Member Reviews

Ambition Unravelling….
An ambition to succeed as a prominent academic takes over the life of Bill Green - so determined to succeed is he that he decides to plot and carry out the perfect crime. Is there any such thing as the perfect crime? Perhaps not. Cleverly plotted suspense set in the world of academia where the only thing that counts is getting to the top of your game.

Ambition Brings Its Own Reward
by Andrew Galwey
2 Stars
This fictional book wanders lost and without purpose.
I found it boring and it just didn’t engage with me.
The plot follows Bill Green who arrives at Linkirk University full of enthusiasm to start his first job. Undermined at work by a colleague, Bill suspects his girlfriend is attracted to the same colleague. To succeed in life, love and work, Bill determines to kill his competitor, only to find the police are smarter than he realised.
The story is predicable and lacks the direction to draw a reader in.
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