Member Reviews

Both leads Katie and Rhys Morgan come from good close families that they are close to. The only difference between them is the fact that Rhys can’t seem to find the right girl to settle down with. She has no problem meeting women in bars for one night but she has yet to meet the woman she would want to marry.
Katie had a relationship that lasted four years. Admittedly the last one year was a little rough but she still didn’t think anything was wrong, that is until she came home early and found her girlfriend in bed with Katie’s best friend. So the idea of opening her heart for someone else wasn’t going to happen, even though her family nagged her to at least put herself out there in the hopes that she’d meet the right one.
Rhys' father told her about the resort that had a special week dedicated to lesbians meeting their match, so she decided to give it a try. Katie didn’t want to go but if it meant her family would leave her alone and stop trying to set her up with someone.
Ms Williams has given us a nice read where the main characters spend a week getting to know each other. And she has given us a book with a happy ending. A nice, sweet romance. Very enjoyable.
ARC via NetGalley/Bold Stroke Books

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Last Resort by Angie Williams is a contemporary romance about two women who both end up attending the “lesbian week” at a singles resort. Morgan is looking for her happily-ever-after partner while Katie is just looking to get through the week so her family will stop bugging her to find love. She has no intention of actually finding love, something she tells everyone, including Morgan, who she meets the first day. It’s too bad the chemistry sizzles for both of them the more they get to know each other.

The premise of the story is good, and sets up all kinds of opportunities for a push/pull relationship that hopefully ends in true love. Unfortunately, there was too much pushing away by Katie. It seemed she would never catch on to her true feelings about Morgan, and after a while, I really became irritated with her character. Since I’m a character reader, this is obviously going to affect my enjoyment of the tale. This is a slow-burn romance that ended up being a bit too slow for me.

I did like Morgan’s character, and the secondary characters are well-developed as well. The settings, being mostly places around San Francisco, are beautiful and well described. Other than the one irritating character, and the romance being a bit too slow for me, I enjoyed the story.

I’m giving this novel a 3.5 star rating overall. If you like a very slow-burn romance set in a lovely resort area, you might like this book.

I received an ARC from NetGalley and Bold Strokes Books for an honest review.

Rainbow Reflections:

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Katie Fausch is happily single, however her family are not and have a vested interest in trying to find her a partner and book her into 'lesbian week', a singles holiday at a local resort. Katie goes along with it but has no intention of finding any romance. Rhys Morgan is trying to find the one, she's ready to settle down, have kids, the works.
I initially enjoyed this book but then I started to get a little bored with it halfway through, mainly with the storyline.  Both Katie and Rhys started to annoy me with their actions, or reactions might be a better word, and how they treated people. I didn't feel there was much chemistry between Katie and Rhys. This read was a little disappointing.

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A really meandering book that tried to stuff everything in the last 10 percent and epilogue. I found myself putting it down and having to force myself to pick it back up, which is the total opposite of what I normally do with this genre

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Every six months, a popular matchmaking resort has a week for women only. This time, Katie Fausch’s mother and sister, eager for her to find love, have signed her up. Luckily, she meets Rhys Morgan right after checkin. In fact, she really, really like Rhys. But her last relationship left Katie feeling pretty burned on ever finding love again.
Rhys is just as attracted to Katie but she respects the fact that Katie doesn’t want to be in a relationship. So she stays on the friend side, no matter what. I really wanted to like Rhys more but she needed just a little more development.
I didn’t really connect with either heroine but I did like the premise. The big overture was also a bit too much for me but I look forward to reading more books by Ms. Williams.

Three stars
This book came out September 15th
ARC kindly provided by Bold Stroke Books, Inc. and NetGalley
Opinions are my own

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I wasn't a big fan of this book. It felt like a Seinfeld episode where nothing really happens.

It was cute, and written well, but the story just didn't pack a lot of punch. The premise of the book sounded promising, but I was expecting more. There was just no spark.

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Katie Fausch and Rhys Morgan both end up going to the Last Resort which is located right outside of San Francisco. Katie is strong armed into going by her family and Rhys Morgan goes willingly. Katie doesn't want love because she has been hurt in the past and Rhys wants to find love. They meet on the very first day of the Resort and Rhys takes and chance and sits next to Katie and starts up a conversation. Too bad Katie isn't looking for love.

So I overall thought this was cute. Both mains are likable and do have some attraction to one another. Last Resort made for an easy read with light angst throughout the story but not overly done. I guess you can say it was a slow burn. I did find myself wishing that the chemistry between the mains was stronger. Yes you could tell that they liked one another, but the connection didn't push through the story where you felt that these two belonged together. If I had a favorite main it really would have been Rhys. She just really seemed like a dream partner. I did like the concept of Last Resort and I liked how Williams didn't focus on showing how each date on each day played out. The pacing was good, I just wanted more of a connection to show that they would fall in love.

I give this 3.5 stars.

This Arc was provided by the publisher for an honest review.

