Member Reviews

If you are a fan of Orphan Black, this will definitely quench your OB thirst! This is the first episode of a podcast for the series. The Next Chapter is a continuation and a little fast forward of the characters. It was so fun to jump back into the story and find out what the clones and kids (now teens) have been up to. Thank you Netgalley and Serial Box for a copy in exchange for an honest review.

When I saw this ebook, I instantly snatched it up. Is it a book? Is it a podcast? Turns out it’s both. This ebook is the first episode of the Serial Box (now Realm) podcast Orphan Black The Next Chapter. All your fav characters are back, this time with a new twist. Leda wasn’t the only project experimenting all these years.
Not only are the clones back, but Charlotte and Kira are teenagers now, and they want to help in whatever the next chapter of their story will be. I don’t want to give too much away, but I’m hooked. Tatiana Maslany does a great job on all of the returning and new voices, and this print version of the first episode made me want to binge the entire podcast. Only three episodes left for me.
Pro tip, all of season 1 is now free on Realm, and if you grab the RSS feed link, you can listen in any podcast app.

I loved this book. The story is excellent, a comfortable extension of the show that ended after five too-short seasons. All of the humor is carried over, and the cast is larger, with the kids taking on greater roles. I highly recommend it.

An exciting continuation of the series, that feels just like watching it! Sometimes I did find it a little bit difficult to keep track of some of the characters, but I enjoyed it very much. I wanted to see more Alison and Sarah, but I realize as time has passed, this story is more about the younger clones, and the overall story of the clones in general. While the story did keep me engaged, it did lag at some points.
Great for fans of the series, anyone law would be hopelessly lost. Speaking of hope, I do hope there is more to come!

Because this isn’t a franchise with rigid rules, the authors can and do change the rules of the game, including some new clones, new sciencey virusy stuff (warning if you’re not ready for viruses right now), and even a fight over whether to go public, with Kira and Charlotte now the young women on the front lines seeking to make a better life for the sestras. It was fine though crowded with the need to get all the fan favorites back in (and I did appreciate Krystal’s cameo).

The Tv series was entirely addictive so I was very excited to have the opportunity to read an advanced copy through NetGalley. Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity. I loved this book too. The story didn’t disappoint. The authors start this next chapter several years after the TV series story ends. All the characters you love from the original (that lived) return. I love that the authors reintroduce the characters as the face common, everyday life struggles. But they also have a new enemy or enemies to face. I don’t want to include spoilers but there are twists and challenges to overcome once again but as a family now. Looking forward to the third chapter.

This didn't add a whole lot to the story, but it was still fun to revisit these characters after years apart. It felt really authentic and true to the original tone of the show and this made it really enjoyable. I would definitely recommend to any Orphan Black fans looking for more.

I received a copy of this book from Serial Box.
This book is an incredible continuation of one of my all time favorite sci-fi series. I found it very satisfying. It was obvious that a lot of care was taken to have character motivations make sense.
It's 12 parts each written by a different author.
The book takes place about 10 years after Beth Child's stepped in front yard f a train.
I am really excited for season two!

Unfortunately, this one was archived on NetGalley before I could read it even though I still had time remaining. I’m a huge Orphan Black fan and will be interested in reading it in the future.

I received a copy of this from NetGalley in return for an honest review.
Orphan Black was one of those shows that seemed like a needle in a haystack. It was utterly brilliant and even during rewatches I immensely enjoy myself. I was so excited when I saw there was a continuation to the series. As one of my favorite shows of all time, I was only hoping that the book as as good. And it WAS!!
I really liked the this book. Not only did I feel that the characterization was true to the originals, but the story was also good. It is really hard to write a review for this one since it will be nearly impossible for readers to pick this up unless they are already a part of the clone club. Since it does take place many years after the last season ended, if you didn't watch the show you will be severely confused. Each clones backstory isn't explained since you are expected to know who everyone is at the beginning.
The actual plot is fairly interesting as well, especially since Charlotte and Kira, who were children in the television series, take more of a central role and Sarah, who was the shows main character, takes a backseat. And of course you have Cosima, Sarah, and Helena take part as well. I did have a bit of trouble visualizing the story because there were a few times that I found myself saying "that doesn't seem like something [insert sestra here] would do".
Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this read and will definitely be checking out the audiobook as well, seeing as Tatiana Maslany herself is the narrator. I may even enjoy it more since just hearing her perfect the different sestra's voices will bring me back a lot of nostalgia.

A must read for a gone obsessed with this show. I still miss it and I’m glad this story lives within the written word.

