Member Reviews

Unfortunately I was unable to download this book before the archive date, so I'm not able to leave a review. I look forward to reading and reviewing books by this author in the future.

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Unfortunately, this novel did not resonate with me. Although the premise is interesting (a long time professor at an elite boys school is accused of sexual assault--a charge he denies), the main characters were really unlikeable in my opinion. I found the husband to be a bit weak and unwittingly self-destructive, and the wife just came across as selfish and self-possessed. I did enjoy some of the minor characters, but the main ones made me smack my head a bit. Well written, but I found I just couldn't really connect. Thank you NetGalley and publishers for providing a digital ARC for review.

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This book was a good book overall. It did seem to move at a somewhat slower pace than I prefer but it was interesting and a good story.

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While this type of story has been done before, it is usually told from the victim's perspective and not the accused. It was interesting to read about how a teacher and his family had their lives upended over the assault charges. I liked how we experienced not only how it affected the life of the accused but also his wife and daughters. Much like the wife, the reader is left questioning whose story to believe and at the end we don't really get an definite answer. The trial and the dismissal of charges all happened rather abruptly, and I thought we would be in court for much longer. i also wish we had more of a conclusion with what became of Miles and Sophie's marriage.

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This gave me a lot to think about. Do you ever really know a person...are they capable of unspeakable crimes and you hadn't a clue? This story takes you on a journey of a long married couple and the rifts caused by accusations and half truths told. I was invested fully on the truth coming out...

Thank you Netgalley for this arc

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I received a copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review. Thank you NetGalley!

The cover of this book is simple overall.
The characters are well-developed. I found my opinion of main character Miles changing often. I won't say how I ended the book feeling about him.
The storyline was intriguing and something most of us have heard about from news stories and the such.
The writing style was mostly good, but at times, frustrating honestly.

I'd likely purchase a copy and check out other books by the author.

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I received a copy of this book to review on Netgalley. Thank you for the opportunity.
A gritty and deeply intricate story, perfect for those looking for a story with lots of twists and turns. The writing is ok but overly complex at times which makes the story a bit of a labour to get through.
An ok read.

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3.5 star rating. Miles is a long-standing teacher in a minor public school in Oxford and content with his life until the day he is summoned to the headmasters office. He and his wife Sophie then find themselves living in a dingy part of London whilst he attempts to clear his name. I liked how it was written, in a very engaging way, making the reader interested in Miles’s fate. The main characters were doormats, wimpish and self serving with no redeeming traits at all. Miles and Sophie were always procrastinating and never actually said what they really thought to anyone which started to be repetitive. And all through the book, did he do it or not? The way it just ended was a bit of a cop out for me, a sort of “what was all that about” feeling, which some people might like.

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Excellent fast moving novel. The subject was intriguing and one which is all too real and crops up from time to time in life. The two main characters were both as I would imagine a crusty classics school teacher and his matron wife to be who have lived many years in a sheltered environment.
Shocking circumstances caused them to leave their security and live in a part of London which particularly Miles could not settle. Sophie tried to make the best of it and settled more easily.
Looking at our own lives where we think we know those we live with… we or would we should a crime they might be accused of come to our lives. An intriguing thought!
The end was abrupt and left too many loose ends. I wanted to know more about what was ahead for their lives.

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I lost patience with this book very early on. I’m not giving the plot away ( well only up to the second chapter or so) but I don’t believe any wife would pack up and leave their home, travel to a house they have rented but not seen and all without any explanation from their husband a# to why they have to leave. I find it hard to even imagine where they would find a landlord willing to take them without any time for references either.
So that was just the start. The premise of the book was interesting but the elocution unrealistic and implausible.

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I couldn’t make it through this whole book. The plot was very intriguing but I just couldn’t get through the slow start and the narration style.

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This was an unexpected read as I didn’t read the description of the novel in advance and the book title didn’t give much away.

Sophie and Miles are an older married couple in their 50s/60s with twin grown up daughters that have just started university. They have spent their lives living onsite at a lodge at Fordingbury private school for boys where Miles teaches and Sophie is the school matron. Their lives are turned upside down when Miles is accused of sexually assaulting one of the students. This unravels the foundation in Sophie and Miles’ relationship and the reader, as well as Sophie, questions if Miles is capable of such a criminal offence.

