Member Reviews

Great thriller which kept me turning the pages well into the night. Great characters and plot. Highly recommend to others!!

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One of the creepiest books I've read but I just couldn't put it down. It is a psychological thriller at it’s best. If you can stand extra creepy then this one is defiantly for you!

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This was my first read from David Temple, but it will not be the last. Devour is a psychological thriller at it’s best. It is gruesome and will keep you coming back for more. It moves at an almost frantic pace, but the story does not suffer because of it. Deceit. Lies. Love. Friendship. Respect and diversity. All of these elements are there and more. There are plenty of twists and turns to keep you in engaged, and you will find yourself rooting for the characters. I thoroughly enjoyed this book. Thank you to NetGalley, the author and publisher for the opportunity to review this book!

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The 'good guys' - Michael Rogan, Master Chef, workaholic with a vibrant (no doubt expensive) restaurant close to San Francisco Bay, a daughter getting ready to go to university and a wife who works from time to time.

Versus the 'bad boy' a chief warden at San Quentin prison, where Michael's father was incarcerated.

Again, we had an abusive father situation which seems to be far too common in novels nowadays. This turned me off initially. Can't we have normal parents?

The book has some well written gory and violent scenes, with a sad ending. However, I feel the author could have done a little better with the geography of that part of San Francisco as I never knew how near or far the prison was to Michael's home and/or restaurant. Perhaps an American audience would have found it easier?

Overall, some good but not that enjoyable.

Thanks to Net Galley and 82 Mercer Publishing for the chance to read and review.

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Keeps the action pulsing with enough intrigue to make it hard to turn the virtual pages fast enough. Thoroughly fleshed-out characters you tend to either like or dislike with enthusiasm. A great bedtime read that'll keep you engaged till the very end. Highly recommended!

*This book was provided free of charge in exchange for my honest review. My thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for allowing me to participate in this program.*

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Master Chef Michael Rogan has everything he always wanted.. except he wants more. He's got a great wife and a daughter getting ready for college. But his family is not as happy as he is ... he's never home, always working. They'd rather have more of him and less of the 'things'.

Michael's father is serving time on Death Row for murdering Michael's mother. Coincidentally, the warden at the prison is an old Army buddy of Michael's. There's a chance the warden can get his father out of prison, but he wants something in exchange. Michael says NO!

If that's not enough to ruin Michael's day, his estranged brother, Scott, shows up looking for work. And then Scott is found dead in the restaurant’s freezer, with Michael's prized Chef's knife in his chest. Police want to believe Michael when he claims he was out of town, but facts say otherwise.

Where was Michael? Why did he lie? Is it like father -- like son? Is someone setting him up?

This was a slow starter for me. It was fine in that the backstory was much needed. It took forever (it seems) to get to the guts of the story. Once reached, it moved at a much brisker pace. I didn't much care for the characters. The prison warden, especially, was a sadist when it came to his prisoners and staff. Michael's relationship with his daughter feels a little off. Michael's wife was always coming and going for job .. she didn't seem too invested in her family. I did like Michael ... he has issues, but he's come a long, long way from the horrible childhood he had.

Many thanks to the author / 82 MERCER Publishing / Netgalley for the digital copy of this psychological/crime fiction. Read and reviewed voluntarily, opinions expressed here are unbiased and entirely my own.

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Definitely not a book for those of a nervous disposition. I wasn't sure what to make of it to be honest. Some characters were too dislikeable to be true....then again who knows. I think this is one of those books where you have to go with the flow and not delve into it too much, and if read in the right spirit I think it is a pretty good read in this genre.It won't be to everyone's taste though. An interesting,and original read I think.

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Devour is not for the faint of heart. I came close to giving it a pass about a third of the way through this offering. I liked the protagonist Master Chef Michael Rogan and his family. The antagonist, Fredrick Dalton, Warden of San Quentin Prison is truly vile. I didn't think he was believable not only because of his disgusting eating habits but also because he physically and emotionally abused his subordinates. I found it hard to believe a man who hits his employees could rise to the position of warden. His contempt for everyone he met was over the top. I cannot recommend this book.

I received an Advanced Reader's Copy from the publisher through NetGalley.The opinions expressed are entirely my own.
#Devour #NetGalley

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A suspenseful mystery and entertaining read. A chef enjoys an enviable life until he finds himself charged with murder. A riveting tale of how far one man will go to regain his life and prove his innocence. Thank you NetGalley for allowing me to review this book.

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Two distinctly different worlds - a wealthy family and a prisoner at San Quentin. What could they have in Common?

An entertaining story of connections. Although nothing as it seems...

Suspenseful and keeps you guessing to the very end!


Many Thanks to 85 Mercer Publishing & NetGalley for a great read!

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