Member Reviews

This one ticked every one of my romance novel expectations. I had minor issues with Trina as a character, but they did not detract from my enjoyment of the book.

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I’m a sucker for a Fiona Riley book and this one certainly didn’t disappoint. The main characters are engaging and their chemistry is fun. It’s pretty slow burn with a lot of great kissing scenes. The story zips along at a great pace and the HEA is super satisfying.

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Bet against me by Fiona Riley

A well written book about enemies to lovers a fast moving story with many twists and the interaction between all the characters makes for a worthwhile read. Very interesting if steamy book.

I was on the edge of my seat to see who was just going to win in the end and at what cost. 4.5/5

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I love all books by this author, can highly recommend. Just wonderful. The main characters are well developed and its so well written you feel personally involved in the journey.

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When I saw this book was a f/f hate-to-love romance, I knew I had to read it. I managed to get an ARC but since I was late, I ended up listening to the audiobook instead as it was really easy and enjoyable to read it that way. The narrator did a really good job and managed to show the chemistry between our two main characters, Trina and Kendall.

They are both ambitious and hard-working women in the real estate world. When Kendall end up winning a title Trina was sure of having, she is pissed and ends up being a complete brat (I want to say another b-word but you know... let's be nice here). For a long time, I really hated Trina. She didn't seem to want to grow while Kendall quickly tried to apologize and be a better person while Trina kept being herself, an annoying brat who kept blaming Kendall of cheating because of her family name. I didn't really know why Kendall would like her at first but after a while, the attraction happened and that, I understood ahah. They were some steam between them and I enjoyed that. I also liked seeing who was going to win in the end but that doesn't mean I forget my initial feelings of Trina.

Overall, a pretty good f/f romance I enjoyed and I wouldn't mind reading more from this author :)

(Thank you for letting me read and review an ARC via Netgalley)

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Trina and Kendall are the main characters in this book. They are both realtors and both willing to do anything to be the best. When Kendall wins Realtor of the Year, she has made an enemy of Trina, who was certain she would win that award. When their bosses get together to decide who is the real Realtor of the Year, Trina and Kendall will go that extra mile to sell the most properties in a month. What they don't take into account is that the person that you most want to win against, could possibly be the right person for you. They try to resist the growing attraction due to the fact they are each other's adversary.
Will they risk everything for love or not?
A great read!
I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest revview.

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Enemies to lovers, okay yeah, I am digging it. Bring the heat, lets start with venom and move into sugary sweetness. That is exactly what you get with Fiona Riley's latest novel, Bet Against Me.

Kendall Yates has escaped the clutches of her ruthless megalomaniac father. His shady real estate deals landed him in federal prison, and Kendall re-started her career selling high-end luxury real estate in Boston. She has done everything she can to escape his reach. Things have finally started shaping up and she has been nominated for Realtor of the Year. Little did she know winning the award would land her in someone else's crosshairs.

Trina Lee thrives on success. She is the best at what she does, and winning Realtor of the Year would have cemented her career as being #1. Trina, at times arrogant and extremely cocky, also has a super sweet side. She loves her friends and family and isn't afraid to show it. In the business area, she is a shark ready to shred her opponents. Trina, as successful as she is in her field, never feels that she can match-up to her brother in her parent's eyes and it drives her. When newcomer, Kendall Yates takes what she saw as hers, it is on. No holds barred.

The book is sexy. These two powerhouses bring the heat. You know when you grab one of Riley's books she is going to give you sex scenes that melt the pages. I liked the premise of the book, hate to love is one of my favorite tropes. I just did not love the ending. It was too far fetched in my opinion and I wished it would have gone in another direction.

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I love Riley's books and while this one is not my favorite of hers I couldn't put it down either. I thought the ending was a bit weak, but the rest of the book more than makes up for it. A great read with some hot scenes.

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I have to say I absolutely loved reading Bet Against Me, from the very first page it kept me interested,

Fiona Riley is an author that isn't frightened to add words that some would shy away from, but to relay the story those words were very fitting.

Trina and Kendall are arch enemies and the rivalry is intense, but even more intense is the sexual chemistry between the two. And some of the scenes don't leave much to the imagination......phew

Fantastic story line and well written. FR is onto a winner with this one

Would I recommend......oh boy yes

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As well written as this book was, it just wasn’t for me. I loved Kendall but had such a strong dislike for Trina I almost wanted them to not end up together. Some of Trina’s verbal attacks on Kendall were incredibly crass and that turned me off completely right at the beginning - I just couldn’t believe a professional would be able to get away with getting into a quarrel like that at a work event right next to their boss. The author has taken the enemies to friends trope too far in my opinion. The two leads had good chemistry though, and I enjoyed their interactions once Trina’s extreme rudeness had worn off.

