Member Reviews

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review. Another great book from one of my favorite authors. Highly recommend to friends and family.

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I loved the tension between Katie and Alexis in the first book and i wished more would happen.
Now both of them have their own love story, which sometimes led me to madness.
I wanted to grab and shake Alexis countless times. She is deeply scared of her past and yet she cannot stop her feelings for Katie and her growing love for this whirlwind.
When Katie is in mortal danger and she is about to lose her, she can no longer deny it in front of anyone ... what happened next is wonderful and yet full of stumbling blocks.
I fevered with the two, but also with Emilia and her own new discoveries regarding her past and her powers.
It really is an incredibly good sequel and i can't wait for the next book in the series to come out.
I listened to the audiobook in one day!
The speaker is just fantastic.
I know Keira Grace from other audio books and her rough and deep voice goes incredibly well with the characters. Very clear recommendation!

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Jenny Frame's vampire series is my favorite of hers. I know that may be sacrileges to some who are big fans of her Court series, but I guess I gravitate more toward the paranormal series.

This book is obviously the 2nd in the series, and it does help if you've read the 1st one. Not only because you'll enjoy it more, but because Byron and Amelia have some good scenes that happen to continue a lot of Amelia's journey that started in book 1.

Also, be prepared for this one to leave off with a slight cliffhanger. I do have to say, I'm really looking forward to the 3rd book too. It's pretty apparent which two that book will focus on, and I'm loving it.

Now focusing just on this book, I thought it was a great continuation. Alexis is a solid, stoic character that I loved watching melt from her love of Katie. Having said that, Katie was my favorite of the two. It's pretty cool to see her side of being a human and living in the vampire world, but on top of that, what it's like to not be able to be with her longtime crush because she is human. Talk about an obstacle when Alexis refuses to be with a human and quite the spin on unrequited love (or what she thought was). Also, she didn't let Alexis boss her around which always makes me like a character so much more when they naturally seem like they'd be "weaker".

Overall, great 2nd book. Bring on the 3rd!

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[Content warnings: a lot of blood, murder, pregnancy, light BDSM, sexism, brief indications of homophobia/homomisia]

Disclaimer: I haven’t read the first book “Hunger for You,” but Frame wrote “Longing for You” in a way that made the story completely understandable. However, I do recommend reading book one because there is a fascinating paranormal rivalry storyline going on that I surely have missed parts of.

“Longing for You” opened with the jovial wedding of Byron Debrek and Amelia Honey, whose story is featured in the previous book. Duca Alexis Villiers (b. 1792) is scarred by her fiancée’s violent death more than a century ago and is not ready to fall in love again, but it is practically impossible to not think about the head housekeeper Katie Brekman. When Alexis keeps acting mean, Katie believes that her crush hates her. Meanwhile, Victorija’s Dred clan is teaming up with dark witch Anka and working to destroy the Debrek clan.

In the beginning, I disliked Alexis for her rudeness to Katie while acting like she belonged to her. But throughout the book, I slowly warmed up to her; she still isn’t my favorite person, but I feel like her actions were really justified, despite the fact that their communication could have been better. I enjoyed the sort of hate-to-love romance between the pair, even though they were in fact both deeply in love with each other before either of them said anything.

The paranormal world conflicts were what kept me reading non-stop. In this book, Alexis and Katie’s romance isn’t the sole focus. We follow Amelia’s journey of becoming a witch after learning that her biological mother (I had a bit of issue with the word choice “real parent” even though her adoptive parents were awful) was a witch all the while getting glimpses of Victorija struggling to be the powerful villain she was before some blood mania overtook her.

There were many POVs, and by many I mean a lot. During some scenes, the POVs shift and I picked up on a total of seven different ones: Alexis, Katie, Victorija, Byron, Amelia, Drasas, and Anka. I like that we also get the thoughts of the Dreds, but I would love to see more of the Debreks.

I really love that feeding is a very sexual thing in this book and that the sex scenes involve having sex while feeding. It feels very powerful and intense. I also love that in the Debrek clan, feeding is always consensual.

Frame’s “Longing for You” is a very solid paranormal story, and with it ending on a slight cliffhanger, I cannot wait to find out what happens next.

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Alexis, Katie, Byron & Amelia...

Notes 📝
Badass vampire, head of the household, lgbtq, longing, secretly in love, secrets, action packed, war...

