Member Reviews

This was a holiday romance gone wrong. Or was it something more nefarious than that? Author Beverley Harvey’s first attempt in a thriller was fun, filled me with a gnawing sense of curiosity to know what would happen next.

Three ladies, in their forties, went on a holiday where they met Harvey, the godson of a neighbor back home, and one of them hooked up with him. The story progressed with the other two women being utterly suspicious of his motives until a mind-boggling finale revealed the truth.

The book was fun in most parts, though the midsection meandered quite a bit. The ladies seemed to hit it off with each other. I liked their emerging friendship as they enjoyed their days in soaking up the sun.

The antagonist kept me on my toes; he was a smooth operator filled with charm and knew how to reel the fish in. The truth was slowly revealed to the reader in the mid section. I kept hoping the ladies got to see it too. Soon.

What stole the show for me was the last couple of chapters. They soothed my need for vengeance and sunk it to the unseen depths. Pun intended. You’ve got to read the book to understand the line.

Another entertaining way to spend my lazy afternoon.

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When Susanne gets the chance to use her wealthy neighbours, Eddie and holiday home,she jumps at the chance. She's taking her friends Dale and Evie with her. The only problem is that Veronica's twenty four year old godson, Harry is already staying there. When they get to the holiday home Harry is 9t what they expected. He's handsome and friendly.

The story is told from multiple points of view. We get to know the three women well as the story progresses. They all have different personalities. Harry soon sweeps Susanne off her feet. The first half of the book is basically character building. Dale is the only one who is suspicious of Harry. My only complaint about the book is that the premise gave too much away. I still enjoyed the book and the ending 2as satisfactory.

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Favorite Quotes:

Harry’s accent is warm toffee sauce poured over ice cream. Everything about his demeanour drips wealth, privilege and confidence…

Evie imagines her at the tough south London school where she works, holding the rapt attention of her class. Twenty-odd hormonally charged fourteen-year-olds under her spell, the boys damp with adolescent desire, the girls in awe of her strength and urban style. Evie has never met a lesbian before –well, not that she knows of –and is a little intimidated. Then again, the sensations of wrong-footedness and embarrassment are as familiar to Evie as hunger and thirst.

‘You’re a cracking girl, Evie; I’ve always fancied you,’ Roland growls. ‘Discreet, too,’ he adds, before turning over and snoring like a warthog.

Evie saw the way they looked at each other when they thought no one was watching, like feral teenagers at a disco.

Evie’s so prim and proper, she thinks she’s being radical if she changes the parting of her hair.

My Review:

I enjoyed this well-contrived tale. There were multiple storylines with slowly unfolding yet compelling nuances and sketchy characters who were not altogether likable and difficult to fully appreciate, yet oddly managed to elicit my compassion. Other than for dear Evie I kept waffling on whom was more deserving of my empathy.
This was my introduction to the duplicitous word stylings of Beverley Harvey and I was a quick convert. And for a bonus, Ms. Harvey has provided a new addition to my Brit Words and Phrases List with “kick into touch,” which Mr. Goggle taught me was to halt discussion when it is clear the issue cannot be achieved or solved. I plan to immediately deploy this handy phrase when anyone mentioned the ever hazardous topics of politics or religion.

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The Perfect Liar by Beverley Harvey is a suspense thriller that begins so innocently. Suzanne and her two best friends,Dale and Evie are all going to Veronica's (Suzanne's neighbour) Tuscan home. All they need to do in return is keep an eye on her Godson Harry who will be staying at the Villa with them. Well, off course, why not?! Who would say no to a holiday in the sun, in a gorgeous country?
They arrive in Tuscany and Beverley Harvey gives us Tuscany in our minds eye, described so beautifully I was transported away from the U.K for a time. Then there is Harry, a handsome and very relaxed 24 year old, who seems to be the ideal person they could have shared the villa with. Then as they settle in Suzanne realises she is attracted to him and he ends up in her bed. Her friends are both shocked as there is a twenty year age gap between them.
The book begins a little slower than some, but this gives us the time to be introduced to all three women and the story is told from mutliple viewpoints too, so we understand how these women are ticking in their own unique ways. As the story develops things come to a head, we see that Dale is very suspicious of Harry but she can't put her finger on why. Could it just be jealousy due to the fact he has come between them on their holiday and she is missing the close friendship of the three women? Or could it be that she has a sixth sense about Harry?
The book moves from the womens point of view and we get to learn more about Harry, and find that all is not as it seems. He isn't the person that Suzanne thinks and we slowly begin to learn the truth and it is more than a bit shocking.
An intriguing and captivating book that I loved for a few reasons. The setting was beautiful and it was a book I couldn't stop reading, I have to see what happens type of book.... a definite addictive read.
Thanks to Bookouture and NetGalley for my copy of the book to write my review today.

