Member Reviews

3.8 Stars

This book brings a lovely story, with romance, funny scenes and captivating characters.

Here we have the story of Eva, a woman who is having problems in the loving and professional field and deciding to travel to forget a little about her problems, ending up in a charming village in England, and thus begins the journey of this character and throughout the book we can to see her rediscovering herself, growing up and of course finding love during her time there.

The story is nice to read and the romance between Evie and Roane was sweet, but my favorite part of the book was her friendships with several villagers, here we were introduced to so many interesting characters that I hope that one day they will get their own story.

I found the book a little too long and in some parts the story dragged, but apart from Much Ado About You it makes for an extremely pleasant read.

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What a warm hug of a romance! I have not read anything by Samantha Young prior to this, but I was sold on this book as soon as I read the description. A young woman, Evie Starling, decides to rent a bookstore/apartment in Northumberland in England after experiences several major disappointments related to career, relationships, and life in general.
What surprised me most about this book was the relationships that were developed outside the main romantic relationship. While the romance was delightful, it was the other friendships that developed between Evie and townspeople and the way she became so engrained in the culture of the town that truly won me over. At the same time the story managed to dip past the surface level fluff and charm that exists in many similar books and provided some real emotional depth.
This was the kind of book I needed to read at the start of 2021 after a tumultuous year. I recommend this book to anyone who needs a mental vacation and a break from the day to day chaos of the world around us. Utterly charming!
Thanks to NetGalley and Berkley for the eARC in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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Thank you @Berkley and Netgalley for the gifted e-copy.

Well, this book was the fun rom com that I needed this week! Evie is a 30 something year old living in Chicago. She is struggling with dating, lost her job, and just needs a change. She decides she needs a vacation, and finds an opportunity to run a bookshop in northern England for a few weeks. DONE. (I'm totally jealous, by the way)

Evie quickly falls in love with the village of Alnster - the people, the area, the bookshop, the apartment...and possibly the hunky village farmer, Roane. But she swore off men on this trip! What to do? Well, I'm not going to tell you because *spoilers* but let's just say Roane seems he too good to be true?

In addition to all that, Evie gets involved in some of the village drama. Roane's cousin, Caro, lives with a crotchety and abusive aunt, and Evie helps save her. There's a Shakespeare-esque village feud complete with a Romeo/Juliet twist, and another parent/daughter saga going on as well. All of that I could have done without - it was a bit much at times.

Overall this was a cute and fun romcom that I really enjoyed. I liked the shout outs to various literature, and the description of the village was enough to make me want to visit.

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4.5 STARS!

Much Ado About You by Samantha Young was absolutely precious! From the first few chapters I was captivated and loved everything about the little village town of Alnster.

Evie is stumbling to find herself when she gets lucky and takes the chance to rent and run a bookstore in Northumberland. I loved the rich history of the place and just the details about the weather, it almost felt like I was there and for a moment in time I could breath the salty sea air.

These characters were flawed and imperfect. I struggled to give this story a full 5 stars because I loved it so but I found the pivotal moment in the story caused some unnecessary drama that I feel could have been prevented.

This story is so in depth that it didn't just center around a wonderful romance story of friends-to-lovers but it was so much more–self discovery, forgiveness reuniting loved ones whom have been separated because of differences, and amazing secondary characters that will leave you wanting so much more of this world. Like seriously, please Samantha give Caro a book, and Lucas, and Viola as well... 'kay thanks 😆.

Much Ado About You will sweep you off your feet with the swoony, bearded farmer, his dog Shadow, and the quaint sea village town. I really cannot recommend this book enough! It's truly special and I'm left all warm inside!

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.*

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Let me start off by saying that I love Samantha Young. I was obsessed with her On Dublin Street series, and her books have always hit me right in the feels and left me wanting more. But this....just didn't do it for me. I felt that the characters felt flat and writing didn't encourage any attachment. It's my fault for expecting spectacular things, but this was a DNF.

