Member Reviews

Very interesting book to read. A real eye opener. Weight loss is always a broad subject . Everyone has been on a diet at some point or another so can relate to the author. Lots to stop and think about too.

A good account of a personal journey into weight loss and what worked for the person and how. Many times, we see books about weight loss being written by experts and about the weight loss techniques and stuff, but it is rare to find a true account of a person actually going through the process and what worked for them and how/why. This was a very honest book, baring it all, and for that, I do commend the author

This book was an ok read. The author's accomplishment is one that she should be proud of, however this book was just an ok read. There was nothing revolutionary or that I hadn't heard of with weight loss prior to reading this.

I was pleased to see that the author gave a disclaimer that she is not trained or a professional, and is simply giving her experience of what worked for her. Yet despite this, she still took it upon herself to share 'facts' which are simply not based on any evidence, and are misleading and irresponsible to share, such as that red blood cell production takes place only before 12am, as though the red blood cells can tell the time. Other 'facts' included that you must chew your food 20 times (who honestly has the time to do that, and wants to swallow food that has become mush?!); and also stating that certain goods (berries, green apple, pineapple) help you to burn fat, which is absolute nonsense. If you are going to share such far-fetched facts, I think it is irresponsible to do so without citing a source. Finally, I understand that the author does not speak English as a first language, but there would have been no harm in getting this book proof-read to improve the quality.

This book is very poorly written. The “ diet” also includes supplements of shakes and bars you can purchase on her Facebook page.

This first person account of weight loss will be interesting to anyone in a similar position. The author writes plainly but clearly, after stating that English is her second language and she doesn’t claim to be an expert. There isn’t anything new in terms of successful weight loss, but she gives an honest account of her struggles and what finally helped her maintain a healthy weight.

An easy to read book with some great tips. Many of us will find her story, or parts of it, very familiar. Anyone who has tried to lose weight and failed (again and again) will understand how difficult it is - and Irina gives plenty of advice from her perspective of how she finally found ways that worked.
Hopefully some of them will work for you too.