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4.5 out of 5 stars

This is a romance and the first book in a new series called “High Stakes”. In Bet Against Me we see two top salespeople from two different real estate firms competing for the Top Realtor of the Year title in Boston. The two women are Trina Lee and Kendall Yates.

Kendall Yates has only been in Boston for a few years and has quickly risen to the top in her field. She is highly motivated to shed her family’s criminal reputation in the real estate industry. Trina Lee has also worked hard as a realtor and has won all of the awards available except for the coveted “Salesperson of the Year”. When the announcement is made that Kendall has received the award, Trina is in disbelief. Before she knows it, Trina and Kendall find themselves in a competition to see who the top salesperson really is. The contest involves who sells the most condos in the new high rise being built in Boston. The winner gets the right to say he or she is the best. Of course, the ladies are attracted to each other and sparks fly in many ways.

As with all of her books, Ms. Riley did a great job of developing her story, as well as the characters. The plot is an interesting one in that in addition to the sales competition, there is also the undercurrent of Kendall’s father’s malicious and dangerous actions. His activities bring increased tension to the plot.

I recommend Bet Against Me and rate this book with 4.5 out of 5 stars.

I received this ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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I will say that the competition was a great way to throw the two leads together. We've established they're both serious, sexy bad-asses who get shit done, so it makes sense they would want to prove that they are the superior salesperson. It also makes sense when you take into consideration the fact that their bosses have a rivalry of their own that their proteges are embroiled in by default.
Trina Lee comes off unlikeable at first. She's overbearing and unnecessarily rude to Kendall Yates, who she has no real reason to dislike. Their banter fell a little flat as a result. However, Trina slowly comes to realize that her assumptions weren't correct as they spend more time together and apologizes.
The novel would've been much improved if they had had a history or rivalry prior to the competition. Additionally, they're far too familiar in their banter for strangers, to the point it is unprofessional. You wouldn't call an associate "girl".
I do like the fact that their jobs are central to the story. Many times in romance, the careers are inconsequential and could have easily been swapped out for any other job. So this was a welcome change.
The sexual attraction despite the rivalry but also the real struggle queer people face when they try to determine if someone else is straight or not.
Obligatory non-realistic sibling talk.
Overall, it was a refreshing, sexy romance, even if it wasn't quite my taste.

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Fiona Riley is back with a new steamy romance.

Trina is the rising star who or real estate, upstaged at the last minute on her night by newer to town Kendall. An introduction that leads to a bet to see who is the best saleswoman.

What starts as a hostile back and forth, leads to a steamy build up, and a question of whether pride and professional goals can be put to the side for a connection with someone else.

Riley's latest novel builds up like like a river behind a dam, and wow is that both tantalising and frustrating. The relationship grows and changes slowly, organically. I found myself cheering for progress and bemoaning set backs.

I loved reading Bet Against me. I cannot wait for what comes next.

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This is the second book of Riley I have read and even though I didn't dislike the other one, I really enjoyed this one a lot more. Two very competent women with demanding jobs in luxury real estate get pitted against eachother in a competition to find out who the best realtor is. Trina and Kendall go head to head and they won't let the other stand in their way.
This is a definite enemies-to-lover romance and personally I felt it was more believable than most books with this plot since it doesn't magically go from enemies to in love over the span of a couple of pages. No, there was real dislike and it slowly evolved when they started to get to know eachother more. Both characters were well written with a work attitude (and behaviour towards each other) that made sense. Great secondary characters helped flesh out the mains even more and even though the conflict was to be expected it didn't detract from my enjoyment. I don't really agree with another reviewer who felt the wrong person was trying to make up and it should have been Trina who chased Kendall. For me it didn't really feel like Kendall was apologizing, but she was the one who was brave enough to put her heart on the line again. I think Trina would have gotten there too in the end though, but I could understand her reticence since the whole concept of a relationship felt outside her comfortzone to begin with. But I love that about books, different people can get different things out of them.

Anyways,if you like powerful women, sexy scenes, romance and the world of real estate don't forget to pick this one up!

***An ARC was provided by Netgalley in exchange for a honest review. ***

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Love love love. You can never go wrong with M.B., however she hit it out of the park with this story. Sexy, angst, love, all the key factors in a great romance.

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ARC received via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I’m a Riley fan, and usually like the love/hate trope, but this one didn’t quite work for me.

The MCs are Trina, a real estate wizard, and Kendall, also in real estate, who swoops in to take the top real estate prize Trina was expecting to win. The two loathe each other on sight, and are then forced to compete against each other to settle the bet of who is better. They spend roughly 50% of the book actively not liking each other and trying to hurt the other by saying hurtful things to each other. Honestly, neither of them comes across as particularly likeable until the mid point, although Trina was far less likeable than Kendall.

They’re a bit better fleshed out after this, and their friends and families (well, Trina’s family) add to this section, this is also where they hook up and begin their relationship. This is also where the sexy times action takes place, and these scenes were both intimate and hot.

