Member Reviews

We all know Ree Drummond persona as a chef and entrepreneur but not so much as Ree Drummond the woman, and that is what this book is about and what attracted me to read it.
Unfortunately for me the book felt more like a blog than an actual book, the chapters were too long and and some felt like a more thorough editing was necessary. And what i didn't like is that she never called her husband by name and only as Marlboro Man.
Don't get me wrong, I still enjoyed learning her life story but a little more editing would have been better for this book.

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Oh wow… I don’t know where to begin really with this one. It’s more like 2.5 stars first off.

1) It’s a cute love story and that fact that it’s true was fun.

1) her narration of her brother is beyond offensive. She doesn’t get a pass because it’s her brother. The voice that she used for him in the audiobook made me uneasy and cringe most of the time. Poor Mike.
2) she is a bit self-absorbed. I’m glad she found someone to give her the attention that she so desperately craved.

I don’t know if I can conscientiously recommend this one… maybe if there are good recipes in it and maybe if you actually read the book and not the audio.

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Ree Drummond's memoir reads just like a romance novel. I had to keep reminding myself that it wasn't fiction. I especially enjoyed several of her anecdotes that reminded me of incidents in my own family's life. Can't wait to read the author's continuing story in Frontier Follies! Thanks to NetGalley, BookClubGirl and William Morrow for a copy to read and review.

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At just over 300 pages, this book was a quick read but the chapters seemed long. Most (if not all) of the book is taken up by Ree meeting "Marlboro Man" (why didn't she just call him Ladd??), dating, marriage, and her pregnancy with their first child.

Ree seemed like a sharp cookie, but a little too naive. She didn't know what a backhoe was? She wondered if going into labor would hurt and what it would do to her figure? I love to watch her cook, but the writing here is just a little too choppy and juvenile. Maybe it's better on her blog?

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I’m a big Pioneer Woman fan, and I really liked this book. I felt like I was sitting at her kitchen island as she told the story of how she met her husband, got married, and had her first child. I could actually picture her stumbles and panic attacks. She’s hilariously human and honest!

Thank you #BookClubGirl #Netgalley #ThePioneerWoman and #WilliamMorrow for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

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I missed this book when it first came around, so I was glad when Book Club Girl highlighted it years later. Solid story that kept me turning pages.

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I love Ree Drummond and her delicious recipies so this book sounded interesting to me. Ree vividly portrayed her love for her husband (it annoyed me that she didn’t call her husband by name) but she spent an absurd amount of time reiterating it as if she needed to prove it to us. She does come across very hard on herself. This book read more like a blog to me than a novel but it was an easy enjoyable read. Ree shows how “real” real life really is in this book.

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I know I’m out of the loop when it comes to Ree Drummond - she has a huge following! I do love some of her products - very pretty esthetic. That being said I’ve never watched her shows or followed her on social media but was interested in her backstory so I have this a try.

I found this book to be a sweet love story but too long and with too much extraneous detail. It’s easy enough to say you took a pregnancy test vs lengthy detail that includes describing using the “urine collection cup and wiping it with a paper towel before handing it over to the nurse”. I think there should’ve been quite a bit more editing because this book really was too long. Seems like the author was afraid she wouldn’t have enough content so she overwhelmed it with detail. Just telling the story as a shorter one would’ve been sweeter in my opinion.

While the details of her wedding were beautiful I thought it was again overdone. I can’t recall my own wedding with enough detail to recall what prayers and hymns were included let alone restate the indiv passages, or feel that it bolsters the story of my wedding to do so when talking about it. It would’ve been enough to just reference those details rather then add them verbatim, or if you were going to do that to maybe accentuate it with why and how that applies to you, your love, your story.

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Some parts of this memoir were laugh out loud funny. Others made me cringe or roll my eyes. Yes, I get it you think your husband is sexy, and I’m happy for you, but I didn’t want to keep reading about it. Overall, I did like the story. Easily relatable, makes her seem like a normal down to earth person.

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If you love Ree Drummond and her family, have watched any of her cooking shows -- whether you're a diehard fan or casually observing, like me -- this book will make you fall in love with her all over again. I love Ree's wit and humor throughout the telling of the story. It gave me an understanding of where Ree came from, what she and her husband are about and how they set the foundation for a beautiful marriage and beautiful life together. It helps me have a greater appreciation for where they are today. They're not perfect people, and that's what makes them so relatable. It makes my heart smile to see what the combined powers of love, family, commitment, hard work, faith and joy can produce as the years unfold. May God continue to richly bless you, Drummond family.

