie and Roane. Their story was charming and sweet. A must read romance for 2021.

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I wanted to love this book. Hot farmer hero! Bookish heroine! Bookstore setting! Get in my eyeballs now! I gave it every chance and waited with bated breath with every turn of the page for something to happen, for anything to happen. Alas, nothing does.

A series of unfortunate events lead Evie to pack up and take a holiday running a small bookstore in a tiny seaside village in Northumberland. There, she meets hot farmer Roane. He has a dog and he's nice, that's about it. He also has a bad case of Insta Lust. Evie, with her shattered confidence and many hang ups, somehow turns into a confident, wise supermodel somewhere over the Atlantic. It's the only way to explain her character's sudden ability to do it all and attract everyone in this village. She gets in and immediately charms everyone. She proceeds to meddle in everyone's life, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes because she just got there and she's suddenly fixing everyone's problems and matchmaking like a boss? Sure, Jan.

Speaking of the village, I adore well-developed side characters. I do not love it when there is a literal village of side characters and they take away from the main romance. Everyone Evie met had a backstory and that's great but let's get back to the relationship development but sadly that never happens. The relationship arc is more of a flat line, there's no tension and the little bit of conflict is too flimsy to carry on an entire book.

I also have a hard time with slow burns when the emphasis is on slow. The burn in this book never really comes until about 60℅ in when they suddenly have sex completely out of the blue. There was no lead-up. Not even a first kiss and then they are humping and there are I Love You's and the hero is proposing and I'm flipping back pages to see where we went from point A to point Z 🙄

In the end, I skimmed quite a bit. The beginning was promising, the middle sagged horribly and the conflict at the end was just meh. I'd recommend it to readers who like zero-conflict romance where the spotlight isn't necessarily on the main characters and for anyone who loves a quiet slow burn and uncomplicated main characters. It was well written and the setting was charming. Aside from that this would have been a DNF for me had it not been an ARC.


Thanks to @netgalley and the publisher for my copy. All opinions are my own

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Much Ado About You is a sweet and heartwarming read perfect for booklovers. Plot and tone-wise, this novel draws a lot from Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing. I can’t say much more to spoil things, but a lot of what’s happening among the village-folk mirrors the subplots in the original (yet they’re different enough to make it unique and, thankfully, much more politically correct).

Roane is not your typical romance novel hero. He’s a farmer, attractive, but not too attractive, but most importantly, he’s described by the townsfolk as a “monogamist”. This just isn’t seen often in romance books, where the hero is often a player. The fact that he’s ready to settle down with Evie almost right after their initial meeting (He's got a bad case of love at first sight!), makes for a fresh approach to common tropes that are found everywhere in this book.

Evie is your typical romance novel heroine. She’s somewhat dissatisfied with her body, yet she’s not unattractive. She’s unhappy with her career, and is passed up for a promotion over a man who’s younger than her, because of his “experience”. All of this is piled on top of the fact that she’s been unlucky in love. 

That said, Evie's choices make her a tad unrealistic. She decides to quit dating men, which is understandable, but when she goes on vacation to run a bookstore in the little town of Alnster, she really, really doesn’t want to explore the obvious attraction that she and Roane share. It almost makes sense when you consider that she’s only staying there for a month, but it just doesn’t quite sit right with me. Of course, this desire to keep away from Roane was necessary for the entire plot of the book (otherwise it would only be three chapters long rather than twenty-eight), but this plot device still could have been written a little better.  For instance, she has a somewhat angsty past (with an ex-boyfriend who did a number on her self-esteem back in college), and perhaps if she had more frequently drawn on those experiences while pushing Roane away, it would have made it more palatable.  This plot device was very similar to the one in On Dublin Street, the only other work by Samantha Young that I’ve read, but with that book, the heroine’s desire to not fall in love (ever!) was stronger, and made more sense given her circumstances.

