Member Reviews

Ian Cameron's wife and child were massacred at Glencoe, and his second wife died. While Ian has been hiring out his sword as a mercenary, the Laird has decided Ian will be foster father to widow Gretna Neal's three rowdy sons. The Laird moves Ian, Gretna, and the three boys into the Keep. Rumors abound, along with distrust of Gretna's healing. Ian decides he could handfast for a year and a day to stop the rumors. Maeve Greyson gives a great historical lesson on the time, and how those accused of being a witch were treated. Also how easy it was for false rumors to start and allow others to become suspicious.
This is an amazing book! Enjoyed the antics of the three rowdy boys.

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This is a super fun read. I really enjoyed this one!

Many thanks to the author, the publisher, and Netgalley for my ARC. All opinions are my own.

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Both Ian Cameron and Greta Neal are happy single and getting on with their lives. Ian has suffered through the killing of his wife and child at Glencoe and the death of his sweetheart later, Greta has lost her loving husband, and has been widowed for the second time, of her abusive second husband.

When their Laird appoints Ian guardian to Greta’s three boys and assigns them quarters in the keep, both Greta and Ian are against a match, but when Greta is targeted as a witch, Ian is determined to keep her safe, and they both decide that they don’t have time to prevaricate and they give into their attraction pretty quickly.

They are then swept up into a very twisty plot which takes them some time to solve. This was a really enjoyable story with a couple of likeable leads, and except from some TSTL behaviour from Greta, which felt out of character to me, used as a plot device to create some peril, this was a very enjoyable read.

I voluntarily reviewed an advance reader copy of this book and all opinions are my own

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I received a copy of the book from Netgalley to review. Thank you for the opportunity.
A sweet, slow burn romance. There is good writing and relatable writing. Perfect for fans of historical romance. A good read.

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I really really enjoyed this book. This was the first book I read in this series, but I definitely didn't need to read the others to appreciate this one as a standalone. Ian and Gretna are both survivors of loss. They have both lost beloved spouses and tried to move on with their lives. They friends and family have finagled a way to force them together as a sort of guerilla matchmaking scheme. And their friends aren't wrong - the two are very well matched both in temperament and life experience (and maybe stubbornness). Ian also seems like pretty much perfect stepfather material for Gretna's three sons.

I will say I thought the book would be about them resisting the matchmaking attempts - but Gretna and Ian are firmly in love and together by the 40% mark - the remainder of the book focuses on the dangers that surround them in highland life at the time. The external threats to them are real and very scary - despite knowing this would have a happy ending - for a while, I really wasn't sure how things were going to work out.

Overall this was a great historical- very true to the time. I loved Ian and thought Gretna was a fabulous heroine. I loved the strength of all the women in this book.

I received this as an ARC from NetGalley, but these opinions are all my own.

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I enjoyed reading this book. There was a good story to follow and the main characters were interesting and strong. At times there was humour, sadness and hope for happiness. As it was set in Scotland, l recognised the description of the places and events. I do recommend that you read this book.

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What a charming story!! I enjoyed the setting of this story, but skipped over some of the gory details of how witches were killed in that time period. The hero is a mercenary called to his relative's side in response to a command. The relative's wife has decided the hero is going to be matched with a female healer of her clan. The hero has already buried a wife, unborn child and lover, and was not interested in ever losing his heart to anyone again. The heroine has three sons, 2 born to her loving husband, Coire, and one born to his twin, Colin, that Coire had insisted his wife marry at the moment of his death. The heroine's second husband was slime, mistreating her and the children. She was happy when he was declared dead after falling into a river and his body never recovered. This was a time of witch hunters and many healers were put to death for knowledge of herbal treatments. Her clan had recently had an evil laird that was killed and his sister's husband was now the new laird. The clan was not happy with the new laird or clan and there was much discontentment. The heroine was often a target because she was the healer.
This story had it all, drama, love, intrigue, action, and humor. It was a well rounded story that had a strong plot. There were no straggling lines and there was a nice segue way into the next book of the series. This is the only book I have read and it was definitely a stand alone story.
There were a couple of grammar errors, but not enough to detract from the story. My only doing was that the title did not match the story. No one was described as a dreamer in this book. They were all solid, practical Scots. I still give 5 stars and a recommendation to read this story.

