Member Reviews

From the moment I first got my hands on a Chronicles of Elantra novel, I was hooked. Now, the series is fifteen books in (with the sixteenth on the way), and about to release a prequel novel focused on one of my favorite characters (Severn). To say I am extremely excited would be an understatement.

As such, obviously I had to join the blog tour celebrating this new release. Part of that tour involves re-reading the series (yes!), and reviewing the novels we love so much.

Cast in Fury is the fourth novel in the Chronicles of Elantra series, and I would highly suggest reading them in order. The world and character building are so brilliant yet subtle, that you can really only see the larger picture if you see the story unfold in order.

Private Kaylin Neya has always had a talent for finding herself in situations over her head. Especially in a world that is as full of politics as it is a variety of species and races. Tensions and prejudice have been rising as of late, made worse by the events that played out in Cast in Secret.

While that nightmare is going on, Kaylin faces a much more personal dilemma, as her sergeant has been accused of murder. Worse, as it occurred within the caste, there's very little that Kaylin can do about it. At least, in the legal sense. Not that this has ever stopped Kaylin before.

“They feared you, and love can't exist when there's that much fear.”

Wow. I had forgotten how much I loved the earlier novels in this series. Well, if I'm being honest, I think I've absolutely adored each and every book, but it has been a hot minute since I did a full series re-read.

Cast in Fury is a compelling and emotional read – more so than the previous books, which is saying something. It provided some truly heartrending scenes, while also allowing for a deep dive into characters and races previously unexplored.

Marcus is one of those understated characters, easily leaned upon for a spot of humor during a moment of tension (though don't tell him that). Yet his life is so much more complex than it would appear at first glance – as evidenced by everything that occurred within this novel.

Once more, the already massive feeling world of Elantra seems to grow. It seems to happen every time we learn more about one of the races within the series. Since this isn't the first (or last) time that happens, it shows how large the world has and will become.

“But she only knew one way of conquering fear, and that was to charge into it, blindly.”

What I especially love about the complexity of this world – and the characters – is that they all interact with one another. The politics in this world are unparalleled, bringing in a sense of realism to a world that could just as easily have been completely fantastical.

Combined with the magical systems, brilliant writing, and the world itself, this series will always find a way to capture my heart. Even as I read it again, for what must be nearing a dozen times. It's worth it every time.

Be sure to check out the two previous stops on this tour, as well as the rest of the following stops, right up until the release of The Emperor's Wolves! I know it's a novel that I am counting down the days for.

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