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I was pleasantly surprised by this book! This was my first read from Samantha Young, and it definitely won't be my last. The story was a fun read, with fun, charismatic characters. I think that the main character was quite relatable, although frustrating to read about at times.
The love interest was very well developed. I appreciated how it wasn't an insta-love trope, but they rather took the time to get to know one another. I think that the village and its characters were very charming and added to the overall plot. I really enjoyed the stories of the side characters. They were relevant to today's social climate and very well addressed. Overall, I enjoyed this book and I definitely recommend it!

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Samantha Young did it again!! This story was fantastic! I fell in love with Evie and Roane captured my heart. Towards the last few chapters of the book, Evie irritated me a bit but ultimately she redeemed herself. For anyone who loves a good slow burn romance or a story of friendships...this is the book for you! I thoroughly enjoyed it!

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I feel like a victim of a bait and switch. The synopsis made much of Evie managing a bookshop. Unfortunately, the book itself spends very little time in said bookshop. I was really hoping for a similar experience to Veronica Henry's 'How To Find Love In a Bookshop' from several years ago. From the title I also expected a bit more of the 'Much Ado' as it is one of my favorite Shakespeare comedies. The first part of the book--her reason for spending a month in Northumberland, saving Shadow, meeting Roane (hubba hubba)--was 4-5 stars. The middle of the book sort of meandered around with ever more societal issues being thrown into the mix -- 2 star. Finally, the big betrayal, moment. Come on, girl, don't you know how to google??? Anyway, even though it ends well and you know what Ma always said. . . I still just "like" it and will not be on the look out for any further titles from Ms. Young. No offense, but life is just too short to spend on books that are average for me.

Thank you to Berkley and NetGalley for a DRC in exchange for an honest review.

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Only Samantha can write a beautiful love story with a scenery to match.
With the times that we are living in, I look forward to reading and rereading anything by Samantha, if only for the getaway it provides.
Evie and Roane"s love story is ageless.
Woman visits another country to find herself but instead finds a hot farmer and friends that will make you want them for your own.
The quaint town is described so well that I could feel the fresh air ooze from the pages. Well, my kindle anyway.
I hope we can visit Northumberland one day just so I can say that I may be walking on the street Sam mentioned in MAAY..

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The idea of this book was really cute.
I love small town romances, so I was pretty excited to read this book. The fact that a dog was included was even better. I really liked all the characters and was interested in their lives.

However this book lacked the usual depth and flow. It’s hard to describe but I wasn’t completely captivated. Evie‘s thoughts seemed weird especially the punctuation. I usually don’t pay attention to such things but all the exclamation points were weird and didn’t really fit. Also some sentences seemed like reading an English paper. I just doubt that people talk like that.
The story felt sometimes forced and not authentic. The plot was predictable but that wasn’t a problem for me. It’s just that everything went so smoothly. Running a bookstore doesn’t seem to be easy in real life because every little business has struggles especially if you have never done such a thing but in this book the protagonists seems to be an expert even though she has no experience in running a business. I like that Evie took control of her life though. It just seemed so easy. I am also not a fan of instant love, so this book made it hard for me to really like the relationship.

Well Much Ado About you is a sweet book with sympathetic characters, a small town and a cute dog. It’s a nice book, but Samantha offers better ones. So for me this was a three stars read. Nice for a weekend if you like romcom.

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Thank you Berkley Pub &* Netgalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.


These characters had CHEMISTRY that I was obsessed with. Evie had the guts to make a big change in her life and travel across the pond to find herself. I envy Evie's confidence to make such a drastic life change at the drop of a hat. Evie was a perfect protagonist to take charge of this story, I was rooting for her the entire time.

