Member Reviews

This is the second book in the Modern Masters of Their Castles trilogy, but is a standalone story in itself, as I had no trouble following the storyline. Mallory and Evan come with diagonally opposite belief systems when it comes to design and architecture. While the former strives to retain the beauty of older structures when bringing them to life, Evan does not care for anything that does not bear monetary value. When their lives are brought together making Mallory redesign the failing manor hotel belonging to Evan's grandma, the two are left in crossroads. This romance has many elements to make it engaging - compelling characters, good narration, and a tight pace. I loved reading this, and I am thankful to Carlisle for having gifted me with a copy of this book.

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I really loved this one. It had all of my favorite kinds of romance genres- international settings, wealthy billionaire, and slow burn. I loved the two characters with their backstories and character development, and the ending was very satisfying. I havent read the other in the series but have already went back to buy it and look forward to the next in the series. Dont sleep on this one.

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Designs on Forever is the second book in the Modern Masters of Their Castle series and the first I have read in this series and by this author. The book was well written and the plot was developed. The characters were charming and easy to connect with. The connection between Evan and Mallory was strong, but their goals were opposite. Finding a compromise was the only way they could have a future together.

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I enjoyed this nicely written story from this author. I was pulled into the story and stayed interested until three quarters way into it when all of the sudden it only seemed to be about their sexual attraction and sex for quite a long time. Then it got to be a bit boring and tedious and I found myself skimming over large sections until the plot/substance of the story picked up again. All in all, it was a good book. I might try something else from this author, but if it turns out to be like this book was I will not be reading anything else from her.

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Evan and Mallor are likable, well-developed lead characters. Add in an eclectic array of supporting characters and you've got the makings of a good read.
I will definitely recommend this book.
Thank you Susan Carlisle and NetGalley for allowing me an advance copy for my honest feedback.

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I really enjoyed this book. The romance in the book was great. It is about Mallory who is a former model and now a historical interior designer. She is trying to prove that she is a great historical interior designer and she is doing it by working on a castle that is an hotel in England. Evan is a business consultant that comes into to help the board of the hotel to decide if they should continue the renovation of the castle/hotel or sell the building. Evan believes that business is business and the profit is what should be looked at when making decisions and emotion has no place.
This is how Mallory & Evan grow and change because of their romance and I think that is the reason I really enjoyed this book.

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Designs on Forever is a fairy good book. The writing was so so. This book did nothing for this reader. I received an advance ebook from the publisher and this is my unbiased review.

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What a great read and book #2 in the series Modern Masters of Their Castle.

Mallory Andrews is a former model that turn the pagent life into college life to prove she is more than looks. As a historic interior designer, she can showcase her brains.

Evan Townsend is the grandson of a hotel magnate. A falling out in his early twenties and the tragic death of his parents when he was young, has left him alone.

When his grandmother's hotel board decide there could be a problem with the future of the hotel, they hire Evan to do a study to see what is going on.

Evan & Mallory's path cross and nothing will be the same.

Waiting desperately for book #3!!

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I received an ARC for honest feedback.

Evan meets Mallory, who is a renovating Evan's estranged grandmother's hotel, Ashley Court. Evan is looking to sell the hotel while Mallory is looking to finish the renovation in order to win a coveted prize for herself and her company, Historic Restoration and Design, which she co-owns with her friends Allison and Jordon. Sparks fly between Evan and Mallory but Evan needs to learn how to love, after losing both his parents in a rock climbing accident and living with his grandmother, who has a business first attitude.

After spending time with Evan at his Italian villa in order to try to convince him to keep the hotel so she can finish working on it, Mallory finds herself falling in love with him. Evan is also letting his walls down and falling in love with Mallory. When Mallory learns that Evan is still trying to sell the hotel, Mallory leaves the hotel, heartbroken.

Six months later, Mallory sees Evan at the Historic Restoration dinner. She is heartbroken because she wasn't able to compete for the award, as Mrs. Townsend fires her when she returns from Italy because the hotel is going to be sold. But she realizes that her self worth is not defined by what awards the she wins. And little did Mallory know that Evan bought the hotel under his hotel's corporate umbrella and made up with his grandmother.