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When Love Comes, No One Can Resist

Neither is interested in marriage, but their friends and family are determined to get them together. Could resistance turn to love? It might, but there are those who would destroy them. Danger lurks, and lives hang in the balance. Could Ian and Gretna find peace? A ghost from the past won’t rest until they are crushed. I enjoyed this Scottish historical romance and would recommend it to those who like stories with action, adventure, and romance. The story kept me turning the pages.

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Ian Cameron has had more than his share of sadness. He refuses to give his heart again for fear he would not be able to withstand another loss. He knows the MacCoinnich matchmakers are trying to getting to get him to accept Gretna Neal under the guise of giving her three unruly sons a man's presence. Both have refused to marry again. Gretna's first husband had her love, her second her hate. Ian and Gretna have known each other for many years so their seemingly quick attraction had a lot of time to develop. Will their newfound happiness be disrupted when a ghost becomes an actual blood and flesh man? Gretna is a talented healer, but unfortunately in that time, they were often accused of witch craft. When the villain incites others to condemn her, will she survive? Ian has been one of my favorite characters from previous books in the series. Such a lonely, forlorn spirit. He deserves happiness, even if it took the whole book for him to find it. As with other Maeve Greyson tales, this one is full of intrigue, danger, action, romance, but also has three of the most adorable, mischievous scamps ever. Her stories never disappoint.

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After the tragic loss of both the women he’s ever loved or even cared for, Ian Cameron believes himself cursed and has no interest in opening himself up to that pain again. But his family has other ideas, fully intending to see him wed to a lively widow and taking charge of her three rambunctious sons. Though he considers Gretna a dear friend, Ian has no intention of driving into a marriage with her.

Gretna Neal is content with her independence and having survived two husbands already, she has no intention of going through marriage again, especially after the horror of her second husband. But now her meddlesome friends have put her in a tenuous situation and the only way to protect herself and thus her sons from vicious gossip is a year-long handfast with Ian Cameron. But soon her feelings for Ian are more than friendly and he finds himself wondering if happiness might be in store for him after all, but grudge-holding figures from the past will do anything to stand in their way.

I have been looking forward to a happy ending for poor, tragic Ian for some time now and I’m glad to see he finally got it. I felt like he and Gretna were an odd pairing, but with their shared pain of lost love they wound up having a lot in common and making sense together. The flow here was rather odd though. I had expected most of the book to be Ian and Gretna resisting matchmakers, I would’ve been furious at the utter betrayal they perpetrated, even though they had good intentions. Instead, Ian and Gretna wound up together fairly quickly and the rest of the story was almost nonstop action as things continued to go wrong for them. At times there was almost too much going on and the story felt a bit discombobulated. I loved seeing the strong, warrior side of Ian again after his broken emptiness of previous books. Gretna did annoy me a bit with her willful stubbornness and at times poor decision making, and all for the sake of claiming her independence and going against what she was asked to do. Nonetheless, I did enjoy Ian’s hard-won happy ending and I look forward to reading the stories of the other MacCoinnichs.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Ian Cameron feels he’s been cursed when it comes to women, his wife and unborn child were murdered so he avoid any attachments to women and his heart. Independent Gretna Neal has already buried two husbands and she has three sons already and she has no need of a third husband, but her friends and family are conniving to bring her and Ian Cameron together. Both have loved and lost their loved one and are unwilling to put their hearts out there to be broken again, Ian knows he couldn’t survive another heartbreak. I love this captivating story of two wounded souls searching for fulfillment, love, respect and trust. I love three boys and how they bring them together as a family faces gossip, a hidden evil returned from the past and plot within the Clan to destroy them. I have voluntarily read and reviewed the excellent book.

