Member Reviews

Due to a sudden, unexpected passing in the family a few years ago and another more recently and my subsequent (mental) health issues stemming from that, I was unable to download this book in time to review it before it was archived as I did not visit this site for several years after the bereavements. This meant I didn't read or venture onto netgalley for years as not only did it remind me of that person as they shared my passion for reading, but I also struggled to maintain interest in anything due to overwhelming depression. I was therefore unable to download this title in time and so I couldn't give a review as it wasn't successfully acquired before it was archived. The second issue that has happened with some of my other books is that I had them downloaded to one particular device and said device is now defunct, so I have no access to those books anymore, sadly.

This means I can't leave an accurate reflection of my feelings towards the book as I am unable to read it now and so I am leaving a message of explanation instead. I am now back to reading and reviewing full time as once considerable time had passed I have found that books have been helping me significantly in terms of my mindset and mental health - this was after having no interest in anything for quite a number of years after the passings. Anything requested and approved will be read and a review written and posted to Amazon (where I am a Hall of Famer & Top Reviewer), Goodreads (where I have several thousand friends and the same amount who follow my reviews) and Waterstones (or Barnes & Noble if the publisher is American based). Thank you for the opportunity and apologies for the inconvenience.

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I don't think I will ever be stress free because life happens sometimes and can't get away from certain situations some times. This book was short and straight forward to understand. I found it helped a bit and gave me some helpful tools to continue to use.

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Pocket Therapy is a very helpful guide. It has some informative information for people to handle stress. I thought it was well written.

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I have really enjoyed these books. Life can be super stressful as we all know! So this book is great for anyone. The tips and skills will be a great help!!

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Very helpful, and I think a bit more relatable than it's sibling "Pocket Therapy for Anxiety". Again, simple writing with good information and helpful tips

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This is a super fun read. I really enjoyed this one!

Many thanks to the author, the publisher, and Netgalley for my ARC. All opinions are my own.

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A great little pocket book on stress with some helpful tips, This has been written in a way where you can dip in and out if you are feeling particularly stressed and it doesn’t get too much. The style of writing is great and it doesn’t contain too much technical language which sometimes makes it difficult to concentrate on the points made.

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A handy book to have around. I like the fact that you are urged to keep some kind of journal whilst using this book. Very useful to have that as you can identify triggers and situations a lot easier.
I liked the clear definitions of the two types of stress plus what are the harmful effects of stress. They are explained in layperson's language making it simple for any one to understand and absorb.
The strategies are well explained and easily implemented.
I only wish I had read this book at least a year ago and could share some of these strategies and methods with a close family member.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for allowing me to read this book.

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Are you stressed? Then you should check out this book! We are all stressed, especially with the type of year we have had in 2020 so this book came out at exactly the right time. This book helps you understand stress and gives you tools to hopefully make your life less stressful.

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Wow! This book could not have come at a better time in history. The ability to manage your stress more effectively is such a valuable tool these days and the Pocket Therapy for Stress book makes it seem like an easy enough undertaking. The book provides practical tools and techniques to implement as well as links to references and quizzes to self-evaluate. The guidance is straightforward and helpful. Another book that would be a valuable resource well-beyond the initial read.

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This is a quick, easy-to-read book about the dangers of chronic stress and how to avoid them. Unlike many self-help books, it's full of exercises that help you turn the advice into action. That way, you won't forget everything you read a week later.

The book's website contains bonus content you can download, which is also useful. If you suffer from chronic stress and are willing to put in the work to improve things, this book is a good one to try.

Thanks, NetGalley, for the ARC I received.

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Who hasn’t dealt with stress in the months since March? If, instead of just soldiering on, you could use some techniques to get through the harder times, this book is worth a look. It is written by a highly credentialed professional who wants to help folks to cope better.

In her introduction the author notes that reducing stress makes room for a person’s creativity and spiritual growth, improves relationships and helps one to appreciate their body. She then offers ways to decrease the harmful impact of an overload of stress. Advice and techniques are offered in chapters that include “Use Flexible Coping Strategies; Get Into Your Body; Express Yourself and Stress Tool Kit.”

One of the many things that I liked about this book, it that it is interactive. It includes questionnaires and writing prompts. Time invested in this title should yield some results. So…cope better in 2021!

Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher. All opinions are my own.

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Even though this book is a pocketbook, you'll find a lot of information inside. It also covers themes like food and exercise. Pocket Therapy for Stress is a workbook also. As a part of therapy, you write exercises and answer questions in a notebook.