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I enjoyed this lively autobiography by Ree Drummond, also known as the Pioneer Woman. It details her life as a privileged city girl who falls for a rancher, marries him and moves to the country. Reading Ree’s book is like sitting on her porch for a chat with a cup of coffee and a delicious treat she has prepared. If you enjoy her blog or show on Food Network this will be a deeper look into her live story with Marlboro Man.

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This was a fascinating look into the lif elf a food blogger. I’ve enjoyed her on Tv and it was nice to see her stories in print as well.

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Nice to read some back story to the craziness that is the pioneer woman. I’m a big fan of her housewares and didn’t know much about her.

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The Pioneer Woman by Ree Drummond is a memoir based on the courtship and early marriage of her and her "Marlboro Man." It originally appeared on he blog in chapters and was later compiled into this absolutely lovely book. I don't typically read non-fiction and I truthfully though this was fiction until I finished the book and looked into Ree Drummond. I had never heard of the Pioneer Woman and the book is not fictionalized. She has an amazing writing style and her "voice" is strong. It is a very fun tale of a young woman leaving her college life behind in California to return home to Oklahoma convinced that city life is for her. She plans to relocate to Chicago, maybe go to law school. She procrastinates. She meets a cowboy in a bar one night and is immediately drawn to him. She expects to hear from him the next day, or the next weeks, or maybe the next month. She doesn't hear from him until four months later.

Ree is a fabulous storyteller. She related changes in her life, huge changes, to support her decisions. The biggest decision is postponing Chicago so she can be with her "Marlboro Man." At the same time her parent's marriage is falling apart. It is like you are inside Ree's body, feeling all she is feeling, and all she is seeing. We know "Marlboro Man" is not perfect. He's just a man. But not to Ree, and she communicates all that perfection and more. This is the most fun book I've read in a while. The Pioneer Woman has a new fan!

I was invited to read a free ARC of The Pioneer Woman by Netgalley. All opinions contained herein are solely my own. #netgalley #thepioneerwoman

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Ree Drummond provides a hilarious description of her life with her cattle rancher husband from the day they met until the birth of their first child. She makes the reader think about how life very rarely turns out the way we planned. Yet, the beauty is in the small surprises.

Super entertaining read.

Thank you #BookClubGirl #Netgalley and #WilliamMorrow for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

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I admit that I am going to be overly generous on this review because my mother was such a fan of the Pioneer Woman cooking show. She loved watching Ree Drummond and hearing about her life on the cattle farm with the Marlboro Man. I was excited to read this to get a better background on the popular celebrity. This book is entertaining, but would have benefitted from more honest feedback from editor or friends. What are the best parts of the story? What do your fans need to know to better understand you? Which details (and adjectives, for the love of God) can you leave out? I would honestly only recommend this book to true fans of the show. If I was giving a gift I would be much more likely to buy one of her cookbook's and encourage friends and family to follow her blog. I would be hesitant to buy her newest book, Frontier Follies, but I will be watching the reviews. I would absolutely love to watch the Hallmark movie version of her love story. Thank you to #netgalley for my advanced copy of this book.

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The story of Pioneer Woman's courtship and early days of marriage to her rancher husband. She tells how this city gal had to learn to cope with isolated ranch life and wooing a cowboy. Recipes included

I never jumped on the Pioneer Woman bandwagon but really enjoyed this book. It is full on raw emotion and comic tales. Ree didn't hold back. A few enjoyable read

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This book is a delight from start to finish. The sweet and funny love story of how Ree met her Marlboro Man and completely flipped her life upside down will have you both laughing and crying - sometimes at the same time. I highly recommend!

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I thoroughly enjoyed Ree's authenticity. She keeps it real, which is refreshing. Her descriptions could put a seasoned biographer out of business. I'm looking forward to her next installment.

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I really had high hopes for this book. I enjoyed the Marlboro Man character, but felt that he was portrayed as having no flaws, while Ree seemed like a super flighty young girl. And there were a lot of cliche lines and events.

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