I appreciated the modern-day dating age references used in this story. As modern dating involves online dating, ghosting, Snapchat, and more. Modern age dating is a whole new way of dating. Evie didn't have it easy and was in the stage of life where you compare yourself to friends around you who are figuring out life, getting married, and having kids. If you aren't doing those things in your late 20s and early 30s you start to feel worthless. I appreciated Evie taking her future into her own hands and doing what was going to make her happy with herself.

Evie and Roane had so much sexual tension that I was just waiting for it to burst over. Honestly, I thought the big reveal of his secret at the end would have been something juicier so that part was a little lackluster.

My FAVORITE part of the book was that Evie got to rent out and control a bookstore as part of this adventure. I want to do that now ASAP. That sounds like the best dream vacation ever...... and all the parts of the book discussing the bookstore were by far my favorite!

This book was charming, comforting, and makes you smile. I recommend it for a quick feel-good book which we all are in need of lately.

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I have a lot of thoughts about this book. I can tell it’s setting up for a series. There are so many characters that I already care about and want more. The setting is basically another character that adds a charming element to the story. Samantha Young obviously can write well. For me there was so much wonderful aspects to the story that the main characters paled in comparison and I got bored. I can appreciate this book doing a lot of work setting stuff up. I hope we get the other books.

I voluntarily read an early copy.

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So first and foremost, Much Ado About You is basically the movie the Holiday, with a lot more depth. I liked it, don’t get me wrong, but this basic premise is not new. The depth is where the magic is in this book. I loved all of the side characters in this book; they added so much to the story.
I connected with Evie. I liked that she saw her life was not going the way she wanted to and took a chance on something. And Roane, lady porn indeed. He’s just about the perfect guy. Was this book very predictable? Yes, as soon as the main character noted she refused to date guys who were younger or rich (um execute me what?), I knew where this was going. It seemed out of character to me, this woman who is so open-minded, closing herself off after one bad experience. Other than that, I found this to be a charming and enjoyable read.
I liked that while the romance between the hero and heroine was the main story, the other side stories meant a lot. I especially liked seeing how Evie was able to do so much for others and really find her place within the community. It seemed more about finding herself than finding romance, which I think was the book’s point.
Overall Much Ado About You is an adorable read with a lot of heart and laughs.

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A lot has been said about this book already and I have to say I agree with what most people have to say. So I am going to keep my review short and sweet. I really enjoyed this story. It was just so refreshing to read about these characters who were actually really genuine people. I loved the chemistry between Roane and Evie!
This had me wanting to go to this small village! I liked our side characters too and how they added to the story and didn't take away from it. This romance was so fun and engaging!

Thanks NetGalley for this ARC!

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Reading through Much Ado About You was work. The plot and the characters were both flat. I understand that romance can be formulaic but this one had absolutely nothing unique or attention grabbing about it.

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This was such a sweet and entertaining read. There were so many fun scenes that had me smiling. I loved getting to know Evie and Roane and couldn’t get enough of the small-town vibe of the village and the cast of characters involved.

Evie was delightful. I liked the personal mission she was on to find herself and the courage she had to do that. I loved her and Roane's meeting and the pull they had between them, his reactions to her were adorable. There was a fantastic build as they became friends and I really liked the sizzle growing between them. I loved learning Evie’s history and her reasons for holding back. I almost felt bad for Roane at times, he seemed so tortured by his feelings for her. Roane was so charming and swoon-worthy but sometimes he seemed too good to be true. I liked all the hints that maybe things weren’t all that they seemed and was filled with anticipation waiting to find out just what was up. There was a really good build to that moment where everything is learned, it felt like feelings exploding and I loved it.

The writing was really good and I enjoyed the pace. The story is told from first person single POV, but I longed to get inside Roane’s head. I loved the descriptions making me want to travel to this little village. I loved the townspeople and the relationships Evie formed with them and her well-meaning meddling, she had such a big heart.

This was fast-paced, engaging, and witty, with a wonderful slow burn feel happening. There was also a nice mix of mild drama and emotion to round it all out. I had a great time reading it!

