Member Reviews

The book was very well written and flowed well. The plot was great. Everything I thought it would be from the description

I thoroughly enjoyed this. Something quite different.
Isabelle's character could have fallen into the stereotypic damsel in distress, but it was exciting to see her strength and willingness to dominate the scene.
Andy's character was similarly interesting with depth being revealed gently along the way.
With both characters proving quite worthy, the plot delivered an adventurous well-written read.

This is a very well-written tale. The author created the perfect setting and tone for the book. The characters are well developed, and I easily connected with both Andy and Isabelle. The story is quite intricate with lots of twists and turns, and several surprises as well. It definitely kept my interest all the way through the novel. There is also a budding romance between Andy and Isabelle that runs through the book. I understand why the author ended the story the way she did. It is a good ending and a good book!

Pride month kicks off tomorrow, so this one is a bit early, but whatever, I couldn’t put it down so I finished it early.
Andy Bouchard used to be a keeper, a woman who looked after dreamers, people whose dreams predict the future. That was years ago, though. Andy has lost too much and is content running a bar in London. When her mother shows up, she knows there’s trouble but she refuses to get back into a life that took so much from her, a life her mother raised her for. When she wakes up next to Isabelle Templeton thousands of miles from London, Andy agrees to help for one dream cycle only. She’s attracted to feisty math wiz Isabelle, but she won’t be pulled back into this life again. When Isabelle’s second dream predicts Andy’s death, however, she’ll have to work with the group to stay alive, and she can’t fight her growing feelings from Isabelle forever. Will it be enough to make her stay? To protect Isabelle in this dangerous life they both have not choice in?
I flew through this book. I’ll admit, I did gloss over some of the murder procedural details, and I was definitely invested in the romance more than they mystery, but I still wanted to uncover the mystery of the murders. The connection between Andy and Isabelle is tense and combined with Andy’s refusal to get involved any more than she has to builds some great tension. The pacing is on point, the side characters are interesting, and the twists and turns were enough to keep me interested in the nonromantic parts of the plot. All in all, a great pick for squeezing one more book into the last day of this month.
I’m still catching up on the backlist, so this one has been out and is ready to read if it sounds interesting to you.

An honest review thanks to NetGalley. I really liked how unique this book was, I have never read a book with a plot like this before. It was engaging and interesting. What brought the rating down is that I did not like the lack of communication with Andy, I felt as if she never actually said what she was thinking or what she wanted. I felt a lack of connection with her that made me want more and feel like the character herself was lacking. The uniqueness of the story made up for this issue though and I was able to finish this rather quickly and be engaged the whole time.

Andy is a retired keeper, someone who looks over people that can dream the future, like Isabelle. They get off to a rocky start but they have to learn to work together in order to prevent future murders.
I didn't know what to expect when I started reading this book. But I am very glad I read it. It surprised me, in a good way. The story was engaging and interesting. I found myself really immerse in the work the writer created.
While I really like the characters, specially Isabelle, I felt like some aspects of their romance were a bit rushed. I think the book could have been longer and we could have had a slow burn super charged romance. On the other hand, the story was so fresh and good that it could have done well without a romance too.
I would love for this to have a sequel where perhaps the main supporting character could have a story of her own.
Overall, it was a great book and a great story!
I received this ARC via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review