Partway through, I definitely asked myself if I’ve already seen this as a Hallmark movie. The plot twists are apparent almost from the very beginning, and I had a serious sense of deja vu almost from the very first page.  While the plot and even the twists are reminiscent of Hallmark movies, this novel has much more depth than you would see in those types of films.  As mentioned earlier in this review, the events are similar to those in Much Ado About Nothing. In addition to this, Evie’s “meddling” in the affairs of the village folk also mirrors the subplots in her own life. This is a spoiler-free review, but it’s sweet to see how her meddling helps her to explore parts of herself and her relationships with others to figure out where’s she’s gone wrong and how she can improve.  The execution of this is incredibly clever, which ultimately bumped up my enjoyment of this book (and subsequently my rating) quite a bit.

I recommend this novel to booklovers looking for a sweet escape that is literary in more ways than one.

*This review will be posted to on February 3, 2021*

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This was a fun and cute romance. It took a minute for me to get used to the writing - it was a bit stilted and simple to start with. But I think once I settled into the story, it was fine. The conflict of the story was telegraphed a mile away, but Roane and Evie were a cute couple, though I do wish we got to see more of their development in their romance

I received a copy of the book from the publisher.

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Oh my god I haven’t been this charmed by a book in a long time!! I was smitten almost immediately by Evie, she was the kind of character that I wanted to take under my wing, there was something so vulnerable about her that made me want to mother her. Instead of me, Evie gets to take every bookworms dream vacation by running a bookstore as part of her vacation rental. SWOON 😍 Much like Evie herself it was love at first sight for me with the village, Roane and the residents of Alnster.

This was the best type of escapist read for me, I could easily imagine the quaint little town and it was the next best thing as taking a trip to England myself. Reading this was so comforting for me, it was cozy, funny, warm and charming and I was smitten with each and every aspect. Literally perfect for me! If you like romances with well developed characters, an amazing hero AND heroine and a idyllic setting this is a must.

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Oh my gosh what a beautiful, sweet, heartwarming and uplifting read that was. I finished with an honest to god smile on my face. Talk about feel good escapism - if you are in need of that and aren’t we all right now - then this book is a MUST READ!
I love how versatile a writer Samantha Young is. It doesn’t matter if she is writing this style or PNR I just adore her writing as it flows from the page and directly into your head. Almost like she is talking inside your head.
Seriously this story is beautiful! I challenge you to not to want to move to Alnster a small coastal village in England after reading! It sounds like heaven.
Evie lives in Chicago aged 33 and unlucky in love and life. She has just been stood up and passed over for a promotion that should have been hers. She has had enough and that’s when she sees a holiday deal where she would go and work in a small town book shop in England and stay in the flat above. Sounds like heaven for a bookworm like she is so she calls right away and books a months stay so she can sort out her head which will be no men and what does she actually want to do with life. Of course as soon as she settles on the no men rule the village’s most eligible bachelor, gorgeous manly man and farm owner makes it clear he is very much interested.
Will she stick to her guns or will she give in to Roane Robson’s charm. He isn’t the only charming character! Nearly all the townsfolk are charming and welcoming! Like I said you WILL want to move there.
5/5 isn’t enough for this charming and heartwarming read. Did I say charming? Ahh yes a little too many times but it is!! Highly recommend-Don’t miss out as it goes live on 2nd February ❤️💜💗💖

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Review posted on GoodReads (January 28th, 2021)
Review Linked.

3.5/5 stars!

A huge thank you to NetGalley and Berkley Publishing for sending me an E-ARC of this book for an honest review.

Content Warnings Include: Sexism, Homophobia, Racism.

I have really liked Samantha Young's books in the past so I was really excited about this one. The premise is super cute, and it sounded right up my alley.

Without getting into spoilers (I will post a full spoiler review when the book releases), this book was cute, but it wasn't everything I wanted it to be. For me, the story lagged in a couple of places and I had some issues with the choices the author made for a few side characters. Some plots felt really rushed and I wish we could have waited and gotten a whole book for some of the side characters' stories.

I think one thing I did like about this book was how Samantha Young didn't try to glorify the small town that our main character Evie moves to. Young took time to show the faults of the town’s people and the problems that the town and its people were facing. (Look above for some of the Content Warnings I include for this book.)

Overall, I liked this book, had some issues with it (which I will expand upon in my longer review), and at the same time thought it was a cute romance.

Thanks for reading!