It doesn’t last long though, because we still have to fit in the requisite break up and I seriously couldn’t believe that Kendall was that naive that she wouldn’t have figured out what her father was doing, or that her boss was shady. On the flip side, I’m always annoyed when two people are in a relationship and one of them then believes the worst of the other without giving them any kind of benefit of the doubt or allowing for an explanation. The ending with Kendall’s father was a bit too over the top for me and the subsequent reconnection of the MCs felt rushed (and backwards, seemed to me that it should have been Trina winning Kendall back, not the other way around).

Anyway, fans of love/hate, sexy times type books will probably like this. 3 stars.

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4.25 stars

It's supposed to be the biggest night of Trina Lee's life so far. She's given up relationships and a personal life all so she can get the coveted Realtor of the Year Award. Except, when it comes time to call the winner's name, it's Kendall Yates who ends up walking away with the trophy. It wouldn't bother Trina if Kendall had actually earned the trophy, but Kendall has ridden the coattails of her real estate mogul father's success for her whole life, and one thing Trina hates is an unfair competition. Then Trina's boss poses a bet that will decide once and for all who the better realtor is. But as Trina and Kendall compete to sell as many units from a luxury high-rise as they can, their desire for each other just might overcome their desire to win...

cw: abusive father, mentioned homophobic family

This was a really entertaining read! This is my second book by Fiona Riley, the first being Media Darling, and I got into this one a lot more.

The Characters: Trina is the one in control for most of their relationship, easily getting under Kendall's skin with witty barbs and a loud personality. I loved Trina, and I was so glad that she was a person of color (Chinese-Vietnamese, which reminds me of Ali Wong). Kendall is more reserved, but I like how once she realizes that she likes Trina, she puts that relationship first and goes all in. They had great chemistry together. Also, there was a great cast of side characters! I especially enjoyed Trina's friendship with Lauren and Jax, who is non-binary.

The Romance: A lot of the romance was flirting and banter when they're competing against each other. The build-up to the romantic feelings is a bit long. I do think the initial switch from enemies to two people going on a coffee date seemed a little sudden, but I was into their relationship enough to be okay with it. I loved the two of them together.

The Plot: The plot centers around the competition between Trina and Kendall. It moves forward well, and I didn't really feel it dragging. At times, things are a bit trope-y, but again, I'm willing to forgive that in favor of the romance. It's not all smooth sailing; there's some conflict and angst thrown in, but I think for the most part, a pleasant read.

The Writing: It was solid and flowed well. Kudos especially to the dialogue. The wit was fantastic.

All in all, I really enjoyed this book! I would recommend it, especially if you are a fan of the enemies-to-lovers trope.

**I received an ARC of this book via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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The Queen of steam did it again. Bet Against Me is fabulous. Trina and Kendall work for luxury Real Estate companies and are top realtors. But this year Kendal Yates edges out Trina Lee for top realtor and Trina is mad. She accuses Kendal of cheating. Kendall's Dad has a bad rep in the business and is now in jail. These two go add it at the party almost to the point of fisticuffs. Then, a bet was wagered as to who can sell most luxury apts and penthouses. During their encounters together they found they had an attraction towards each other. No lust. There 1st kiss was off the charts and that was just the start of it.
The characters were well written and there was fantastic banter between woman. I feel the dialogue carried the story along. It was sexy, heartwarming, sad and uplifting. These are two woman who shouldn't have been together but like magnets kept coming back together. The secondary characters were great also. Trina's best friend Loren was a no nonsense girl and would do anything to help her win. Kendall's best friend Margot was kind and caring. The fantastic sex turned to love but you're going to have to read the book to find out how. This is the 1st book in a series and I'm looking forward to the next 2 books.

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This is a first author for me, have not ready anything of hers before, so I love the anticipation-AND I was not disappointed.

The chemistry between the characters Trina and Kendall was just wow. They are in the same industry but competing against each other, which makes the tension just delicious. I did have a heard time warming up to Trina, but that's ok, I enjoy a good book with opposites attract. The dialog, which I love when a book is full of it, had me like, oh she did not just say that <smile>, and the one liners had me just going and going-actually read this in one sitting. Everything about the storyline and characters was very rich, and well the sex scenes, I had to get some cold water a few times (I understand this is kind of a trade mark of this author after I read a few reviews from her other books).

Even though this was a first author for me, I will be buying her past and future books! So glad I decided to try this book, opens up more reading material for me going forward <smile>

I received an ARC through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review, but would have written the same opinion if I had come across this author on my own.

To see my Amazon review, it is under CC-Wow just wow

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Such a wonderful and hot story. The competition between main characters leads to hot and steamy romance. Of course loved the drama in it. It kept me interested at all times. Very hard to,put this one down.

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