Member Reviews

I did like this book, but not as much as All These Monsters. Overall, I thought this book was a little slower in the beginning, with a lot of will-they/won’t-they tension between Clara and Edan. I think the ending regarding the scrabs could have been clearer, but it also leaves things open-ended for the reader and gives the characters a nice segue into their futures.

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Well, I guess it’s appropriate that I read a book that is 50% people randomly partnering off on Valentines Day. But when I went into the book hoping it would be about killing giant crab monsters like the previous book, it wasn’t completely welcome. I wanted teenage Starship Troopers and instead I got…mush. But the battles that were there were cool and I really liked the encouraging “I am not defined by the men in my life” mindset the main character develops throughout. It was incredibly well done and was probably my favorite non-murdering bugs part of the story.

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I always enjoy her writing so so much and she did not disappoint in this last installment.
I thoroughly enjoyed this book!!! The storylines follow up from the first book was really easy to get into as you can tell with may reading pace and trying to figure out what Julian was planning next kept me turning each page.
I will miss these characters deeply!!

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This was the perfect end to this short two book series. I loved every page and I can not wait to see what Tintera has in store for us next. This one picks up and gets going and rips out your heart. My goodness this book devastated me.

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Initial Thoughts
I started this book minutes after finishing All These Monsters. I was excited to see where the series went.

Some Things I Liked
Themes of healing and healthy relationships. I loved seeing Clara make healthier choices regarding her relationships and I also loved seeing the clarity and healing that she experienced. I won’t lie, the dysfunctional relationships in the first book were not something I enjoyed. I was glad to see that idea come full circle for Clara. I wanted so much more for her in the first book.
Eden. Loved Eden in this book. I was rooting for him in the first book and was very disappointed in Clara when that ship didn’t sail.

One Thing I Wasn’t Crazy About
This book was much shorter than the first book and it almost felt rushed. I can’t quite pinpoint it but the pacing felt odd compared to the first book. Now, we need to remember that I binged both books. So, it’s possible that I wouldn’t have noticed this pacing issue if I had read them over a year apart. But, I did notice it the way I read this series.

Series Value
I would revisit this world. I think there’s series and spin off value here but the “central plot” seems resolved.

Final Thoughts
I liked this series. If I’m being honest, this is more of a 3.5 star review but I like to round up. This is a fast paced sequel that wraps up a unique duology.


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A great ending to a fantastic duology! I loved these characters so much, they are such amazing, badass and loyal friends. I love how they all look out for each other. Definitely recommend these books.

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I was SO happy to get the sequel to All These Monsters, because I TORE through that one! This was much the same, and I enjoyed every moment of it! It's such a great end to a great duology. Highly recommended!

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This was a very fast read that dealt with many topics such as abuse in family and relationships. I enjoyed how this book while it did touch on relationships it did not overpower the fierce nature of the story. This would be a book that I would highly recommend to any student and I think any gender or age group from teen to adult would enjoy.

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All These Warriors by Amy Tintera, 336 pages. Clarion Books, 2021. $18. LGBTQIA
Language: R (117 swears, 8 “f”); Mature Content: PG13; Violence: PG13
Seventeen-year-old Clara might only be months older from when she joined the international squad to fight scrabs, but she isn’t the same person anymore. Clara can now kill scrabs without flinching, have ten-minute long conversations with her brother, and joke around with friends that she made. If only Clara could solve the mysteries of how to defeat the scrabs and heal the wounds Julian left in her life -- then everything would be perfect.
Tintera doesn’t beat around the bush; even if it’s been a while since you read the prequel, Tintera drops readers right back into Clara’s story. I was just as engaged in and excited about Clara’s life as I was when I needed this sequel months ago because I finished All These Monsters. Clara and the other characters around her are so real and relatable that I forget they are only imaginary friends. I love Clara and her determination to succeed despite what she believes are her failures, and I love the support she gets from the family she has made for herself. I’m happy that I didn’t have to wait for another sequel to come out, but I’m devastated that the story is over. The mature content rating is for alcohol use, innuendo, and partial nudity; the violence rating is for blood and gore.
Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen

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I really enjoyed the first book in this series and couldn’t wait to delve back into this strange new world. Unfortunately, I just could not get into anything when it came to this book. The characters fell flat. The storyline never seemed to pick up. And the monsters were just blobs that kept popping up. I really lost interest after just the first couple of chapters and scanned a lot of this book. Some may find the fighting and angst interesting, but it wasn’t for me. Leaving as neutral review since I just didn’t read it fully.

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Last year I fell head over heels for All These Monsters and the scrabs that crawled their way into existence. The characters, monsters, action and theme depth were excellent. When I heard book two was releasing this summer, I knew I had to add it to my shelves and I am so thankful that HMH for Young Readers granted me an early access digital copy.

Book two had a different focus this round and though not all of it resonated with me like book one, I still enjoyed the conclusion of this duology.

The characters are back and the plot is focused on the relationships and connections of the team as they maneuver feral and trained scrab attacks. Our MC, Clara, learns and grows from past abusive relationships and family situations too. I liked the message that came with the closure of Clara's story so darn much! I think a lot of readers will be able to appreciate her struggles and successes in that area. This is truly a novel of closures for our characters in so many ways.

