Member Reviews

This book was decent. It was cute. Nothing too groundbreaking but was enjoyable enough. 2.75 stars rounded up!

Unfortunately I was approved for this ARC only a few days before it was archived on NetGalley, and I did not download it in time. If anyone knows of a way I can access it that'd be fantastic! I may end up purchasing it on Kobo, because the premise sounds right up my alley.

This was okay, but if I wasn't committed to reviewing it probably would've been DNF. The writing was clunky and that made it hard for me to fully enjoy. The dialogue often consisted of long, very expository near-monologues. Also, I'm not generally a fan of insta-love and this was very much that. The whole book probably took place over 10 days.
Not my book

A new author for me but my goodness not disappointed. Great book, i honestly can't wait for every other book she writes.

An honest review thanks to NetGalley. This book had be cringing and grimacing at the cheesiness of the characters. A lot of what the characters said and thought had me rolling my eyes or the cringe was too intense I ended up putting the book down for a while. The plot sounded interesting but the characters and how they thought and talked had me instantly unengaged from the book and want it to be over. It is a quick romance, and if cringe romance is your thing then this is a book for you.

I did not finish reading this book. I'm sorry I didn't realize it was a LGBTQ book when I requested to read it and had no interest in finishing it. My apologies.

To be honest, I apparently did not pay close attention when selecting this book as I don't typically read this genre! Though this was not my favorite story, I did enjoy the setting of the book.

This was such a cute idea for a FF romance. I wanna go to 'lesbian week' at a fancy resort! The best thing about this story is how believable it all was. I could easily imagine everything happening in real life - ok, maybe apart from the ending but that's what makes it so special. A really fun read with very likeable characters.

Interesting book and interesting topic. I have only read a handful of books about lesbians. I am not one, but I am a firm believer in to each his or her own. What I really liked about this book was all of the great detail that the author uses to tell the story. I am very familiar with this area of California and even lived in Marin County for several years. It took me to some of my favorite places in the area. Reminded me of all there is to do there and made me want to go back soon.
I think the concept was spot on and what a great way to meet your significant other. A resort much like a dating website, that matches you to that perfect someone. A fun read. Enjoy!

A quick read that is flirty and fun. The pace is quick, the story reads easily, the characters are likable and you want them to win. While a little predictable it's a great book to just get away and enjoy :)

I LOVED this book. But really loved it. I was surprised to see so many negative reviews!
I was surprised that the 2 main characters met so early in the story and thought that was going to be a negative but it actually worked out well. They didn’t give up on other dates to stick with each other.
I also loved the selection of dates as it allowed other characters to be introduced and added variety - rather than just being 2
Great read

Review excerpted from my blog post over at Pan/Cis LGBT2SQ+ Romance Reviews (https://pancis.wordpress.com/2020/10/06/last-resort-by-angie-williams/)
Overall Rating: 4.0 stars
Library recommendation: Recommended for public library LGBT2SQ+ romance collections.
Warning: Hereafter, you chance spoilers. I will try never to reveal major plot points, but to review any book, you must reveal some parts of the story.
Number of titles I have read by this author: 1
Love story speed: Elements of instalove, and slow burn, amazingly enough
Relationship dynamics: The Greeting Card Arist (h1) and the Wood Sculptor (h2)
Sexual content: Some; on-page and explicit; includes toy use and some very hetero sex talk
Gender Identity: Cis (h1) / Cis (h2)
Sexual Identity: Lesbian (h1) / Lesbian (h2)
Triggers: Recounted parental suicide
Acceptance Rating:5 stars
Acceptance Rating Explanation: Love is love
Grammar/Editing: My ARC had some typos, comma splices, and minor word choice issues
Review: This is a fast-paced novel set in San Francisco, primarily at a resort, but with excursions to well-known locations, and a jaunt to Alaska, all of which is well-enough described for an immersive read.
Rhys and Katie are the main characters of this book. While I liked how comfortable they immediately are with one another, and generally remain with one another, the constant reminder of commitment phobia on Katie’s part is off-putting and detracts from her character, overall. It made me feel sorry for Rhys’ future at times, and in a way that I don’t think was intended by the author.
In terms of supporting characters, the author actually presents a nice variety of supporting characters, even with the semi speed-dating set-up. The women at the retreat are shown as people, and (generally) not just filler characters for the protagonists to reject. Both heroines also have fairly well developed families – although the brand of “pushy and interfering” presented by Katie’s family and the “extremely sappy and affirmational” presented by Rhys’ family was a bit much for my personal taste.
Full disclosure: I received a free advance review copy of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

