Member Reviews

I wouldn't recommend this zombie book as it's not much about zombies at all. At least 1/4 of the book is just what feels like the same conversations going around and around about nothing at all. Zombies don't even come in until about 30% of the book. The characters all have no personality and there is no chemistry between anyone. I understand Lane and Meg aren't supposed to have chemistry in the beginning but I assumed there would be a little bit more of a redemption. They just suddenly loved each other at the end. Unless I missed it somewhere, I have to admit my mind was wandering everywhere. I would have loved this to be good because the concept was actually interesting and not like anything I've read before but it was more of a cozy mystery about zombies and that's not really a good thing.

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This one was a little disappointing. Maybe my expectations were slightly too high, as typically I really do enjoy the books put out by this publisher. Z-Town just fell flat for me, though if you want a relatively easy, fast, zombie-filled read, you might like it.

After a brief time spent in London, Meg returns home to Provincetown, focused on achieving her dream and buying her own bar. She definitely doesn’t have time for a relationship, and Lane, back in London, was nothing more than a brief fling. But Lane doesn’t see their time in the same way – she hops on a plane over to Provincetown, determined to win Meg back. But when she lands, she quickly learns things aren’t quite right – something has been disturbed, treasures have been stolen, and there’s a load of zombies popping up left, right and centre.

For me, Z-Town didn’t quite hit the romance hard enough; it seemed to almost lean into it, then backs off too quick to let it have much of an emotional impact. Similarly, the zombie aspect feels very standard zombie fare – there’s nothing particularly unique about them, which would be fine if the characters weren’t so bland.

Meg’s only goal is to one day own her own bar. Lane doesn’t seem to really have any sort of aspirations or goals outside “get Meg back”. She knows Meg doesn’t like grand romantic gestures, but she still gets on a plane and travels to the US to try and win her back, which is kind of creepy to me? Especially nowadays when we have so many ways to contact someone in a different country. Along with these two, we get a standoffish, clearly-hiding-something librarian, a tough-as-nails woman who acts as the tank, and a random kid Meg and Lane protect throughout.

It just all felt a bit flat to me, like it was trying to be something without actually knowing why the best of those things actually work. The best zombie books are those that do something different with the kind of tropes they’re dealing with, but Z-Town largely felt like reading a video game plot. Initially, Meg’s determination offers something interesting, and the start of the book focusing on her as her friends and colleagues in the town fall ill is engaging, but once the actually zombies emerge it becomes less so. The zombies appear when a horde of Viking treasure is unearthed, but like other elements the Viking aspect just doesn’t have anything interesting enough about it to sustain the rest.

If you’ve never read a zombie book before, you might enjoy this, but I found parts to be a little bloated and repetitive, and the interesting aspects are either shied away from too much or done in such a way they lose their shine.

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This is a fast, fun, and unique zombie book. It was a total page turner and I could not put it down. I would read more books if this became a series.

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Not a zombie lover i'm afraid so didint get into this one at all and gave up at chapter 8. its well written and a great author, just not my thing.

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I loved the idea of redemption in this book and wow did it go to extremes.

Lane seems to have everything in life, but she's quick to understand that she wants Meg over everything else. He heart is set and so she heads off to P'town to fight for Meg. Meg on the flipside is over it. She seems to trust only herself and won't give a moment to rich money Lane ... if only she didn't have feelings for her ... and if only Lane wasn't redeeming herself and showing Meg that perhaps she was wrong all along.

Then there are the zombies.

The story was unique for me and I quite enjoyed it. There was a lot to it and I would've given the extra half a star if there was somehow more depth. Overall it was a very interesting read.

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This was a fun read and I liked that at times it was humourous and made me smile and times I got a little scared! Having a mix of emotions really helped me get into the story and helped to really bring it to life and seemed a lot more realistic to me.

With having the zombies in a different way to most books and movies I found myself desperate to know more about the chief zombie and what the treasure had to do with it all.

Having a romance which even though was steamy and you really wanted them together also not be thrown too much in your face while the action was taking place made this more fun and enjoyable and just the right amount of both.

Overall a fun book which has romance, action and a little humour and one that left me excited to know more.

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3.5 stars

This falls right in between liked it and really liked it. It was engaging, the zombies were detailed without being too scary for me. This isn't a genre I read a lot of and I enjoyed it.

