Member Reviews

Thought provoking read… I took my time going through the entries and thoroughly enjoyed them this way.

I got so excited to read this book simply from looking at the cover and knowing that it was a collection of short stories, which was exactly what I was in the mood for when I requested this book. But this was not an easy of enjoyable read for me.
This could be more about the format of the book than the book itself, with it having a unique idea. The first section of the book includes pictures and quotes that each of the short stories are kind of based on, but with me reading it as an ebook, it was difficult for me to connect these quotes and stories as they were blocked together in the different sections, making it difficult to connect them. If I read this as a physical experience then I possibly would have enjoyed it more as it would have been so much easier for me to flip back and fore in the book, to match all this together and being able to enjoy this aspect of the book. There was also annotations included, which as an E-read, made it difficult to enjoy as they started to interrupt the story I was reading and losing track of where I was.
This had so much potential and also has so many great reviews, but it just wasn’t for me. But, that doesn’t mean that I’m not tempted to buy the actual physical book and give it another try and see if it was the reading format that spoiled this collection for me, because I still love the idea behind it.

I received a copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review. Thank you NetGalley!
The cover of this book is eye-catching.
The book itself was just okay.. it was definitely missing something.. I just dont' know what exactly.

The Outsiders Mind by Sean Aeon sends you on a journey to places you have only briefly ever thought about or never even knew existed.
This series of quotes and short stories probe into the minds of creatures and humans in a fantastic blend of sci-fi and psychoanalysis. Aeon explores abstract ideas such as time travel or the psychology of bees and takes them to a deeper level and makes you question everything you've ever assumed or pondered about. A captivating collection which delivered a novel reading experience.

I was so interested in reading this book because the conceptual nature really grabbed me. But I kept having to force myself to read it. There were stories with in that I still think about but for the most part it didn't grip me like how I had hoped. I do want to say that for the most part I usually do not like short story collections, so that could also be a factor in my rating. The format was a big turn off for me as well. There were pages of quotes from the stories before them and I understand that the author wanted them to be where a reader could find something that interested them and then read the story, but it just didn't work for me. Especially in a digital format. I would be interested in maybe checking out things the author puts out in the future.

***Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review***
I enjoyed the short stories and was intrigued by the subject matter,

If you are looking for the weirdest collection of short stories, you have come to the right place. These stories are magical, horrific, real and unreal at the same time. These stories are a fictional cocktail of genres. Hence the book cover art. Its good and it’ll take your mind off things and will put unrealistic things into your mind!! Many people didn’t like this, but I thought the stories were exceptional and they were an easy favourite!
Thank you BooksGoSocial and Netgalley for this arc in exchange for an honest opinion.

i really enjoyed the short stories and getting to see the inspiration to all of them. It was a great read and I enjoyed going through this.

I would have loved to have read this but had downloading issues, despite multiple attempts. The publisher's pages at the beginning and end came through but the actual book content in between was missing. I'm going to rate it 4 stars based on the description and other work by this author that I enjoyed.

I ended up DNFing this book. First, there is an issue with the formatting in many of stories and I honestly cant see the text, either because its shrunken so small that its not visible or because words overlap each other. What I could manage to reads like someone just talking for the sake of talking. There is no real thought, point, or purpose they're just saying words. Usually the same words .. over and over.

The first thing that had me pick this book was the cover. Such an alluring cover it is!
Next, it promised to be "weirdest, deepest, and most oddly-perceptive fictional book of short stories you’ll ever read" and honestly, it lived up to it.
This book starts with quotes and philosophical analysis followed by short stories. I absolutely loved the structure and design of it! Being a fan of philosophy fan, it was very interesting to find all the different genres like horror and fantasy weaved together with it.
It features several various ideas and concepts from magical realism, fantastical world and sci-fi universe such as zombies and mythological creatures which stand to represent and succinctly point out human nature and the monsters hidden deep beneath our skin. It's terrifying how we can best be symbolized through the monsters we are supposed to be afraid of.
The book had me at the first story. Writing style of the author is praise-worthy for every story had the same gripping effect that kept me going. It's simple yet captivating enough to have your skin crawl with the horrors depicted.
Each and every story has a strong character that had me completely absorbed. One of the most enjoyable & exciting thing about reading this book was the unpredictable and twisted narrators with equally dark and fascinating type of narrative.
I feel like I'm gonna read this again in late future.
Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for arc of this book!

OMG thanks NetGalley for the e-copy of this book sent to me in exchange for an honest review. Here we go.
This book is a BRILLIANT anthology. The characters and the POV were more interesting and exciting the more I read. I don’t think I have ever read this pov in such depth, and for that I want to thank the author and the publisher. Kudos. It’s easy to make comedy from “the outsider” pov, but give them stories, personalities, background, profoundness, and complexity, it was amazing.
The cover may be misleading because this book is not a horror stories collection, and that’s because we got to empathize so much with the characters that we don’t see them as “others” anymore: the fear I felt was their fear, even when the character was a zombie or a spider, my biggest phobia.
The treatment of the characters made this book a heavy drama, and I loved every moment I spend reading the stories. Specially Broken hands, oh god. DING DONG DARLING, that was amazing.
BUT (there’s always a but) the editorial? authorial? Decision to put those quotes… that was a big no for me. I ended up skipping most of them, there were too many! Pages and pages of quotes that contributed little to nothing to the experience. I get it that it’s an important part of the book; I just wish it wasn’t. It’s a magnificent anthology that didn’t need them.
That being said, this book is a highly recommended read, for every horror lover and for every outcast.

I received a copy of this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
This was a fascinating read, and often an incredibly chilling one. It's a rather haunting read, but through it is an striking amount of humanity and thoughtfulness. If you come across this particular book while looking for a light read, I would suggest looking elsewhere. I found myself skimming parts as some sections of this one held my interest better than others, but with collections such as this that is to be expected.
I'm not sure if I would pick this one up again for a reread, but I'm glad I gave it a shot!

**I received and voluntarily read an e-ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.**
I was drawn to this book by the cover- with fall approaching, I've been on a scary/suspense/horror/fantasy book streak in preparation for halloween.
The collection of stories within the book are told from a variety of POVs. including a variety of creatures. What really sticks out is that even though we're reading from the minds of the "monsters", the thoughts are similar to what we as humans have. It's both illuminating and terrifying that we can identify with things we are supposed to be afraid of.
A lot of the quotes are ones that really stick with you and make you think. Overall, it's a great book, and one I'll probably read again.

I received a copy of this book from Netgalley and the publisher in exchange for my review.
This is a collection of short stories that covers a range of topics such as human connection, and also contains quite a lot of commentary on human behaviour.
It is set out in a unique way in that preceding the stories there are a number of quotes inspired by each of the stories.
Another interesting concept used is that of footnotes within the stories, I found those to be really interesting discussion points, and enjoyed reading them.
The stories are told from a variety of POV’s including non-human POV’s.
The writing at times seemed somewhat repetitive between the stories and I think that some of the short series’ would have presented better as one well refined story.
I had a great time reading this, it was dark and interesting. I will say that there should be a warning for Body horror, blood and gore for the first few stories.
2.5 out of 5 stars