Member Reviews

They love each other very deeply.

One want to marry and have a family, the other wants the commitment without the wedding, due to his parents being multiple divorcees.

Where will the ending be?


Living together?


A cliff hanger ending!!!!

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I didn`t really like it sadly. I didn`t enjoy that it felt like Finn aka Finnigan strung Hadley along, and the ending was rushed and felt sort of forced? I know that 3 more books in the series. But i didn`t like the characters, Hadley came along as whiney, complaining not-doing to much, Her friends was over the top animal-calling Finn all the time and honestly not helping to be honest and Finn i just couldn`t wrap my head around his character, why couldn`t he actually talk about things? why couldn`t he be honest? Sometimes it felt like all was about sex with him. Bah.

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I disliked this book a lot but wanted to see how it would end . Only it doesn't! It's a cliffhanger with a second book. I found Finn to be one of the most annoying characters I have read about in a while. Otherwise I enjoyed reading all the other characters. This is 2 stars.

**************************I received an ARC for my honest opinion from Net Galley*********************

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Chasing the Wild Sparks, Ren Alexander

Review from Jeannie Zelos book reviews

Genre: Romance, Women's fiction

* Sigh....women's fiction...this is the 20th century, surely we're beyond this kind of thing. Men write romance, men read romance, there's no need for this category!

I was quite irritated as I got to middle of book and it became obvious this wasn't a stand alone read. Please authors, tell us that upfront, its really irritating to get partway through a story and find out that way. At least with this the next four books are published. Yes, that's right, this is book one of five. I'm fine with that if its known upfront, in fact I like these longer reads, they let the story and characters be fully explored.
So, Finn doesn't want to marry but loves Hadley.
Hadley wants to marry and have a family. Tough one. Its clear they both adore each other and are deeply in love, but that's two very opposite points, one is going to get upset. If Finn gives in will he resent Hadley later, if she accepts what Finn wants will she resent the lack of children later? I feel for them both, there isn't an easy answer.
I understood Hadley's distress at appearing to be hidden by Finn, he has reasons but doesn't explain to her, and she's beginning to feel like a dirty secret.
I didn't like Hadley's friends, Morgan seemed pushy while Rod....well, he's crude and not funny IMO, and when he and Morgan are together its like listening to toddlers bicker, apart from the language being stronger. They really annoyed me.
I found the book slow to start, the story dragged, but now knowing there are four more books to fill I can see why. It feels like the story has been stretched to fit the size needed rather than the story itself dictating the length. Shorter and tighter would have suited me better. Still, I can see for many readers this is perfect as it is.
I'm undecided if I want to continue. If it was on KU I would...but I'm not sure that I'm intrigued enough to buy the next four books. I might try book tow and see from there, I would like to know what happens, how they resolve this dilemma but do I want it enough to buy four books? Can I stand reading more about Morgan and Rod. The bickering that for me isn't funny, the language from Rod which is crude and juvenile, through more books? Its a shame that for me their issues overrode the story between Hadley and Finn, and that's the one I really want to follow.

Stars: Three, a story I have mixed feelings over.

Arc via Netgalley and publishers

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