Member Reviews

Utterly adorable! Berkley really knows how to do contemporary romance right. A recommended purchase for collections where the genre is popular.

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I had the reminiscent feeling of the film Leap Year, but this book was way better. Love at First Sight? This book is so cute and heartwarming. I loved the romance involved. It's sexy but not overbearing so. Great read.

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This book was everything I needed at the moment. I have to admit I was not expecting to like it as much as I did. It was such a light and easy read and I absolutely loved seeing evie's relationship with roan develop as well as her friendship with greer. Highly recommend this one.

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R E C O M M E N D A T I O N 💫
Thank you so much to @netgalley & @berkleypub for the e-ARC of Much Ado About You by Samantha Young in exchange for an honest review. Pub date 2/2/2021.

Much Ado About You begins with Evie deciding she needs a change of pace from what’s become her usual, not-so-great life in Chicago. She impulsively decides to book a holiday in a quaint English town where she can run a bookstore while she’s there. Isn’t that just every bookworm’s dream? To have the opportunity to run a bookshop located beneath your rented apartment? It seems like a dream come true for Evie! But Evie is soon swept up in the lives, loves, and drama of the villagers who have taken her under their wing.

I genuinely had so much fun reading this and getting to know Evie and her passions and how quickly she found her place in this small English town. Of course, she becomes good friends with the local farmer who is endearing and sexy - we all know where this is heading, but we all love a good journey. This was just a delight to read and I’m already looking forward to more of Samatha Young’s books.

This dreamy romance was so fun and endearing, I had to give it ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 4 stars! If you’re looking for a romance that envelops you all the way and makes you want to go on vacation in a quaint little town - this is the one for you!

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I know from the title alone that I would love this one, and I was not at all disappointed. Such a sweet and fun romance. Plus, any romance featuring a dog is automatically that much better.

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Have you ever dreamed of leaving your life behind and running your own bookstore in a quaint English village? I have certainly had that exact dream before, which was why I was so excited to find out about Much Ado About You by Samantha Young. A cozy bookstore, a hot farmer, and a close knit town - a true romance trifecta.

Samantha Young’s books have a way of hooking readers - her stories are always fast paced and tightly plotted. Much Ado About You is no exception - from the first pages, we see what a state of disarray Evie’s life is in. Her professional life and dating life were both in shambles, and her best friend was newly pregnant and moving forward with her life while Evie had stagnated. Her story only picks up pace when she goes on vacation at a bookstore in a little village - trust me, you’ll be eyeing plane tickets for after the pandemic before you even finish reading this book.

Evie was a realistic, bookish character. She was someone you could have met in college - someone you might have worked with. She had a few flaws and hang ups - but ultimately this just added to the depth of her character and made her easy to root for and to understand and relate to. It was really fun to read about her new life in Alnster and to see how she really blossomed and came out of her shell. I also really sympathized with her when Roane and her had a big fight towards the end of the book - it was easy to understand why she was so upset and why she reacted the way she did.

Roane was a perfect love interest for Evie - he was dedicated and patient, though he wasn’t without his flaws. When she decided at the beginning of her vacation that she wasn’t looking for a relationship, he respected her boundaries. While they began their relationship as friends, it was clear they were destined for more - their chemistry was off the charts and they clearly shared a mutual attraction (despite Evie’s hesitation). Trust me, even though they’re a slow burn friends to lovers, the payoff is well, well worth the wait.

What really set Much Ado About You apart, was the rich group of side characters - the little village of Alnster was filled with quirky and interesting characters, all of which had their own complex stories and subplots. The village was very tight knit, and very quickly the side characters became integral to Evie’s story - they became a sort of family for her and helped her adjust to village life and to see that there was more out there for herself than what she had in Chicago. I particularly enjoyed the Romeo and Juliet style love story between Viola and Lucas - they were adorable and had a great enemies-to-lovers stories.

Much Ado About You is perfect for everyone who is stuck at home this year - it’s like its own little vacation to England in a book (with a side of holiday fling). It’ll absolutely suck you in and before you can blink, you’ve read the book in one sitting. If you enjoyed this book and are looking for similar, excellent reads, check out Fight or Flight by Samantha Young or Simmer Down by Sarah Smith. 5/5

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I could not put this book down! I’ve been a long time Samantha Young fan since her Dublin Street series, and when I saw this one I could not wait to dive in. It did not disappoint. While it had the Samantha Young style that I have come to know and love, it was also slightly different to make MUCH ADO ABOUT LOVE stand out on its own. I’m crossing my fingers in hope for more about the remaining characters.