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This book had a great premise, but I can’t help feeling that there was something lacking.
Don’t get me wrong; I read it one sitting, so it definitely had me engrossed and curious to see what happened. I liked the set up of three women “getting away from it all” and heading to Tuscany, especially since they all seemed to be in disparate places in life.
Susanne was divorced and missing her teenage son who was off on holiday with her ex-husband. Evie, her new friend, had recently lost her mother, inherited her mother’s house, and was at loose ends. Dale, her long-time best friend, was just ready for a vacation.
When they get to the villa (owned by a friend of Susanne’s) they find that Harry (the friend’s godson) is already there. Is Harry too good to be true, as he doesn’t seem to mind the company of the older ladies, especially Susanne?
Or is something else going on?
The author does a good job of casting doubt on each of the character’s motivations. There’s just enough to question about each of them that I was never quite sure if anyone had ulterior motives or not.
There was also a great twist at the very end that got me. I didn’t see it coming and it was a great way to end the book.
All of that being said, there were a few things that could have been slightly better.
I thought that the character development could have been a little bit deeper. It seemed like each woman’s situation was more for the plot than for any development of the character. Even though each woman’s situation was unique, there didn’t seem to be much purpose for the situations.
Every time I thought each woman’s perspective would produce a new offshoot of interest, it didn’t. There seemed to be quite a few paths that were approached but never taken.
There was a definite “Talented Mr. Ripley” vibe to the whole thing as well. You’ll understand when you read it.
At one point in the book, the author also introduces a new point of view. It quickly becomes apparent why that person is contributing to the story, but the arrival was a bit jarring.
I also felt that Susanne’s decisions in the latter half the book were questionable. I get why the plot needed to go in that direction, but the choices didn’t seem honest and (again) were more to move the story than be true to the character.
Even though this was a little bit of a mixed bag, I would still recommend it because the author does a nice job of throwing enough questions out there that it made for interesting reading.

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I think this is my first book by this author, but most definitely mot my last! Was a quick, fast paced read, which kept me tense from the suspense! Lots of the much needed thrills, chills, and shocks! These types of some of my fav types, so if you like similar ones to me, I’m sure you will love this book. Highly, highly recommend!

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Three female friends decide to go on a holiday when they all need a break from everyday life. Their friend Suzanne has the perfect solution, her neighbor has a Tuscan villa which is affordable for the summer and has a great pool. The only stipulation is they have to share it with a young man named Harry, the neighbor's godson.
The vacation starts out well enough, they get to tour the area, shop, and eat tons of great food. However, Suzanne and Harry start hooking up, to the disdain of Suzanne's best friend Dale, who is super suspicious of the lad they have just met, and she has every reason to be! People are not always who they appear to be and this made for a great thriller of a book. I hated how super naive Suzanne was until the very end, but I guess you do stupid things when you are completely smitten. This made a great story to read with an ending that left me hanging on the edge of my seat because where it seems like it was going to end, it did not. A sequel perhaps? I hope the author continues this story and gives it a great conclusion. Thank you NetGalley for another fun read!

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Suzanne is divorced from Colin. They are the parents of Cody, 15 who lives with Suzanne and is the light of her life. This summer, Colin wants Cody to spend the summer with him and his girlfriend. This is difficult because being away from her son is really hard on her.

Suzanne and her friend, Dale, have been good friends for many years. Recently, Dale opened up to Suzanne telling her that she is a lesbian. Suzanne doesn’t care at all because Dale will always be her friend.

