Member Reviews

Being kind to yourself makes the bad days feel not quite so bad.
A series of young reader books on kindness starting with yourself. If you cannot be kind to yourself, chances are you will not be kind to others. Being kind to yourself means taking care of your body and emotions. This is meant to be read by your child with reading enforcements tips on the back of the book. The illustrations are of different children in different settings on what kindness looks like and how it is for your child's emotional well being.
A special thank you to Norwood House Press and Netgalley for the ARC and the opportunity to post an honest review.

This is such a great book to read to young kids. It encourages them to do things to help them stay happy and healthy. I love the ideas like doing calming activities and finding friends who are kind. I love that there are lesson plan and response activities on the back of the book. They provide great ways to use the book in an educational setting. The photographs in the book are excellent as well.

This is a children's book that shows children how they should care for their bodies and minds every day to help the good days feel better and the bad days feel a little less bad. It shows different ways that we can be kind to ourselves. There is also a handy learning activity area at the end of the book. I read this book with my daughter and we both enjoyed it.
Thanks to the author, publisher and Netgalley for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I am unable to review this title. I have tried to download it several times but cannot get past the first page. It looks like it would be a good title for young readers.
I will not post to my blog as I cannot honestly review this title.

I really enjoyed this book!
The images were nice and bright and it had some excellent points and ones we need to be introducing to children at a young age.
My daughter is only 3 but she is learning all the time and is a bit of sponge, I think you can never be too young to start being kind whether that is to each other, to the world or to animals – this is a great series and this instalment is great to be used as a platform to discuss the topic in more detail.
It is 4 stars from me for this one – highly recommended!