Member Reviews

This book starts off pulling your heart strings and continues throughout the story. Meg is such a likable lady and you can feel all of her emotions right from the beginning. And then there's Leander. Such a down to earth gentleman. I read this book in one day! That tells you it's a great book!!

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On Meg’s stepfather’s deathbed, he insists that she flee to London to seek the assistance of Mrs Bessie Dove-Lyon. With his death looming, he wants Meg to marry in order to avoid her inheritance going to his brother and vile son. The man chosen by her stepfather is Leander Thurston-Hunter (Leo), Viscount Amberley, or Leo who needs to marry quickly, if he is to save the family estate and his half-sisters. Yet Meg Upshaw’s stepfather is the man who left him permanently scarred so when they finally meet, Leo finds himself in a predicament. Either fall for his beautiful wife or give it only a year, as he has promised the owner of The Lyon’s Den.
Both Leo and Meg were such great characters, but I do wish that the characters were not so very young. Whilst Meg is naïve and vulnerable, her strength of character is made evident when she faces her uncle and nephew. Leo for all his talk, is an admirable man who protects Meg, from the very beginning despite his initial hesitancy towards the marriage. This is a fast-paced novella that is well delivered, highlighting the intense feelings between the two main characters. Another great addition to the Lyon’s Den series.
I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

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4.25 Stars
Faced with the devastating and impending loss of her stepfather and the all too real threat of unscrupulous relatives who would have her inheritance at any cost, Miss Margaret Upshaw flees to London. Her stepfather has tasked her to make her way to the Lyon’s Den to seek the assistance of Mrs. Bessie Dove-Lyon, the most scandalous matchmaker in all of London. Leander Thurston-Hunter, Viscount Amberley, or Leo as he prefers, is a man with a very particular problem that can only be solved with money. And as a nobleman, there’s only one way to get a lot of cash and get it quickly—you have to marry it. When Mrs. Dove-Lyon informs him that she’s made the perfect match for him, he’s not exactly thrilled, but certainly willing to do his duty to preserve his family’s standing. Meg’s family, the relatives who would have her fortune by any means, are the very ones responsible for the brutal events that nearly ended his life and left him permanently scarred.
A well written novella that I read in a sitting. It flowed very well & the characters had depth, I really liked both Leo & Meg who were attracted to each other from their first meeting but it wasn't insta love nor even insta lust but two people getting to know each other, Leo was caring & honourable & respected Meg for herself & her wishes. Meg was quite immature but grew up quickly. The villains were horrid & did get their comeuppance. I really liked the mix of intrigue & romance
My honest review is for a special copy I voluntarily read

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With the death of her beloved step-father being imminent, Meg Upshaw flees in the middle of the night to the notorious Mrs Bessie Dove-Lyon to arrange a marriage with a man deemed suitable by her father. The alternative is too dreadful to bear thinking about. Meeting Viscount Amberley should have been the answer to all her problems, but she has so many questions that she finds it difficult to trust Leo. He too questions Sir William Ashby's motives, especially given their history. All too soon after their marriage has taken place, Meg receives the news that Sir William has passed away and they return to the estate for his funeral. Coming face to face with his nemesis, Leo realises that he has believed a lie but the truth that presents itself is even more bone-chilling. In a race against time, Leo and Meg search for the information that will tell them the true nature of the problem they are facing, and it almost costs them their lives. Mrs Dove-Lyon never disappoints as she once again brings two people together in a match that whilst unconventional, is the one in which they are best suited. The novel is fairly short in length but certainly not in suspense or physical attraction. It is well written, a standalone and comes to a very happy conclusion. I received a copy of this book as a gift from NetGalley and this is my honest and voluntary review.

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Ms. Chasity Bowlin became a first-time author to this reader this year with her first book in the “Hellions Club” series which was just okay for me (3-Stars). So I decided to take a chance and requested to read “Fall of the Lyon: The Lyon’s Den” which really peaked my interest and was glad that I was given the opportunity to read this story.

The story begins with Leo, Viscount Amberley who is very strapped for money since his father squandered it away leaving him penniless with to half-sisters to raise as his stepmother deserted them. He believes he is not worthy of any woman but is honorable as a gentleman. Then we meet Lady Meg Upshaw who is taking care of her ailing stepfather on the brink of death who is keeping her out of the hands of her ill-reputed uncle and cousin who are out to get her inheritance. Roger and Neville do make good villains in the story.

With all that is going on in their lives, in steps Mrs. Dove-Lyon who owns the Lyons Den that is frequented by gamblers. She is also known for aligning men and women who in dire straits in marriages of convenience. At the request of her stepfather, Meg and Leo meet, marry and agree to the one-year compromise and await their fate with those who plot against them.

There are moments where your heart goes out for both characters, mystery, suspense, and twists that keep you transfixed to the story. I had a hard time putting down the book until it was finished. The book was fast paced and a short read that incorporated all the elements of a romance story…attraction, intimacy, love and HEA. I am not interested in knowing more about Mrs. Dove-Lyon and the matches that come out of the Lyon’s Den in this series.

Wonderful book and recommending this read by Chasity Bowlin and hope the Lyon series doesn’t disappoint.

