Member Reviews

I loved this book! Having been stuck at home for most of the year, it made me want to book a plane ticket to England, in 2022! The relationship between Roane and Evie was sweet and sexy and complicated all at the same time. I also like how the other villagers had their own plot lines and how they all intersected with each other. The sense of family and community was lovely. And I decided that I'll work in a bookstore when I'm no longer a librarian! One more thing, I love when the main characters don't have "perfect" bodies, whatever that is.

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Who is ready to take a much needed trip abroad? Well get ready to do so in Much Ado About You! In this book we are transported across the pond to a small English town.

Evie needs to get away from her daily life in Chicago, so she rents out the Much Ado About Books bookstore in Northumberland. Evie hopes to be able to make decisions about her life while in the small town, never did she expect to fall in love with the town and the local farmer.

Roane has a little secret, that he is willing to keep as long as he is given a chance to win over Evie. Since the day she saved his dog Roane has been slowly falling in love with Evie, but since Evie has been hurt so many times in the past, he has to take his time in winning her over!

Much Ado About You is a super sweet romance novel that shows you what can happen when you step outside of your comfort zone. Not only do you fall in love with Evie and Roane, you will fall in love with the whole town. This book is about new beginnings, finding love, and finding a new home!

I definitely recommend reading this book, as you will enjoy it. A little different than Fight or Flight but overall still an enjoyable read.

Thank you to both Berkley and Netgalley for the ARC.

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I hugged this one when I was done. I did! With a smile on my face, and my heart full of warmth, I love that this one is bringing my year to a happy close.

Evie Starling’s life in Chicago has stagnated in love and work, and she decides to book a vacation in a northern English village. There, she befriends some charming townspeople, meddles in their lives in the most innocent fashion, and of course meets a handsome farmer with whom she tries SO hard to just be friends. (I pictured Richard Madden for this role, and he did not disappoint my imagination.)

The relationships are tender and vulnerable, with lots of great hidden back story that keeps you guessing. Plenty of low-key small village drama to keep you flipping those pages, as well! The romance is a slow burn, and so fun. There are nods to Shakespeare in some plot and dialogue but it isn't overdone. Just enough to be so charming! I also really enjoyed looking up the locations and getting a better understanding of the setting of this story. Northumberland is gorgeous, and just the perfect location for this warmhearted, swoony, feel-good romance!

Thanks to NetGalley and Berkley Publishing for sharing this advanced review copy with me in exchange for my honest opinion.

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5/5 stars thank you to netgalley and the publisher for the early copy!

Lately I've found that romance has been a favorite genre and this book definitely did not disappoint. Not only was Evie's character very believable and realistically flawed, so was Roane. The small town vibes and the friendships in this book added to the story. I lived that it wasn't ALL about the romance we also got other characters that were important to the story and not just mentioned in passing. I absolutely adored this book and highly recommend.

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When Evie's despair of a dating life becomes too much and she needs to get away, she rents a room above a bookshop in a quaint English village. Soon, the village begins to feel like home, and it doesn't hurt that she's caught the eye of a sexy farmer...

The first third of this book was aggressively fine--neither good nor bad, just kind of there. The undeniable chemistry between the two characters became too much and you're like just KISS already--the reasons they "couldn't" be together were BEYOND stupid. But at about 40% in, this book really picked up! There were subplots galore about other villagers, which really drew me in and kept me entertained. And once the main characters gave in and Evie put aside her idiotic reasoning, I was really rooting for them. I even like the ultimate "hurdle"/twist thrown in towards the end, which I normally find contrived--here I could see the groundwork over the course of the book and appreciated its originality. The last half of this book clawed my rating from a 4 star mediocre read to a 5 star great read (I may have got emotional near the end...).

Thank you to NetGalley and Berkley for my free eARC in exchange for an honest review!

5 stars - 8/10

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I really love Samantha Young’s books but this one was a miss for me. I had a hard time connecting with the main character and the love interest didn’t sell me either! I think this just wasn’t for me, but others might enjoy it!

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I do love nothing in the world so well as you." - William Shakespeare, Much Ado About Nothing

Evangeline (Evie) Starling decides she needs some clarity in her life. Overlooked for a promotion and with no dating prospects in sight, she finds a holiday booking online and takes a chance. The holiday entails working at a bookstore, Much Ado about Books, over her rented apartment in an idyllic English town.

Evie instantly loves the quaint town, the residents and the bookstore. This is the perfect place for her to get some perspective. Among her new friends is Roane Robson, a local farmer who is sexy, strong, and loved by those in his community. Evie is drawn to his charm, but she has strict dating rules and keeps him at arm’s length even though she is drawn to his personality, charm and good looks.

We all know where this is heading, but it is the journey, people. It all comes down to the journey! It also comes down to the cast of characters in this book. Most are quirky, likeable, and fun while a few are aggravating and stuck in their ways. We get to know their stories and watch as they interact with others. This is a small village where everyone knows your name (like Cheers), you are related to them, or have a past with them. The good, the bad, the messy, everyone knows your business, but they also have your back and look out for you. The setting in Northumberland is wonderful and I could not help but think that this is the type of place I would like to visit.