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Evie has been passed over for a promotion and decides she needs a change. As a life-long Shakespeare lover, she decided to take a vacation in a small village England. She has agreed as a temporary position, to take over the Much Ado About Books along with the apartment above it. She meets Roane Robson, a local farmer and is hesitant to become involved because she is only there for a few months. While there, she becomes involved with the people in the village and is accepted as a part of it. A warm view of loving, caring people that will leave you with a good feeling.

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Thirty-three-year old Evangeline Starling’s life isn't going the way she wants and she now only has two rules for dating. No wealthy people and no one younger than her, When her job of ten years passes her over for a rom option she quits and decides not in the time to leave it all behind and go on an adventure to find herself.

She finds a room share in England where she can run a bookstore and throws herself into village life. Not realizing how hard it will be to leave it all behind after. Roane is the epitome of a rugged farm hand and as he and Evid get closer they have to decide if she wants to stay permanently in England.

I love Samanatha Young's books and this one might be my new favorite with all the bookish feels and quaint country life.

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I finished this book in less than a day because I COULDN’T PUT IT DOWN!

This book was everything I needed and didn’t know.

In this book you meet Evie, a 33 year old woman who hasn’t had it easy. After a failed date after a two year break of dating, and being passed over from a job promotion once again, she decides she needs a break. She leaves her Chicago home for a month vacation in England while running the owners bookstore. What she doesn’t expect is to meet the incredible people and love the town so much. And Roane.

Roane is literally the sweetest man ever. He ADORES Evie. He treats her so well. And let’s not forget Shadow, he’s precious dog. He is a farmer who is loved by everyone in the town. He’s just... wow.

This story brings so much. It’s about Evie trying to find herself. It’s about realizing what you want out of life. It’s just everything.

It’s not easy for Evie and Roane. Things come between them. And they spent A LONG TIME before they got together. That sexual tension was intense!!! But once they got it figured out you could see they were absolutely perfect for one another.

I loved this book!! I’m so excited!! And I’m interested in some of the secondary characters as well.

I can’t wait for everyone to read this book!

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Samantha Young is an autobuy author. I loved chatting with her a few months ago and we chatted about this book. This book was delight.

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When 30 year old Evangeline "Evie" Starling escapes to a small town of Northumberland in England to temporarily run the bookstore: Much Ado About Books. Away from her busy Chicago life, she hopes to find herself as she immerses herself around books and the life of the small town gossip and friendship and family.

When Evie meets the charming and hot Roane Robson, there is something about him that she can't stay away from. As Evie lives her life in the Northumberland, she finds the truth about herself and her life that means so much more.

I gave Much Ado About You four stars, enjoying the way Evie took control of her life and made it her own. She felt trapped in Chicago and she found her soul in Northumberland to find what she truly wanted to do. With the help of Roane and their friendship begins to bloom — and perhaps become something more than sexual tension — Evie is finally able to find the place she belongs.

This was something I really enjoyed, a small town romance, with a friendship that begins to bloom into something more. And when Evie began to find herself, away from Chicago, away from her burdens and her past in Chicago, it is evident that she truly begins to find herself.

And the romance between Roane and Evie was stunning. Their friendship started off strong because they were there for each other. This was the base of their love story and what better way to fall in love with someone you can share your secrets to.

I had a fantastic time reading Much Ado About You and recommend picking up this romance.

Thank you again to NetGalley for providing me an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Delightful read - not only did I enjoy the setting, the premise and the very hunky hero, I definitely connected with Evie as a thirty something myself very happy with my single life but constantly having to deal with others not believing me. While I am happy Evie got her HEA, I will just take the fantasy of running my own bookstore in England and enjoy remaining a singleton lol

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This was a really quick read but sadder than I expected. I loved the scenery and that the MC worked in a bookstore! Some of the character miscommunication really frustrated me but was very realistic. I loved the dog lol

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This was cute and loved the setting of this book! Small town, set in a bookstore and sexy farmer? Yes, yes & yes! The romance was cute and slow build and I enjoyed reading the build up. I didn't love the main character and how she meddled in everyone's business and also how she handled the big plot twist.
Overall it was a cute and refreshing read!

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They say when you stop looking for love it will find you and that is certainly the case for Evangeline Starling.

Evie is done with dating and men and her life in Chicago. Needing a change she books a month long rental in a small coastal village in England. The apartment she rents is above a bookstore and she gets to run the store during her stay.

She immediately falls in love with the pace of life and the people that she meets. And then, of course, there is Roane Robson. The instant attraction is obvious to anyone that sees them together, but Evie sticks to her plan to avoid dating and search for what she wants to be happy.

