Member Reviews

Okay, gotta admit it. This cover is hot, hot, hot and is what attracted me to read this story, and I wasn't disappointed. Bane is a three hundred year old vampire who controls the action in Savannah. He's tough and gorgeous. He's got a few close friends who he calls family and tries to keep his territory his own through serious force

His whole life is upended when he meets Dr. Ryan St. Cloud, and immediately wants her. Mine -- as the vampires say. Curiously enough, Ryan feels a definite attraction to Bane, and when he reveals what he is, she's intrigued rather than afraid. I liked her gutsy attitude. And these two are really hot together. There's some nice "yearning" going on here.

There's really great banter between the characters in this book, especially coming from Dr. St. Cloud. The relationships between Bane and Ryan and Ryan with the other vampires keep things snappy and I just found myself drawn into this story very quickly. Bane's territory is in danger of being taken over by some other nasty paranormals and the story centers around that, and Bane's new obsession with Ryan.

I really enjoyed this. The banter is awesome, and the love story between Bane and Ryan was satisfying. I did think the ending was very rushed, and there are many reveals in these final pages and lots of action.

Overall, this was a very romantic and heated paranormal romance. I would like to read more about these characters, especially Meara, Bane's sister, so it's a good setup for future stories.

An ARC was provided by the publisher. This is my honest review.

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I am not new to Alyssa Day, and was excited to be able to read Bane's Choice. I was and still am a big fan of her Atlantis Series. This new story was an amazing start to her new series Vampire Motorcycle Club.

Bane is the leader of the Vampire MC, who chose to establish his club in Georgia. At the start of the story we learn a group of paranormal beings want to take over his territory. Yet Bane is, having none of that and will do what it takes to protect his. During this first fight the MC fights back, but learns some interesting information of their enemy. Despite the outcome of their fight. Bane and his close knit family of MC members know they need more information. As well as all this going on a human Bane actually likes is burned in a fire.

He goes to the hospital to see his friend, and realizes he can't let him die. As he prepares to remove Hunter, the doctor in charge of his care enters. Bane is stunned at how she seems to glow, and tries to make her forget. Taking Hunter back to his home Bane does what it takes to save him. Yet can't forget the female doctor and the feeling she was his.

It was inevitable Bane would go back for Doctor Ryan. St. Cloud. Who he finds in her home, getting drunk. Not sure she believes there are vampire. The doctor and Bane begin to learn about the other. Ryan feels like a plane Jane it feels like, but Bane definitely disagrees. Especially compared to Bane's sister Meara but Ryan is feisty which I love. Why does Ryan glow? Can they have love despite the huge problem going on with their new enemy.

Except they find they still have an ally in the wolves. As well as learn Ryan has some cool powers too, and uses it against the enemy. Ryan realizes she is freaking pretty awesome all on her own. I love how this story played out Bane pushes Ryan away to keep her safe. Ryan refuses to give up the man she loved. I can't wait to read more of this series Alyssa has created a new world I want more of.

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I have to admit that in the last few years I haven't been into vampire romances as much as I was before. Not sure why they just don't call me like they used to. I'm sure that I'll get back to them big again. You know the saying 'what goes around, comes around' and that's so true.

But since it was Alyssa Day who wrote it and I've loved her other stuff I knew I had to try it and I'm glad I did. It was written with Day's fair for putting together a well-written story that you find yourself enjoying.

I really liked the idea of the storyline but at times I felt the author had so much story in her mind that she rushed to get it all on the pages. I felt at times dropped in and like I was supposed to know who was who and why. It wasn't even like the author was putting a ton in because its the first book in the series, it was almost like I missed a book or two

I really liked Bane and at times Ryan too. Sometimes she got on my last nerve but I enjoyed how they are together so I forgave that. I wasn't sure in the beginning they'd work but soon found that they did. There are characters you meet in the book that you want to know about so they help you enjoy the story.

For me, Bane's Choice was like a motorcycle ride. It started off slightly slow, it finally picked up but might have moved a little too fast. I was hoping for a little more information about everything and then finally rushed to the end and stopped. Maybe a little too quickly. I felt it was missing more.

This isn't a bad start to a new series and I hope that the next book is a little better now that the author has figured out some of her worlds. I guess we'll see with the next book. I enjoyed it but wished for a little more.

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4.5 of 5 stars

Bane has been a vampire for over three hundred years. From an orphaned stable boy, he's now one of the most powerful vampires. He hides his group of vampires in plain sight with his Vampire Motorcycle Club. He cares only for protecting his family and territory from the warlocks trying to take over.

