Member Reviews

I've heard of The Chronicles of Elantra series for a while now, so I was VERY excited to be a part of this tour. Let me tell you guys that this is one of the books where you get sucked it right away. Cast In Secret is just a ball of awesomeness guys!

I adored Kaylin. I loved how inappropriate she was, I loved how she didn't seem to have a filter, and I loved that she asked a million questions. This is one heroine that does not shy away from asking and questioning anything and I loved her for it. The thing that I loved the most about Kaylin though is her ability to admit that she was wrong. Here she is fully convinced that she knows just about everything there is to know about a race, and when she is shown the history of that race she realizes how wrong she's been to fear them. Kaylin also trusts her instincts enough to do some very reckless things. There were a few times during my read where I was on the edge of my seat because I was afraid for her life.

The worldbuilding is fantastic. There's just this quality to the writing style that made me imagine this world perfectly, which isn't something that happens very often for me. The thing that I loved the most was how we get to see a piece of the history of the Tha'alani, as well as their customs and way of life. I loved that it was shown how Kaylin was challenged by the things that she learned about the Tha'alani, but also that she admitted the reason for her fear of them.

The plot is pretty fast paced and I managed to read this book in one sitting. I truly enjoyed the mystery part of this book, not knowing what to expect, and the reasons behind what was happening. This type of story is one of my favorite themes ever, so I felt at home reading this book.

I truly loved this book and I loved that even though I haven't read the previous two books I didn't feel lost. I didn't feel as if I got dumped in the middle of a story with no way of knowing what happened at the beginning, and I loved that. Even if we don't get too many details about what happened in the past, other than brief mentions, I still could follow the story along perfectly. I'm still very much excited to read the other books in the series.

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