Evie is a young woman who put her career and life aside to care for her terminally ill mother. Now that the woman has passed away, Evie is striving to exercise and become more healthy. The gym is where she met Suzanne and they have become close.

Suzanne’s neighbor owns a villa in Tuscany and offers her, Dale, and Evie the use of it for a month this summer. They are thrilled to accept her offer. They are told that the woman’s godson will also be at the villa but he is a student and there is lots of room.

When they arrive, they love the location and when they meet Harry, they are surprised to find a handsome man who is quite mannerly. However, he soon comes onto Suzanne who lets herself go after drinking too much wine. When Dale discovers this, she is not happy and tells her friend that she is being reckless. But Suzanne is drawn to this man. Is Dale’s intuition correct or is she just being silly?

This book has a great plot that builds well. The characters are perfectly created and the descriptions of the countryside of Tuscany makes the reader feel like they are right there. I really liked Evie and wanted only the best for her. Dale and Suzanne play off one another well. Harry is a smooth operator, but I cringed at Suzanne ready to hop in bed with him. That was just creepy, I’m sure readers will enjoy this story and especially its food and countryside descriptions.

Copy provided by NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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Three friends plan a much needed vacation in Tuscany. They didn’t plan for Harry.

Suzanne is wealthy, gorgeous and divorced. Her son is spending the summer with his father so she’s lonely and bored. Her best friend Dale, a teacher, has the summer off. And Evie, a new acquaintance, is still grieving her mother’s death. Suzanne knows her neighbor has a vacation house in Tuscany so, with five weeks free, they’re off on a holiday.

There is one catch. Harry, her neighbor’s godson, is also staying at the villa. His new job in finance begins in the fall so he’s traveling in Italy learning the language. The house is large enough for all. Harry is 24, tall, charming and incredibly handsome. Suzanne almost immediately begins a passionate affair with him, disappointing and worrying her friends. While Evie is shocked, Dale is suspicious. Why doesn’t he introduce them to his friends Joe and Sander? And who is Star?

The author knows exactly when you will start to realize what is really happening in the villa and introduces a perfectly timed new point of view. The action quickly picks up speed and hurtles toward a totally unexpected conclusion. This is a 5 star read. The weakness is not the author’s fault. The publisher’s description gives too much away. I’m glad I read The Perfect Liar first as that description is a real spoiler.

Thank you to NetGalley, Bookouture and Beverley Harvey for this ARC.

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This was a decent read. Not as thrilling as led to believe but still good. Loved the setting of Tuscany and the descriptions of the landscape and food made the book worth it for me. The characters were good and the mystery was ok. The pacing was slow until over half way through but picked up nicely then. Won't be on my must read list of recommendations but good for a distraction from Covid.
I received a free copy of this book from Netgalley and the publisher and voluntarily chose to review it.

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The Perfect Liar by Beverley Harvey. Out on November 6 2020.
Skip the synopsis it gives far too much away. If you do read it, unfortunately, you will be more aware of the story's plot.
Susanne, beautiful, divorced and rich, Evie, financially secure, after her mothers passing and Dale a larger than life lesbian (all 40ish-year-old women) are taking a five-week trip to Italy staying at Susanne's neighbour's Veronica's (Ronnie) Villa in Tuscany.
The only disadvantage is Ronnie's much younger Godson, 24-year-old Harry, will also be staying there. Susanne is assured that he won't get in the way as there is plenty of room at the Villa. On the evening they arrive, Harry is out but has left a supper of antipasto and wine. When they eventually meet him, they are confronted by a Handsome, self-assured man.
Sparks start to fly between Harry and Susanne, and romance is in the air. Of course, not all is as perfect as it seems.
The dynamic changes upon the arrival of Star, Harry's 18-year-old friend.
I enjoyed how the author was able to capture Italy so wonderfully.
The visions, aromas, flavours and sounds of Italy were portrayed perfectly, and it was easy to allow yourself to be transported there through her descriptions.
I would not class this as a thriller, but it did have a psychological feel and is a well-written story even though predictable.