Dr. Ryan Sinclair believes she is ordinary and unimportant, which is far from the truth. She doesn't hesitate to stand up for what she wants and believes in and will not cower from vampires or anyone else. She's can't be controlled by the vampires and they soon discover she's more than a mere human.

Bane and Ryan meet when he goes to the hospital to save a friend. He's felt nothing for centuries until he meets her and suddenly everything is coming alive again for him, he can't let her go.
Ryan knows she should be afraid and running from these vampires but between her curiosity about vampires and her attraction to Bane she chooses to stay, free herself from boring, reliable Ryan.

It takes talent to make instant connection romance work and Alyssa Day nails it in this new paranormal romance. She brings in a little of everything with vampires, werewolves, demon and angel archetypes, interesting characters, battling good and evil, and hinting that there are even more paranormals out there to discover as this series progresses.

My only complaint is that I thought that the motorcycle club names were unimaginative and boring given how creative the rest of the book was, but don't let that deter you. This book has fun, witty banter, action, and steamy romance.

I received a free copy of this book and I'm voluntarily leaving a review. If you like my reviews I hope you will follow my blog.

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Initially, I felt that this book read like it was a spin-off to another series and I was expected to be familiar with Bane, his people, and the dangers he faced. Maybe a prequel novella could be an option in the future.
I was, however, quickly distracted by all the action in and in Bane's attraction to Dr Ryan St. Cloud. Aspects of Bane's past was explained as the story developed and I got to know him and his sister Meara a little bit better. I really liked Ryan's character. She wasn't afraid of the paranormal world she found herself thrust into and she didn't hesitate to fight on their behalf. There was good banter between her and Bane and quite a lot of humour. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens with Edge and Meara and I'm also intrigued by what the future holds for Hunter. How will he be different from the other vampires? Maybe the motorcycle club will feature more in the rest of the series as well.

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A fight between good and evil
This was my first experience with this author and I enjoyed every minute of it. With no hesitation the author thrust us right into the thick of things and then filled in from there. The characters are well developed, and I enjoyed the way they thought and the way the interacted throughout the book. I love how there are moments of humor to even out the drama and the action and danger are at an all time high. The author kept me glued to my ebook from the first page to the last and I can’t wait to see what she does with all the possible stories in her next book.

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In beginning of reading Bane’s Choice, my initial thought was “what wild and wacky ride am I in for here” but after getting through the beginning with all the supernatural introductions I was well and truly enjoying the ride. If you liked True Blood, you will like this book. Ryan gives of major Sookie Stackhouse vibes with her strength, loyalty and jaw dropping awe she gives when she learns about a new supernatural creature. Bane is rough and tough as they come, hes super hot and I love that family comes first with him and that protects what is his. The one disappointing thing for me was even though it says it’s an MC read, it’s more of a supernatural/vampire read. I was def there for the MC side of it but it’s very light. I don’t normally tend to read supernatural reads but I enjoyed this and it was a nice break from my romance read.

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The book was a decent read. I found it hard to get into the book and hard to stay reading. There were some good scenes but most were just OK. There was a lot that wasn't explained in the beginning which made it confusing. There was brief explanations later in the book. Overall, an OK vampire read.

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This is book one of a new series, the story is about Bane and Doctor Ryan. This story is an MC trope mixed with paranormal, making this story quite interesting. There is a lot going on in the story, especially because it starts in the middle of it and then you get the hang of what is going on and their background. I did have some questions that still need to be answered somehow in the following books. Ryan was a character I liked and truly want to see what will happen with it all, the worldbuilding is still a bit undeveloped for my taste, and I would've liked a bit more between Bane and Ryan before they get involved as I thought it was a bit rushed, overall I think it's an interesting start to a new series.

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Believe the Unbelievable
Alyssa Day builds an interesting world of supernatural creatures and magic. When warlocks start settling in to Savannah Georgia, Bane and his Vampire Motorcycle Club strike back. Bane is cold, dangerous, and full of rage. Ready to hunt down and kill any invaders in his territory. The Chamber is a cult of blood magic, and more dangerous than even Bane can handle. So, right from the beginning there is quite a bit of blood, violence, and swearing. Despite Bane’s refusal to recognize his own feelings, he is loyal and protective of his club. Meara, Luke, Edge, Evans, Mr. Cassidy, and Mrs. Cassidy, are all important to him. But it takes the spunky and stubborn Dr. Ryan St. Cloud, to heal his heart. Ryan is a modern feminist, who is both ordinary and gorgeous, with no filter. Their relationship is a bit questionable at the beginning, as Ryan is drunk and believes she is hallucinating, where Bane is possessive. Though, why should consent ever be questionable in a romance, even after genuine apologies? Ryan handles it all surprisingly well, as her job as a doctor is her main concern. They eventually build a relationship on passion, and their protective natures. Growing a lot as characters, learning to value themselves and each other. Bane’s Choice is a steamy, action packed, contemporary paranormal romance.