Evan proposes and Mallory accepts.

A sweet, happy ending romance. The characters come to life and it is great to see the evolution of both Evan and Mallory.

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1. I do not do spoilers unless warned.
2. Read the summary above; it will tell you what the book is about. I will not reiterate.
3. This is a standalone but also part of a series and other characters, come and go throughout the story. It would be best enjoyed reading all books in order.
4. Characters are decently developed for the story. I would have liked for Grandmother to make an appearance and even more depth into what it takes to rehab a historic property. The ending felt just a little too rushed for me, however.
5. Plot is almost an insta-love and since I'm a preservationist I was drawn in by the plot of saving historic properties but there was little storyline around that particular area.
6. No errors that I caught as far as editing.
7. This author was a first for me and found it to be an enjoyable afternoon read.

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Thank you NetGalley and publisher for an eARC in return for my honest opinion.
I like the setting, plot, character, pretty much everything of Designs for Forever. However, I felt the characters were a bit flat. Maybe that is because it is such a short story. At times, the writing was a bit disjointed, but it did not affect the storyline. I think if the writer developed the characters more this would be an exceptional read.

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Mallory Andrews is in charge of restoring an historical English manor house turned hotel. As a model, her good looks had worked for her for years, but now she’s determined to prove she’s a talented historical interior designer.
Evan Townsend is retained by the board of his estranged grandmother’s company to make recommendations regarding the failing hotel that could put his grandmother into bankruptcy. He must decide if the work Mallory is doing there will benefit his grandmother’s financial bottom line and whether to sell or not.
As they fight their mutual attraction, both of them stand in different lanes where the hotel is concerned. He remains resistant to her requests not to sell the hotel. She needs to continue her work in order to be able to be part of a contest that may change her professional life forever.
I love that they are honest about their point of view from the beginning. The sexual attraction feels real and the dynamics of the main characters are intense and page turner. There are few second characters but they are nice and interesting. Part of the book happens in Italy, so additional points for bringing beautiful memories to my mind.
This is the first book I read of this author but I really like this one. It´s an easy reading and I totally recommend it.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This had the potential to be a really good book, and simply missed the mark. I liked the premise of the story—our heroine is restoring/redecorating an historic castle/luxury hotel. The hero comes in to audit the redo, concerned about the amount of money being spent in the process. Attraction ensues and a romance builds. That’s the good part. The hero is mostly a jerk, intent on his purpose and manipulating the heroine to get what he wants. The heroine, a beautiful woman and former model, has the biggest case of naïveté/insecurity/innocence I’ve ever read. It was hard to cheer for her, when she kept letting him manipulate her into whatever scenario he chose. There was a romantic build, but i just couldn’t find it believable. The writing was choppy, and only the sex scenes had much description. I wanted to like it more. Good plot, disappointing development. I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley. This is my freely given, honest review.

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I really enjoyed this book. I was hooked pretty quickly. I look forward to reading the other books in the series.

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It was fun getting to know Evan and Mallory. Career driven people with sad back stories. A nice bit of fluff to take one away from reality. Would prefer not to have any intimate details, but easy to skip over.

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Thank you Netgally for allowing me to read this book. In this book you meet Mallory who loves being an historical interior designer. When she starts her new project she meets Evan. I liked the chemistry that developed between Mallory And Evan.

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I enjoyed Evan and Mallory even more than Ian and Allison in the first book of this series. Evan is hardheaded and seemingly passionless, Mallory is hardheaded and passionate, and when they finally give in to what they feel for each other, the fireworks are everywhere. Of course, all it takes is one huge misstep on Evan’s part and one gigantic feeling of betrayal on Mallory’s part and everything crumbles to dust. I’m finding that this author is really good at the big reunion between her couples, though, so Evan and Mallory find their way in spectacular fashion. I’ll be interested to see how Jordon finds her match and happiness.

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