Member Reviews

I have enjoyed this series to date and was excited for the third book looking forward to reading about Grace and Perry. I did find myself a little disappointed so much potential but just didn't hit the mark for me. I think the pace didn't work so much. It was too slow at the beginning where I just didn't feel the connection between the two. And then it just felt like it speed up super fast and then it ended.
I did also struggled with Perry she just wasn't very likable. I felt she was very judgmental or getting upset if she didn't get her way. I struggled to see why Grace would feel drawn to her except for her looks.
It was one of the books where I enjoyed certain parts and then found myself frustrated at other times.

This was a very quick read and I enjoyed it. Perry and Grace had great chemistry and the romantic storyline was sweet, sexy and believable. The writing was engaging as always. However, I would have liked to see Perry’s character and her relationship with Grace fleshed out a bit more and for the book to be a little longer. Everything happened very quickly, including the ending.

Didn’t like this one much at all. Not only did I absolutely despise Perry for being an obnoxious, pretentious know it all, but I didn’t notice any sort of build up to an alleged connection between the two leads. Like, literally zero chemistry between them and then suddenly theyre in love. Just not well written at all.

This is the third part of the trilogy, or so I think it will be, Legal Affairs Romances, because it is the third book in which one of the three partners of the law firm found her HEA. I think this third part has been the weakest, not because the protagonists are not interesting, gorgeous and all that, but somehow the thing has been too superficial and fast. But since I was entertained a lot and since I liked Perry the most, I can't give it a lower rating than I gave the previous two parts.
Also add here that this is a story that can be read independently of the previous two, Practice Makes Perfect (Legal Affairs, #1) and Out of Practice (Legal Affairs #2), although if they are not read in order some things are spoiled, but the story itself is perfectly understandable.
If you are regular readers of this author, like me, you will find here what characterizes her: characters related to justice, public order servants, lawyers or politicians mainly star in her stories.
Without going into much detail, as I have already said, that this story lacks depth and some coherence. The common past or even the many differences between the two protagonists remain very much in the background, only focusing on the achievement of the final milestone, which is their pairing. And in this case, I don't remember it so much in the previous ones, I think the consummation was too short and late.
But it was a story that, despite everything, can be recommended.

For the second time lol , I did not know this was a sequel "again !", I was surprised by the same fact in (Out of Practice) Anyway ! as soon as I read Campbell I remembered her story. not in details, that was a nice surprise. Sadly, this is the only good thing i liked about the story. Campbell, Abby, and Grace . Her sister tho, was selfish, immature, negative and judgmental as hell. i disliked her from the first comment she has made early on and kept saying her character will develop to something i will like. but nope did not happen! I liked the other books way more. not to say it's not well written. because it was. i just did not like the mind set of Perry. In real life, I avoid anyone with her "qualities".
thank you for the author and her team.

Perry Clark is working for a nonprofit in Crimea when she and her colleagues must flee after defending a government critic. In a rush to leave she forgets her passport and is smuggled into the United Kingdom. Perry’s sister, Campbell, asks colleague Grace Maldonado to go to the UK and utilize a contact to help Perry get home to Austin and to start the passport application process. Grace is Perry’s childhood crush.
Grace and Perry take care of business in London, yet have an enjoyable time together. Grace manages to get Perry to come home for a month while she waits for her passport. Perry ends up working for Grace, Campbell, and Abby’s law firm for the month assisting Grace with a couple of high profile clients. They grow closer during this time.
The book details Perry’s resistance to a standard corporate job and her focus on being socially and environmentally conscious. She is anxious to return to traveling the world and assisting people in war torn countries via the nonprofit. But the more time she spends with Grace the more she is torn.
I enjoyed both characters as well as the extended characters in this continuing series. I’d recommend this series to other readers. 4 stars for Best Practice.
I received an ARC from Bold Strokes Books and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Third book in the Legal Affairs series - we see the last of the trio, Grace, as she finds love. Book opens with Campbell's little sister, Perry, stuck in London without a passport. She had to flee from Crimea where she's working for an NGO, defending a government critic. In the rush, she left her papers and passport. Grace volunteered to go to London to help and convince Perry to come home to Austin. They have known each other for a long time. In fact, Grace was Perry's big childhood crush. I love the relationships in this book. Campbell, who wants to have her peripatetic little sister close by, is trying to learn that Perry is now an adult who can make her own decisions. Grace unexpectedly is experiencing attraction to her best friend's sister. Perry is chafing that people still see her as a kid. She is also very socially conscious, having worked in poor and war- torn countries. And to her dismay, her childhood crush is still going strong. Of course, if one has read books 1 and 2, it's gratifying to see Campbell and Wynne preparing for their wedding. We also see more of Abby and Roxanne, of course.
I wish though that the book is longer. I would have liked to see a longer road to Grace and Perry's resolution of their issues. But, this is still a wonderful romance book. It's a good addition to this adorable series.
**Huge thanks to Bold Strokes Books for giving me an ARC in exchange for honest review!**

'ARC provided by both NetGalley and The Publisher in exchange for an unbiased review'
**'Thinking in terms of ideas destroys the power to think in terms of emotions and sensations..Plus never become self-satisfied with your storytelling..'
The storyline dive right in from the first sentence in this 3rd installment of the 'A LEGAL AFFAIRS ROMANCE' series which then gave readers a taste of what was to come during it's progress. There are multiple moving parts in the storytelling: like few paragraph has this dark fable of the stringent laws many foreigners has to abide by in any dictatorship countries that evokes the absurdity and alienation of existence with any piercing intelligence and considerable anxiety -- then there's the brewing love story which involves Campbell's younger sister (Perry) and the last one in the group of best friends/lawyers (Grace) --- along with a few minor legal issues that sometimes appears befuddling to them as the storyline proceed.
Because of Perry's adventurous lifestyle and job, working for Lawyers for Change across the globe -- which was a branch of NGO (Non-Governmental Organization), Ms.Taite shared a bit of the true nature and riskiness that Perry's job entails defending the defenseless plus she (Taite) even exposed the conflicts which arose with Perry, while living and working in the two very different worlds --- that of a rebellious sibling and that of a lawyer.
There is this trait when it comes to any of Ms.Taite's books; detailed factual information pertaining to the justice and legal system, an abundance of believable characters and a charming love story.
Well, even though i did enjoy maybe half of the book, some parts were way too monotonous and should have being omitted. For instance, their (Perry & Grace) back & forth thoughts, feelings and doubts as to whether they should be lovers or not, plus the issue of either staying or leaving.
Overall, it might take interested readers thoroughly reading every quirky quote, interesting dialogue and that developing romance to unearth the outcome of their relationship and if there's support from friends and family.