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The other Woman by Erin Zak
Publish date 13th October 2020

Thank you to @boldstrokesbooks @erinzakwrites and @netgalley for this adavanced reader copy, in exchange for an honest review.

I loved the characters non this book, even loving to hate Willow. The chemistry between Cecily and Francesca and how this developed throughout the book.

I’m so glad that Willow got her comeuppance. I also like that through Cecily and Luke, the book showed that even if a relationship is over, friendships can be maintained.

I’m not into erotic novels, so some of the detail was a bit much for me, not sure if this will put me off reading other books by the author.
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Erin Zak is a talented writer. She gives us complex topics that are REAL with depth then wraps a love story in the midst of all the angst. She has given us Road to Home and The Other Women this year and they but most have taken a great deal out of her to put down on paper.

I guess you all can see where I am going with this review. I thoroughly enjoyed The Other Women. After reading the synopsis of the story I wasn't sure how this story was going to play out. It did however leave me wondering how Zak could work her magic with such a complicated story line. Trust me she does plus some. She take 3 characters and tangles them up into this web. Two of them (Cecily and Willow) have this longer history while Francesca comes into their lives for a much shorter time. As Zak writes this book, you get an idea about who is right for one another and who is not right. She takes her time to give us the facts and is able to mix in attraction, chemistry and sexiness. I especially liked that Cecily is the woman with a perfect body. Overall, all of the characters have their own uniqueness and diversity which adds to the awesomeness of this story.

I just really enjoyed The Other Women. Home run for me.

5 stars

This arc was provided by the publisher for an honest review.

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Majority of people don't like to read, hear or they avoided the word infidelity... so firstly 'hats off' to Erin Zak for writing about the subject. And in my opinion, she wrote about it really well. I cant think of another book where an author as approached the subject.
I think I've only read one other book by Zaks and I know that I have a few on my 'to read' list, after reading 'The other women' I will be giving them a try sooner rather then later.

The story is about a Cecily Yates, who's married and not in love with her husband. Instead of leaving him, she's seeing Willow Carmichael on the side. When willow decides to take a job in Chicago the affair comes to a end, where Cecily is left heart broken.
Francesca Lopez thinks she as everything she will every need, family and friends who support her, a fantastic job in Las Vegas. Until her exciting life is is flipped upside down when willow Carmichael tore her way into it. Cecily meets Francesca while she is on a business trip to Las Vegas, they are both drawn to one another as soon as they lock eyes on each other. A friendship starts to grow between the pair. Until they realized they have more in common then they first though, the very person who bound them together.

When I first started the book. I instantly thought I would automatically hate Cecily Yates for carrying on an affair.... but I didn't. I found myself beginning to feel sorry for her and hoping she would get her HEA. I think most of us have been at some point in are lives confused when it comes to relationships and our feelings.... I still don't condone cheating.... but my whole opinion changed about her.
You can feel the pull between Cecily and Francesca as soon as they meet , a slow romance that leads to passion. The characters work well , the story-line works and I was very surprised there wasn't more angst. I'm really glad I decided to give this story a chance.

I was provided a ARC copy for an honest review.

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I’m not normally a fan of angst-ridden, full of lesbian drama books. If you add a love triangle and infidelity to that, it gets closer to my worst lesfic nightmare. This book has all of the above and somehow I really liked it.

Chicago businesswoman Cecily Yates has a husband, a successful career, and a four-year-long affair with a woman. Until that woman, Willow Carmichael, moves to Las Vegas in search of a better job opportunity and leaves Cecily heartbroken. Francesca Lopez is a bartender in a high-end hotel in Las Vegas who starts a love affair with Willow but is dumped soon after and also left heartbroken. When Cecily goes to Las Vegas on a business trip, she meets Francesca and starts a passionate affair, but will their connection resist the one woman that they have in common?

I envision that this book isn’t going to be everybody’s cup of tea. It’s common knowledge that infidelity and love triangles aren’t favourite themes for romance readers who tend to avoid them like the plague. Myself included. However, in my opinion, Ms. Zak was able to write a book with these elements and pull it off beautifully. Maybe it’s because the characters are relatable in their strengths but also in their shortcomings. Or perhaps is the strong chemistry between them. But somehow the story worked and captured my attention.