Orphan Black: The Next Chapter
by Malka Older, Madeline Ashby, Mishell Baker, Heli Kennedy, E.C. Myers, and Lindsay Smith
Publisher: Serial Box
Genre: Mystery & Thrillers | Sci Fi & Fantasy
Release Date: September 12, 2019
OH MY GOODNESS!!!! This was insanely amazing!!!! It brought me right back into the series Orphan Black and it was so much better in print! I could hear each character in my mind, just like I was watching them on screen. I've missed this show!
Orphan Black: The Next Chapter is set about 10 years after the television series ends. It was so wonderful to read what they have been doing and where they are going. Kira and Charlotte play a much bigger role now. In true, Orphan Black fashion, the excitement kicks off right away and of course, the Clone Club finds themselves in the middle of it all.
This book is filled with so many twists and turns that I couldn't put it down! (I also never wanted it to end.) Did I mention that I absolutely loved this book?
Please, please, please publish more books!!!! I'm dying for Season 2! Also, I will be downloading the audio version because Tatiana Maslany resumes her roles!
I'm so grateful to Malka Older, Madeline Ashby, Mishell Baker, Heli Kennedy, E.C. Myers, & Lindsay Smith, Serial Box, and NetGalley for providing me with a free copy of this ARC ebook in exchange for my honest review.

This is an fascinating continuation that picks up some years after the conclusion of the television series.
Orphan Black is one of the handful of tv shows that truly changed my life. The premise was so ambitious, but somehow the production team and actors managed to pull it off. In the time since I first saw the show, I have discovered a deep and abiding love for weird fiction with odd storylines. It changed the way I view media and gave me a willingness to suspend my disbelief just a little bit further than I normally would whenever I give something new a try. Sometimes you’ll find some new that’s worth hearing about.
One of the highlights of this continuation is the fact that the formatting really allows Sarah to fade into the ensemble, rather than constantly being one of the most important driving forces for the plot. We start off with Cosima, Delphine, and Charlotte (Charlotte and Kira really shine here in a way that they couldn’t as children ). However, Charlotte has a dangerous preoccupation with making all clones go public while Kira on the other hand... falls into some high key stupid teenage rebellion that I could barely stand. She has complicated motivations, and she is trying her best to deal with the hand she’s been dealt, but after everything, I don’t think running away from home to join a sketchy genetics organization was even vaguely in the realm of good ideas. And that’s just where we meet her again! Now I get to spend the next 9 chapters (episodes?) worrying about how risky that was. She does so desperately want to be seen as an adult, in that truly confident way that all 17 year olds do.
I was glad to have a chance to take another step into this world—I suspect a little piece of my heart will always belong to clone club.
That being said, we do get some truly out-there coincidences and conspiracies in this one. My suspension of disbelief was hanging by some seriously precarious threads. I enjoyed reuniting with these characters even than I enjoyed the plot. Although, if I am going to read fiction about biological warfare and conspiracies to create genetically modified viral pandemics, 2020 was the year to do it. Perhaps it was good that I came to this continuation a year late.
As it stands, the text on its own makes for a pretty fun story, but I will definitely keep an eye out for the audiobook—I expect Tatiana Maslany’s narration adds a delightful layer to the ebook. (Edited to add: I checked the Serial Box website, and the first episode/chapter is available for free! Go, go now and listen. Tatiana Maslany is, predictably, a delight)
Thank you to NetGalley and Serial Box for approving my request for a review copy of this book!

This is the printed version of "Orphan Black: The Next Chapter" that has already been released as an audio series, narrated by Tatiana Maslany, on SerialBox. The story is excellent, a cozy and comfortable extension of the show that ended after five too-short seasons. All of the humor is carried over, and the cast is larger, with the kids taking on greater roles. Set several years after the show, Cosima and Delphine are married, Felix and Colin are common-law married, Kira is nearly grown-up, Helena is running her twins through wilderness survival training, and Art adopted Charlotte who is also grown-up. Those of the younger generation are stretching their boundaries, especially Kira under the watchful eye of her somewhat overprotective mom, and discovering their own roles in Clone Club. And, as one might expect, there are new clones, genetic science, secret government projects, spies, clone mix-ups, and plenty of mortal danger. This collection of stories, written in "exquisite corpse" style among a small group of fantastic sci-fi authors, feels just like a two- or three-episode epilogue to the amazing original series, and possibly the beginnings of a new stage in the adventure.

This novel picked up 10 years later, where we happily find our sestras settled into their lives. But suddenly, the secrets out and the Clone Club is back in action again, this time with an even more twisted storyline.
I will say I enjoyed the novel and it carried each clones tone nicely when switching between them in the novel. I loved the addition of Kira and Charlotte into the mix as young adults! I found Rachel’s piece short and puzzling and felt the ending was abrupt, but clearly means there’s more to come.