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Debut author Alex Hughes is visiting us today as part of her blog tour for her new book, CLEAN. CLEAN is a dystopian thriller set in a future Atlanta where a telepath tries to stop a serial killer. Sounds great, no? Even more exciting is the fact that CLEAN is also the first book in the Mindspace Investigations series, so hopefully we'll be seeing a lot more of Alex in the future.

What I do when I’m not writing
A free-form pseudo-poem by Alex Hughes

Kibitz with other writers about moping.
Surf Amazon. Buy book.
Play Rock Band with Sam.
Kibitz with Sam about other writers’ amazing lives.
Get brilliant idea – head to keyboard at dead run.
Emerge from cocoon. It’s dark outside.
Get hungry.
Think about eating food.
Go to restaurant for yummy food.
Think about how to cook yummy food.
Get idea for story about chef.
Disappear into Internet.
Find out all sorts of cool murder details for new story. Chef knives!
Emerge from cocoon. It’s dark outside.
Reality television - Spike TV or Project Runway? Why not both?
Wake up. Head towards keyboard with coffee.
Emerge from cocoon. It’s light outside. Time to cook yummy food for Sam!
Sam’s still working.
Crockpot! Recipe books for Crockpot!
Chopping and cooking and seasoning. Happiness.
Call friend. See movie.
Come home to yummy food and Sam waiting.
Head to keyboard at dead run.

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