I was interested in the premise of this book of a resort having a "lesbian week" where singles would come in and get matched up with dates through the week to try to find love. I was excited to begin the story and for the most part, I wasn't disappointed. The story was pretty straight forward and predictable, although I very much enjoyed the build between the main characters, Katie and Rhys. Katie is there because her family paid for her to be there. She doesn't really believe in love anymore but is willing to give things a shot. She meets Rhys on the first day and an instant friendship forms. Rhys falls for Katie pretty much immediately, but the ground rules were laid down from the start the Katie only had so much she was willing to give. The rest of the story is the zigs and zags of their relationship, seeing each other with other women, jealousy, desire, being scared to communicate, doing stupid things, etc.
For the most part, I enjoyed the book until close to the end. I felt like the last couple of chapters drug on a bit. It felt like the near HEA was close a couple of chapters before the end and things could have been wrapped up in a neater bow quicker. That's not to say the ending was bad. Based on other lesfic novels, I was expecting something quicker and more fulfilling.
I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley in exchange for a fair and unbiased review.

It is very quick read, but the most rewarding I guarantee. I loved thr story do much. I think the way main characters met was perfect. I did wanted to push them into a room and lock the door that's for sure, but the wait was worth it. I do wish it was bit longer, only because I liked it so much!

Katie Fausch has been hounded by her family to get back into the dating game which Katie is not interested in. Needless to say, she is shocked when they buy her a vacation for singles called Last Resort. She realizes that if she goes on this vacation, that will quiet her family down for awhile, so she accepts. Rhys Morgan is interested in finding that true love and goes on the vacation with hopes of finding that special woman.
The women meet the first day and hit it off. Not to mention that there cabins are right next to each other. The women are looking forward to the next 7 days of spending time with different women doing different activities. Katie and Rhys always meet up after the dating to find out how it was and spend time together. The more time the woman spend together, the more they realize that they have met their special woman. However, the women don't voice their feelings until the next to last day and then Rhys leaves before she can say goodbye to Katie. Katie is heartbroken, but adamant about finding Rhys and letting her know how she really feels.
I would recommend.
I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I wasn't totally thrilled with this book, but I didn't hate it either, if that can be considered an opinion.
The storyline was exactly as advertised. The resort part was interesting, although not original, and I liked how the days were paced. The system seems to work pretty well, and introduces rival love interests for each character. Most of all, I liked how there was room for decent secondary characters. I wouldn't have expected it out of a story featuring a resort full of strangers, but somehow it doesn't feel rushed when the protagonists befriend Carmen and Brooke. I suppose that's because it's expected that all of the relationships here would feel a little rushed, like Carmen and Brooke finding each other on the first date.
Character-wise, Rhys was ordinary, but I found Katie dull. Her personality was unmemorable, and all I took away was her stubborn insistence on never getting attached to anyone ever again. Which was featured over and over again to the point of frustration. I get why it was the main obstacle to the relationship, but I just ended up resenting Katie and her constant inner turmoil. It might have worked if the story had a longer timespan, so she could slowly be won over. Since the characters had only a week, it was annoying to have her re-iterate five times a day why she should stop feeling the way she feels.
In terms of their relationship, I enjoyed it more when Katie and Rhys were just friends. They have an ongoing banter that makes them seem really compatible, but when the nonplatonic part arrives, it's just sex. Literally all of what we see of their romantic relationship is sex. I know it happens at the end, and the tension has been building up for most of the story, but I think if there's room for three sex scenes, there's room for more time as a couple. At least give me a glimpse of what they're like together.
Three stars.