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An enjoyable, gripping thriller. Three friends, Suzanne, Dale and Evie, are going on holiday to Tuscany in a villa, where the owners godson, Harry is also staying. An instant spark with 24 year old Harry but Suzanne's friends are concerned about the relationship.

I loved the writing told from the differing perspectives, you got to know the characters. The setting of Tuscany, with all the sights, sounds, and food was just perfect. I could imagine being there with friends. Many of the twists and turns I didn't see coming. I'll definitely keep a look out for more books by this author.

Thank you to Netgalley and Bookouture for an ARC in exchange for an honest review

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Thank you so much to NetGalley and Bookouture for the digital ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Susanne, Dale, and Evie are on holiday in Tuscany in a villa where Susanne’s neighbor’s godson happens to be staying. Susanne begins an intimate relationship with this young man, but not everything about him ends up being quite as it seems.

This thriller wasn’t as shocking as the cover claims, but the undercurrent of uneasiness throughout was excellent. I figured out one of the twists because I accidentally skipped ahead in the book (also, do NOT read the table of contents. Possible spoiler there). This particular twist shows up long before the end of the book, making it slightly less exciting. There are a couple little things at the end that are fun, but they’re almost unnecessary.

Speaking of unnecessary...there are a couple characters in the book that honestly could’ve not been in it at all, and the novel would’ve been just fine. It seems the only purpose they serve is for one of the little twists at the end.

One important thing: there is no actual pedophilia in the book, but Susanne often thinks of Harry and her son at the same time, and while she never thinks of her son grossly at all, it makes you want to tell the author, “We get it! Harry’s a lot younger than Susanne.”

The characters all seem to be reading at one point, which made me happy.

This book is available starting November 6.

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This is a highly addictive read that I raced through to find out the truth.
Susanne, Dale and Evie decide they deserve a holiday after things that have happened to them, so take a neighbour up on her offer of her villa in Tuscany.
They’re told that her godson is staying there but don’t mind.
When they arrive, Harry is very charming and soon Susanne realises she’s attracted to him.
Soon they are sleeping together despite nearly a twenty year age difference, and Dale and Evie are shocked.
Dale doesn't trust Harry but can’t work out why.
Later on in the book we learn more about the person Susanne has fallen for and it’s a bit of a shock.
Susanne and the others are still in the dark, but the reader gets an explanation of what’s happening and slowly the truth is revealed.
I loved the story and really enjoyed escaping to Tuscany with the three friends but the ending left me feeling disappointed as I didn’t want it to end like that.
A great read though and one I’d highly recommend.
Thanks to Bookouture and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book.

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Read this in one sitting.
Three women decide they need a holiday so head off to Tuscany where they stay in a villa belonging to Suzanne's neighbour Ronnie.The only thing is they have to share it with Ronnie's godson Harry.
Harry makes a play for Suzanne and then the dynamics of the friends change and not in a good way. Harry is causing trouble.
Dale starts to become suspicious of Harry especially when they return from a trip and a 'friend' Star is lying by the pool.
This was a gentle read as we got to know the women. I loved the descriptions of the villa and felt I was laying on a sunlounger by the pool with them.
I thought the ending was good but thought the epilogue was a bit predictable.
Thank you to Netgalley and Bookouture for the ARC

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I read this ARC for an honest review
All thoughts and opinions are mine

I was first attracted to the holiday / thriller vibe of the write up
I really enjoyed this - it would have been a great summer read were I allowed to travel but this was the next best thing in these COVID times