The characters and setting were well developed/explored. I thought Lane and Meg were good for each other even if I didn't feel a lot of chemistry. Their connection was because of their past history together, which we only touched on in this book. But this wasn't really a romance, it was a feel-good zombie story.

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I don't even know where to begin with this book. I mean, I was totally expecting the run of the mill zompoc that's easy to read and easy to get lost in and whilst Z-Town sort of started out that way it suddenly took a much different route. A route where I ended up not really liking the destination!
The story is set in Province Town (P-Town) where a construction team unearth some ancient Viking remains. Shortly after this some of the town's residents are acting a little odd and start biting/eating people. Meanwhile, one of our main characters is travelling to P-Town to declare her undying love for her ex-girlfriend and beg to be given another chance. All sounds ok so far. But as the story progresses it gets more and more unbelievable and very paranormal so I ended up just rolling my eyes a lot. I'm not knowledgeable about Viking folklore or culture but unfortunately this just felt not quite right and poorly done. I can't say much about what I didn't really like as it would be full of spoilers so I'll just leave it at the 'not liking the paranormal stuff' stage.
What I did like about the book were that the main characters were just normal average women with no military/survival/police training. Just two young women who had to figure things out. And the second chance romance trope with them really worked well in the story. I was rooting for them throughout the book. The pretty graphic sex scenes were unexpected but seemed to fit well with the plot and the characters.
I just wish the cause of the zompoc had been more scientific/medical because I'm sure I would have loved it.

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If you’re in the mood for a fun zombie book, then this is it. There’s just enough tension to keep you up later than you should be but also goofy enough that you won’t be fighting nightmares.

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This book is quite a little mishmash! You've got your romance, a little sex, a surprise villain, Vikings, pseudo-zombies, and a cute kid. I wish that I could say it all blends together seamlessly, but it doesn't quite hit the mark. I felt as though my focus was constantly changing and I ended up never feeling invested in any of it. This makes me sad because if anyone likes zombie books with lesbians or lesbian books with zombies, it is 100% me and surprisingly there's not a lot in this genre ;-)
I did enjoy having P-town as the setting. If you are familiar with this town, you'll love the nods to some of its eminent spots. The setting itself could almost be considered a major character in the story. The plotlines were interesting; I just wanted more development and some fleshing out (no pun intended).

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This was a book that I would not normally read, but the blurb caught my attention. Z Town was a very well written zombie apocalypse adventure slash romance, that was part scary, funny, and romantic. The two main characters Lane and Meg, were so cute sweet and flawed, and the supporting characters were great to, especially Delores Cab, I have never laughed so hard at the beginning of a book ,
until I read the part where Lane met Delores for the first time. I would definitely recommend this book to any who loves zombie apocalypse romances with a dash of humor thrown in. I will definitely be reading more of Eden Darry books in the future.

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Definitively Halloween read. It is pretty cool idea to have Zombies running around. I like the concept author came out with. The action and issues and way to survive. Pretty awesome.

It is not a scary book, but it is entertaining and if your imagination runs wild might be a bit gross.

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3.6 stars.

Erm.... I enjoyed this book. Z-Town if you haven't realised it is about zombies. In Province town. But if your expecting gory or the book to be scary, you'd be wrong. It's a fun read, it's about romance and a second chance at a relationship. It also reminded me of a horror film from the 80's.
You have a few characters in the story.. the 2 main characters Meg Daltry and Lane Boyd. Meg, to me, came across as the 'don't mess with me type' where as Lane came across as a bit of 'wuss'... I was wrong. as you find out as read the storyline.

Meg doesn't want love and doesn't have time for any kind of relationship. After a fling with Lane while working in the UK, Meg decides enough is enough and goes back to P-Town. Lane unwilling to except it is over follows her and wants a second chance at the relationship.

An ancient Viking grave has been disturbed and its treasures stolen. Something wants back what was taken, and it won’t rest until everyone in Provincetown is destroyed. Forced to work together to stay alive, Meg and Lane must find the centuries-old treasure before the zombies find them first.

The book is a fun read and does have romance.

I was given a ARC copy for a honest review.

