Member Reviews

A well-executed story. 3.5 stars

Perry seems unlikely to settle down ever, but Grace is her perfect match! If only there wasn't the complication of Grace being her sister's best friend plus her own wanderlust.

Though an age difference is hinted at, it didn't seem to play a significant part of the story. I have to say there wasn't a lot of angst so that should suit some readers nicely. For others, this was pretty light and very simply finished.

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I usually really like Carsen Taite's books. But this time I think, Perry she just wasn't very likable. I felt she was very judgmental or getting upset if she didn't get her way. I struggled to see why Grace would feel drawn to her except for her looks.

It was one of the books where I enjoyed certain parts and then found myself frustrated at other times.

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I love all books by this author, can highly recommend. Just wonderful. The main characters are well developed and its so well written you feel personally involved in the journey.

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Weak and predictable this book is a disappointment from an author I used to really like. Far too much of this book is entirely implausible and the ending is very rushed and lazy. A few of the characters are well written, but overall this is just sloppy and lazy.

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3.5 stars

Best Practice is a f/f romance between Perry, Campbell's younger sister and Campbell's best friend Grace. Perry always had a crus on Grace and Grace used to only think of her as her friend's little sister. However when Grace is trying to help her after Perry became unemployed and homeless, both women are going to find out how well they could be together as a couple. However Perry doesn't want to stick around and wants to go back to work. Campbell is about to get married and wants absolutely to have her little sister with her.

This book attracted me with that "younger sister" premise. Tell me the word crush and I'm intrigued. Overall, it was a cute and quick read that gave me a bit of obstacles for the FMCs to overcome and Perry's career wasn't the usual baker of pastry chef career that I found so many times in romances. It was refreshing to have a different perspective. I felt the chemistry between the FMCs and it's why I would have wanted less time in the "I shouldn't" phase and more time when they finally chose to go for it.

(Thank you for letting me read and review an ARC via Netgalley)

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This book by Carsen Taite is a romance from her Legal Affairs series. As with most of her books, Ms. Taite uses the legal system as her background. Best Practice is a little different because it starts with the main character working for a law organization similar to Doctors Without Borders. Readers are introduced to Perry Clark who is working overseas, but due to a political uprising she is forced to relocate quickly and misplaces her vital travel paperwork.

The other main character is Grace Maldonado. As readers of this series will recall, Grace is one of the three lawyers who decide to form a law firm together. Perry’s sister Campbell asks Grace to go to Europe and convince Perry to come home to the States while a new passport can be processed. Campbell also offers Perry a job with the firm while she is waiting.

Campbell and Grace were best friends while growing up. Grace remembers Perry well as the cute, smart younger sister of Campbell. When Perry was a teenager, she always wanted to tag along with Campbell and Grace. Perry had a huge crush on Grace, one that she still clings to in the present.

I really enjoy the Legal Affairs series. This is the third book, and it remains as fresh as the first in the series. I find Ms. Taite’s writing clear and descriptive. The narrative is interesting and even quite believable. Readers can appreciate this book without reading the other two. However, I highly suggest reading them first.

I rate Best Practice with 4.5 out of 5 stars.

I received this ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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The last book in Caresen Taites Legal Affairs series and I would recommend reading the books in order to get used to the characters, setting, etc. That will give you a better experience with this last one where the final member of the law firm, Grace, finds her HEA with Perry, the rebellious younger sister of her best friend Campbell.
It is rather light on legal stuff, which is a little surprising, but the focus on the romance makes it a little more believable that they will get their happy ending in just 2 weeks since the character development is a bit more threedimensional this way and we get to see more interactions between the main and secondary characters.
Ofcourse the conflict was resolved too easy and all the stuff that didn't make Perry and Grace compatible in their minds vanished within the blink of an eye. But I still enjoyed myself and connected with the characters enough to be annoyed with Campbell acting like an overbearing control freak.

*** An ARC was provided by Netgalley in exchange for a honest review ***

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I took the time to read the first book in the Legal Affairs series while hoping to get an ARC of Best Practice. It wasn't necessary as the book stands on its own. But it helped me enjoy the characters more knowing their backgrounds and how the three friends formed their own law firm.