There is also the matter of insta-love between Cecily and Francesca, the intensity of their connection in just a few hours after their meeting. Even though I normally complain about insta-love stories, again, Ms. Zak makes it work in this context. In some way it makes absolute sense and, instead of being an artificial element in the plot, it plays an important part in describing the characters’ turmoil of emotions.

‘The Other Women’ is written in first person alternating the point of view of both main characters. The reader is submerged in their internal monologue, a bit like a stream of consciousness, where the psychic distance is very close and the reader witnesses their raw feelings, the intensity of their struggles, their guilt, their weaknesses, and ultimately, their humanity. I think that’s why this book worked for me, the psychic distance is so close that it’s impossible not to empathise with the characters, the identification with them leaves not enough separation to judge them. They are characters in deep turmoil and the readers are front-row witnesses.

I’m not sure if the crisis between them is absolutely justifiable or a bit contrived to make the plot advance. I wasn’t completely convinced but it’s hard to judge because the characters are in a weak position to make any type of adult decisions. But despite this, I’ve enjoyed the book a lot and I’m happy that I’ve read it even though it’s not normally my type of story. 4.5 stars.

ARC provided by the publisher and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I don’t give out 5 stars easily but this book earned it. Everything from the dedication page to the last page was heartfelt and beautifully written. How does an author write a book about cheating, an act that most people find morally repugnant, and still have me root for the MC’s? I think that most of us have been there, where we spend our 20’s as new adults who are finding our true selves, and our 30’s looking at our family aNd saying darn it I mean it! Well that’s what happened here, one person spent he young life being who she thought she should be and married who the family approved of. And then she grew up, went to Vegas and fell in love in a matter of 2 days. Francesca and Cecily just fit together in every way and it was beautiful reading about their whirlwind romance. A beautiful book that I will be reading again and again. Thank you.

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So Good
Cecily has been having an affair with Willow for a few years. She has made it clear she won’t leave him. She loves him even if she is not in love with him. When Willow decides she has had enough she up and leaves, moving across the country with next to no notice. Cecily is lost, confused and hurting…but the door hasn’t closed completely. Francesca lives and works in Las Vegas. When she meets Willow, she believes her when she says she is special. Therefore it is a major shock when Willow rips her heart out, telling her there is someone else….When Cecily goes to Las Vegas on business, she meets the lovely Francesca and the two are taken with each other but when they find out what they have in common, everything comes crashing down around them….

This beautifully written and highly emotional story captured my attention from the start and I found myself unwilling to stop reading. I loved the connection between Cecily and Francesca and really enjoyed watching them get to know each other and more… I was able to establish an emotional connection to these characters and really cared what happened to them. I did find myself a bit frustrated with Cecily, but if she moved as quickly as I would have wanted her too and didn’t dither so much, then the story would not have been what it is… I really liked all the settings in this story as well. I would love to visit there to experience them for myself and if you know me, you KNOW I HATE crowds but these places are so compelling! The ending was practically perfect and the whole book left me happy and smiling.

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ARC received via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I knew going in that this would be a tough sell since infidelity is one of my least favourite storylines, and Holy Infidelity Batman, there’s a LOT of infidelity in this book. Zak’s one of my must read authors though, so I thought I’d give it a go.

So, here we have Cecily, who is married to a guy she loves but isn’t in love with (Luke), so she’s been having an affair with Willow, who has been waiting for three years or so for Cecily to leave Luke. Assuming this isn’t going to happen, she then begins an affair with Francesca, a bartender living in Vegas. Cecily and Willow kinda sorta maybe broke up about four months prior and Willow was then with Francesca, but still keeping Cecily on the hook. Willow then breaks up with Francesca, who knows nothing about Cecily (and is a real bitch about how she does this) leaving Francesca devastated.

Through a series of events Cecily then ends up in Vegas, gets her heart stomped on by Willow (though in reality had everything that happened coming to her for mine) and then meets Francesca, not knowing that she’s ‘the other woman’. They then embark on an affair and it all gets very messy.