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Not sure what I expected, but this book was a fun read. If zombies are your jam, this short novel is a chill read to sit back and relax.
While there is some gore, it's not heavy on the horror, and the plot of the zombie situation is interesting. One thing I really liked is that the mains are queer but the book has absolutely nothing to do about it - they just are, no fanfare, nothing. It's always nice to read books where queerness is completely normal.
I think the only issue I had with this one was the writing style - it's a bit repetitive and the whole book ended up looking longer than it needed to be.

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Great read! I didn't know where this would go, but I do need some more wlw supernatural / horror novels in the future. I am definitely going to check out the authors other work.

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If you’re in the mood for a fun zombie book, then this is it. There’s just enough tension to keep you up later than you should be but also goofy enough that you won’t be fighting nightmares. There are also two solid main characters. I think if there was more character development, the book might have gone to the next level but I was still invested in the two of them.

Lane is a slacker, rich gal living in the UK with Meg, an ambitious American who’s there learning the London pub trade. She’s determined to own her own bar in the USA and when a family emergency drives her home, she leaves behind her girlfriend. There are feelings but it’s hard to have an adult relationship with someone who does not want to grow up. Meanwhile, it takes this gut punch for Lane to wake up and follow the woman she loves to Provincetown. Grand romantic gestures in PTown are interrupted when all bejeezus breaks out and suddenly zombies are running amok, wolfing down tourists.

Meg, Lane, and some friends are the only thing that stand between the monsters and civilization. Good October read with a little spice.

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If you love paranormal books then you’ll enjoy Z-Town..on one hand we have a trust fund brat who has had everything handed to her throughout her life and on the other hand, a strong resilient woman I enjoyed the zombie scenes because it gave the romance story a break and brought action and intensity to the scenes. I also loved the romance because we got to see the two MC’s grow together and get stronger as a couple and individually. Sometimes authors cannot merge an action plot with romance as one takes a backseat to the other but I Eden Darry did a great job. I will look for other books by Ms. Darry.

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I really had a blast reading Z-Town by Eden Darry. I like zombie stories. I’m not sure what that says about me, but I do. The Walking Dead was my favorite tv show until they killed off all the characters I liked, so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.

In some ways this novel is a typical zombie horror story. It has zombies that have been cursed adding to their numbers rapidly in the usual fashion, by biting and often partially devouring their victims in the standard gory way. The main difference from the ordinary zombie horror story is that we have lesbian main characters, a second chance romance, and the setting is Provincetown. Poor Ptown. Ms. Darry really is not very kind to this lovely coastal town.

The premise of the story is brilliant, including the curse and the resolution to the conflict. The characters are well-developed and the good guys, at least, are easy to connect with. The bad guys (and there are more than one) are also well done. The romance actually fits well into the overall story. And of course the zombies are exactly as you expect them to be.
This is a wonderfully horrific, campy, gory, and romantic tale that I thoroughly enjoyed reading. It is the perfect book for this time of year.

I received an ARC from NetGalley and Bold Strokes Books for an honest review.

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Zombies? Could not be more perfect for October. Well, I say that, but I'm not usually a fan of paranormal. I was pleasantly surprised by how quickly I got into it.
The zombie history was neat. I was glad that the author was more creative than, let's say, an infectious virus. It made for an interesting plot, and more importantly, it gave the zombies a purpose.
I liked the way the relationship was done. There wouldn't have been enough time for anything other than a second chance romance, since that has to come second to saving the world. The fault was nicely split between the characters for not making it work the first time. They were flawed but clearly worked well together, and we see the characters develop from the flashbacks that served as their baselines. I liked Lane more of the two, but I think that was the point, since Lane gets her personal growth before Meg does.
It succeeded at being the fun book that I was expecting, and you can't ask for too much when most of the narration is action. Four stars.

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A book with zombies and a lesbian romance. This one had my name all over it and I thoroughly enjoyed this read. it's amusing, the Zombie situation is used to expedite some feelings and personal growth all the while also giving us some tense moments and action. The way this writer wrote the story around the zombies occuring and the situation at the end makes sense and it gives us a finished book with everything tied up. I do wonder what happens for Lane en Meg afterwards, outside of the pressure pot situation and if they will make it in the long run. I felt the romance in the time span of the book, but what happens when adrenaline fades and the mundane takes over again? Yet, great read if you like zombies and a bit of romance between women, I would recommend it.

*** An ARC was provided by Netgalley in exchange for a honest review. ***

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