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The last resort is a week long singles resort geared towards meeting new people with the goal of finding your perfect match. Rhys spends a lot of time working as a sculptor at her family company but decides to take time off to go to the resort because she is ready for commitment. On the other hand, Katie isn't interested in finding love but only goes to the resort so that her mother and sister can stop setting her up on dates. Katie and Rhys meet on the first day and strike up a friendship. Even though they go on dates with other women, they find themselves spending time together every day to discuss the dates they went on. As they spend more time together, Rhys finds herself falling for Katie but since Katie strongly believes that she is not looking for love (even though she is attracted to Rhys) she shuts herself off to the possibility of a future with Rhys.
This was a good read. I found it frustrating that Katie wasted so much time because she was unwilling to acknowledge how she felt about Rhys but thankfully, she finally recognized that she needed Rhys in her life.

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I liked the cover and title and thought why not give this book a try without really reading the blurb. This ended up being the first time I read this author but also my first f/f (lesfic) romance.

The story centres on Rhys an artist who carved sculptures out wood and works for her family carpentry business and Katie a greeting card artist. Both are encouraged for different reasons to go on a lesbian singles retreat for a week where they will be no phones and dates will be set up with different women each day. Rhys wants to find love, and Katie was pressured by her family to go, but wants to remain single.

This is a friends to lovers story, with heavy emphasis on friendship. Though there was an instant attraction between the main characters, it was an extremely slow burn. Despite the story essentially taking place over the course of a week, it felt like it dragged too slowly in terms of pace of the novel, as Katie battled her attraction yet inner aversion to long term relationships. The back stories of the characters were well rounded and the families and friends were supportive. The story was complete, but was in my opinion, just an okay story. I felt like it missing something, that spark you normally get in a romance novel, where you understand the mutual attraction or are cheering for the couple, but by the end of this story, I was quite indifferent about this couple. It wasn’t my cup of tea.

I’m voluntarily reviewing this book. Thank you to Angie Williams, Bold Strokes Books & NetGalley for the copy of this ARC. All opinions are my own and honest.

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I’ve never actually heard of someone not being built for love. I don’t think it’s possible.”
“It’s possible, my friend, I’m living proof.”

Finding a girlfriend was not on Katie’s agenda when she was cornered to join the Last Resort, a week long stay with activities aimed at matching and pairing up single lesbians. When she met Rhys, she sought comfort in their friendship and was relieved she had a companion to help her survive the week.

I enjoyed the different dates that both characters went on but found Rhys’s attraction fixated on Katie too soon for my liking. That being said, in a world where online, blind and speed dating are the norm, love has been found through all of these avenues.

A 3.5 stars for me. The build up was quick and cut to the chase but the romantic in me would have hoped for the relationship to solidify and for readers to see the characters having a chance to thoroughly touch base with their feelings for each other.

I just reviewed Last Resort by Angie Williams. #NetGalley

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You can’t always get what you think you want - sometimes you get what you need (paraphrasing The Rolling Stones here), pretty much sums up the storyline here for me. The story is mainly set at a singles resort designed to find people their perfect partner. It’s lesbian week and both Katie and Rhys have been convinced to attend by their families. Rhys can’t find the person she’s looking for, whilst Katie believes she isn’t looking for anyone, but agrees to go to the resort so her family will leave her alone.

I don’t want to give away any major particulars of the storyline, but I will say I was surprised when they met each other so early in the book. However I’m really glad it was done this way as I enjoyed them getting to know each other throughout the week. I was worried this kind of narrative would have an instant love kind of vibe, but it actually almost feels like a slow burn even though the main part of the book only covers approximately 10 days or so.

I really enjoyed the way the dates were used to illustrate the wider groups of people that may find themselves at this type of event and I really appreciated the way Williams used the dates to have discussions on asexuality, family reactions to coming out and moving on from past loved ones (either from loss or breakups). I would have appreciated more diversity though. The dates also serve as a quick introduction to north California geography.

The ending is just right and I would happily recommend this to anyone who enjoys wlw romance books.

I received an e-ARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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This is a book that you read on a rainy Saturday where you are doing laundry and need a boom to pass the time. The story was a nice, quick, fun read. I enjoyed the dialogue and the different dates that the two MC’s went on. And I absolutely love reading about locations that I haven’t been to.

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Fun plot that made me smile. I liked the idea of the various dates, the different types of women and the fun locations. I’d love to experience all of them - the locations not all the women! The confusion for Rhys was well written and it was easy to sympathise with her dilemma. Katie’s character was more complex, but her rationale made sense. I ended up rooting for both of them. I could have done without the last sex scene. Ive read this stuff before, but it just never makes sense to me.

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Lovely and Delightful
Katie is happily single much to the discontent of her mother and sister who like to fix her up with any and every lesbian they know. They surprise her with a weeklong lesbian matchmaking retreat at Last Resort. She agrees to go if they give up meddling in her love life for a year. Rhys is a romantic and ready to settle down. She just needs to find her partner, so when she hears about the event at Last Resort, she is all in! The two meet but Katie is determined to keep things in the friend zone much to Rhys’ desire for more. What happens during the week is for you to find out, but I think you should…

What a wonderful book!!!! It made me smile so big and was just a pleasure to read!! The week at the resort is filled with ups and downs, laughs and tears and so much fun. I adored Katie and Rhys. They are smart and sweet, sexy and silly…. I liked the way these two women related to each other. Even as friends, you knew there was more there no matter what Katie wanted and it was lovely and heartwarming to see her face that. This is one of those books that will make you happy for long after you read it and let me tell you, the yummy sex scene near the end is Meghan O’Brien level hot and will stay with you for a while too!! Don’t let this one pass you by!