My main issue with this book was that neither Willow or Cecily are very nice people. I couldn’t work out why so many people were drawn to Willow (by the end she’s such an over the top caricature that I couldn’t see how either woman ever fell for her) and Cecily is very much the ‘have my cake and eat it too, but no-one else should touch it’ type. Her hypocrisy was staggering. Francesca is more sympathetic, but still knew (without knowing the other woman’s name) that Cecily was separating from her husband but had cheated on him and was still sort of involved with the other woman. Not sure exactly how that’s supposed to be an attractive quality.

The majority of their relationship also takes place over a period of around three days, so I struggled to believe they weren’t just rebounding on each other, and the ‘I love yous’ were way too superficial for me. Cecily was also an absolute bitch when she worked out what had happened, so no way did I think she deserved a second chance.

I did like that Cecily’s husband wasn’t made out to be a bad guy, but I struggled to connect with any of the characters here. By the time we got to the end I sort of believed the two MCs deserved each other, but not for any fluffy HEA reasons.

If you haven’t read Zak before, suggest you start with Breaking Down Her Walls or Beautiful Accidents instead.

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I have an up and down relationship with Zak's books. She brings the messy emotions and complicated people, but sometimes I don't always jive with it. It's mostly because her leads are often hard to empathize with, but Frankie and Cecily are very relatable. They are messes who both got their hearts broken at about the same time, and when they see each other its like the clouds parted.

I normally don't go for the insta love, but I am all for a well thought out love at first sight plot. This works, and I think its because of how they react to seeing each other for the first time, and how they are both earnestly baffled by how they are reacting to the other. Frankie and Cecily meet at the bar of a Las Vegas Casino where Frankie is the bartender. Sparks immediately fly as Frankie tries her worst pickup line on Cecily. And that's when I knew I'd like these two people. Even as Frankie fell on her face with that line, they both were intrigued by the other, and their chemistry was almost instantaneous.

One word of warning, though: Cecily is cheating on her husband with Willow, and kind of sort of started to date (maybe?) Frankie while she is still emotionally attached to Willow. Cecily is wracked with guilt over not leaving her husband - who seems just genuinely nice, which is rare in these types of stories - but is also very much in love with Willow. Or so she thinks. There's a lot of grey area in the relationship by the time Frankie one lines her way into Cecily's life. Even so, if you are not a fan of cheaters or cheaters not really learning lessons, this might not be for you. Again, this is a plot line that is overdone, but it kind of is in the background, as Frankie and Cecily are working through a ton of self-esteem and self- worth issues after being essentially manipulated by the same woman. Them finding a sense of worth, empathy, and affirmation with each other is front and center.

Zak is a master at creating messy characters with messy feelings. This is the first time I felt like I really could empathize with both leads, and thought that they were genuinely good people who just got destroyed by a manipulator. Even Cecily, who knows what she is doing is wrong, but still doesn't want to hurt her husband, whom she does love, because she knows he doesn't deserve the pain. The emotions that Frankie and Cecily experience are immediately recognizable, and just makes all the big, messy feelings that much more real to me.

I received this ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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This was another good book by Zak. I’m a big Zak fan which is something I would not have said just three years ago. I’ve had such a journey with Zak because I flat out did not like her debut book which I gave a 2 rating. Times sure have changed because now Zak is on my list of romance authors that I look forward to the most. She is now in her writing groove and just gets better and better with each book she writes. And even when I worry about one of her books being too triggering for me personally (The Road Home) it surprises me by being one of Zak’s best books. Now, I do have to admit that this particular book is not one of my favorites by her, but it still was very enjoyable read for me.

The best way to describe this is a dramatic romance with an infidelity triangle. I can only really remember, off the top of my head, one other book similar to this but I imagine there must be more in lesfic. The book I’m referring to is Rachel Spangler’s Does She Love You?, which has that infidelity triangle concept in it. Not only is Does She Love You? my favorite Spangler book, I think it is one of the best books that deals with infidelity in lesfic. So right off that bat Zak had a big hill to climb as it is just impossible not to compare these two books. Does this book really measure up to Does She Love You? No, not really, but that was a big ask from the beginning and on the good side I think this holds its own enough that ‘infidelity triangle” fans would like to read this.