Reading the plot of the Last Resort engross me to request the book for review. It is about two women going for a romantic week for lesbians. While Katie was sent there by her family Rhys went happily in the hope of true love. This little fact was predicting that Katie’s character will be the one, who keeps pushing away and keeping distance. It was going forward in the story I was keep missing the main characters chemistry as it is a romance novel.

That was a fun read. Katie and Rhys both live in San Francisco, but, it takes both of them going to a lesbian week at a resort not in the city to meet.
Katie is a greeting card artist who was burned by her last girlfriend, and her best friend, badly, and so she does not see herself ever falling in love again. But, her mother and sister buy her the week at the Last Resort, and, if she goes, then they promise they will stop trying to set her up for the rest of the year.
Rhys is a woodworking artist who wants to find real long lasting love, and, when the Last Resort week is suggested, she feels like it's a great idea for her to maybe find the love of her life.
They meet almost immediately when they get there (which I was a little iffy about), and they decide that while going through a different date every day, they'd meet for dinner at night as friends. Katie is really straightforward in that she's really not looking for anything forever, while Rhys also doesn't hide the fact that she is looking for forever, not just right now.
I think that that saved this novel. By laying it out so early, and then only bending the characters a little more and more towards each other as the story goes on. Of course, it's a romance, so, they're not going to stay in their corners forever. Both their points of view also nicely dovetailed into the ending, which, I thought was pretty good too.
I also liked all the other secondary and minor lesbian characters too. As I was reading, I was like, 'ooh, there's a story, ohh, and there's one, ooh, she's a great one that maybe we'll get a story about some day'. It was just so much fun to have a book so chock full of lesbians. I haven't seen this many lesbians in one lesfic since reading... Radclyffe's Provincetown Series I think.
Heh, this was a fun fun read.
I was given this ARC by Netgalley on behalf of Bold Strokes Books

This is a first read for me for this author so I always enjoy the anticipation of the story and writing style of an author I have just come across. This story is around 2 MC that meet at a resort for singles, so first off I really like the way the author describes the atmosphere and surroundings, I felt like I was there. I also enjoyed the family interaction with Katie and Rhys, I'm a sucker for family support.
There is a lot of give and take in the story, so don't expect it to be love at first sight, and it did drag a bit with that back and forth, but again if you like a really slow burn, this is it. Overall it was enjoyable to read, I did put it down a few times and came back to it, so when I did get to the end, we do get our HEA, but it felt just a bit to rushed, like the book itself needed wrapped up so the last chapter or two and the epilogue was way to rushed for me.
I will look for more from this author, maybe in future books, she will have things smoothed out and not try to tie it all up so quickly in the last pages. I would go with 3-1/2 stars....
I received an ARC through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review, but would have written the same opinion if I had come across this author on my own.
To see my Amazon review, it is under CC-bit slow but enjoyable

Part of reading Last Resort is like the guilty pleasure of watching a dating show and rooting for two people to come together. In contrast to a bad tv-show, this book is great. This is Williams' second book and again I enjoyed it immensely!
At the beginning of this book I got the "Ali Vali"-vibe. And that is a big compliment. Vali is big on family and the vibe she brings in her writing makes me instantly love her mc's. The same happened to me with this book of Williams.
Although both know they click in all the right places, it takes pretty long for Katie and Rhys to get together. It's sad to read and I wanted to berate Katie for it. Katie is very tactile towards Rhys and that give's a great tension to the story. But also it made me feel bad for Rhys to have to endure those moments while knowing nothing will come of it.
When Katie and Rhys do come together sparks fly. Like in the first book of Williams, mc's talk during the sexy scenes. Where I found that a little distracting in that first book because the type of talk didn't suit the character, she did manage to find the right kind of balance for me in this book. The scenes were hot.
Loved reading it and wouldn't hesitate to pick up any book of Williams.