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They needed each other, if only they can figure it out!

Have enjoyed this series from the beginning and The Dreamer is another great addition!
This time we have Gretna, a healer and her three young boys who need a strong hand (oh yes they get into mischief!) One good union and then having married again to a swine who mistreated her. No husband for her again!

Ian Cameron has not had much luck either. His first wife and babe murder, a second died and now he was being pushed into marrying Gretna and take on her three boys!

A journey to find happiness is not an easy one. If seems accusations, superstitions, evil men, desire and finally love will when out when the Dream comes true!

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Out today!

I’m really enjoying this highland historical series. In this book two people that have lost their first loves are pushed together by meddlesome friends. There’s love, danger, witch hunts and three hilarious boys.

Ian and Gretna are pushed into marriage - with the idea that Gretna needs help with her three sons. The two quickly grow close. I appreciate how mature they both were.

There are threats against their clan and threats against Gretna. The story had a great flow and all the danger was great. I can’t wait to read the next book too!

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Ian Cameron knows he is being set up by the matchmakers and is determined that they won't win. Just because he has to look after the three mischievous sons of the clan healer doesn't mean he will marry her.
Greta Neal doesn't need a man in her busy life. Her sons need all the time she has to give them. She knows the chieftain of the clan pretends there is more work for her to do just so he can provide for her without it looking like charity.
Our hero is a true Highland warrior. He has had more than his share of loss since Glencoe. Our heroine is nothing more than a hard working healer, not a witch despite what some of the clan say.
A very emotional historical Highland romance with lots of fantastic characters. The boys are a very important part of this story. There is a lot of danger from people who use the witch finders for their own revenge.
This is part of a series of stand alone stories. I have thoroughly enjoyed all of them.
I loved it.

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Ian Cameron was a mercenary and his home was on the saddle of his horse. Ever since the massacre of Glencoe, where his wife and unborn child were killed, he wandered Scotland working for whoever paid him. For years he never allowed himself to have fondness for another. The pain was too deep. The only problem was his kin and they decided he needed to help a lovely widow and her three lively sons. Gretna Neal had already buried two husbands and was not interested in a third. However, the clan wanted them to hand fast and finally after much discussion it was agreed that a year and a day would do. Maeve Greyson has presented us with an interesting tale of a ghost that reappears and causes trouble and a treacherous grudge that could bring death when a healer is accused of witchcraft. Gretna and Ian’s search for happiness is a page turning experience that you will remember.

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The Dreamer by Maeve Greyson is number four in her Highland Heroes series and may be the best one yet. It is an entertaining tale of matchmaking interference in a man's life. Not only marriage, but also marriage to a woman with 3 sons. Ian Cameron wanted no part of it. Gretna Neal wanted no part of it either, but there was no denying that her sons needed the firm hand of a man. She's had two husbands. One had been good, but the second took away all memory of the goodness with the misery he presented. Thank goodness he was dead. But the laird didn't appear to care as he assigned quarters in the castle to Ian, Gretna, and the boys. He ordered a local wise woman to share Gretna's quarters as Ian shared with the boys. There should be no impropriety in the situation, but of course there was. Ian determined that the way to solve the problem of gossip was to handfast-marry for a year and a day and then be able to walk away. It didn't work out as well as he had hoped.

Things got complicated fast for the family. It was a rough and tumble few months as Gretna's supposedly dead husband reappeared and wreaked havoc on the small family. Ian is a brave man, full of lust, honesty, and love. Gretna was the victim, over and over, of prejudice. She was strong and clever, but it almost was not enough. What made this story particularly interesting was the description of witch-hunters and they way accused witches were treated once arrested. Very frightening. It's also a grand story of how changed circumstances can change a child's self-esteem and so his whole life. Greyson weaves a magical, if complicated story, which reaches right into the reader's heart. I LOVED it. I highly recommend The Dreamer.