Thank you Netgalley and Dragonblade Publishers for this ARC in exchange for my fair and honest review.

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When surrounded by evils, can their marriage move for the best ...

I confess I thought Margaret a bit missish at first, yet she is young and after being threatened for months, on her way to loose everything she had known, when Leo is a man quite cynical about the world, still he is honest and honorable.
Mrs Bowlin surprised me with this tale of coming of age as for sure Margaret has a lot of growing up to process in a short span of time.
She must marry to protect her wealth but also life then while mourning her stepfather’s passing, she must dodge every trap set for her by the villains of the tale. Her youth and inexperience set a target on her back, yet if rightly encouraged, she can find her own voice.
Luckily she is not alone, her new acquired husband is a kind soul, a bit jaded on the edges, but after the many betrayals he faced, who would not be. He is one to stand by her side and not belittle her nor her pain. I quite liked him, he is one to held Margaret’s hand and lent his shoulder in needed.

Mrs Bowlin concocted a fast paced read with so much occurring during a brief period. It is not a love at first sight tale, an attraction is there at the beginning but not enough to incite love. It is a feeling only time and action will grow.
4.5 stars

I was granted an advance copy by the publisher Dragonblade Publishing, here is my true and unbiased opinion.

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Chasity Bowlin has done it again with Fall of the Lyon. In this story, Margaret "Meg" Upshaw's stepfather sends her to London to seek out Mrs. Bessie Dove-Lyon at the Lyon's Den for assistance with finding an advantageous match. Her stepfather is dying and her uncle plans to wed her to her unscrupulous cousin. Mrs. Dove-Lyon matches Meg to Leander "Leo" Thurston-Hunter, Viscount Amberley, who is in desperate need of money. Meg finds that Leo and her uncle have a history together when they return to her home for her stepfather's funeral. Mrs. Bowlin has a way of drawing you in and making you feel a part of the story. This is definitely a must-read book!

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A good short read!
Meg and Leo both need a spouse! Meg wants the stability of having a husband, and so that her family members can not steal her inheritance. Leo is raising his sisters and needs money to make sure the family name is still in good standing. Both of them weren't really looking for love, they were looking for a means to an end that would help both of their situations. So, when Mrs. Dove-Lyon helps them organize a quick and easy wedding and they take the help.
Meg and Leo will have to work together to maintain their happiness ever after even when Meg's Uncle and Cousin are trying to hold on to family secrets and they want Meg's inheritance.
I really enjoyed this story. There are a few laughs, lots of love, suspense and mystery. This is a fast read and it was sooo great! Roger and Neville are so horrible and they will stop at nothing because they want the money, even after they learn that Meg is married. This is a quick paced read, and the story moves at a fast rate and its sooo good! I definitely recommend!

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Incredibly addictive, I love this book.

Leo is broke and desperately needs money to provide for himself and his two half sisters. Meg is on the verge of a terrible fate planned out by her evil uncle and cousin and her step father is the only one standing in their way. But not for long, he's ill and close to dying so Meg needs to marry quickly to escape their clutches.

In comes Mrs Dove-Lyon who arranges this marriage of convenience in a gambling den called the Lyon which Leo seems to frequent. Meg is a little reluctant at first but Leo is definitely the better option so she agrees to marry him. The marriage happens the very next day and it's not exactly smooth sailing from then on, but they do come around to like each other.

Meg's awful uncle Roger and his disgusting son Neville are so horrible but they make good villains. They're still after Meg even when they learn that she's married. I won't spoil it, but justice does get served at the end.

The book is very fast paced but it flows well together, I have no complaints. The characters (minus Roger and Neville obviously) are very likable. I haven't read this series before but I'll have to now, I'm invested. Mrs Dove-Lyon is especially intriguing.

I do wish it was longer though, it's too good to be this short.

I'll definitely be recommending this book to everyone who likes Regency romances, it's one of the best I've read.


*Huge thank you to the publishers and NetGalley for providing me with an e-ARC in exchange for an honest review*

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I cannot say enough good things about Mrs. Dove-Lyon and her lovely Lyon's Den. If it were real, sign me up! Margaret and Leo are just two more successful matches that the lady herself has set up. When the two face adversity they work together to solve it. Readers will love this book and this series.

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I honestly was not expecting very much. I mean, I really enjoyed the first book, but the following weren't as good. The story lines were a little forced into the situation. So, with some trepidation, I started this book. I was captivated. This book was as good of an experience as the first one, which I loved.
The hero is so broke, he is going to have problems putting a roof over the head of his family next month. Luckily, Mrs. Dove-Lyon has a solution. The hero has already decided that he must marry for money, and thank God he is an aristocrat so he can tempt a rich wife. But unbeknownst to him, a man from his past has offered his step-daughter in exchange for money and all of the man's antiques, but not the home. It is entailed to go to a distant relative. So when he hears who the step father is, he is concerned, but willing to consider. Once he hears who the heroine is running away from, he capitulated. The heroine has had to run away from her evil uncle and his son, while her beloved step father is breathing his last breaths. They contract the marriage and go through with the ceremony. The hero has married the step child of the man who beat him almost to death and stole a very valuable antique jewelry set from him about 10 years earlier. So, the spoilers stop here, but not the intrigue, romance or action. This story was one of those books that when you finished it and put it down, you felt like you were on a roller coaster for a while. I was immerse myself into the story. There was character development and there was a relationship between the characters. The story was continuous and free of slow moments or strange story lines. The spelling and grammar were correct for the most part. I give this books 5 stars and recommend reading.

