Member Reviews

What a great feel good book about the power of god & dogs and how they come together. These are great quick stories that are uplifting and feel good. If you are a dog lover then you will for sure love this one.
This would be a great book to give as a gift to fellow dog lovers.

This is a wonderful collections of short stories and essays with the main character being a dog who can convey God's message. Many will push the coincidence angle in all the entries but it also is explained by God sending a message. A perfect gift for dog lovers. I received a copy of this ARC in exchang for a fair and honest review.

I really enjoyed these stories and know several dog owners who would adore this book. It would make a great gift to anyone who loves dogs.
These stories are examples of how coincidences may just be God using a dog to love, save, prepare or encourage us.
The stories are written in a conversational way and the authors make them sound as though we hear what the dog is thinking. I think this makes the stories more fun to read and fills in the blanks.
It is definitely a written from a Christian viewpoint. I recommend it to anyone who loves dogs and could see how God could use them in our lives.
Thank you to NetGalley for allowing me to read this book. The opinions are entirely my own.
I would recommend this

I started DOGWINKS one morning, thinking I would read a few chapters and then do what needed to be done at home. Well, that didn’t happen and I was finished with DOGWINKS in a few hours. It is crazy good and I could not put it down. I have never read the Godwinks stories but I’m excited to find them and devour them as I devoured this one.
DOGWINKS is filled with stories that will pull at your heartstrings. Keep the tissues close by as you are reading because the tears start with the very first story! The dogs in the stories are saved and then they do the saving! DOGWINKS is for anyone who has ever loved a dog or been loved by one! Be prepared, as you are reading to be laughing and crying on the very same page. There are only twenty stories in this book, but each one of them will touch your heart and make you hug your dog a little bit tighter if you have one.
I received a complimentary copy of this book. All opinions expressed are my own and were voluntarily given.

What an amazing collection of stories, for any and all dog lovers. Each one so touching and so special. I found myself in tears, laughing, and just beside myself. This one is definitely perfect for a reread when you’re feeling a little sad, it will remind you how wonderful life can be.
A collection of 20 stories, each so unique and different from the last, yet all with the same important message. I feel so lucky to love and be loved by two wonderful rescue pups here at home. They fill my heart with joy, and everyday they teach us something new.
If you’re a dog lover, or just an animal lover in general.. I highly recommend this one. A MUST read.

Dogwinks is a collection of heartwarming stories that show how dogs can gave an impact on someones life. I know about the Godwinks books because of the few stories that have been made into Hallmark movies but I haven’t read any of the books.
I did enjoy the stories. They were very sweet and a few stories made me cry...I’m a dog lover. I can’t help myself haha. The writing style is a little bit cheesy which totally fine but overall I enjoyed the book!
And I’m really looking forward to the movie about Ruby’s story!
If you’re a fan of heartwarming dog stories…then this book is for you!
A huge thank you to the publisher for sending me an advance reader copy of this book!
*I received a advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review*

Many times I've felt my dog was the answer to prayers, mine or others. They understand your needs and emotions without judging, giving love at every turn.
Dogwinks explores how much people receive when they give a home to dogs who have never had one. Each of the stories focused on how these animals repaid many times over the love they received. God's miracles are indeed everywhere. You just need to look.

If you've had pets in your life, you'll want to read this book. Theses stories are about dogs who help their owners. Sure we help them too by feeding and petting them but animals help us in various ways.
Howard Books and Net Galley let me read this book for review (thank you). It will be published be published May 4th, 2021.
These tales have a positive focus even if there was separation or doctor bills. I was amazed to read about the lady who got misdiagnosed by her doctor but her dog told her something was seriously wrong. She survived because of that.
These are not long stories but they will touch your heart. I enjoyed reading the book. It reminds me of when I had my bunion surgery and had to stay home to heal. My dog had a fit until I let him in and then he checked out my feet, got on the loveseat with me and put his head in my lap. Everywhere I went and everything I did was supervised by him. It was nice because I had company while my husband was at work.
These tales reminded me of that...

I have a hard time not snapping up a book with an adorable dog on the cover, and beyond the cover, this sweet read will bring a smile to your face.
Dogwinks is a heartwarming collection of essays that focus on how much dogs bring to our lives and how we can find God’s presence in our lives through doggie Godwinks. Godwinks are coincidences of a sort – otherwise known as answered prayers. Each chapter is an essay that can easily be consumed in a sitting like a lunch hour retreat.
If you love dogs, uplifting stories, or Christian Fiction you’ll love Dogwinks.

What an adorable book! Thank you Atria and Howard books for my advanced reader copy in exchange for my honest review.
I have not read the Godwinks series, so I went into this book blind. Adorable is literally the best word to describe it.
I enjoyed the writing style of the book. Each "chapter" was a story of a different dog and the impact they had in the life of a human. At the end of every chapter, a reflection was provided to summarize the impact that dog made in a relatable way to everyone. Because each story is separate, this is great book to grab when you just have a few spare minutes to read. I enjoyed reading this one in bed every night.
My favorite stories were Ruby and Trixie. I enjoyed reading about their heroic lives to the humans around them.
This book is a great blend of laughs, smiles and tears. This book is perfect for the dog lovers!

The old saw about not judging a book by its cover has come home to me in a big way. I was invited to read and review, and although I usually do some homework before accepting or disregarding such offers, I saw the beagle on the cover and leapt on the widget. And somewhere out there, at least one publicist must have my love of said dogs on file, because otherwise it would make absolutely, positively no sense to offer me this book. Dubious thanks go to Net Galley and Atria Books; I know you meant well. This book will be available to the public October 20, 2020.
Here’s the thing I didn’t understand when I signed on. This is not merely a book of dog stories, as I had supposed. Apparently, there is a “much-loved” series known as “Godwinks,” and so the title of this one is a play on that name. Since I read no religious material ever, it’s unsurprising that this fact eluded me.
Having foolishly committed myself, I tried to keep an open mind, because in addition to being religious in nature, this is also a collection of dog stories. I want to be fair, and I hoped I could disregard the preaching and focus on the hounds. But it’s impossible to enjoy these stories; the writing seems formulaic, the sort of thing you’d read in Reader’s Digest. The figurative language is stale, and the story arc of each is transparently manipulative. Guys, I just can’t.
By wild coincidence, my current reading includes Richard Dawkins’s The God Delusion, and I’m finding it to be better written and infinitely more agreeable than this superstitious bilge.
If you have a MAGA hat in your closet and a firm belief that your prayer group is protecting you from COVID19, then this collection may suit you down to the ground. Otherwise, I’d suggest you steer clear.

Dogwinks is a collection of stories about all kinds of dogs and their human families. As in any collection of stories some had more appeal for me but I’m a doglover and found a positive message in each one. If you have a dog you understand what they bring to your life – fun, joy, companionship and unconditional devotion. This book highlights all those wonderful things.
There’s a spiritual message in the book. Godwinks are coincidences of a sort – also known as answered prayers that aren’t always recognized as such. That’s where the author says dogwinks enter the picture. There are times when dogs are the perfect way to deliver answered prayers! God and dog are a dream team. An interesting concept, for sure.
My favorite story in Dogwinks was the first about Ruby, a shelter dog, who ends up a hero in an astonishing rescue of a boy. The story is soon to be a Netflix movie! There are several more dogs featured in this book that is sure to be a hit with many doglovers this holiday season. 3.5 stars