Member Reviews

This author never fails to amaze me, these charaters and this story are very well written. I highly enjoyed this story.

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I really enjoyed this story. It was so refreshing to read about characters who were actually nice and there wasn’t relationship drama just for dramas sake. The story felt organic and natural, and the chemistry between Roane and Evie was beautifully done.

I really enjoyed the small village setting, all the side characters and the world building. In true Samantha Young style, the romance was so well written and engaging, and the writing style kept me engaged and turning those pages.

Highly recommend for anyone who loves a great romance read.

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After a few major setbacks, Evie needed some distance between her and the wreckage that was her life. When she stumbled upon a vacation package involving a quaint English village and a bookstore, she knew it would be the perfect place for her escape. There, she would focus on regrouping and figuring out her next-steps, but a dog and a sexy farmer had her reconsidering her plans.

I had such a good time reading Evie's story! It was amusing, while also being emotional. I did see "the conflict" coming, and I have to admit, I never seem to be a fan of conflicts in romances, but I was a fan of the resolution and a bunch of other things in this book.

I must say, I found it easy to throw my support behind this romance. I have no idea how Evie thought she could ever resist Roane. From his physical description to his affable personality, I was pretty much sold immediately on this man. But what really had me hooked, was the things he would say. He was soft and gentle, and he could bring the swoon. He was the opposite of all those men, who had let Evie down in the past, and because of that, I was rooting for these two.

How could I resist getting to spend time in a bookstore with a book lover. I always fall for a bookstore setting, and though we don't spend an inordinate amount of time in said store, I enjoyed all the time I did spend there. I watched Evie brainstorm on improvements for the shop, read some books, and create some displays. It was all fun and tickled my literary fancy.

I greatly enjoyed these things, but my heart was stolen by the village and its inhabitants. THIS is where I would love to go should I have a personal crisis. I was enchanted by the descriptions of the village and utterly charmed by all the people and their shenanigans. A walk on the beach, a few pints at the Anchor -- I felt quite an attachment to this place and these people and was a bit jealous that Evie was lucky enough to be welcomed into the fold.

I found myself totally swept away by this story. This wasn't just an escape for Evie, it was a get-away for me as well. The story was packed with wonderful characters, a fabulous setting, and lots of humor and heart. This one hit the snicker-smile-swoon trifecta for me and left me with a much welcomed case of the warm-fuzzies at the end.

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Evangeline ‘Evie’ Starling has had it with her life in Chicago, she needs a change in scenery and she needs to recalibrate, and when the chance to run a book store in the North East of England is presented to her, she jumps at it. What she isn’t expecting is to fall in love with Northumberland, and in particular the beautiful village of Alnster and all its residents, including sexy farmer Roane Robson and his Great Dane, Shadow. Lots happening in this dreamy romance as Evie and Roane become firm friends. Roane makes it clear he’s up for more, but stubborn Evie is unwilling to risk heartache. Wonderful characters, so many personalities in this one village, all written with passion and heart. Fun, emotional and compelling. The fact that the story was based in Northumberland really worked for me. Northumberland is one of my favourite places, and I have so many fond memories from holidays there. It really is heaven on earth. A truly wonderful, entertaining romance. I received an advanced copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley. This is my honest review.

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Summary: While Evie’s life falls apart in Chicago, Evie decides on a whim to take a job booksitting a store in a small town in England. While in England, Evie begins to fall in love with the small town village life. She’s not looking for love until she meets Roane and his Great Dane. Can Evie escape her life in Chicago and maintain a simple friendship with Roane?
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
My thoughts: this one was so stinking cute! I loved the bookshop atmosphere and small town English village. It was fast paced and a fun read I really enjoyed this one. The writing is fabulous and I really enjoyed following Evie’s journey!

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Excuse me while I move to the English countryside...
This was such a sweet story of self discovery, Romance, and community.
If you haven't dreamed of running a small bookstore and marrying a Lord, do you even read romance? Evie needs to find herself, and decides the best way to do that is leave Chicago and take an extended vacation in England. Once there, it's a whirlwind of learning village life, ending feuds, and, against her better judgment, falling in love.

I really enjoyed all these characters! Not only do we focus on Evie and Roane, we get a full cast of great side characters. The villagers each bring their own full story that Evie finds herself quickly enveloped in.