Perry Clark works for a non profit (think lawyers without borders) in Crimea and has to flea without her passport. Her sister Campbell asks her best friend and law partner Grace Maldonado to meet Perry in London. Grace with birth certificate and a contact at the embassy gets a temporary passport and brings Perry home to Austin.

Perry starts working temporarily at the law firm waiting for her real passport and helps in assisting Grace on cases. Perry has had a crush on Grace since her teens yet Grace only thinks of her as Campbell's little sister. Working together there is sparks and attraction. There is also differences. Grace is the responsible one of her three friends. She likes security and growing the practice. Perry's work has her living in poor situations, fighting for the underdog, with no ties.

I enjoyed this book more than the first. Both MC have depth and backgrounds that form their characters. There is more development of the romance (in a short two-week time period). This book is a romance with some legal elements (the first in the series felt the opposite to me). I read it in one evening and found myself smiling at the will they or won't they moments. The ending wrapped up nicely with a potentially HEA for the main characters and the wedding of Campbell. I wish there was another partner so the series could continue.

Thank you to NetGalley, Bold Strokes Books and the author for an ARC ebook in exchange for an honest review.

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This is the story of the third member of the triumvirate who set up their own legal practice and as the other two has elements of law and romance. I liked this one as the legal aspects were a little more front of house and Perry Clark was a well developed, three dimensional character who I felt would have been in Crimea fighting for the rights of free speech. The escape might have been a little too easy but it set up the connection with Grace nicely and allowed the story to develop at a good pace. Grace feels Perry is too young - her best friend’s kid sister who always seemed to be around but Perry has lived her life by her rules and has always had a crush on Grace.

Their roller coaster approach to each other felt genuine and the psychology of family dynamics was well captured. I liked the scenes where Perry and Campbell were shouting at each other as they tried to find a way to communicate as equals. Ms Taite is a favourite of mine and one of only 4 authors with her own folder on my Kindle.

I was given a copy of this book by Netgalley in return for an honest review.

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It's always sad to reach the end of a series, but everyone has their HEA, and it's time to let them enjoy the coupled-up bliss. What? I'm not sappy.
I wish this was longer, not just because I wanted more, but because the relationship parts were kind of lacking. Considering the book spanned over two weeks, we didn't have enough time with Perry and Grace as an item. (spoiler) If the "we can't, we can't" has to drag on for so long, then we should see more of why they do actually belong together, other than physical chemistry. They jumped into bed for a marathon session, and when they next met, declarations of love were coming out. I felt like there wasn't enough to overcome the issue of them being polar opposites.
It's a shame, really, because I was excited for these characters. (I guess I don't mind the childhood crush trope.) I liked Grace from what we saw of her in the previous books. I admired Perry's righteous fire. Plus we're already familiar with most of the supporting cast, which for me adds so much to the enjoyment of the story. I would have been so happy if we had gotten more dating, more character development. That would have made a decent book into something satisfying and memorable.
Rounding up to four stars.

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I really like the lawyer kind of books. People who are extremely smart and know what they want in their life. The difference in age, the crush you have when you are a kid and she comes into your life later on. Carsen is extremely good at her writing and I am never disappointed. This book was everything I hoped for.

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It has been a long time since I read a Carsen Taite’s book and I have to confess I missed on the other books of this series “A Legal Affairs Romance”. I wouldn’t say it’s mandatory to read the other stories in advance because the author fills perfectly the void left by missing information, but you can still sense there is a familiarity between characters coming from somewhere unknown to the new reader. So I would say the book managed to intrigue me to know how the other two partners of the firm found their significant others.

I am writing this premise because the story is about Grace Maldonado, the third partner of the all-female law firm in Austin. She is the last one still single and maybe the more uptight? (She would probably deny it. At first). She is sent to London in an attempt to retrieve her best friend’s little sister, Perry. Both lawyers but basically one for evil corporate and the other for pro-bono international causes. Perry comes back temporarily home and while waiting for bureaucracy to work its magic, get her passport and travel somewhere else, she invests her free time working for her sister's firm, helping no other than Grace.
Did I mention that Grace was Perry’s high school crush? So what could go wrong, right?