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3.5 ⭐️

Evie decides it’s time to figure out her life. Does she need a partner to be happy? Or is she ok being single? All her friends are in committed relationships, having babies, but how about her? After being stood up from an online date, losing a job promotion, her best friend announcing she’s pregnant, Evie’s had it. She takes the opportunity to spend four weeks in a small town in England renting a bookstore. To get away. To find herself. To avoid men. To understand what it is she really wants.

This was a charming story that followed Evie’s adventure to England after feeling stuck in Chicago. Being in her thirties, her friends marrying off, with no moving forward in her career and love life, I could empathize with her. Young infused the small town in Northumberland with so much life and character that it felt like I was there as I was reading. The friends Evie made in a short stint gave her that sense of home and belonging that it will leave your heart happy. I didn’t get too much of the feels with the romance in this one, and being that I loved Young’s other standalone, Fight or Flight, I wished there was more.

I recommend to fans of Evvie Drake Starts Over, Mermaid Inn, and those who enjoy a feel-good story that revolves around small towns inhabited by meddling townsfolk!

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Super cute! A great romance for rom-com fans. Again, lots of the problems/issues could've been solved with a little communication, but if you can get past that, this is a very enjoyable & steamy read.

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Do you ever avoid writing a review because you liked a book so much you can't focus your thoughts? That's absolutely me and Much Ado About You. My thoughts have been pinging around in my mind for three days now, trying to settle.

Let's start with everything that drew me to this book before I even read it. First, the title. Even though the story is not a Much Ado About Nothing retelling, I am a sucker for any sort of reference to my favorite Shakespearean play. Second, the cover. It's just adorable. And who doesn't love a cover with a dog and books? And third... English. Bookstore. Holiday. I mean, that's practically a dream vacation. At that point, the romance in the book was just a nice bonus.

And what a glorious bonus it was. The story centers on Evie Starling. At 33 years old, she's finding her life is not at all where she thought or wanted it to be. In desperate need of a change, she happens upon a bookstore holiday package in England where she can help run the local bookstore, Much Ado About Books. As an avid Shakespeare fan (Evie and I would SO be friends), she decides it's exactly what she needs to help her gain some perspective. But what she didn't plan on was Roane. Because finding yourself and figuring out your future shouldn't involve a guy you met on vacation, right? Or maybe Evie just doesn't realize Roane could be part of the answer to all her questions.

I won't lie. I fell hard for this book as soon as I started reading. Despite being a 36 year old mother of 4 who has been married for nearly 16 years, I connected with Evie. Our lives couldn't be more different, but at 33 I was staring down a life where all of my children would be in school full time and I definitely did not know what that meant for me. So, I completely understood Evie's need to reevaluate and figure out where her life was headed. I'd been there. Then the book gave me little The Holiday and P.S. I Love You vibes (just pieces) and since I love both of those, I was a complete goner for Much Ado About You.

I think what I loved most about this book is that Evie had two love stories, of sorts. Yes, she and Roane had instant chemistry. You could tell from the start that they both wanted to be more than friends, even though Evie kept trying to convince herself Roane was the exact opposite of what she needed. But Evie also had instant chemistry with the town and the people in it. She makes real friends and has real impacts on their lives. Much Ado About You isn't just the (steamy) story of Evie and Roane. It's truly Evie's story of discovering the life she wants, man or no man.

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Evie is over it. After being stood up for a date, and then being passed over again for the promotion that should have been hers, she needs a break. When she finds an opportunity to vacation in Englad while running the bookstore under the flat, Evie is sold. Sounds like the perfect vacation. She does not expect to meet Roane. Evie is determined to follow her rules, no men. She is here to find out what she wants for her future and no man will get in the way of that.

4.5 stars! Ok living above a bookstore, on the coasts of England, with a wonderful town filled with amazing townsfolk, and a hot best friend with a wonderful dog? Where do I sign up? Seriously though, when reading the synopsis on this one I was immediately sold. Evie was such a wonderful character, I fell for her fast and hard, and wanted so badly for all the good things to come her way. Even though I understood her hesitations with Roane, I sometimes wanted to jump into the pages and shake her while screaming “girl he is perfect for you!” i just loved the entire cast of characters in this one. Reading this book felt like home. This is definitely up there as one of may favorite rom coms recently! this book needs to be on your TBR!

