Member Reviews

This is a super fun read. I really enjoyed this one!

Many thanks to the author, the publisher, and Netgalley for my ARC. All opinions are my own.

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I've been avoiding reading this book because I'm a disorganized writer. I do love reading productivity and time management and habit books, but this one scared me because I knew it would compile all those teachings and apply it to my work as a writer. A lot of the content was productivity tips I've learned over the years, but I like the way this non-fiction book was organized and hit all the points I needed to remind myself that I know how to organize myself but what stops me from writing stems from other issues. As an Indie Writer, I appreciated the accounting section. As someone who hates filing systems, the advice was easy and manageable. I highly recommend this book to authors seeking guidance on creating habits, time management, and productivity.
Thank you to the author, NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review. I look forward to returning to these tips often.

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A mine of fantastic ideas that are both unbelievably comprehensive and refreshingly flexible.

Johnston covers everything from strategies to deal with writer's block to finances, and has an engaging, down-to-earth writing voice that was a pleasure to read.

Highly recommended, I'm definitely adding this one to my personal collection of writing books.

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A helpful book for writers, especially those that are freelancing or self-publishing and need to manage all aspects of the writing and publishing process. There are also a lot of great tips on goal-setting that will be helpful for those who don't already benefit from a daily practice or have a greater vision for their work.

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Review to go live November 12th, 2020

I received a complimentary ARC copy of The Organised Writer: How to stay on top of all your projects and never miss a deadline by Antony Johnston from NetGalley Bloomsbury Publishing in order to read and give an honest review.

well-written and informative this book has something for every writer...

I’ve been working freelance in a few fields for years now on top of taking work-related courses and working towards an archaeology degree. My time is limited, and organization is a must in order to get both work and course assignments done. Having worked in professional offices for many years, I have learned a few organization techniques some of which are in The Organised Writer however, Mr. Johnson offers sound advice that can help those new to freelancing establish an organised work routine while also providing new and unique tips to help those who have been freelancing for a while. This is a no- nonsense all-encompassing approach to getting and keeping the working writer organized.  Well-written and informative this book has something for every writer...I highly recommend it!

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I'm very grateful for this ARC from NetGalley. While none of the advice was mind-blowing per se, it was very encouraging and contained many great strategies for getting your writing done per day. It helped with setting daily goals and managing distractions such as email. I often cannot accomplish my goals if they contain an inordinate number of hours because distractions get me off track. This book recognizes that I am not exemplary in this. Anything that helps me be more organized in my very spontaneous life is always welcome. I need extreme help organizing my thoughts into notes and lists. Thank you to NetGalley for this book in exchange for an honest review. #netgalley #theorganisedwriter

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I enjoyed this book. I went into thinking it was going to be a 2020/refreshed take on David Allen's GTD methodology, and in a lot of ways, that's correct.

The core of the GTD approach - ubiquitous capture tools, writing everything down, keeping and reviewing lists to get a 'clear mind' (GTD 'mind like water'). It does present a fresh approach for people who aren't the managers in office jobs that David Allen writes towards. For example, there are no 'contexts' - writers are always at their desks with computer, phone, etc... 'Creative types' don't live our lives in cubicles (I don't any more, thankfully), so the Organized Writer ideas tweaked GTD and combined it with other productivity methodologies to have a good, workable system.

The second section in the book has specific advice for writers on writing. If you change the word "writer" to "college professor" much of this rings true to me in world. There's a lot of good advice in here for creatives of any stripe.

I did skip over the finance/budget chapter since I already have things in order and I'll never be free-lance billing or anything like that, but given the rest of the material had good advice, I suspect it's good here.

After finishing the book, I revisited my lists and systems and started making changes. Even if you've been doing GTD for more than a decade, this is a good book to help you rethink your approach.

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I found this guide, as an aspiring writer to be very helpful in forming a foundation of structure to help keep me on track and accountable.

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