As one can imagine there are miles separating Grace and Perry’s personalities but blame it on the Big Ben, the British weather or the gin somehow their trip connects them and sparks a flame that surprises them both. Still being aware of their different positions Grace and Perry keeps on searching each other’s company and the author established the right balance to make their views understandable to one another.

I hated Perry with every fibre of my being. There, I said it. It may be the ultimate proof that my youth ship has sailed but I hated her being so young and judgemental, her ungratefulness toward everything her sister tried to do for her, her unprofessionalism while helping Grace’s case. I hated her while founding her an extremely believable character so that’s why I found the ending rushed and unsatisfying. Every problem that seemed unsolvable a minute before just vanish into thin air, including Perry's issue of being in Austin (the job offer she gets in the end was pure science fiction ).

The other thing that had me cut the vote was that usually, I found the author to perfectly mix up legal and romance but in Best Practice, the legal side of the story was quite forgotten in favour of the characters' interaction, and since I couldn’t stand half of the main couple you can understand why I think there was a missed opportunity.

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It’s time to read the third book in Carsens ‘Legal Affairs’, a series that follows the lives of three best friends. With each book we get to enjoy just how all three women meet and fall in love with their ‘soulmate’.
This time it’s Grace Maldonado's turn but unlike the others she doesn’t fall for a stranger. No, she finds herself falling for someone who really is off limits. When Campbell asks her best friend Grace to help rescue her younger sister Perry what else could she do. Grace doesn’t have to be in court for a couple of weeks so not only would she be helping Perry out of a tight spot she’d also have time to do a little sightseeing around London. She never expects to be attracted to the younger women, especially her BF’s baby sister.
Perry Clark didn’t want to follow her older sister in a safe corporate job. She wanted to help people who are in need of some legal help and Perry couldn’t think of anything more rewarding as going into countries where it wasn’t easy to find a lawyer because of the oppressive governments where they lived. So when she has to escape to a safer location she loses her passport meaning she had to stay where she was. That’s why she called her sister. Little did she know the help she’d sent for her was none other than the women she’d had a crush on the years, Grace Maldonado.
The question now is how Perry's big sister Campbell is going to handle the idea of her BF being with her little sister.
Ms Carsen has a lot packed into this book. Besides the adventure Perry and Grace are having we also get to catch up with the three best friends who’d started their own law firm mainly to be close to each other. I think this could be the last book in this series but if Ms Carsen decides to write another one using these characters I’ll be very happy.
ARC via NetGalley/ Bold Stroke Books

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Thank you NetGalley, the author and publishers for the opportunity to read and review "Best Practice".

This is the third book in this enjoyable series which features three friends, Campbell Clark, Abby Keane and Grace Maldonado who have set up their own legal firm. Campbell 's forthcoming wedding to Wynne is weeks away. Campbell's younger sister Perry, also a lawyer, enjoys a less corporate lifestyle, working for charities and non-profits and is currently fleeing with colleagues from Crimea and has reached London but needs further practical. assistance. Grace flies out to assist her and bring her safely back to Texas.The interlude in London was a good addition to the storyline and gave the remainder of the story a foundation to build upon.

I enjoyed this not so predictable lesfic romance between two interesting multidimensional characters, Carsen Taite knows how to use chemistry between characters on her pages and the result is a slow build up storyline and the characters coming into their own once chemistry is added to the mix. The authenticty of the legal backdrop is always helpful and adds additional clarity and enjoyment. Loved it. 4.5*

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Unlike all the other readers of this book, I started the Legal Affairs series with this novel. I will confess that I had a bit of a hard time connecting to the characters, likely because I jumped into the series at the end. *rolls eyes at self* But some of that was also due to the fact that I don't own a high-end luxury SUV or an expensive coffee machine. And you know, I'm not a lawyer. But I did connect with Perry. And every time someone referred to her as a kid, or young, or as Campbell's "kid sister" I wanted to slap them. I related very well to her frustration and chafing to get back to her own life. Yes, THAT I could relate to.
So overall, I've learned to listen to others when they recommend "read the other books first!"