I want to start with some things I really liked. The main characters, while not the best decision makers, were very likeable characters. I enjoyed both in their own ways and I really liked how they balanced each other out. There is a little age-gap going on which worked well with these two. I was also really happy with the chemistry. These two are pretty hot together and I loved watching the connection grow from flirting to something real. The characters are very tactile with each other and not just during sex. I’m a real touch feely person when I’m in love, at least I was before Covid, so I’m always surprised that book characters don’t touch much except for in sex scenes. So this was a really nice change and it made their relationship feel more realistic to me.

Okay, on to a few things that didn’t work as well. For one, I actually expected for there to be a bit more angst in this book. Yes, it has some, but Zak can write good angst so I was pumped-up and ready for more than what I actually got. And along a similar vein, while I saw how hurt the characters were, I didn’t feel it as much as I expected. Any of us who have been cheated on knows how it rips your heart out and does not make it easy to pick up the pieces. Since this was written in first person multiple POV, I expected to feel like my heart was breaking for the women. I did feel bad for them but it did not hit me like I expected. I felt like I was more told how broken they were than actually feeling the brokenness.

I do feel like I have to touch on the timeline of the romance itself. This is all happening on a trip to Vegas so that means almost an instalove romance. This is quick for sure and I’m not surprised that it bothered some readers already. I’m not a fan of instalove myself so this normally would disappoint me. Surprisingly, I was actually okay by the quickness of the romance in this instance. The reason for me being okay is because of how good their chemistry was. They had sparks together and I just believed in them as a couple. I believed if anyone could fall in love in a few days it would be these two women. What I actually found more unbelievable is that these women could start a healthy relationship after just getting over their hearts being smashed. Well let’s just say to answer that question you have to read the book.

While my review is getting a little long, I do have to give props to Zak for something that is important to me. I’m so sick of romances that have “the big conflict” happening at the 90-95% mark. Because when it happens so late, the characters have no time to realistically get back together which leads to an unbelievable HEA. Thank you Zak for not doing this! What a novel concept to actually let the characters have time to work out their issue to reach a plausible, and happy, HEA. I appreciated the ending of this book very much.

If you are looking for a dramatic romance that deals with cheating, this would be a good choice. It’s not Zak’s best, but it’s a good read and I think most Zak fans will be happy with it. I’m now always excited to get my hands on a Zak book and I just hope we don’t have to wait too long for her next.

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This book provides a nice behind-the-scenes glimpse of what life in Vegas must be like. The two main characters in this book are Cecile, A married CEO of a publicity company who travels to Las Vegas for business when she meets Francesca, a bartender. The two women hit it off and enjoy the evening with each other. Both women are working with a broken heart but neither of them knows the same woman broke each of them, a woman by the name of Willow. Both women are broken and have a shattered sense of self. Erin Zak wrote heartfelt dialogue about how each woman had to heal her broken heart and build her own sense of self worth before either of them could move forward in their life.While both women are struggling to get over their feelings about Willow, the relationship starts to build between the two of them.
There is an interesting group of secondary characters that enhance the enjoyment of this novel. Will Cecile ever be able to leave her husband, and is there any such as a happy ending for these two broken women?
Really enjoyed how the author developed the two main characters in this book especially since the author varied the first person perspective with alternating tractors between Cecile and Francesca. There were times that I felt the pain and love between these two main characters because they were so well developed. This book is so well written but I have a feeling you like me will be thinking about the book and these characters long after you read the last word.

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Cecily Yates is torn between staying with her husband who she loves but isn't in love with between a woman she has been seeing in secret, Willow. However, when Willow accepts a job that is out of state, she breaks the affair off with Cecily. Enter Francesca, who works as a bartender in an upscale casino where Willow now works. Also, she used to be with Willow until she crushed her with the news that she was never in love with her because she is in love with a married woman. See where this is going? Cecily has to go on a business trip to Las Vegas and on a whim walks into the casino where Willow and Francesca work. There is a spark between Cecily and Francesca that has them spending the little time together that Cecily has there. Willow finds out and is not happy even though she has broken up with both women. She lets Cecily know that made a mistake and wants to start again. Cecily is torn between Willow and Francesca.
I found this story to be very wordy and as if the author was trying to stretch the story out. It is a very good storyline, but fewer words would have been better.
I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Really good. The plot is interesting and unconventional for a romance, but it works really well. I kind of imagine anyone named Willow as a heroine (clearly I’ve watched way too much Buffy the Vampire Slayer) so that threw me a bit, but the excellent descriptions of all the characters really helped me visualise everyone and now Willow is reestablished as a thin lipped harpy. And gosh can I picture Francesca in her hot bartender outfits! Meanwhile the book manages to be both sweet and wildly romantic, complete with the inner turmoil of pep talks required to boost your self esteem. So it’s both realistic and fictional. Great.