I like the format and design. Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this! All opinions are my own.

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'Pocket Therapy For Stress' is kind of a book that I will recommend to everyone. It's a short book with no-nonsense information and discusses all serious topics straight to the point. This book is for everyone for its very simple language and easy coping techniques that it offers. The author doesn't go into unnecessary details and throughout the book offers ten different strategies that can be helpful to tackle stressful situations.

With its practical explanation and intention to help its readers to understand the stress and its effects, this book is actually therapeutic if all those strategies mentioned in it can be implemented consistently. I already knew many of those stress management techniques but my favorite takeaway from this book was the concept of 'Mindful Eating'. It made me realize many things about myself that I was doing wrong and helped me to fix them.

There might be many books on stress management but this book will be my ultimate choice to read, I can just open it and read the techniques that work for me and work on them! I will recommend this book for its simplicity and effective approaches. You don't need to be in stress to read this book but you can just read it so when the time comes, you will be ready for whatever life may throw at you.

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This is a great little book bringing together the science and practical application of many ways to address stress in our lives. There are exercises and online resources throughout, and the many options provided allows the reader to pick and choose to use what works best for them.

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Lately I’ve been trying to get more into self-help books to see where I stand. Some people believe it’s a load of cr*p, some take great pleasure in reading them and it helps them quite a bit. I think I’m somewhere in the middle.

Pocket Therapy for Stress was the first of the Pocket Therapy books I ever read and I really enjoyed it!

I established a goal of reading at least 2 chapters a day and always try to keep the ideas and exercises in mind throughout the month. That was definitely a plus of this book: not only do we get the theory behind what we feel, and examples of possible causes for our stress, but we also get practical mind and body exercises that help us achieve our goals and bring a better balance to our lives.

Some of the exercises I was already familiar with, and some were new and interesting and I’ve been trying to implement them to my daily routine.

Another great addition is the mention of other resources outside the book that the reader can take a look at for a deeper understanding of what’s being said / for more information on specific matters that affect them the most.

Other than that I would just like to mention that it is just the right page count, not being overwhelming but still giving the reader a lot to think about. My favourite chapters were Use Food as Medicine and Connect with Others.

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I think it’s fair to say that we are living in ‘Interesting’ times, and that brings more than its fair share of extra stress on top of the existing pressures of modern life. Anything I could take from this little book was going to be a bonus!

Part self-help workbook, part straightforward tips and suggestions, the book is split into ten main areas. After ‘assessing your stress’, you can dip into ideas around using food (as medicine, rather than shovelling doughnuts in your mouth, alas! ;)), exercise, creativity, and reaching out to other people.

Perhaps the most important line in the whole book for me actually comes in the introduction: “stress is determined by how well you think you can cope.” I mean – wow! It’s easy enough to say that self-help books like this can’t really help when your house is on fire, but actually that line shows the entire approach: have some tools in your kit, and let them raise your confidence that whatever you face, you can cope.

Which isn’t to suggest at all that the rest of the book isn’t very worth reading! Indeed, it gives you the range of possible tools. Maybe some will work for you better than others, but give it a go. As the book says, it’s a ‘mind-body approach’, and I’d suggest that there’s as much benefit in recognising the skills you already have as there is in exploring the exercises and developing new ones.

If I have any complaints, it’s that the short and easy-to-read nature of the book does by definition skate over the surface of some topics. The food section, for instance, neglects to mention that stress can cause undereating as much as overeating, or that ‘fish oils’ and ‘lean meat’ aren’t going to be good suggestions for everyone. It also lost big marks from me by a rather one-sided viewpoint on the chapter on spirituality, imo.

Still, well worth the read, and I think if you can take anything – even a single tiny thing – that will help with the overwhelming stress of current life, then it’s very very worth it!

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Just like "Pocket Therapy for Anxiety" and "Pocket Therapy for Emotional Balance", this book is so interesting and complete! I'm very glad that I choose it - everything about it is so on point. It is extremely helpful to people like me who want to find ways to cope with. It teaches all sorts of things, even things you wouldn't think about that influence your stress levels. It is the best books about this matter. Rating: 4/5 stars.

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How frustrating is it to be told by all the different sources the things you must do to be successful in life? This book definitely does NOT do that. It instead takes an empathetic approach and gives bite size approaches and allows you to have kindness and patience with yourself when dealing with life. This is so necessary for everyone to read in life. I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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I love these little pocket sized self help books.I find them so useful and easy to read and follow for life's stressful momengs. This one is brilliant

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