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I hadn't read anything by this author before so I didn't really know what to expect. I was pleasantly surprised that I enjoyed the writing style as much as I did, it definitely goes really smooth and is a joy to read.

But as much as I enjoyed the story and the characters (although the female lead just annoyed the hell out of me at times for being way too bold around vampires, foolishly bold), it kind of felt like it wasn't anything I hadn't read before in some way or another. It felt like a mixture of Twilight with some elements of Jay Kristoff's The Nevernight Trilogy with how the vampires travelled in a similar way (ain't going into details as not to spoil both books for you).

But as I'm a sucker for anything to do with vampires and witches and all kinds of magical creatures, I'm intrigued enough to continue with the series. Do recommend it!

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I love, love this author. I used to read her all the time but I haven’t had a chance to pick up a story by her in why feels like forever. Her books are as good as I remembered but they drag at some points and are exciting at others. Bane is a 300+ year-old vampire who controls Savannah and knows everything that goes on in his territory. Everything is turned on its axis when he meets Dr. Ryan St. Cloud and his vampire half is shouting MINE!! She is more intrigued by him than frightened. And the banter that goes on between him and Ryan and Ryan and the rest of his crew is absolutely hilarious. The only critique I have of the story is the ending felt too rushed, but overall it was an excellent story and I can’t wait for more from this author!!

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Book rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars. The book has a good setup of interesting characters. I look forward to hearing more about Maera and Edge. Different twist to introduce necromancers and .... I won't reveal what Ryan is to prevent a spoiler. However, I had a hard time connecting with Bane and Ryan. Bane seems like he needs some temper management issues. His roller coaster of emotions had me taking a step back at times. Ryan was more consistent, but I would have liked to see more information/development into what she "is." After finishing the book, I am intrigued by the cliffhanger. Will read the next story.

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This is book in the Vampire Motorcycle Club series. And in it we meet Bane and Ryan. Bane is head of his territory of vampires and is determined to keep it safe from the death magic that is invading. He is one of the oldest of the vampires and is mostly cold and unfeeling. Until a doctor is thrust into his path that frustrates him but also makes him feel. Ryan is an overworked doctor who never expected her life to take the turn that it does. She never expected to be mixed up with a motorcycle gang let alone for them to be vampires! And she certainly didn't expect to have such an attraction to a certain vampire in particular. Or to want to know everything about him. But when she is pulled into the middle of the mess that his people are in, neither expects for things to happen the way they do.

Ok so parts of this story I absolutely loved. Other parts I felt almost lost about? It's hard to explain. I almost felt like there is a prequel out there somewhere that I should have read first, because this book just jumped right into everything like we already knew the backstory. Other than that? I thoroughly enjoyed it! I loved the interactions between Bane and Ryan along with his crew. The banter back and forth between all of them kept me reading and I didn't want it to end. I think I need more of a backstory type book though about the characters and how they came to be together. All in all, not a bad read and I would definitely read it again. And I can say that I will read the next one as well!

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I've totally been sucked into this new world. I haven't read anything by thia author before so I had no preconceived ideas based on previous work.

Although there is an MC mentioned, it actually takes a back seat as such, It's certainly not an "MC" in the usual sense. Although there is "criminality" afoot, it's much more of the on the Knight on Shining bike type than Sons of Anarchy in my opinion.

Ryan just thinks she's a plain old doctor. But there is something very different to Ryan. When she comes across a burn victim who seems to be in the process of being abducted, she tries to raise the alarm. But Bane is more than stumped because she just doesn't seem to allow his "pushes" to stick. It's like she can shake them off.

Bane has been around for a long time. He and his sister were made at the same time by his old employer, his sister's actual bio-dad. They've acquired a diverse group in the centuries since. But they all agree that The Chamber is getting too big for their collective boots again.

There is a great mix of family dysfunction, found families, snarky banter, and hot passion. There will be a character for everyone to love. There are lots of supernatural races represented and each vampire has an added extra little talent; technowizardry, flying, etc.