While the end was predictable, and the conflict your typical miscommunication issue, I still loved this story.

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This was my second book by Young, I read Fight or Flight a few years back and had really enjoyed it so I was looking forward to another one of her fun and sexy stories.

I love a good when life knocks you down and you got nothing to lose, you go out on a limb and do something crazy. In this case our main character Evie takes off across the ocean to a small English village to run a book shop for a month, swearing off men, and is determined to find herself.

There is of course an adorable meet cute incident involving a dog, how can you not love that! We have a handsome farmer and slew of nosy villagers.

I loved the small seaside setting it set a nice tone for a girl trying to find her place in the world. Roane our handsome farmer was a dream, a kind man looking for monogamy, which is kind of a nice refresher. I just wanted a tiny bit more backstory from him.

Normally friends to lovers isn’t my fave trope but it really made for a fun foundation and a great tension builder.

My only minor criticism is I felt like all the side character drama and sub plots was a bit unnecessary but as the book was coming to a close it did end up playing a role in the climax of things.

I expected a little more sexiness, especially after reading Fight or Flight, but this was a nice slow burn.

Overall a sweet seaside escape.

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This is so different than any of Samantha Young’s other novels…except that it was still bloody brilliant with its scorching chemistry, beautiful sense of community and family, and magical realism. This book really did read almost like a fantasy. I loved the idyllic setting of the small English village, the quaint bookshop, and the instant attraction between Roane and Evie. Speaking of Roane—I adore him. It’s amazingly sexy when a man knows what he wants from the very beginning, and that’s definitely Roane. He was protective but didn’t try to stifle Evie, thoughtful, and when he told her that she was perfect to him, I mean, husband goals right there.

Even though Roane stole the show for me, Evie was a fantastically relatable character. It was easy to connect to her mix of desperation, independence, longing, and heartbreak. I admired her bravery and vulnerability with Roane and the minor characters, who were so well written and developed. I particularly loved watching Caro’s emotional transformation, but all of the villagers had their own unique identities that were intriguing and added to the story’s depth. I find that it’s usually difficult to get invested in anyone beyond the main characters, but that was not the case for this novel. I was excited to discover more about each subplot and was passionately rooting for each person.

I couldn’t put this book down—literally. I was glued to my kindle. While it’s difficult to say this is my favorite of Samantha Young’s books because she truly is a literary genius, this one is definitely up there. I highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys intelligent, transformational romances built on a strong foundation of kindness, mutual respect, and love.

*I received an ARC of this novel. This is my complete and honest review.*

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Much Ado About You's main character leaves Chicago to work at a bookstore on the coast of England, and honestly who could thing that was anything but a good idea? She also catches the eye of the very attractive and kind farmer in town, though she keeps it platonic (for as long as she can, of course). The small town village dynamic was charming and fun, and the chemistry between Evie and Roane was palpable. I enjoyed this novel very much.

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This was my first time reading a novel by Samantha Young but it won’t be my last.

From start to finish, I found myself cheering on the characters, reading as quickly as possible to see how “Much Ado About You” played out.

Evie is overlooked for a promotion that should have rightly been hers. Along with quitting her job, her love life is less than exciting. With nothing holding her back, Evie travels to Northumberland to run a bookstore for 4 weeks. Evie is focusing on herself, swearing off men. Yet life is funny like that: you don’t always get what you ask for.

What unfolds is a story of self-discovery, unique friendships and a romance that’s swoon worthy in the best of ways while complicated all the same.

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American meets Brit on north-east coast of England
Small village
Farmer Roane
Bookshop & books
Shakespearean side-plot line
No dramarama

Reading Much Ado About You was one of those easy delights that your mind sinks into and wishes it to last. The writing was witty, started with a hilarious car-crash dating experience and featured a 30-something heroine (Evie) who was pretty relatable.

Evie’s story was about taking stock of her life, her work situation, love life and coming to terms with single-dom. On a whim, she travelled and rented out a bookshop for a month’s holiday which is just about every bookworm’s dream. She quickly bumped into Roane’s dog, Shadow and was embraced into village life. The people around Evie and Roane, local farmer, were rich, colourful and had lots of character. Roane himself was genuine and that kind good guy that I like reading about.

"Becoming friends with an English farmer was definitely a new experience. Who cared if he could grace the front cover of “The World’s Hottest Farmers” calender?"