Evie and Roane finally give their relationship a chance after her plans to return to Chicago change. With three more months to work things out, Evie is finally ready to stay in England with the man and the town that she fell in love with.

Alas, she discovers that Roane has kept a truth about himself from her and she runs away. Thankfully she has a few great people in her life to talk some sense into her and she is able to reconcile with Roane.

Much Ado About You is a well written love story. Not just about the love between a single couple, but a love among family and friends and a town that comes together for each other. There are vibrant and well developed secondary characters that add a great depth to Evie and Roane’s love story.

Recommended for: readers of slow burn romance

I received a digital ARC of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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After being stood up on her first date in two years and overlooked for a promotion in favor of some fresh-out-of-college guy nearly ten years her junior and just generally feeling like she's the sidekick in her friends' lives, Evie Starling decides to do something bold and daring. When Evie discovers "Much Ado About Books", a bookstore located in northern England where tourists can stay and run the shop during their visit, Shakespeare-loving Evie takes the store's name as a sign and books her trip. For three weeks, Evie will find herself and follow one single rule: no men.

So, of course, her first day there, she saves the life of a Great Dane, who happens to have a sexy English farmer owner. A very, very, very sexy English farmer, who makes Evie want to break her one rule. Good thing he's got one big flaw: he doesn't like Shakespeare. Evie can't like anyone who doesn't like Shakespeare, no matter how big their biceps are and how pretty their face is and how much he loves his dog, right?

Evie quickly takes to life in the small English village and makes friends easily, though she tries not to get too comfortable. After all, her life there has an expiration date, and it's quickly ticking away. When an opportunity arises for Evie to stay longer, she jumps on it. Now she begins to wonder, is this where she belongs? Does finding herself mean starting over an ocean away from everything she knows and loves? And where does Roane--the world's sexiest farmer--fit into this?

Funny and sweet, "Natalie Tan's Book of Luck and Fortune" meets "The Tourist Attraction" in this novel that gives you cozy BBC sitcom feels in "Much Ado About You." Full of nerdy Shakespeare references, drama, and heart, Young has crafted a plotline, a setting, and characters that make the reader as well as Evie feel at home in Alnster, like it is a place to belong. Take inspiration from Evie and find yourself and follow your heart, no matter where it takes you! You won't regret the adventures doing so will bring!

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A lighthearted romance in which the premise hit very close to the imaginary home in my head. Evie is 33, living in Chicagoland, loves books, and is sick to death of dating. All her friends are married and or having kids, meanwhile she’s still swiping (so far, this is exactly like my memoirs haha). Hoping a change of scene will do her good, she is able to rent a bookshop to run in a small town in northern England while she sorts her life out and takes a break from men. So of course almost as soon as she arrives, sparks fly with a very handsome, very single farmer. I breezed through this book in 2 days and it will make a fun beach/vacation read for those who enjoy the genre. One section of dramatics had me going, “really? Seriously?” But I recognize these types of books for what they are, and the aim at the end of the day is fun and swooning and happily ever afters. On that front, this book ticks the boxes.

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I loved this book! Having been stuck at home for most of the year, it made me want to book a plane ticket to England, in 2022! The relationship between Roane and Evie was sweet and sexy and complicated all at the same time. I also like how the other villagers had their own plot lines and how they all intersected with each other. The sense of family and community was lovely. And I decided that I'll work in a bookstore when I'm no longer a librarian! One more thing, I love when the main characters don't have "perfect" bodies, whatever that is.

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Who is ready to take a much needed trip abroad? Well get ready to do so in Much Ado About You! In this book we are transported across the pond to a small English town.

Evie needs to get away from her daily life in Chicago, so she rents out the Much Ado About Books bookstore in Northumberland. Evie hopes to be able to make decisions about her life while in the small town, never did she expect to fall in love with the town and the local farmer.

Roane has a little secret, that he is willing to keep as long as he is given a chance to win over Evie. Since the day she saved his dog Roane has been slowly falling in love with Evie, but since Evie has been hurt so many times in the past, he has to take his time in winning her over!

Much Ado About You is a super sweet romance novel that shows you what can happen when you step outside of your comfort zone. Not only do you fall in love with Evie and Roane, you will fall in love with the whole town. This book is about new beginnings, finding love, and finding a new home!

I definitely recommend reading this book, as you will enjoy it. A little different than Fight or Flight but overall still an enjoyable read.

Thank you to both Berkley and Netgalley for the ARC.

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