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Francesca and Cecily lead very different lives but are connected by one beguiling woman... Willow.

While on a business trip in Vegas, Cecily meets Francesca, a beautiful bartender, at the Casino she is staying in for the week. They both find comfort with each other and embark on a path toward healing.

I am constantly going on and on about how there are not enough love triangles in lesbian fiction. I literally can only think of one other. 'Does She Love You' by Rachel Spangler. That one was really good in a dramatic and morose way. This one stood out on its own in a more hopeful way. Neither were TRUE love triangles where you felt like it could go either way. Authors, please hear my plea for more of the love triangle trope!

Cecily and Francesca were cute together. I could feel their attraction and loved their flirtation.

The quick timeline of the story made it hard for me to believe the depth of their feelings. Things felt fast and more rebound than meant-to-be. Francesca's actions constantly conflicted with her inner monologues. And her wealth was described inconsistently as well. Had lots of money from her high paying bar tending gig. Enough to buy a car and house for family members but later questioning if she would ever be able to retire.

I need a good dose of angst in my books and this delivered on that front. However, I'm not a huge fan of time jumps like this story has. And once again, the timing made a resolution too rushed and unbelievable for me.

Overall, this was a decent sort-of love triangle. The heartbreak and damage the two main characters work through is where the book was at its best.

I recommend this to people who like to read about, romance, infidelity, Vegas, casinos, bars, clubs, gambling addiction, heartbreak, healing, forgiveness, and dirty martinis.

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What happens in Vegas... will change your life forever.

Cecily is having an affair with Willow, she knows she should divorce her husband, but she doesn't. When Willow packs up her things to take a job in Vegas Cecily is left behind in Chicago feeling confused and heartbroken. When a promotion at work brings her to Chicago she is ready to see Willow again, tell her she is separated from her husband, and see where things are going between them. Little did Cecily know Willow was keeping up her long-distance romance with her while bedding Francesca. And breaking Francesca's heart. When Cecily storms out on Willow she ends up at the bar where Frankie is working. There is an instant pull and comfort between them. They are both nursing a broken heart, but that isn't the only thing that connects them. It starts off as a wonderful friendship but turns into something more the more time they spend together. When their fragile hearts discover they have even more in common than they thought it might just break their hearts into a million pieces once again.

After reading Erin Zak's The Road Home I was really excited to read a new book by her. I enjoyed reading The Other Women, Zak's writing style is really what keeps me invested in the story. As for this story itself, it's not entirely for me. I just don't do well with affairs and Cecily seems to be really attached still to her sham of a marriage. Both Frankie and Cecily struggle with letting go of Willow, at a point it started to really annoy me that they were together but think/ comparing to Willow. She must have been some sort of magical being, but when she is actually part of the story, not a mere thought, she seems like a horrible person and a player. I do understand both Cecily's and Frankie's struggles to find their own happiness, and that's what grabbed my attention mostly. Their struggles to become the person they want to be, to be happy. So even with a big no-go like an affair this book still works for me. Although I do prefer Zak's The Road Home over this one it was still an enjoyable and entertaining read.

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I did not like the way it kept going from Francesca to Cecily in the same chapter. I got confused who "she" was and who "I" was.. and I did not get why Willow was not excited to get Cecily back specially since she kept saying I'm in love with Cecily.

there was many things for me in this book that made 0 sense at times. , but overall, its not bad read. the buildup was done beautifully.