This book had a great, low drama story and I really appreciated the lack of predictability in that aspect and not being dragged through a roller coaster relationship; still, it wasn’t plain sailing.

The story was told over a number of months and for some that might seem quick for a relationship to develop, but this was a relationship based on a genuine friendship connection. The way the relationship was told made me truly believe in the time frame for more to develop. I loved these two together, I wanted them to work and I enjoyed the slow burn of their attachment.

I can see myself re-reading this and recommending it for a great easy romance that delivers on plot and characterisation. Go check it out!

Thank you to the author for the early review copy.

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Much Ado About You is a very sweet & adorable read! I love Samantha’s writing! She makes you fall in love with the characters & the location! This book does not disappoint!

Evangeline “Evie” Starling is a 33 years old woman who is now swearing off men and just quit her assistant editor job in Chicago. She takes a chance on a dream vacation where she will run a bookshop & live in an apartment above it for the next 4 weeks in a small fishing town in Northumberland, England. She needs to get away and find what she really wants in her life.
In Alnster, she meets many of the locals along with a handsome farmer Roane Robson & his big dog Shadow. Evie can only be friends with Roane since she will be going back home. They become good friends & develop a strong connection.

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“There are people you meet in life whom you just connect with.”

4.5 Sweet and Swoon-Worthy Stars!

Much Ado About You is the latest release from author Samantha Young. It follows the story of Evie and Roane. Evie is at a bit of a crossroads in life and feels as if all of her friends are moving on without her. After a failed date and change in her work status, Evie needs to escape it all. In an impulsive move, Evie books a once in a lifetime trip to Alnster. Evie hopes that this getaway will not only give her the peace she’s looking for, but to discover who she truly is….

Much Ado About You is a fun and enchanting read. I instantly fell in love with the scenery and town of Alnster. I loved how welcoming everyone was and how they made you feel like you knew them forever. And can we talk about Roane. Roane is the perfect man. He feels this intense connection to Evie and is determined to take whatever she is willing to give. What starts off as a beautiful friendship, quickly melds into something more. The banter and chemistry between Roane and Evie was fantastic. They were an easy couple to root for and they left you begging for more. The road to happily ever after wasn’t without a few bumps along the way, but as I said before, you can’t help but just love this couple and hope that everything will work out for them in the end.

Much Ado About You entertained me from the first page to the last. I loved the nods to Shakespeare and Evie’s love for the written word. I loved how comfortable the townsfolk of Alnster made Evie. I enjoyed watching Evie play matchmaker with certain members of the town, meddling in their lives for the greater good. I adored Roane and loved the way he just made me swoon. This book gave me everything I was hoping for and certainly gave me all of the feels.

If you’re looking for a sweet romance that will give you all the feels and that has just the right amount of drama, look no further. Much Ado About You is just the book you’re looking for. Samantha Young doesn’t disappoint.

*I was provided an ARC copy of this book via the publisher and NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review*

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This book was a delightful escape in an otherwise cruel world. Loved the bookstore conceit and the hunky local farmer as the love interest. The HEA is one you see coming a mile away, but that is entirely alright when the book is as charming as this one. Highly recommended.

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Evie Starling takes us from her home in Chicago to a much needed getaway by running a bookstore in the small village of Alnster, Northumberland in England. Her adventure begins when she saves a dog from an oncoming car. Follow Evie on her adventure in Alnster as she becomes involved in the lives of the people in the village as well as the sexy owner of the dog she rescued earlier.

Samantha Young brings you along as Evie discovers more about herself while running a bookstore in this little village in England. She makes you feel as if you are a part of the story and you are right there with Evie tagging along while she is hanging out at the bookstore, enjoying a pint with her fellow villagers at the local pub, or even getting involved in the lives of those she meets. It makes you want to get on a plane and go to Northumberland and work at the bookstore while looking for the sexy owner of the dog.

I really enjoyed this book and look forward to reading more from Samantha Young. Her books makes your heart feel all the emotions and her characters will become your best friends and book boyfriends for life.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. I would like to thank NetGalley, Berkley Publishing Group, and Samantha Young for this privilege.