In addition to the lovely characters and the beautiful setting, the story itself is engaging and drew me in. Again, it is about the journey here. Evie as well as other characters are on journeys, to grow, to get perspective, to get independence, to get acceptance, and to find love. I loved the banter and back and forth between many of the characters. Evie and Roane stole the show of course (as did Shadow). They kept me turning the pages to see how things would turn out. The pacing was perfect, and nothing felt drawn out or rushed in this book. This was a delight and I look forward to reading more of Samantha Young's books. Plus, it turns out there really is a bookshop holiday in the lowlands of Scotland. Samantha Young found the listing for it, while searching vacation listings online. This listing ignited her imagination and thus, Much Ado about You.

Thank you to Berkley Publishing Group and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I stumbled upon this one on Netgalley and couldn’t resist the cover. It also didn’t help that it’s about an English village. I just love books with that kind of setting. Although there were good moments, this book also had it’s issues.

One of the reasons I liked this book was the setting. It was perfect and I liked that all of the minor characters knew each other, although they gossip quite a lot! Most of the minor characters have a side story and they were interesting but also kind of took away from the romance aspect of the plot since it felt like there was a lot going on.

When it came to the main character, Evie, I didn’t mind her but sometimes she could be annoying. Her life in Chicago wasn’t going great so she booked a flight out of there. The vacation was unconventional since she would also be running a bookshop but I was here for it. Yay for an exciting adventure! Before she left she told herself no men while she was away. That lasted one day. The guy uses the line, “let’s just be friends” and she figures why not. Obviously, I knew what was going to happen. She was also jealous a lot and it kind of got old.

The romance in the book didn’t happen quickly when it came to the physical nature but you could tell from the instance they met there was an attraction between them. After that, their friendship moved rather quickly and they were seeing each other a lot. I guess I feel kind of in the middle when it came to their relationship. On one side, it’s great they started out as friends but it also moved rather quickly too. At least their were cute moments.


As with any romance, there is a plot twist that has to ruin them. I did not like it at all. Two of Evie’s other rules for dating were that she wouldn’t date a younger man (She’s 33) and that they couldn’t be rich. Well, surprise surprise! Roane is both of those things. She finds out from one of the villagers who isn’t friends with Roane and hell breaks loose. She gives him back the engagement ring and heads back to Chicago saying he isn’t the same man.

I feel like Evie blew this way up too much. It honestly killed the ending of the book for me. She can help all of the villagers with their troubles but can’t deal with her own and runs away again. Except she isn’t gone long and basically forgives him anyways. I just didn’t get the point of it all.

Also, it’s crazy to me that she was so close to her friend in Chicago but was ready to give up her entire life for a guy and a bookstore within a span of a couple months.

*End of Spoilers*

Overall, I liked it for the most part but it could have been better. I know it may not seem that way, haha. I do think other readers will like it and if it sounds good then give it a chance!

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Evie decides to make a change in her life. Renting a bookstore in England sounds like just the right adventure for her. She’s not looking for romance, but life has other plans for her! I found this to be a delightful story! I really liked Evie and her perspective on life! I enjoyed this book so much more than I thought I would!

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I was hoping to like this more than I actually did. The beginning of the book was enjoyable, but I felt that the side stories were more interesting than the main story. I also felt the author was telling rather than letter the characters reveal things about themselves and the community. It's clear the author is trying to set this up as a series. I will not be reading any more if that turns out to be the case.

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Cute but ultimately forgettable. I'm not a fan of instalove and everything in this book happened way too fast. These characters only knew each other for a couple months and I just found Roane to be a bit too good to be true. For the idyllic setting and the basic romance, readers of contemporaries will probably like this - but that manufactured drama near the end almost destroyed this book. I enjoyed Viola and Lucas and even Caro more than Evie and Roane.

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So I was kind of hesitant to read this one because I didn't love Samantha's last book, but honestly, I couldn't say no to this title and cover, and overall, I'm glad I gave this one a chance.

Evie is having one of those moments. She just quit her job, got stood up for a date, and found out her best friend is pregnant, making her the only single and childless one among her friends. She feels a bit stuck and needs a change. She decides to take a vacation, signing up to live and work in a bookstore in the countryside of England (hello dream of mine), vowing to focus on finding herself and swearing off men completely. So of course she meets a super hot farmer named Roane basically the moment she arrives in town. There is a clear attraction between the two, but Evie makes it known--early and often--how not here she is for men and the two develop a close friendship instead. Evie finds herself acclimating to small town, bookshop life much easier than she expected, and when she gets a chance to extend her vacation, she does, partly because she loves it there, partly because she can't deny her growing feelings for Roane. But in order for Evie to figure out what she really wants for the future, she has to grapple with her past--and Roane's. Luckily, we know it all turns out well in the end.

