Member Reviews

The Dreamer ( Highland Heroes Book 4) by Maeve Greyson

Can two cursed individuals find a happily ever after together when they are forced to handfast by meddling friends! Ian, a loner since his first wife was murdered is not enthusiastic about taking on a ready made family of wife and 3 active boys. Gretna is apprehensive about sharing a bed with this man and she has already buried one good man and one evil husband. She prays that this is going to be a good thing, but she is not positive.

The author has some twists that will take this book in so many directions,but it is a wonderful developed book.
I enjoyed getting to know Ian & Gretna and their family of hyper active boys!

I would like to thank the authors and publishers who work diligently for us the readers.

I received an advanced copy from NetGalley and these are my willingly given thoughts and opinions.

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Setting medieval times in Scotland.
Book 4 of series, I have only read this one and The Judge, previous book.
It can be read as a stand alone, but I think I would have liked to have read the others first so I know all of the backstories of the other characters.
Gretna Neal lives with her cousins clan works as a healer. She is a widow with 3 wild boys.
Hunter Cameron is lonely, sad, fierce, a fighter, lost his wife and baby, then lost his lover.
There is romance, fighting, witch hunters, those that seek revenge. Exciting story 4.25

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This is a sweet romance about a widow with 3 children and a widower who lost his wife in tragic circumstances. Both have determined never to marry again but their meddlesome clan and family refuse to leave them be and so they settle on a compromise of handfasting for a year and day.
Then Gretna's dead husband shows up alive and determined to get his wife and family back after a six year absence. Having heard about Gretna's unhappy marriage and abuse of her youngest son, Ian moves into protection mode and forces a divorce for Gretna and marries her forthwith.
Now he only has to raise the boys and keep his wife safe from the growing accusations of witch craft and navigate the brewing unrest in the clan. The accusations become actual fact and Gretna is captured by witch takers and Ian has to mount a rescue if he can. The treatment of people accused of witch craft is pretty horrific and graphic in this book and of course like anything else is politically motivated in the people that find themselves reported and tortured.
A well written story of love, family and way of life in the Scottish highlands.

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The Dreamer, by Maeve Greyson. Maeve Greyson, brings a Highlander romance love story that her readers will find a treat to read. I truly enjoyed how Maeve stayed close to and provided the realism of historical times for people who lived among the Highlanders. I also loved the dialogue in the book too. Reading the Scottish brogue help me to relate more with the characters while understanding the emotion that they were experiencing, during dramatic or whimsical times. Maeve”s writing flowed within the book with simple writing. This simple writing helped to keep her readers attention. I was glad to see that Maeve didn’t go into great details on points that didn’t contribute to the plot of the story. The introduction of a number of characters didn’t interfere with following who the main characters were and who played important parts in the book. Maeve Greyson introduces her readers to a romance story with intense drama, action, suspense, humorous occasions and pleasurable love scenes.
Hold on to your hats ladies, you will find yourself falling for the very handsome Highlander Ian Cameron. Gretna certainly did herself. Ian who has suffered a few tragedies in his time, swore to not fall in love again. Ironically enough, Gretna has pledge the same oath herself. She has suffered one tragedy and a very big mistake that will effect her and Ian until someone pays the ultimate sacrifice. While reading this story, I found that I enjoyed being caught up in the love match that was happening between Ian and Gretna.
Maeve, sharing the past lives of both people had me excited to see the love that blossomed between the two. The story really won me over when Ian vowed not only to protect Gretna, but her three boys as well. I found myself laughing when Gretna’s sons were mischievous when they thought their mother wasn’t watching. These young boys gave their mother a run for her money, but Gretna kept a tight hold on them that always kept them in line. Not only is Ian’s character portrayed as a fearsome warrior Gretna is a fearsome warrior herself.
I liked how her character wasn’t written as a weak character. With her being a mother of three boys, having her as a strong character was a smart way to go. Readers this is a great romance love story to read. I recommend this book. Until next time my fellow on! <img src="" width="80" height="80" alt="10 Book Reviews" title="10 Book Reviews"/>

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This is my fair and honest review, voluntarily given in my own words, for thia ARC. Maeve Greyson certainly knows how to weave a great story. So much highland intrigue, fighting and the scourge of the witch hunters. Also so much clan love and loyalty.

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I absolutely adored this story! Maeve Greyson has quickly become a "must read" for me because her stories are so well written, full of action, romance and adventure. Highland romances are my very favourite books to read and this author sure knows how to write them.

This is Ian and Gretna's story and although they start off as friends, it soon becomes evident that deeper feelings are involved when they are practically forced to marry. I loved Ian's character and although he's a mercenary by trade, he does have a softer side for those he loves. I also loved Gretna's character, she's such a strong woman and loving mother to her 3 sons who I also adored. Their lives are in danger and Ian will do anything to protect them. Be prepared to not want to put the book down once you start reading it.

I received an ARC of this book via NetGalley and am voluntarily leaving an honest review.

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I loved this book, in fact the whole series has been wonderful.

Both Ian and Gretna have Been in a marriage to the love of their lives who they then lost.
Gretna was then in an arranged marriage to her husband brother who was abusive.
Gretna has 3 boys who are awesome characters in the book and are and integral part of their relationship.

The plot is full of twists and turns and keeps you on your toes it moves quickly and is very satisfying.

I need more from this series and look forward to Sutherland’s story next.

I received an Arc copy of this book and chose to post this review

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This book my be my favorite in this series. I like both of the main characters and alot of the characters from the Previous books are there and play a very important part. The story is very interesting and actually ties up some lose ends from earlier books. Can be read in line with the others or stand alone. Well worth your time

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