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This was such a fun escapist read! I loved Roane and all the secondary characters. Northumberland and the bookshop were both such sweet atmospheric settings! This was my first Samantha Young book, and I'll definitely be picking up her backlist!

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I had such high hopes for this book. A girl leaves her lackluster life and ventures off to England to run a rented bookstore? Sign me up! But almost from the beginning, various things about his book rubbed me the wrong way. Starting from the first chapter when Evie referred to the guy who stood her up as something like ‘not fat, but not cover model material either, which was fine’. As a plus-size girl myself, the way Evie talked about her own body really bothered me too - it felt forced like the author was trying to be body positive but ended up being insulting. The rest of the book felt like a never-ending string of boring things happening between characters who were dull, flat, and had no chemistry. I kept waiting for more - more depth, more humour, more from the relationship, just MORE, but it just fell flat at every turn.

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This was a cute read. I think I would have liked a little more excitement along the way but I still enjoyed the story.

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>Evie is swept up into small town village life when she leaves Chicago to run a bookstore in the English countryside for four weeks.

I mean, who doesn't love a story about running a bookstore on the English country side? Nosy and colorful townspeople? Check. Handsome farmer with adorable dog? Check. So many books and lit references? Check!

I loved Young's Fight or Flight book so I was excited to read her newest story. There's a lot to enjoy. I really loved Roane (obviously) and Evie's friends that she makes there. There was some sweet romance before things get all hot and steamy. I was hoping there was a little more chemistry between them though. They seemed to be really attracted to one another, but I just didn't feel it.

It's a fun romance and of course, there's a bit of drama at the end. The end drama was a bit forced and I wasn't super sold on it.

Overall, I think it's a fun romance book that many people will enjoy. It's light and fun and perfect for some of us who dream of packing it all in and going to buy a bookstore somewhere far away. ;)

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3.75 stars

30-something Evie decides to take a break from her not-that-fulfilling life in Chicago. Her love life is non-existent, she quits her job after being passed over again for a promotion, and she has a prickly relationship with her recovering alcoholic mother.

On a whim, she sees an add for an apartment and bookstore-sitting job in rural England for a month and jumps on it. Almost immediately she begins to feel at home and starts making connections in the community. And, she meets sexy Roane who makes it clear he'd like to start something with her. But, she is determined to keep her head clear and just keep things in the friend zone.

But the longer she stays, the more difficult that is. She makes friends and invests in the small town, and she and Roane are clearly clicking. Then the difficult decisions come. Is she going to stay in England and pursue a possible relationship with Roane? Is she willing to jettison her Chicago life -- and desert her pregnant best friend -- in search of something more? Evie is a likeable character and has some real life issues leftover from her childhood to deal with.

Thanks to the publisher and to Net Galley for providing me with an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Samantha Young is a ‘one click’ author for me. I’ll buy anything she writes as I know I’ll love it, and Much Ado About You didn’t disappoint.

The timing of this book was perfect for me. It was a huge ray of sunshine in a bleak January during lockdown.

It tells the story of Evie, a disillusioned American girl who takes a holiday to England to run a bookshop while she re-evaluate her life. During her stay she falls in love with the village, the people, the bookstore, and most of all a very charming farmer called Roane.

Evie and Roane and instantly attracted to each other, but as Evie is determined to take a break from men, their romance is pushed to a sizzling slow burn. I must confess to flicking forward a few chapters to see if they got together as I was rooting for them!

As always, Samantha’s scene and character development are perfect. The village sounds beautiful and is so well described that I could picture the scenes unfolding as I read them.

There were loads of interlinked sub plots going on and the supporting characters were as three-dimensional as Evie and Roane. I’d love to move to the village and join Evie’s group of
new friends.

MAAY is a beautiful tale of finding friendship and love when you least expect it and it’s a perfect blend of humour, sweetness and sizzling chemistry. It’s a heartwarming story and a real comfort read.

Grab a hot drink and a blanket as it’s definitely a book you want to curl up with and devour on a rainy day.

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