Member Reviews

Another knock it out of the part book in this series that I am so enjoying. Even though these books are standalones it is always great to see the recurring characters who are just normal people and fangirl just like the rest of us (when Sydney and Cassie meet London for the first time).

Thanks to a horrific attack from an ex boyfriend that left her scarred for life inside and out London has gone from being a world famous model to a recluse who is building a career in music but refuses to tour. Knox is an up and coming actor in Hollywood who has just lost his mentor and job at the same time when writer Agnes Whitten dies and her will stipulates that there will be no more movies featuring Knox's on-screen character Seth Walker.

Knox and London meet accidentally when his dog crashes into her table at a cafe and the two of them hit it off immediately and kicked off a wonderful romantic story of two people with painful pasts coming together to make a bright future together. Fate has a huge hand in a lot of the story as does the support of their new circle of friends and for the first time both them no longer feel alone. Unfortunately despite the help they still have to lay to rest their pasts that still haunt them.

You will cry and swoon at this wonderful story and become totally invested in these characters. It is hot, steamy and just what you need to smile and chase away the blues. A five star read again!!

Thank you to Alexa and Netgalley for the free copy to review.

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Trust can be a big issue for couples, but once given it can be a cornerstone to a great relationship. London & Knox have giant trust issues and they have to discover a way to either break down those barriers or their hearts will never survive.

The author takes us on a emotional journey of two very difficult situations that are definitely a part of our society. It is sad that both carry such major drama , opinions and, emotions. She does an exceptional job with the growth with each character that you visualize their process!

I truly appreciated and enjoyed this book!

Thank you to the authors and publishers who work diligently for us the readers.

I received an advanced copy from NetGalley and these are my willingly given thoughts and opinions.

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Unexpectedly, but I really enjoyed reading this book. Romance between celebrities in Hollywood is not something new in the literature, but I liked that there was little fuss, the glamor of celebrities was not particularly emphasized in the books here, they were more presented here as persons, as many other character from the neighborhood. Although it  the third book in the series, I have not read the previous ones and that was not a problem for me at all. It is completely stand-alone book.

London, our heroine is far from a perfect girl, once with brilliant future and perfect life, only to be destroyed, attacked in the most brutal way in the past, a true survivor, manages to heal and eliminate her physical scars, but is that the same case with those who are not visible from the outside? She lives somewhere on the margins of what can be called life, alone in this world full of people, without a friend, without a lover, without anyone who could help her easily carry the burden of the past. She has her father, but he's far away. We watch as she slowly starts to wake up from her idle state, and fights to overcome the obstacles, fights against herself to overcome her issues that separate her from the world.

And she meets him, Knox, our hero,  the well-known actor, the one who steals women's hearts and a sighs wherever he appears. One touch, one kiss and magic was created ..... they connect their solitary lives with only one precipitated invitation from her side ... something I honestly don't know how to interpret, a victim of such violence, invites a man to stay at her house the first time she meets him. It doesn't add up....

But the shortcomings and mistakes exist even in perfection, however they were not so serious so they could not be ignored, and the content was still interesting enough to hold my attention. 

The style of writing as well as the story is enough to keep you turning the pages, the characters are thoroughly presented, a true feeling of the characters.

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Hollywood Player is the third book in Alexa Aston's Hollywood Name Game series, but it can easily be read as a stand-alone as it features two completely new characters in London and Knox. However, some secondary characters will be familiar to anyone who has read either or both of the previous stories. And it was certainly an engaging romance that had a pleasing mix of sweetness, heat and angst. Not to mention a little drama as an ex, an absent parent, and a determined member of the film crew all appear to cause trouble for London and Knox. And I did enjoy it, even if I did find it a little slow paced. But overall it was a very satisfying and easy read, that I would happily recommend to others.

**I was kindly provided with an ARC in exchange for an honest review**

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I didn’t like most of this book. I understand creative license but a totally impossible fairytale, just no.
The characters didn’t have much depth. The storyline was lacking. The author never really followed through with her main plots. . She rushed through each section of the story. It was if she tried to cram too many ideas into one book instead of writing fewer sub-plots she should have concentrated on 2 or 3 of the main plot and characters.
A glaring example is the story of her ex who mutilated her. She mentioned him throughout the book but when it came down to him coming after her it was anti-climatic. I didn’t count how few pages were given to the attack but it wasn’t many and she came out of apparently not traumatized at all.
Then the author jumps to the end of the book where London is becoming a U. S. Citizen. Something I had totally forgotten about because once again the sub-plot was under developed.
And finally to add insult to injury we hear about how London’s life has changed so much in a year.
She found a group of influential friends by accident. She met and tamed the playboy actor with just one look. Her music, which seemed to jump from one genre to another we’re all big hits. Especially her baby lullabies. Really?! She got married, with no mention of the wedding to her soul mate, except for a couple of lines in the epilogue and then the cliche pregnancy. She was one busy girl for one year.
Wouldn’t recommend to anyone. No meat to plot. Lack of character development.

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Oh my goodness I loved this book!

Knox and London are the best couple! The book starts out going 100 mph with a scene that will leave you shaking. I had to walk away from the book a couple of times because my emotions were so raw. I will say that this book had almost too many subplots going on, but the did all work together to bring os the complete buildup between these two. I really enjoyed both of the first books in this series and this one had a lot to live up to. It not only matched the first two, it is my favorite one! While I was gifted an advanced copy of this book for review (thank you, I don’t think I could have waited until September to read) I have already preordered a copy for myself because this book is just that good that I want to add it to my to be reread folder!

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It's a series with quite a few lovely Hollywood couples and friends. Once you start you fall in love with these nice people but there are a lot of characters.
. It has a horrible attack for the start. The author write this section pretty realistic.
We root for London in LA as she starts her music career. The book gets a bit fanciful at times. It's hard to believe London falls into LA life so brilliantly but just remember the start of the book and you're rooting for her despite her insecurities.

Nice read. 3.5 stars.

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I was really iffy about this book but it was really good! I definitely enjoyed reading this one! It had intrigue, a little suspense, and the storyline flowed smoothly! It was a very interesting read! I definitely recommend reading this book! Thank you NetGalley and the publishers for sharing this book with me!

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I enjoyed reading, Hollywood Player. What I enjoyed the most was catching up with the characters from books 1 and 2. It was kind of like a friend reunion while reading this book.

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Hollywood Player by Alexa Aston a five-star read that is music to your ears. This is number three in the Hollywood Name Game series and they really can be read as stand-alone, but I have loved them as a series and loved seeing them become secondary characters in each other stories its added to the depth of the stories and just makes the whole series pop. I am sure that once this one is complete it will be one that I will drop in and out of, picking up whomever I am in the mood for. This one was music to my ears, watching London Russell as she goes from scared recluse afraid of the light, to become a beautiful strong butterfly. Who knew a couple of the most adorable meet cutes would make life so different. When you throw in Knox Monroe who seems to strong on the surface, but has so many cracks underneath, it just makes a gripping story that you cant put down and one that you will adore. Now pick yup this amazing story and listen to the beautiful story.

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