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4.5 stars

A Good story, part of Lyon connected World. Meg is desperatly upset as her beloved step father is dying. Her villainous uncle and cousin are relishing getting their hands on the father's money and abusing her. Meg's step father arranges for her to go to the Lyon, a gambling den, to meet a man who will marry her and thus protect both her and her fortune. Leo has been badly abused by a man he believes to be the saintly step father, but as he needs the money and as he's confused as to why the man should help him agrees. It's an engaging story and is standalone in that you don't have to have read any of the other stories. I'm pleased to recommend this story as I think you'll enjoy it!

Many thanks to Dragonblade for this book: I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own

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Miss Margaret Upshaw is devoted to her stepfather, but as he is close to death, she will soon be in grave danger. His half-brother has a huge financial reason to control her.
Leander Thurston-Hunter, Viscount Amberly needs to marry an heiress and quickly. His father left him with nothing except two young half sisters to provide for. Their mother has already taken off for greener pastures. A call from the owner of The Lyon's Den could be the answer to his woes.
This is a very entertaining historical romance with danger and a mystery for our characters to work through. There are particularly nasty villains and hidden treasure.
Very good fun.

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This is my fair and honest review, voluntarily given and in my own words, for this ARC. Seriously, this is such a very different series with multidimensional and quirky characters. I love it every time a new one comes out. Just can't wait to read about the next misfits.

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Inrtigue, deception and finding love. This book is so good. It is a different kind of story that grips you from the first. At first impression, I wasn't impressed with the kind of man Leander Thurston-Hunter, Viscount Amberley is at all. If Bessie has to force a very lengthy promise out of him he must not have a good reputation. I was real concerned for Miss Margaret Upshaw and I didn't think her circumstances could get much worse. But there is always hope for man to change his ways and Meg is the one to do it.

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Chastity Bowlin never fails to deliver a romance that balances mystery and love and passion.

The hero is an impoverished noble seeking a wealthy bride. The heroine is an orphan who just lost her stepfather and is avoiding her evil uncle and cousin, Her stepfather made arrangements for her to wed the hero due to a history that the stepfather and his family has with the hero and that is part of the major twist in the story which I enjoyed reading. The hero got attracted by the beauty, innocence and character of the heroine. The heroine also fell in love with the hero and his sense of honor and protectiveness. It was really sweet. The lovemaking scenes are tame. But the journey to the HEA is an adventure that had me rooting for them and wanting comeuppance on the evil villains. And of course there is an epilogue which seals the HEA.

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Mrs Dove Lyon receives a request from a dying friend, one she can not help but fulfil.

In doing so she draws together two very different people, though both of them need each other to make sure their lives continue in a more settled fashion.

He needs her for money after inheriting an impoverished estate.
She needs him to keep her alive.
A couple of really good baddies in this book too .

Chasity has gone all out with this, and I loved it , brilliant characters and addictive story too.

I received an Arc copy of this book and chose to post this review

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This book is rather good. This is the first book I have read by Ms. Bowlin but wont be the last. The book was fast paced and very interesting; however, it wasn't rushed.

The characters are easy to love. Leo is a good man who has fallen on hard times, but he is also a man who will take over the care of his two younger half sisters with open arms. I love it when a man loves the children in his life. Meg is a strong young lady running from a terrible uncle and cousin, but thankfully her stepfather loved her like she was his own and got her the help she needed.

I would recommend this book to anyone looking for a great historical romance.

I received a copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Chastity Bowlin has written an excellent book. The addition to the series is stunning. I really liked this book. The plot was good. The characters were personable. I hope everyone reads this as it's an engaging book.

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The MatchMaker has done it again! The Notorious Lyon’s Den is yet the scene of another couple engaged in the meeting of connecting their souls! Bessie Dove-Lyon, the famous proprietor whether she has a true hand in the actual bringing together the two individuals, she always walks away with a full purse!🤣

Meg is faced with a terrible loss and greedy Evil relatives waiting in the wings. Leo has had to endure a long frustrating journey of disdain from a loveless family. His title has come with limited resources and two young half-sisters literally dropped by a philandering step-mother after the death of his father.
To put the icing on the cake, he is to discover that Meg’s loss is the man he believes put the bullet in his hip and stole some valuable things that meant a great deal to him and could set his estate flush. He is in a quandary at first about marrying her, but he has no alternative and the two of them need to face their own future.
This is where the book gets interesting! No spoiler from me! I love the Lyon’s Den Series and each of the guest authors have all done a wonderful job in keeping the theme of the storyline interesting and enjoyable!

Thank you to the authors and publishers who work diligently for us the readers.

I received an advanced copy from NetGalley and these are my willingly given thoughts and opinions.

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