I was invited to read a free ARC of The Dreamer by Dragonblade, through Netgalley. All opinions and interpretations contained herein are solely my own. #netgalley #thedreamer

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Ian and Gretna never dreamed their friendly, casual acquaintance would one day become a great, passionate, soul healing kind of love. Life had already taught them the joy and heart breaking pain of love lost. Having both soldiered on, they inwardly vowed never to take matrimonial vows again. Lucky for us and them, their well meaning friends and fate had other plans.

Ian couldn’t have been more swoon worthy the way he swept in, took charge, and manned up even when he wasn’t completely sure about the path he was put on. All he knew was this fearless, selfless, caring, verra bonny lass and her rambunctious brood of boys needed him.

Some may feel they fell for each other rather quickly, but I loved it! This sweetheart of a good guy warrior hero may have scoffed at the idea of the arrangement at first, but he quickly surrendered on the battlefield of love. He was rewarded the ultimate victory and prize when he claimed this boisterous family as his own.

Gretna couldn’t have given more of herself to her clan and boys. Despite being a talented healer, a problem resurfaces from her past that stirs up dissent, death, and danger for everyone. This determined couple though prove nothing will stand in their way of staying together.

Yes, Gretna dearly loved her first deceased husband, as Ian did his briefly wedded wife. I didn’t, however, feel there were ghosts between them. This felt like a whole new chapter, relationship, and beginning for both of them.

Title: The Dreamer, Series: Highland Heroes (Book 4), Author: Maeve Greyson, Pages: 380, stand-alone but part of a series, non virgin MC, widow heroine with children, good guy warrior hero, some violence, romance safe for me, loved how he loved her, past love was not ghosts between them.

Book 1 - The Guardian
Book 2 - The Warrior
Book 3 - The Judge
*Book 4 - The Dreamer
Book 5 - The Bard
Book 6 - The Ghost

(I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book via NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own. I was not given any payment or compensation for this review. There is no affiliation or relationship between this reviewer and the author/publisher/NetGalley.)

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Vowing never to marry again, both Ian and Gretna find themselves being maneuvered by their family into marriage. The reasons are good but neither of them wishes to endure any further heartache and pain. Fate steps in when Ian arrives at the MacCoinnich stronghold, forcing him to make a stand for the three young boys who have become the bane of the MacCoinnich clan, and having done so, the trap snaps shut. Ian has the greatest admiration and respect for Gretna but as he becomes entangled in the web of the small family's life, he discovers his heart beating more strongly and he finds new purpose in finding ways to protect them. When the unexpected happens and life at the stronghold runs out of control, both Ian and Gretna turn towards one another to find solutions to their problems. This Highland romance is well written and suspenseful, reflecting life in a troubled era of history when superstition abounded and women, in particular, could be got rid of by labeling them as witches. I was horrified to read the procedures that were followed and my heart broke for all the women across the world who suffered under the inhumane treatment of ignorant and evil men. The novel is a standalone and came to a sweet conclusion, bringing a warm glow to my heart. I received a copy of this book from NetGalley and this is my honest and voluntary review.

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A GREAT addition to the Highland Heroes series! You will love Ian and Gretna’s romantic journey as they endear themselves to you, along with Gretna’s three sons. With both hero and heroine having loved and lost in their past and leery of any kind of permanent connection to another, we get to see them forge a future with love and trust after a few trials.

I will say Gretna seemed to lose her mind at about three fourths of the way through the book considering the concern for her safety. (Pregnancy brain)? Or, her ‘dead’ husband caused her confusion? Either way, she has a heart of gold that Ian loves completely. Having known Gretna previously, it did not take a lot to bring out Ian's protectiveness and fall in love with her, too.

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I was thrilled to be able to read Gretna's and Ian's book. I have wanted a happy ever after for each of them since their introduction in previous books. This book well written and the characters, all of them, are wonderful. Gretna warmed Ian's heart and he cured her loneliness. This has been a great series and I look forward to the next book.

Thank you Maeve Greyon and Dragonblade Publishing for allowing me to read and review this book before it is released. This did not affect my review.

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