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Much Ado About You started with a too fast almost abrupt pace with a lot happening in Evie’s life almost overnight. I barely got a chance to get to know the character before stuff started happening and I was left reeling. The romance also started off with a trope I dislike, so I had almost decided to dnf. But once Evie was in Notthumberland, settling down, the pace steadies and we get some much needed depth to the characters. The trope I disliked was also treated in a way that I enjoyed. Roane was such a cinnamon roll of a character too. The angst was brilliantly done, the small town vibe was captured perfectly and this book managed to rekindle in me, the impossible dream of going to some village, starting a bookshop and leading a quiet, idyllic life. Definitely recommend for fans of Samantha Young and friends to lovers trope.

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Thank you to Netgalley for the free eArc in exchange for an honest review!

Much Ado About You was an adorable and quick read! It’s got all the things you’d want in a contemporary romance- real girls with real bodies, sexy farmers, doggos, and amazing friendships. I loved how cozy this read made me feel with the small village in England. ALSO, the characters are perfect each in their own way. I would have given a higher rating, but I felt the plot twist was very obvious and I wish it wasn’t insta love (for one side).

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Bookstores. Northern England, the sea, a hot farmer, and an independent woman taking her independence is what you will find in the pages of this book. I assure you, you won't be disappointed.

Samantha Young created such a perfect setting in this book. I feel in love with all of the characters in this story. They all were just so likeable in many ways.

I definitely was transported to being a book seller in Northumberland and it was everything I need. I assure you that you may need it too.

Thank you Berkley Pub and Netgalley for the advanced review copy of this great story.

Content warnings: mild swearing, opened door intimacy. Family traumas.

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Well what can I say about this book except wow.
I’ve literally finished this book in a few hours. I just couldn’t put it down! I stayed up all night to read it and it was amazing. These are the exactly kind of books that I love.
I loved the characters, I loved the romance, I loved everything about it!
Evie was a great character. As I kept reading I found myself relating to her more and more. I’m still a few years from her age but I often find my self facing the same thoughts and the same fears that she faced in the book. It’s almost like a therapy session where you look at you fears objectively. You get a possible way to deal with them and to me there was something refreshing about that.
I also liked how she fit perfectly into the village. Maybe it looked a little too easy at first, but you know sometimes things just go this way. Sometimes you’re just a missing piece of the puzzle and you find a place and you just know you fit in there. The people are your kind of people, the life they lead may even be what you didn’t even know you needed. Which is exactly what happened to Evie. And the villagers also needed her in a way. Sometimes it takes a stranger with a whole different perspective and a whole different view of life to let you see what you’ve been missing for years, or to give you that push you need it to make the step. Because if it’s a stranger saying what you’ve been thinking all this time than it has to be true.
And my god. Roane. What an amazing creation. I mean, he was one of the very few characters ever that actually made me fall in love with them whole heartedly.
Though I kind of knew what he was hiding since the beginning of the book, I kind of liked that Samantha Young let us fall in love with him before we knew the truth.
It was a great book and all the little side stories that just seems so big a part of the bigger story I mean their romance couldn’t happen the way it did without all the things going on around them. It built them and showed them what could be. All those little stories had some thing about taking a chance on someone and having faith and hoping that there’s something bigger out there. That’s just something that I love about this book.
So obviously I really recommend this book. You will laugh, cry, get angry, and just enjoy this ride from the comfort of you home.

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4.5/5 stars
Best swoon-worthy steamy friends to lovers romance with a nice twist that I've read in a while.

After being stood up by a date and being passed over for promotion at work, Evie Starling decided it is time to regain a little perspective and focus on herself and what she wants to do with her life. She left everything she knows to rent a small apartment over her new job in an English small town bookstore. Soon, Evie is welcomed by the town's people and more importantly by Roane Robson, a sexy farmer.

First of all, I liked this book from the beginning to the end. The characters' personalities are real. Their physical description is real. They are described as actual people. It has diversity and lots of small town gossips, which is really how it happens in small town: gossips travel fast.

I love how Evie meddles in everybody's lives and hope for the best while she doesn't realize that they also have a huge impact on her.

The whole storyline felt like I was reading my own life: my love for books, travelling to gain perspective, figuring what you want in life, dealing with difficult parents, having friends move forwards while you feel like you're stuck. This book was exactly what I needed.

Also, Roane Robson has now a special place in my favourite book boyfriend list. We couldn't ask for a better love interest for our Evie.

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