Member Reviews

Too Hot to Ride by Andrews and Austin is listed as a contemporary romance, which it is, but it’s also a whole lot more. This novel is much deeper, more nuanced, more layered than your ordinary romance. Those who choose this book thinking they are going to read a typical western romance will be disappointed.
This story has a theme that runs through the entire book, from the first page to the last. The theme is even mentioned in the blurb though you might not notice it right away. There are also lessons to be learned that are based on the theme. The theme is easy. It is simply one word…trust. One lesson is that trust is needed in all relationships, not just romantic ones, though that is a major part of the story. The authors also show, through both human and animal characters what can happen when trust is broken too many times.
Rae, one of the main characters is a prime example of this. She has learned from a very early age not to trust people, from her parents who left her as a child to the ex who cheated on her and left her almost buried in a load of debt. No wonder she is skittish about trusting Jane’s feelings for her. Another example is Howie, one of the mares rescued from the slaughterhouse and brought to Rae’s ranch. She is traumatized from her experiences before we meet her in the story, and is afraid to trust any human being. She lashes out at anyone who comes close. Learning to trust is the most important lesson in this tale for all the characters. Howie’s lack of trust could be deadly since Rae would not be able to keep a dangerous horse on the ranch where children come to learn to ride. Rae’s lack of trust could mean the difference between a life filled with love, passion, and happiness, or a life just existing behind those walls she has built around her heart.
This is a brilliantly written tale that grabbed me by the heartstrings and held me hostage until the final page. It may not be the easiest book to read, since it is does contain a good deal of sadness, heartache and trauma, but it is definitely worth reading for the passion, love, and sweetness of the story.
I would urge all of you, if you can, to read this book, but I must give some trigger warnings as well. This tale has discussions of rape, past and present, for more than one character. There is also discussion of animal cruelty and abuse. You do not see this animal abuse in the book, but you do see some of the effects of it. If either of these things would cause you a lot of distress, then I would suggest you read another of Andrew and Austin’s novels. These ladies are absolute geniuses at writing gripping stories, so don’t miss out. I received an ARC from NetGalley and Bold Strokes Books for an honest review.

the beginning was fine. the mess started around half the book. one issue was on repeat until the end. furthermore, the drama was unnecessary many secondary ppl were there for no reason ( like meg) .
Please note that this book talk about rap/ assault as well.
the only thing I really liked about the book was at the very beginning ( i think ) when they were trining Hawi the horse. and the white horse, super cute.
I liked Jane, the author did wrote so well.

The book "Too Hot to Ride" is about Rae (38) who owns a ranch in Oklahoma where she runs a riding school. The Ranch next door is taken over by Jane (50), which she won in a poker game. Between the two of them there is an immediate attraction and Jane loves to lure Rae out of his reserve.
This book is especially for horse connoisseurs and horse lovers. It is a lot about the four-legged gentle giants and you should have some interest in them. The book is written well and fluently, but I had difficulties to put myself in the shoes of the main characters (especially Jane).
I received a copy from netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

I received an ARC copy of this book from the Publisher via Netgalley and voluntarily leaving my review.
Rae owns a ranch where she gives lesson to children and teenagers for horse riding. She was just in a relationship but it ended. She in the closet because she fears if she comes out her business will suffer.
Jane is world famous horse champion who won a ranch next door from Rae in a poker game. When she head into town chaos comes with her.
Rae is determine not to fall for Jane who she thinks is a womanizer gambler. While Jane is determine to get with Rae. I like the banter between them but I think it was too much angst that it kinda turn me off them and made me dislike both characters especially Rae I get it she has trust issues and then Jane in my opinion was little to full of herself.
Overall ok read still love this author but this book had too much angst for my liking and this coming from someone who loves angst. 3.5 stars but giving it four because I don’t like odd numbers

This is a story of cowgirls, but not of cattle ranching rather of different aspects related to horses.
Rae is the owner of a ranch where horse riding classes are given, for children and teenagers, in Oklahoma, an area that is on the right-wing spectrum of the righ side, when it comes to politics and social issues in the United States. She is a lesbian in the closet, she has been in a relationship until recently, but it was not in the public domain, because she fears that if she shows up openly as a lesbian, it will hurt her business.
Jane, who is a former champion of some kind of horse performance at rodeo shows, comes to the neighboring ranch. Jane is spectacular and dazzling, with all her beading and glitter, but she has a public past of having multiple relationships, it is not clear if only with women. And she has won the ranch on a bet. And as soon as she arrives, she begins to cause some discomfort with her behavior.
But the story that seemed to be heading toward a tug of war between Jane and Rae has turned into something a little more serious than just a bantering with each other. There are some really unpleasant situations, although they are not explicitly described, but they have completely ruined my mood.
And the insta-love hasn't helped improve my appreciations either.

This was one of those books were there was too much unnecessary angst for me. Rae left Jane so many times over the stupidest things that by the end of it, I was over her. I'm not sure why Jane really wanted to be with Rae other than sort of confessing love/lust at first sight?
On the flip side, I was left not understanding what Rae saw in Jane other than her confidence. The rest of their interactions seemed like she never trusted was who the real Jane was. Add on top of that, to me the reader, Jane's confidence at times felt like she was too full of herself. A little humility is attractive.
Overall, the idea of the story was appealing but I wasn't in love with the two main characters.