Really enjoyed this unusual twist on the lesbian butch femme romance, the book is centred on a group 'Ma Soeur' mainly run by (mostly queer) women who date back to Joan of Arc and aim to improve women's lives across the world. One of the ways that happens is through the use of dreamers, women who can dream into the future, usually seeing murders and the keepers who are assigned to look after them. The story opens with Isabelle having such a dream and trying to save the intended victim when she is then picked up by Ma Soeur and matched with keeper Andy, the grumpy daughter of Ma Soeur's leader Kate.
As Isabelle has further dreams the story picks up the pace and it moves towards the thrilling climax. Along the way Andy tries to resist being a keeper once again tormented by previous experience whilst Isabelle shows herself to fiesty and not the pushover she first seemed to be. The tension between the two is believable and the teasing Andy gets from her colleagues adds much needed comic relief. An interesting and gripping story well told.
With thanks to Netgalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I was given a copy of the story in exchange for an honest review.
O.M.G. tension, intrigue, paranormal, romance, murder, jealousy, betrayal.... all in one book.
Andy is a keeper - someone who is a warrior, someone who follows a higher calling, someone to keep a dreamer safe.
Isabelle is a dreamer - she dreams of the future. Her dreams lead her and Andy on a wild chase to save lives, unravel mysteries and hopefully, to fulfill their own destinies together.
This is a gast paced, tension filled story of a secret organization dedicated to protecting good women doing great things for humanity.
I would LOVE to see a sequel to this book

The novel Keeper by Sydney Quinne really intrigued me. It caught my interest from the moment I saw the cover. It’s an absolutely gorgeous cover. Then I read the blurb, and I was hooked.
The story is a rather dark tale about people who can see the future in their dreams. Unfortunately, they seem to mostly dream about violent deaths. In this story there is an ancient organization that uses these dreamers to try and stop the violence. Isabelle Templeton is a very powerful dreamer. She is brought into the organization and teamed up with a keeper named Andy Bouchard who helps Isabelle through her dreams and then tries to stop the violence before it happens.
This is a very well-written tale. The author created the perfect setting and tone for the book. The characters are well developed, and I easily connected with both Andy and Isabelle. The story is quite intricate with lots of twists and turns, and several surprises as well. It definitely kept my interest all the way through the novel. There is also a budding romance between Andy and Isabelle that runs through the book. I understand why the author ended the story the way she did. It is a good ending, but I kind of wish there had been an epilogue to carry that romance just a bit further.
I believe this is Ms. Quinne’s debut novel. Considering how well-written this story is, I will definitely be looking for more of her writing. If you enjoy a good murder mystery with lots of intrigue, some romance, and maybe just a bit of the paranormal, then definitely try this book.
I received an ARC from NetGalley and Bold Strokes Books for an honest review.

“What am I going to do with you, Isabelle Templeton,” she murmured. “What on earth am I going to do with you?”
This is a high octane and adrenaline pumping book that will leave you wanting for more.
Ma Soeur, an organisation that goes back to centuries have been serving the interests of women with notable characters from the past. A true blooded feminist organisation working for the welfare and protection of women in 33 countries, they have the two most powerful groups of people, namely the Dreamers and Keepers in their employment.
Dreamers are groups of people who have the ability to dream real life events of death before they happen. Keepers, are guardians of Dreamers who, with the knowledge of such incidents , prevent them from taking place.
After an incident in the past, Andy has called time on her involvement with the organisation until she was forcedly paired with Isabelle Templeton.
Isabelle is a prodigy dreamer with an ability far beyond her peers and is determined to keep the reluctant Keeper, Andy by her side.
With the race to save those destined to meet harm unless Andy and Isabelle intervenes in time, the main characters have to place the date, time and location of the deaths before they occur. With the multitude of challenges in their path and an attraction that Andy refuses to acknowledge, what happens when one of them becomes the victim?
I haven’t hoped to see a sequel for a book that I have read for the longest time. This is it.
I just reviewed Keeper by Sydney Quinne. #NetGalley

Andy Bouchard was a keeper. Someone who had to look after women with particular talents. Forced out of retirement to see what a newcomer—feisty math wizard Isabelle Templeton—can deliver, she has to prevent one last murder before she’s allowed to return to her safe, ordinary life.
Had a supernatural theme in it which I didn't realise at first. Not exactly my type of book but definitely well written.

I wish there were more! One of the best books i’ve read in awhile. This is a high energy, action novel about a group of clairvoyant guardians trying to protect society. I’m a sucker for a book about powerful, smart women and this book has no shortage. I wanted more; more romance, more chemistry, more story! I’m hopeful this turns into a series.