Real escapism here

Really enjoyed this

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What could be more perfect than to stay in a luxury villa in Tuscany and spend the summer soaking up the sun? That is what happens to Susanne when her wealthy neighbours Eddie and Veronica offer her the use of their holiday home. The good news is she can take her friends Dale and Evie with her. The downside is that the villa is already occupied by Veronica’s twenty-four-year-old godson Harry who has been travelling around Europe.
On arrival they are greeted by Harry who is not at all what they imagined. Handsome and friendly, with a relaxed manner, he appears to be the ideal share. Divorced Susanne, missing her 15-year-old Cody who is holidaying in Scotland with her ex- and his partner is immediately attracted to him and it doesn’t take long before he is sharing her bed.
Written from multiple viewpoints The Perfect Liar gives the reader an opportunity to get to know the three women’s characters well. Susanne is kind and good natured, Dale doesn’t take prisoners and Evie is the quiet one - something that will change over the duration of their stay. A bonus is the fact the story takes place in beautiful Tuscany where I have holidayed many times. Dale is soon suspicious of Harry, but there’s nothing she can prove. Is it jealousy because he’s muscled in on her close friendship with her best friend, or is there something more?
An enjoyable read worthy of four-stars. Recommended.

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Who Is Harry....?
The Tuscan sun is calling for three friends who have been planning a dream getaway. The trip takes a bizarre turn when they encounter Harry. Who is Harry? Entertaining suspense and, whilst rather a slow burn and tendency to the predictable, enjoyable escapism all the same.

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This was a gripping if slightly predictable thriller. It was also nicely escapist - getting to leave behind post-lockdown corona chaos and travel to tuscany in my head, with yummy food, a beautiful villa and a hot bad boy is no bad thing right now. If we were in a position to be lying by a pool/beach, this would be a must have. ANd if you're stuck at home, this will definitely ease the pain. A good, entertaining thriller

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★★★ 2.5 stars (rounded up)

Received from the publisher via Netgalley to take part in the #BooksOnTour #BlogTour for Beverley Harvey's debut thriller THE PERFECT LIAR.

Oh man...where do I start with this book? What promised to be a gripping page-turning read ended up a slow, long-winded tale that only picked up pace from about 60% onwards. Only then did it become interesting. And to be honest, I only continued with it as I was part of the blog tour for the book...otherwise I would have binned it long ago.

The premise gave away the main spoiler so as a reader we go in knowing exactly what route it is going to take. It just takes a long time to get there. So we spend over half the book waiting for something to happen. And in my opinion, that is far too long to keep readers waiting as many will have lost interest several chapters ago. I honestly had to force myself to pick it back up to continue.

The story begins with Susanne, Dale and Evie - all forty something women - taking a trip to Italy for a summer holiday in the Tuscan villa of a friend. There is just one catch - the friend's godson, Harry, is currently staying there enjoying his last weeks of freedom before taking up a position in the financial sector back in London. Admittedly, it was a drunken decision made in haste but one the women embraced nonetheless. Susanne was missing her teenage son who had gone to Scotland to holiday with his father and new girlfriend, Dale was escaping a crazy ex who wouldn't take "no" for an answer and Evie was still grieving the loss of her mother. What better way to escape the troubled realities of their lives that a free villa in Tuscany?

The women arrive at the villa, enjoy a late supper and head off to their respective bedrooms...all complete with ensuite bathrooms. It's not untilt he following morning that they see the villa in all its beauty and meet the incredibly handsome Harry. He is gorgeous, he is charming, he is an Adonai...but...

Both Susanne and Evie melt in Harry's presence but Dale finds him a little suspicious. But it's Susanne whom Harry has his sights set on and a few whispered words coupled with several giggles, and she falls under his spell whilst he falls into her bed...and Dale and Evie are subjected to the nocturnal sounds emanating from Susanne's room on a nightly basis.

But the trouble with Harry is...that there is something not quite right about him. And while readers might suspect that he is something of a perfect liar, no one knows who he really is. Least of all Susanne, Dale and Evie. However, we discover the truth before they do as Harry's secrets are slowly revealed...but will it be too late?

I cannot say that I enjoyed THE PERFECT LIAR, sadly, although it did have the potential to be the gripping thriller it was billed as. The pace was far too slow and long-winded building up to whatever was going to happen...and by the time it peaked at around 60% and the pace picked up, it was too little too late.

And then, it annoyingly gave us two endings. I didn't like how the first one wrapped up - it was a bit like a slap in the face - but the Epilogue was a satisfactory conclusion to the only mystery in the entire story.

I would like to thank #BeverleyHarvey, #NetGalley and #Bookouture for an ARC of #ThePerfectLiar in exchange for an honest review.

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