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Initially I picked up this book because I was curious if it was similar to another excellent book about “the other women” called The Ultimate Betrayal by Annette Mori. While the two share similar themes they are thankfully very different. This book had me emotionally all over the place. For several chapters I found it extremely difficult to like Cecily. She’s an admitted cheater to her husband, and perseverates ad nauseum over her guilt, however, she had refused to leave her husband for years. WTF? The book catches up with her finally in separation from her husband, but everything blows up in her face and she ends up hooking up with Francesca instead. Cecily is practically schizophrenic when it comes to making decisions for herself, and here is where this book is a brilliant masterpiece. Despite the ups and downs between Cecily and Francesca, and Cecily with her husband, it all is poured out on the table in it’s ugly but HUMAN glory. All of the characters are flawed but they strive for the most important thing - happiness in love. That’s not always an easy path, and this author had the guts and patience to carefully craft their journeys to happiness and above all, peace. By the end of the book, I became a believer in the paths they took. The bulk of the story surrounds the burgeoning affair between Cecily and Francesca. While their initial couple of dates lasts only a few hours, the buildup to their crescendo practically scorches the pages. Technically it’s an insta-love story, but the craftiness of the writing feels like years in the making. It’s amazing that a book I thought I hated at first turned out to be a story I got completely immersed in and came out a believer on the other side. I received a copy from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Erin Zak has quickly become one of my favorite writers! I was hooked as soon as I read the book's synopsis and couldn't wait to get started!

Cecily and Francesca were each at a crossroads in their lives when they unexpectedly met. Neither had any idea how intertwined their lives already were prior to their first meeting. The spark between them was instantaneous and what progresses over the course of the next 72 or so hours is a truly wonderful and heart-wrenching story told through well-written dialogue, flashbacks, and present details. The development of Franchesca and Cecily's relationship was just so fascinating to read.

If you're not a fan of cheating playing a major role in a novel, then I'd recommend finding another book. However, if you're okay with it, you will absolutely love the dynamics in this book. Our mains are both normal women who possess strengths as well as flaws. There are sweet supporting characters that add a lot to the novel's plot. Overall I think this book is excellent and highly recommend!

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This is such an entertaining book that I really enjoyed!

Erin zak is one of those authors that I pick up her books without reading the blurb. She’s one of my “go to” authors because I know she rarely misses!! This book is no different!

While the main theme of the book is about cheating and some sort of a love triangle, because of the amazing supporting characters that the author always excels in, the cheating part wasn’t really the highlight. It was mainly about the struggles and heartbreaks.

I come back to the supporting characters because while the theme is quite heavy, the husband, brother and work partner gave a bit of fun in the overall storyline! This would’ve been a dark story had it not been for those characters who made a huge difference! More so than the MCs who I really liked, with one i felt was a bit selfish and the other was a sweetheart :)

The only thing that didn’t go well for me was how the story was told from both MCs POV, that kept rotating and confused me a bit.

Overall I recommend this book to anyone who wants an entertaining, fun and smooth read set up in lovely Vegas :)

My rating is a solid 4.

“I received an ARC for an honest review.”

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What a great premise for a lesbian romance - one that's been done before quite well, but this most recent one doesn't disappoint.

Two women, unbeknownst to each other, have their hearts broken by the same woman. Cecily isn't in love with her husband and begins a relationship with Willow. Willow moves to Vegas for work and begins an affair with Francesca. Both Cecily and Francesca find themselves dumped by Willow and meet by chance. Sparks fly immediately!

There's a slow but steady burn and you'll find yourself reading just to find out what happens next and how these women will work things out.

Not an all-time favorite but nice read for a lazy weekend.

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Meet Cecily Yates, a married woman falls in love with another woman, Willow Carmicheal, her colleague from work . But after a new job avenue, Willow breaks up their 4 year affair and moves to Las Vegas.

"I have no idea how I am these days, I miss my girlfriend, while I am married to my husband.
Willow Carmicheal is the first women I had been with and sadly she is the only person I have cheated on my husband with."

.After few months Cecily is proffered a promotion and a work trip to LasVegas where she locks eyes with a sexy and attractive woman, her bartender.

This gorgeous bartender is Francesca Lopez, the estranged ex girlfriend who has just been dumped by her PLAYER of a girlfriend, Willow Carmicheal. Soon, temperatures rise and sparks fly and the casino fills with LUST and so much lust when Cecily and Francesca come face to face.

What happens next? Well, read the book to know the juicy and erotic details.

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