This was an interesting read for me about Dreamer and Keepers, my first. In my opinion more of a Action slash Murder Mystery. I couldn't stop reading until I was finished. Regardless of the fact that I enjoyed the story, I must say Andy and Kate got on my last nerve. Kate was not motherly at all. She's always trying to force Andy to do things she's not comfortable or ready to do . Secondly, for the life of me I cant understand why Isabelle loves Andy and constantly begs her to sleep with her.
I think Sydney could write a sequel. On the other hand I would definitely recommend this book.
I received An ARC for my honest opinion.
Thank you NetGalley, Bold Stroke Books and Sydney Quinne: Keeper

I finished this book wanting it to be a part of a series. That's a good sign.
I also thought that the whole world of Dreamers and Keepers was pretty cool. Never thought of people who dream about events before they happen, having a society and needing protectors. It's like part magic book, and part almost vampire cultish (minus the blood and fangs...).
I did get annoyed with Andy after awhile. She had way more willpower than she should have. I wanted to smack her and just tell her to sleep with Isabelle already. I wouldn't have blamed Isabelle for just sleeping with anyone at a certain point.
Also, why wasn't the fact that Isabelle had dreamed of Andy not brought up right away? I would have thought that when she met her for the first time, that would have been mentioned to the reader. It was basically an afterthought near the end. What a missed moment...
Overall, I'd read a second book in this world if there is one.

I was intrigued by the book's premise, and Keeper exceeded my expectations.
The romance was dialled down to make room for the mystery/action, which would have been fine if the characters were better for each other. (spoiler) Andy just isn't ready for a relationship up until the end, while Isabel is at a completely different stage, having seen Andy as her (literal) dream woman for months before they meet. I found the sex kind of appalling because Andy clearly doesn't want it, but Isabel is intent on forcing her feelings, and even insists that getting her off is in the job description of a keeper. Their relationship is the same way throughout, and I just never came to terms with Isabel's aggressiveness. The problem is eventually resolved, and their actual romantic relationship starts on the last page. Which was fine, I'm all for breaking the mold and seeing relationships at different stages, except you can't really call it a romance anymore.
The mystery was decent, and more than enough clues were dropped so an attentive reader should have a good guess before the reveal. I enjoyed it more because of the way it was staged, the way that Isabel's dreams were incorporated, and it all seemed to come together. The only part of the resolution that I couldn't get on board with was the attempt to repair Kate and Andy's relationship. Kate proved to be a remarkably awful parental figure from the get-go, and one action plus the "she loved you in her own way" spiel was not nearly enough to make up for the past. Still, there was enough of a perspective shift by then that Andy's reaction was understandable.
Four stars.

This was an interesting book, different for me because it's outside the genre I usually read.
The premise that there is a wide-reaching conglomerate of women working to further women's power across the globe was a new twist for me, one that I enjoyed a great deal. (Illuminati, look out!)
The idea that talented "Dreamers" walk among us, blessed with a gift most of us do not have, was a new one for me as well. I found it both intriguing and entertaining. Even more so knowing that each Dreamer is respected for her gifts and assigned a Keeper. That being said, I wasn't keen on the assertion that sex made for more detailed and intense dreams, but I did understand the association of heightened emotion and power. My personal squick factor was jacked into overtime by Kate, a powerful woman in her own right, pimping her own daughter out. Never mind that Andy didn't want to have sex with the Dreamer she'd been forced to work with. Never mind the kidnapping, forcible confinement or assault with a tazer.
All of that set aside for a moment, "Keeper" is a good book with a lot of great scene-setting and strong characters I hope we see again.
I'm definitely going to be looking for more by Sydney Quinne!