The story ends with an open ending...

I really enjoyed reading it 🤗 definitely need book 2.

4 star ⭐️ read.

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I absolutely love Jenny Frame and this new release did not disappoint. I would recommend reading all the books in the series although you could read this as a stand-alone. I cannot wait for the next book in the series.

Was given this ARC for an honest review via NetGalley and publisher. Many Thanks!

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I didn't realise this was the second book in the series so some confusion but not bad. I was intrigued initially by the cover and the appeal of vampires and romance indicated by the title

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This is the second book of the Wild For You series. I was super excited for this book to come out. After reading the first book I feel in love with the characters and with the world. However, I felt like this book did not meet the expectations.

This book is suppose to follow Alexis and Katie's story, two characters which are great and lovable. And if the book would have concentrated on just them it would have been 5 stars. However, I found the constant going back and forth to the main characters from the first book a bit disconcerting and frustrating at times.

Besides that, I love the characters and I was glad to be back in a world I loved so much the first time. I love this author and I will continue reading her books.

I received the ARC from NetGalley and Bold Strokes Books for an honest review.

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The story of Alexis and Katie, an interesting take on a vampire romance with witches and intrigue thrown in for good measure. Not one of the fastest paced stories going but enough to keep you interested to the end.

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‘Longing For You’ takes us back to the Debrek clan of vampires and those around them. We get to see Amelia and Byron as they get used to their life together. This is the story of Alexis and Katie though. Alexis has kept other women at a distance for many years, but she has her reasons. Katie is the Debrek’s housekeeper and part of a long family tradition. There is an obvious attraction, but the fact that Katie is human is a stumbling block to love.

I enjoyed being with the Debrek vampires again as I believe that there is huge scope for stories in their world. The tension between Alexis and Katie was well done and passionate. I liked how this thread was woven with others regarding Amelia’s background and a threat from less honourable vampires. There was certainly a lot going on in the background. I expect some of that will pay off on future books.

I was given this ARC for review.

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Longing for You is the second in the Wild series. I completely enjoyed the first book, "Hungry for You". I would recommend reading that first so you are familiar with the characters and storyline. It will make more sense for you in the long run.
This book is primarily a love story between Alexis and Katie with a lot of frustration and angst but continues the story with Amelia Honey, Byron Debrek their vampire clan and all the paranormal that goes with it. It's got a lot of moving parts and characters but will keep you interested from beginning to end. I highly recommend the Wild series starting with the short story, Dapper. Dapper is about how Amelia and Byron met.

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I am always looking for good paranormal books. Ms. Frame never seems to disappoint me. This book is the second one in the “Wild for You” series. Although it is not necessary to read the first book in this series, I would highly recommend doing so because Ms. Frame has created a wonderful story with excellent characters.

The story centers around the Debrek vampire clan. Alexis Villiers is the best friend and right-hand protector of Bryan, the Principe of Debrek. Bryan has recently married/bonded with Amelia. Alexis deeply misses the time spent with her best friend, Bryan, and is lonely. However, this does not last for long. Alexis has been attracted to the head housekeeper, Katie Brekman. Katie and Alexis do the push-pull relationship dance throughout the book. Readers will have fun reading about these two characters and their friends and how they play into the brewing vampire war.

Ms. Frame is one of my favorite writers and she never lets me down with her books. Her stories are complex and well-planned. The characters are very well developed and readers who enjoy this genre will long for the next book in the series.

I highly recommend Longing for You and rate this book with 5 out of 5 stars.

I received this ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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What a story! Perfect read for upcoming season but also so moving. I don't think I read any books before, but I will have to get to it. This story is wonderful. The dilemmas Alex and clan have to deal with and her ever growing love for Katie, geez! I cannot wait for next story!

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Another awesome paranormal story from Jenny Frame! I was so happy to find out there was another book following Hunger for You. I'm guessing there'll be another book since the storyline isn't complete which would be extra awesome. I really love the authentic honest almost sappy love between the committed couples. This author tells the best romance stories even with all the blood and red eyes. I will worship every book Ms. Frame writes. I definitely recommend both books in this series. I received an ARC of this book from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I really wanted to get into this but it was just a bit to scattered for me. I enjoyed the return of Byron and Amelia but I felt like Katie and Alexis story was not really the focus. There was just not enough to really make me feel like I was immersed into their world.