I'm really looking forward to book 2 - I will be TBR that baby asap!

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Warriors of Poseidon by Alyssa Day is one of my all time favorite series. So when I saw that she was writing a brand new series, I jumped at the chance to read an early copy. Plus Vampire Motorcycle Club is an eye catching series title.

Although it wasn't exactly what I was expecting. I have read plenty of motorcycle club books and this is not that. Is there a motorcycle club? Yes. But it is nothing like a "typical" MC. Bane is the head of the club. He is a vampire that has been alive for 300 plus years and he doesn't have emotions.. until he meets doctor Ryan. Ryan brings out a lot of emotions in him. Ryan is a human doctor who was in the wrong place and the right time. She was taking care of a patient when Bane shows up and take her patient! Ryan won't have it.

I am going to be honest, I didn't fully love either of the MCs. It felt like Bane was trying too hard to be a hard man... and Ryan accepted everything too easily and put herself in danger just because she thought she could go up against a vampire. So they annoyed me a little bit. BUT I loved the other characters. I loved the storyline. I can't wait for the next book!

Thank you netgalley for my early copy. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Bane's Choice is the first in a brand spanking new steamy paranormal series by Alyssa Day.MC is the perfect hide out for paranormal creatures, especially vampires. Already secretive and wanting to stay in the shadows, Bane, a 300-year-old vampire heads up the club.

A vampire with the ability to captivate and a doctor, Dr. Ryan St. Cloud, with her own secrets made this an intriguing story. Lack of conscience and sense of arrogance collide with passion between the two. Along with their love story is a battle for ownership of club territory. For his part, anti-hero Bane is colder and harsher than the heroes of Warriors of Poseidon.

The book jumps right into the story so it took a few chapters to sort it all out in my mind. Now that the introduction has been made and the world building clear, this is the first of what should be a long running series. So many characters who need their stories now.

An ARC of the book was provided by the publisher through NetGalley which I voluntarily chose to read and reviewed. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This vampy MC romance was a quick, easy and mediocre read. Bane is ruthless, possessive and cold, cold, cold! He made for a stereotypical vamp “hero” and I couldn’t help but compare him to my favorite fictional vampire Eric Northman (I still prefer Eric). Dr. Ryan St. Cloud is a young, hot mess of a doctor, who finds herself entangled with the MC and their world. I wish their was more about the club, it felt like that was plot point that could be omitted and the story would still stand with no issues, so if you’re hoping for a MC romance you may want to skip this one. Overall, I enjoyed moments of this one. Thank you to the publisher for my gifted copy in exchange for my honest review!

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Highly recommend! From the very beginning it was a page turner. I finished this book in a few hours because I struggled to put it down. The author pulls you in immediately when we meet Bane our main man who seems the dark and brooding type, the bad boy, the type a women dreams about. The depth she goes with his character and backstory makes him so much more easily pictured resuscitation given the fact the struggle Bane goes they'd, throughout the book fighting his want and need for Ryan. Plus... who wouldn't want a guy like Bane to come tearing into their boring life and bring adventure, sexual tension and finally after a wait.... mind blowing sex?!

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3.50 stars rounded up because of the many times I laughed out loud while reading.

Okay, call me crazy. But with a series named Vampire Motorcycle Club I was expecting more of a Paranormal MC Romance. You know, a story that actually revolved around a motorcycle club. But no, this was your run of the mill vampire romance.

Ancient vampire who lost his humanity hundred of years ago, yet protects his "family" and the innocent, suddenly finds himself having feelings for the beautiful woman who steps into his path and has seen too much, making herself a target for him and his enemies. He is no good for her, he can't trust her, but he must keep her safe. He fights his feelings for her, acts like a jerk, but ultimately succumbs to his attraction to her.

Sound familiar?

But Dr. Ryan St. Cloud is not your typical heroine. She was defiant, sarcastic and right-down mean to Bane. OMG, she cracked me up! She gave as good as she got and her attitude is what ultimately earns her the respect of Bane and his family. I enjoyed how she reacted to the news that vampires existed, that she was attracted to one and that he was not at all what she expected vampires to be like. As is happens with most heroines, she didn't take the danger she was in seriously and ultimately found herself fighting for her life.

I'm not familiar with this author, but I thought she did a good job in establishing the world Bane and his family lived in. I enjoyed how she went about introducing some of the key members of the family and who appears to be their top enemy. I'm looking forward to reading more Bane and his family.

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