This book is basically my catnip. Living in England? Check. Running a bookstore? Check. Hot British dude? Check. Shakespeare references? Check. I went into this not really knowing what to expect, and I came out loving almost every second of it. Even though I am not personally in Evie's shoes, her struggles with finding herself and finding her purpose felt really relatable. And Roane is pretty much my dream hero. This whole book felt like a lovely little vacation and it definitely made me want to open my own bookstore and/or flee to the English countryside. I really enjoyed the setting and the entire cast of characters, and overall this was the perfect getaway in book form.

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A lovely story of love, friendship, family & finding yourself in a very unlikely place. I loved all the characters & the description of the town made me want to live there! A quick, fun read!

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The premise for this story was so fun. A frustrated and hurt woman decides to rent an airbnb type place in coastal northern England that also comes with a bookstore to run. Unfortunately, the way it played out was shallow and predictable and frustrating. The great conflict that almost destroys their chance at love had me so annoyed. I was disappointed that I didn't love this.

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One of my favorite subgenres is books about books and this one had a unique spin to it that I really enjoyed!. If you love small, charming bookstores as I do, you will be green with envy the entire way through reading this book, but in the best way! Not only does the main character get to spend her vacation staying in an apartment above a bookstore in a foreign country, but she also gets to run it while she's there! And better yet, she meets a very attractive and irresistible man during her stay! What more could a book-loving, romantic girl want from a novel? Nothing! That's why this one is just perfect! Loved it to pieces! Can't wait to recommend this one to my customers next year!

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Evie Starling is a women who has been spurned in life and in love and she won't put up with it anymore. After getting stood up by a man she made a connection with and getting passed over for her old supervisor's position in Chicago for a less qualified younger man she quits her job and decides to rent an apartment and bookshop in the north of England to center herself and figure out what she really wants out of life.
Evie finds herself getting drawn into village life, the community there and her new farmer friend Roane Robson. What is difficult is figuring out if she should make the life altering decision of permanently relocating to the village and if she has the courage to be in a true partnership with sweet and charismatic Roane in order to create an enduring sense of home.
This book is a delightful romantic feminist read that doesn't gloss over the fact that love, life, and relationships are messy, that true partnerships with loved ones, communities take work even if they occasionally hurt but that's what makes them stronger. A+ book and an enthralling read that you can't put down!

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I've become a complete sucker for these adorable illustrated romantic comedy covers, not going to lie! This one has two of my favorite things - a dog and books - so I pretty much requested it on Netgalley without knowing anything about the story. When I read the description, I was hooked. Holiday romance. Quaint English village. Shakespeare. Sexy farmer. Count me in!

I'm happy to say this book completely lived up to my expectations! There's a swoony romance, found family, English escapism, and some vicarious living imagining life as a bookshop owner (which I think every book loving girl has dreamed of at some point). I really enjoyed that Evangeline wasn't the typical heroine, and I loved watching her grow into a stronger person throughout the novel. Her romance with Roane was just the cherry on top!

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Having enjoyed Young’s earlier work, this one was disappointing. Much of the main character’s motivations and thinking were incomprehensible to me and the laughs were few and far between.

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I love a take on Shakespeare, and this book that plays on themes from Much Ado About Nothing is a delight. It’s a book about love and confusion around love. There’s a lot of “will they/won’t they?” storylines, and a European bookshop is at the center of the story. I definitely recommend this one.

Many thanks to NetGalley, the publisher, and the author for providing me with a copy of this book. All thoughts are my own.

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If you ever wondered how Shakespeare would write Hallmark movies set in England, then this is the book for you.

Our protagonist, Evie, is passed up for a promotion and quits her job. Afterward, Evie decides to go to a small village in England to find herself in a hasty moment. The small town in Northumberland is welcoming to Evie, but Evie starts to doubt her friendship with the local farmer, Roane.

The great thing about this novel is how it reflects many people are trying to figure out their lives. At the beginning of the story, Evie is trying her hand at dating and is stood up but brushes it off as she prepares for a promotion at her job. After learning that the promotion will be going to a younger male, Evie rightfully quits, and the cracks in her life result in her fleeing to a small bookstore in England.

It’s in the small village, Alnster, Evie starts working at the Much Ado About Books. Evie’s goal is to figure out the source of her loneliness. On the first day of her stay in Alnster, Evie runs into the local farmer Roane after saving his dog. From the moment they met, Roane didn’t keep his attraction to Evie a secret. Evie, swearing off men during her stay in Alnster, ignores his advances and writes off his interest in her. As the villagers start to welcome Evie into their inner circle, Evie finds herself getting involved with the locals. It’s because of the locals welcoming Evie that she starts to see her loneliness lessen.

This book’s commentary on loneliness for people approaching their thirties is a problem for people. As people are putting their lives on hold for their career, a career that isn’t as fulfilling or is mentality drains them. During her stay in Alnster, Evie ends up helping the few younger girls in the town navigate themselves in life and love. In the end, Evie is a relatable character trying to find happiness and self-value as she realizes her life is going in the direction she initially expected.

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