If you're a fan of Carsen Tait, get this book. But read the other ones first!

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Best Practice by Carsen Taite is the third and I believe final book in the Legal Affairs series. The three books tell the stories of three best friends who have opened their own boutique law firm. This novel narrates the tale of the third law partner, Grace Maldonado and her best friend’s younger sister, Perry Clark. I will mention here that all three of these books can be read as stand-alone novels even though they share some of the same settings and characters. However, I always feel the best way to read a series is first book to last, and since all of these stories are really good, they are all worth reading.

Of course the main setting of this novel has already been fleshed out in the first two books, but I liked how the author took us on a short trip to London, England so the two main characters can meet again under different and fresh circumstances. Both main characters, as well as the secondary characters are well developed and realistic. I admit, it took me a while to connect to Perry. I couldn’t understand why she reacted the way she did at first, until I learned more about her background and thoughts as I read the story. This is an age gap romance since Perry is several years younger than Grace. Ms. Taite did an excellent job using that trope to create conflict between the characters, both main and secondary.

I had fun reading this story and watching the final law partner find her true love. If you like a delightful, romantic age-gap tale involving lawyers, you will like Best Practice. In fact, I believe you will like all three books in the Legal Affairs series.

I received an ARC from NetGalley and Bold Strokes Books for an honest review.

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Nice cover. I enjoy being a Carsen Taite fan. She provides a solid story with entertaining and interesting characters. There is usually a case and some legal aspect with the good guys coming out on top. This read was different. It was not so much legal as it was friendship, relationship, and family. Not what I expected but it was a nice change.

The third book in the series features Grace Maldonado and Perry Clark. Grace is friends with Campbell Clark and Abby Keane. They are lawyer friends that open their own boutique legal firm. The firm is doing well. Campbell is engaged and getting married. Her younger sister, Perry, also a lawyer. Perry is not interested in practicing for profit. She travels around the world serving as a lawyer under challenging conditions. Campbell wants her to come home and settle in one place.

Grace remembers Perry as Campbell's little sometimes annoying sister. Perry remembers Grace as the person she had a crush on. Campbell ask Grace to mentor/work with Perry (while she is in between cases) and feelings are slowly brought to the surface. There is some back and forth and friendship/family involvement but in general, this is a nice easy read with little angst.

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Perry and Grace are a nice couple. I usually enjoy Taite legal affairs romances and was not disappointed with this one. It's not her best romance, but it is still valid your time. More than the romance per se I like how Taite brings on the plot about legal subjects. The also present thematic of running away as a manner of hiding from or finding yourself is a cliché, but who doesn't want to find your own self and love?

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If it's hard to tell, this book is the 3rd in a 3 book series. Grace is the last at the law firm where the other two law partners have already had their books. You don't need to read the first two, but I think it helps with how much you'll enjoy this third one. There are call backs, and plus, you get some of the other relationships moving forward and it's cute to see if you've read their stories.

This book was a solid read. It's not fascinating, or unique by any means, but it's a cute love story. It also has the good old fashion unrequited crush, with Perry having a crush on Grace since she was a teenager. Grace doesn't have a clue, and still sees Perry and her friend's little sister, so that was fun to see play out.

Overall, a good ending to a nice series.

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Perry Clark, works as a lawyer for a not for profit organisation in war torn countries. She has to extricate herself from one of those countries in a hurry and finds herself back in London without a passport.  Grace Maldonaldo, also a lawyer and has a successful partnership with Perry's sister Campbell. Grace has flown to London to help Perry with her passport issues and has found Perry to be all grown up. Perry has had a childhood crush on Grace so when they spend some time together in London, the sparks fly but Perry is Grace's best friend's little sister and despite the attraction, she can't go there.
Carsen Taite has delivered another page turner with this one. It's the third book in her Legal Affairs series but works perfectly well as a stand alone romance. Perry and Grace have loads of chemistry and their romance is a real slow burner. I think not everyone will like Perry, she's a bit brash and comes across a bit selfish and sometimes it's hard to see how Grace falls for her. I think their relationship was was all tied up a little too conveniently but I was more than happy to overlook these faults. I really enjoyed this book.

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