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Enjoyable book. Just goes to show you, one can find love when you least expect it.. I really enjoyed all of the characters and connected with them. They made me laugh and kept me entertained throughout the whole book.

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I was expecting this to be a super sappy book, but it wasn't, with the exception of the ending.

Katie is blackmailed to going to a singles resort by her sister and mother. She is not open to a relationship as the last one ended very badly. Rhys is a romantic at heart and when her dad tells her about Last Resort's lesbian week she is hesitant but she signs up anyway. Rhys and Katie meet before the program even begins, Rhys is drawn to the sole woman scrolling on her phone and strikes op a conversation. Katie is honest from the get-go, she isn't ready for a relationship and only there to get her mom and sister of her back. Rhys understand and what blossoms is a nice easy friendship with lots of cuddling and longing looks. By the time Katie is ready to admit that she might have actual love feelings for Rhys it could be too late.

I expected this story to be all sappy and happy from the get-go, it was more a friends-to-lovers romance with a bit of a slow build-up. Which is kind of contradictory seeing as all events take place within a week or so. I like the dialogue between the two characters, the tiny tidbits of their life in the real world are nice as well, but I was just expecting something else. This is all on me, but with a cover like this, I was expecting tropical paradise and really a feeling of being away from it all. And aside from them having to hand in their phones for a week, they are still on the grit and close to San Francisco. So no tropical paradise, no real feeling of leaving home and seeing if your holiday crush is everlasting when you get home, but those wrong expectations are on me. I did like this story, the ending is super sweet (and steamy), the characters are nice enough and it was such a nice easy read I had a hard time putting it down. It felt comfortable.

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Katie Fausch is happy, single and with no plans of settling down, regardless of her mom and sister's insistence. So, when she agrees to go to 'lesbian week' in a resort, she sees it as an opportunity to finally get her family off her back for at least a year. On the very first day Katie meets Rhys Morgan, who unlike Katie, is looking for someone to spend her life with and sees this week as the perfect opportunity to do so.

This story was sweet and although you already knew how it was going to end, it was a fun relaxing read. Both main characters were likeable and I really liked the profession each character had, they were fresh and interesting.

Overall, it was a quick, sweet read with a happy ending. Kind of a good read after you have read a story that has ripped your heart apart.

I received an ARC copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review

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Katie has been burned by relationships before, but her family is determined to help her meet the love of her life and sets her up for a Lesbian singles week at a local resort. Rhys is looking for someone to spend the rest of her life with and heads to a singles meetup for the week. On the first day the two women sit together, and neither woman can get the other out of their head all week. Day after day they head off on dates with other women but night after night they have dinner together and their feelings grow. But will Katie be able to get over her past pain and open her heart to Rhys or will she stay steadfast in her desire to remain single forever?

I really enjoyed this book. It was simple and uncomplicated. It was a fun atmosphere and I feel like the author put a lot of thought into creating this resort and the activities although sometimes the details got a little much as I'd rather read about the romance or other relationships. I enjoyed some of the side stories as well - there were several other cute couples and sweet interactions. Rhys and Katie had great chemistry and lovely conversations that really enhanced their connection. I also particularly loved their unique jobs! This was my first book by Angie Williams and I'm sure it won't be the last as I really enjoyed this read.

I received an ARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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2.5 stars

This was okay, but if I wasn't committed to reviewing it probably would've been DNF. The writing was clunky and that made it hard for me to fully enjoy. The dialogue often consisted of long, very expository near-monologues. Also, I'm not generally a fan of insta-love and this was very much that. The whole book probably took place over 10 days.

I didn't quite understand why Katie was so committed to not being in a relationship. Much of the book felt unnatural to me, and I didn't know if that was because of the writing or if maybe I'm just so dissimilar from these characters. (I can't imagine cuddling on a beach at a singles event with someone "as a friend") (The sex scenes also weren't my cup of tea at all.)

I did like the inclusion of an asexual character. I would've liked to see even more diversity in the other guests at the resort.

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I received a complimentary copy of Last Resort in exchange for an honest review. A f/f genre is not my normal genre, but I decided to give it a try since I liked the cover and the idea of the story. However, this was not one of the best novels I've read.

The whole concept of a week long lesbian camp was just strange. Everyday women were assigned a date and headed out with a group of other prearranged dates for the day. Ryes and Katie met at the introduction meeting and coincidentally had rooms next to each other, Ryes knew she was attracted to Katie, but Katie was very adamant that she didn't want to be in a relationship. This dialogue continued throughout the novel, and by the end of the book, I didn't think either one of them should have found love. The ending was also out of "left field" and ended with a trip in Alaska the same week the camp ended.

Ryes and Katie

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