I personally would've liked more of the action and less of the romantic relationship in this one though. Call me a monster and action loving fiend. It's what sets book one a part from this one. However, younger readers will probably love the evolving chemistry surrounding Clara.

This was one of my most anticipated reads of the year and I'm thankful to HMH for Young Readers and Clarion Teen for the ability to read and review this novel for an honest review. Now to keep my eye out for The Q!!! Come on 2022!

True rating 3..5/5.

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I absolutely adored this series! The exploration of abuse and the recovery process is very important and done very well in this series. I love how these books are as much about fighting literal monsters as they are about fighting your personal monsters. Clara is one the strongest and most inspiring female characters I have read in a long time. Her arc is beautiful and realistic. A fantastic end to one of my favorite series!

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It was so good to read these back to back.

Clara is just as badass as always, perhaps even more. She’s more sure of herself and I enjoyed reading her find her place and settle into her skin. The rest of the team is delightful and I loved their dynamic.

Plot wise, it did seem a bit slower than book one. There were action scenes, but the story line felt more strategic. The build up was gentle, until it’s not and then all hell breaks loose. And it really worked. I especially loved getting the last few chapters and epilogue that helped to not only wrap up the story, but give enough of a future take to be satisfied.

Overall, I’ve really loved this group of characters and the story. I can’t wait to read Amy’s next idea.

**Huge thanks to the publisher for providing the arc free of charge**

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Immediately after I finished all these monsters, I knew I had to pick up the sequel. I was so excited to read All These Warriors, and my expectations were definitely surpassed, since I ended up liking it more than the first book. All These Warriors by Amy Tintera is a young adult science fiction novel which follows Clara and her friends on scrab fighting Team Seven, picking up where the first book wrapped up with the reveal of MDG's association with the scrabs and Julian's betrayal. Clara attempts to heal from her relationship with Julian, even as she continues to run into him while investigating MDG alongside Edan, Maddie, and the others.

All These Warriors is better than the previous book. The side characters are more fleshed out, more full of personality, and the deaths were significantly more impactful. Especially with the character of Dorsey. As with the previous book, All These Warriors also features a large and diverse cast. My favourite side characters were maddie, edan, and laurence. In addition, I like how this book put a lot of emphasis on Clara and Maddie's growing friendship, and it was given as much time to shine as the romantic subplot. As always, I love how Amy Tintera writes friendships. Speaking of romantic subplots, Clara and Edan were so adorable!! I really appreciated the slow development of their relationship from friends to lovers and how genuine their connection was. They didn't rush into a relationship, especially while Clara was still healing from her toxic relationship with Julian in the previous book. This gave her room to grow as an individual first and be able to heal on her own, instead of treating her problems as something to fix by a love interest.

Again, like in the previous book, I really appreciated in All These Warriors was that the teenagers actually feel like teenagers, both thru their dialogue and actions, not like twenty-somethings. And the characters, while capable of fighting, don't immediately get really badass after like one day of training and it actually takes time for them to grow and they make actually make mistakes and they aren't perfect. But the fight/action scenes themselves are interesting and well-written. Also, the worldbuilding is really expanded upon in all these warriors, and I like how team seven visits multiple locations and much more is revealed about the world. In addition, this duology does not have the typical syndrome of young adult books having a tragic backstory for every character in which their parents are all dead/missing/horrible. We are introduced to much more characters outside of the immediate team, including Maddie's mother, who really cares about her daughter and her friends and is a developed interesting character with an active role in the book.

I really loved All These Warriors, and the duology is a very compelling science fiction read. I highly recommend this book to sci-fi lovers, particularly those who are fans of Reboot by Amy Tintera.

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All these Warriors is book two of the Monsters Duology, so make sure that you read, All these Monsters to maximise your enjoyment (and understanding) of the title.

Clara and Team Seven return, bolder and ultimately stronger than ever in this title, which is even better than the first, so much so, that it left me feeling bereft when I finished reading the book.
Characters ‘face their demons’ in this title which leads to personal growth for Clara in particular and results in the downfall of the particularly despicable bad guy, who has no doubts that he should get want he wants, regardless of who is hurt.

I was left wishing that this was trilogy rather than a duology, but the ending was great as the major storyline was wrapped up and the story left the characters in a positive place.

With thanks to Netgalley and the publisher.

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This was one of my most anticipated and I love duologies from Amy Tintera! I was so happy with the way this one wrapped up and certainly can't wait to get a finished copy on my bookshelf!

I can't wait for whatever Amy shares with us readers next!

Thank you for the chance to read this one early!

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All These Warriors is the second and final installment in author Amy Tintera's All These Monsters duology. All These Warriors picks up just a little while after the events of the first book. 17-year-old Clara saw a chance to fight back. Fight back against her abusive father, fight back against the only life she’s ever known, and most of all, fight back against scrabs, the earth-dwelling monsters that are currently ravaging the world. So when an opportunity came for Clara to join an international monster-fighting squad, she jumped at the chance.