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This was a fun read! After the first book (Hunger for You), it took two years for this second to get published. I liked it better than the first book, but have trouble pinpointing why. Let's just keep it at my state of mind when I read a book.

I read the first book, but I think that you don't have to read it first to be able to understand this book. I do think however that you would enjoy reading it in order. Otherwise, you'll crash into a full-blown relationship between Byron and Amelia. It's nice to read first how they meet each other.

In this second book, the story of the first continues and we zoom into another couple: Alexis and Katie. They do the push-pull thing pretty convincing in this book. They both have their reasons for not engaging so when they do it is rewarding. I didn't expect a certain plot twist, I can't tell more without spoiling the story for you, sorry!

This book is told from two viewpoints: the "good side" and the "bad side". Just like in the first book I felt less invested in reading the parts of the "bad side". I even resorted to scanning some of those parts instead of fully reading them (blush...). They are important for the storyline but just couldn't hold my attention. Also, I was waiting for the big fight the whole time, everything leading up to that, and it just didn't come... Guess that's for book 3 in the series. Wich, I want to read, because I'm that curious and also mainly enjoyed the read.

If you like vampire-romances and you're not heavy on the action, this is a good read for you.

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The chemistry between Alexis and Katie was brewing in the first book of this series so I’d been looking forward to reading their story. The book started out with the sexiest of non-sex scenes and the chemistry between Alexis and Katie was off the charts. The butch/femme dynamic in Jenny Frame’s books can get a little too much for me but it wasn’t very prominent in this one, which I liked. My one complaint is that there was so much else going on the Alexis/Katie storyline got a little lost sometimes, but overall I enjoyed this book way more than the first as I think the lead couple had sparks flying off one another. I also loved Alexis’s character and her vulnerability and strength. I look forward to reading Daisy and Victorija’s story.

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Longing for You was a fun, flowery jaunt into lesbian vampire romance that follows the vampire/human – first love trope.
I really enjoyed the story of Alexis and Katie. In fact, I had to fight the urge not to skip chapters and get to the “good parts” that focus on those two. It was just as you would expect of a vampire/human love story and followed the trope well with hot love scenes, a reasonable amount of angst, and more than a few swoony moments.

I enjoyed this book but there were a few things that I didn’t enjoy as much. First, this is the second book in a series full of drama and action. While Frame does drop a lot of background info here and there in the beginning, I was confused about a few things. It took quite a bit for me to understand the world and what was going on in it – something I don’t think would have happened if I’d read book 1 first – so I recommend doing that.
I also think the book would have benefited from a Terms Used section with words and definitions and, maybe, a sort of family tree or something since relationships among family are brought up. The definitions would have really helped me early on since I thought Duca might be a last name and not a title for a while and then realized I was wrong.

If you’re interested in a short lesbian vampire romance with some witch/vampire action in the background – AND have read book 1 – you will likely enjoy Longing for You.

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An honest review thanks to NetGalley. You must read the first book in this series before starting this one. Not only do you get to know Katie and Alexis a little better but a majority of the plot revolves around what occurred in the last book. I loved that in addition to Alexis and Katie we got to revisit Amelia and Byron. This was a great read, if you love romance and supernatural this book will not disappoint!

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So before I start, I did not read book one of this series and sorta wish I had. It doesn't appear that one would need to read book 1, BUT the characters in book one play an important part in Longing for You. So this story is about Alexis Villier and Katie Brekman. Alexis is a Vampire and Katie works as Head housekeeper in the Debrek house. Katie has had a long time crush on Alexis and Alexis is in love with Katie. The problem is that Alexis has some baggage that keeps her wanting to ever love again.

Along with the love story between Alexis and Katie, there is a main story going on that started in book 1 of the series. It feels that a good recap is given in Longing for You, so I didn't feel lost. I admit that vampire romances are my favorite, but I do like to step out of my little box sometimes to read some paranormal stuff. I thought this was good enough. I wanted things to progress faster between the mains, but the pacing was still okay because of the back story that was going. I would say that I can't wait for the 3rd book in this series to come out, but I am not sure if I really am invested at this point. If you like being on edge and like the paranormal stuff you likely will want to read this one.

3.5 stars.

This arc was provided by the publisher for an honest review.

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