The writing is understated, articulate and detailed. It matches the British setting of the book as it is set in Oxford and London, and it provides an intriguing slow burn to the narrative, which creeps up on the reader and is really enjoyable to read. The book weaves between the past and present so that we get a deep insight into Miles and Sophie’s lives, which brings the characters to life.

The subject matter is disturbing to read but is relevant (there is even a reference to Jimmy Savile in the novel). E J Pepper tackles this topic in a very sensitive manner and it feels quite realistic despite this being a fictional story.

Only downside is that I felt it ended a little abruptly but maybe it was intentional to leave the reader continue to ponder about how things turned out. I’m still thinking about it a week after reading it! Overall, I was pleasantly surprised with this read. I wanted to keep reading each page. Really enjoyable and engaging.

Thank you to Netgalley and Matador at Troubador Publishing Ltd for giving me the chance to read and review this book.

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Bit of a letdown, although premise was good. Ending left to interpretation, and this one needed closer.

Thanks to author, publisher and Netgalley for the chance to read this book. While I got the book for free, it had no bearing on the rating I gave it.

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FLIGHT PATH is an interesting read. Those of us with long marriages believe that we know, really know, our spouses. So if they were accused of a heinous crime, we like to think we would know if they were capable of being the perpetrator. But would we? And what would become of our lives in light of such accusation? FLGITH PATH examines the choices one woman makes when her husband is accused of sexually abusing one of his students. Pepper gives us a very realistic portrayal of how things could play out. Well-written and engaging.

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To say this book had me gripped from the begining, is an understatement! The biggest subject in this book is 'did he or didn't he'? Sophie is confused with him not be honest with her from the begining. There life has been turned upside down & the fall out is so difficult.
Loved the writing, loved the story line & the ending was so good. Recommended read.

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It is rare that I get so hooked in to reading a novel with such subtlety. However, it is the nuance with which Pepper details the effects of Miles’ sexual assault allegation that is one of the things that makes this story so compelling. I loved that much of the story was told from Miles’ point of view, as we come to question whether his version of the truth can be believed, just as Sophie does as the novel progresses. Whilst the ending frustrated me - I hate not knowing what happens - I liked that there wasn’t a forced, neat ending because life does not have a simple fix to complicated problems and this is something that is clear throughout the book.

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An intriguing story about a teacher at a privileged oxford school accused of sexual misconduct....the book centres around the family and court case. I did enjoy it but found the ending frustrating! I would have wanted to hear more!!! A good book though and one I enjoyed

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This book just didn't do the trick for me. I'm all for disturbing material but the writing style threw me off. And then the ending seemed like it was going to make this a higher rating but unfortunately I don't think it sufficed.
Thank you netgalley the author and the publisher for my copy in exchange for an honest review.

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This novel touches on the after-effects of an extremely painful subject, sexual misconduct. The repercussions for the accused and his family, as well as the hardships the accusing party has to go through, are what makes the story so realistic.

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Thanks to NetGalley and Troubador Publishing Ltd for this copy of Flight Path by E J Pepper.

This was an interesting read in a lot of ways and disappointing a lot of ways. Flight Path is the story of Miles and Sophie. Miles is a teacher at an established school for boys called Fordingbury and Sophie is his wife who also works at Fordingbury as an assistant matron. The story starts with thier abrupt departure from Fordingbury under a cloud of accusation against Miles. Things get very strained between them as the story progresses through their banishment from Fordingbury and the accusations against Miles produce real life consequences for them both.

The plot of Flight Path had many interesting twists that kept me interested and engrossed. I wish that plot was all that mattered but it isn't. I found the conversastions between characters to be stilted and hard to hear as realistic in my head. This is an English story, which I generally really enjoy, but this book read as very formal and was hard for me to enjoy. The characters seem particularly old-fashioned, even though this book is set in the present.

The pacing of the plot was also an issue for me. There was such a long lead up to the climax of the story and then the story just ends. There are so many loose ends when the book ends that I felt like I was missing the last quarter of the book. Quite a disappointing end to a very uneven read.

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