Clara and her Team Seven teammates, Maddie, Noah, Laila, Patrick, Dorsey, Priya and Edan are dealing with a tragic loss of their leader Grayson as well as the ongoing scrab threat. With Maddie now in charge, the team has set their sights at exposing the Monster Defense Group (MDG) for training scrabs as well as finding their secret base in the US which isn't supposed to exist. The story takes Clara and her friends from London, to NYC, to Texas. The unfortunate part of this series is Julian. Julian is everywhere trying to make Clara uncomfortable.

He makes her out to be the villain every possible chance he gets even though he actually killed a member of her team. Clara has read this abuse story before. After dealing with 17 years of abuse by her own father, and seeing the real Julian, why would anyone believe that Clara would fall apart and go running back to a mass murderer? Then there is Edan. Edan who wasn't a fan of Clara's once, but has been by her side when Julian tried to destroy her in the press. While Clara is terrified to date again, and her fears are justified, even when motion sick, tattooed, afraid of heights Edan is there, waiting.

The sad part is that there's not as much fighting as there was in the first installment. I am not saying there's no scrabs. I am just saying I kind of wished there was more scrabs, and less Julian. The positive is that Clara's proves her worth to her own brother who she actually grows closer to, as well as reaching a moment of clarity with her mother who never once defended Clara when her father was being abusive. For me, this was Clara growing up and becoming an adult and realizing she only needs positive people in her life and not those who bring her down.

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4/5 stars

Thank you to @clarionteen for the early review copy via netgalley!

I absolutely loved All These Monsters so I was really excited to read All These Warriors! We get a good amount of our favorite characters from team 7 in this sequel and they all grow quite a bit. Clara and team 7 is still reeling from the events involving Julian while still trying to finish what they started and take MDG down.

Overall I think this was an excellent duology and I loved both books. I do feel like All These Warriors focused a lot more on Julian than I expected and less on MDG and that bugged me a little bit. But I would Definitely still recommend.

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This second book in the duology is just as full of action and fighting monsters as the first one. This one however does look a bit more closely at the characters and at domestic abuse than the first one.

Clara is still our only narrator, but that is ok. She is reliable and a fun character to hang with. She still has trouble expressing her feelings and this often leaves her feeling frustrated. But on the plus side, this frustration helps her to start standing up for herself and making her feelings known to the others around her. Clara goes through a lot of growth in this one, and she still has far to go at the end.

All of team seven that survived book one are back. I loved them all, but would have liked to see a few of them a bit more. Maddie gets a bigger role and although her and Clara do become better friends, Maddie has to learn to listen to others and not be quite so controlling of everything, which she does by the end. I ended up liking Maddie much more in this book than the first one.

The slow burn romance between Clara and Edan continues and heats up in this book. I really like Edan and wanted things to work out between them from the start. Edan was always a much better choice. The romance was sweetly done.

Julian’s character was so intense in this book, and if I could have one wish, it would be to see some of this story from his point of view. Many of his choices in this book were just so irrational that it would have been interesting to see the thoughts behind them. He also stalks and harasses Clara which was handled well. The whole domestic abuse plot line between Clara and Julian was well done in both books.

The scrabs continue to be terrifying and the fight scenes with them gory and scary at times. We do find out a little bit more about where they came from and my one negative comment would be that this wasn’t explored enough in the plot. It was just sort of stated and then everyone moved on. The ending, while good and what I wanted, still sounded a bit too good. It also wrapped up pretty quickly in the last fifty pages. Evil was conquered and everyone lived happily ever after if you know what I mean.

Overall though this was a very satisfying ending to this series. It could have been a little bit more meaty, but I liked how everything was wrapped up in the end. This is a fast paced science fiction story that is all the more horrifying because it is set in a present day reality with present day issues explored.

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4 out of 5 stars (4 / 5) It was so fun to be back in this world! Book 1, All These Monsters, made my top 10 of last year. It was pure entertainment and I loved it! This was just a tiny bit shy of beating that one but I still loved every minute. I picked this one up early because sometimes you just need that escape, right? I needed a book to get lost in and forget about responsibilities for awhile. This definitely did that and I’m grateful.

We’re back with the same characters and same monsters but Julian takes on a new level of evil. Oh how I love the villains! He’s manipulative, backstabbing and oh so fun to read. There is more info about how the scrabs started and how long they’ve actually been around. It was fun, action-packed and had a bit more romance than the last one.

Clara (her name just doesn’t “fit” her, am I the only one who thinks this?) is still with the team and still fighting scrabs. They start out in the UK then head to Texas. The feel of the book remained the same and it kept me enthralled with scrab fights and team drama. I think because this is contemporary, the atmosphere hits harder because it feels more substantial. Yes, this book is SFF, but with it in our world today, it takes on such a great atmosphere of realism.

Content Summary: There are 8 F words with language throughout. Intimacy is low with little to no details (sex is implied once). Violence is high with monster attacks and teens fighting them. Some attacks have a bit more blood and gore detail but nothing too extreme.

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