3.25 Stars. This was an interesting read. To be honest I almost don’t know what to make of the book since I have very mixed feelings. This book had a lot of ups and downs for me but overall I was entertained and it kept me reading. This looks to be a debut and this author caught my attention enough that I would read her again.
I think the best way to describe this book is action, murder-mystery, with a paranormal twist and a light romance. That’s a mouthful I know but this book did cover it all. When I say paranormal I don’t mean ghosts or vampires or anything like that. In this book certain people can dream the future but they don’t have any other powers except for good instincts. What is funny though is that dreamers actually reminded me a lot of vampires and weres because they drank pureed bloody raw meat to help their bodies after dreaming and sex made their dreams better. Intense craving for sex and raw meat sure sounds like a werewolf to me. Anyway, there are some odd parts to this premise but everyone is human.
While you have these dreamers, you also have people who are supposed to protect them. People work together in pairs and because sex is important, most pairs are actually coupled up. But in this story, one half of the pair does not want to be there. So while you have one woman wanting sex and love, you have the other constantly saying no and denying any attraction (while there is). This was rough on the romance for me and I could not enjoy the intimate scenes because of it. I don’t care even if there is mutual attraction, if one person doesn’t want sex for whatever reason than that should be it. She should not be made to have sex because she feels bad, is pressured, or has to do her duty /job. Plus, when you look at it from the other side of the woman who wanted sex and love, she kept getting rejected and rejected. I could not understand why she kept trying. Why keep putting yourself though that hurt of someone not wanting to be with you? Either way I looked at it, the romance just didn’t work for me.
I did at times feel that the book was a little long, but I liked how the mystery unfolded. There are some clues so if you are paying attention you will be able to figure out who the killer is. I like solving mysteries before the killer is revealed but I do wish it took me a little longer before I knew the answer.
There were some choices in the story that I didn’t quite understand. A character that was a secondary character all of a sudden becomes a main character. I’m guessing maybe it was done because if there is a book 2, she might be one of the stars? I’m not really sure, that’s a guess, but it was a little jarring jumping into her character all of a sudden. There were a few issues like this that I would call newbie bumps that I’m hopeful will be smoothed out by the next book that Quinne writes.
I definitely had my issues with this one but I did read it in one sitting. The premise while pretty weird, was interesting and kept my attention. I see a lot of potential in Quinne since this was entertaining, I just think she needs to brush off those newbie bumps and will be good to go. I will not hesitate to read her next book.

4.4 Stars
Unusual story line, which I don't think I've come across before. It kept me gripped and I got caught up in the story line, you've got a little bit of action, mystery and romance all mixed into this book. I would have loved to have seen more romance between to the two main characters. Fingers crossed for a sequel where we will get that chance. I look forward to reading more of Sydney Quinne's books.
I was given an ARC copy for a honest review.

2.5 stars
Nope, nope, nope. So disappointed. First of all, it took me forever to read this. It wouldn't keep my attention so I kept putting it down., but knowing I had to finish it. Maybe it would get better.. But no. It was a very slooow, dragged out mystery. With a little (Very little) action. A one sided romance, a lesbian mother that betrayed her daughter and cheated on her partner, people that dreamed of murders, an organization that tried to interfere...But seemed to be not good at it. Confusing and slow story line. Sometimes the characters were called by their first name, sometimes their last name...what? Very little love story...Not sure why Isabelle loved Andy? Something about a dream, that we never knew the content, before she and Andy ever met. I felt at times that the author had put together some pieces and thoughts for future books and somehow blended them into a story. For example: chapter 47 starts describing Jane Monaghan like you would begin a book. Describing her apartment, her arrangement with the Korean grocer she rents from, the mustang she drives...her life. Sounded like the beginning of a book or hoping this character would be colorful enough to carry over to the next book.
Nope, nope, sorry to be so negative but it just wasn't put together right and I'm surprised the the editors didn't notice.
I was given this arc by netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

This was an awesome book! I agree with another review that this would be a great TV show or movie. It's such an interesting premise and a valued change from the common lesfic tropes. There are so many characters with a fast pace and yet it never felt cluttered or difficult to follow. I am very excited to read more from this author and I definitely recommend this book. I received an ARC of this book from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.