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Delightful little romance novel. No surprises here, but a steady comfortable story. Perfectly pleasant.

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3.5 stars. Received from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Okay- this book has a number of glaring flaws but I don't care because the romance was a DAMN DELIGHT

The love interest is so dreamy and lovely, and the romance progresses at the exact right pace (pacing is *finger kisses*), and you really are really rooting for this couple to get their happily ever after.

So if you like sweet romances, this is the one to check out.

Issues? Undoubtedly. The way her work situation plays out is very rushed and by the book, and the conflict between our mains is HILARIOUS in that nothing has been well-established enough that would prepare us for one character's massive overreaction and it feels far too predictable for the rest of this sweet book. It just seems overblown to a ridiculous degree and suffers from my least favourite trope i.e. if the characters had a 30 second honest conversation the conflict would never be realized. Very silly.

But otherwise, I would definitely recommend this book to any romance fans looking for some lovely afternoon escapism.

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tw - alcoholism, abuse, HP references

4.5 stars

As soon as I read the concept for Much Ado About You I was hooked. This sounded like such a lovely story, and it truly did not disappoint! I haven’t read a book in a long time where the whole time I was reading it, I just felt so content. This book isn’t packed with a ton of major plot points or twists and turns, but I didn’t feel like it needed that. It made me feel good and that’s all I could really ask for.

This book transports the reader to a small village in Northumberland, where the townspeople know everyone and are all in each other's business. One of my favourite things about this story was that it didn’t just focus on the main characters, Evie and Roane, but so many of the townsfolk as well. So often small town romances name drop a bunch of people, but never give us their stories. This book shared a little bit about everyone and it was such a joy actually getting to know the characters rather than just have them named and never seen again. The dynamic between the characters was lovely, and seeing how Evie fit into their lives was just so nice.

The book starts off with our heroine, Evie, being stood up on a date. She is really struggling with loneliness in Chicago, and is really looking to find some sort of joy in her life. If being stood up doesn’t suck enough, she ends up getting passed on a job promotion which just sort of solidified her need for change. She ends up finding a rental in a small European village where you not only rent the apartment but also the bookshop that’s below. This sounds like a dream for our heroine, and she books a month-long stay. Once she arrives, she’s quickly introduced to the townspeople, and a certain gorgeous farmer with a sweet, angel pup named Shadow.

The thing is, Evie is very adamant that this trip is about her finding what direction she wants to take her life, and that unfortunately does not include falling in love with cute british farmers. On a drunken pub night, she explains to her new friends that she is there to learn more about herself and where she plans on taking her life, not on finding a boyfriend to settle down with.

What I really liked was how once Evie shared her boundaries, Roane never tried to overstep them. He was incredibly respectful, and while he made his feelings known in gentle ways (and sometimes very sexy ways - think Mr. Darcy and how without even saying anything you just KNEW how hot he was for Elizabeth), he never pushed or got mad that Evie wasn’t bending her rules for him.

This story isn’t just a love story between two characters. This is a love story between our heroine and herself, recognizing what she wants in life. This is a love story between our heroine and discovering a home and new family. This is so much more than your classic romance, and I think that’s what I really enjoyed about it. It was such a feel good book, and watching so many different journeys come together was beautiful.

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I was totally sold on this book the minute I saw the title -- Much Ado About Nothing is my favorite play, and I watched the Emma Thompson adaptation on repeat growing up. I thought it was going to be a retelling but it's not, and luckily it's still super charming! I loved Evie right off the bat -- an "older" (not mid-20s, basically) heroine always sells me, and I loved that Evie is secure in who she is and knows what she wants out of life. And the setting of a charming English village where she runs a bookstore? That's basically my dream for my alternate reality. I absolutely loved the story, though I didn't love the conflict that was introduced, but the resolution worked for me! Such a great romance -- thank you Berkeley for the advance copy!

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