Member Reviews

This was a cute read after the first 50%.
The cover and title caught my attention, but I had to force myself to read the first past of the book cause it was too slow, I kept waiting for something important to happen (at least the dog sharing!) but no. However I really enjoyed the second part of the book, is a good story that's focused on friendship and life lessons, there many cute and funny scenes, but I expected more from the romance.
Even after the slow beginning and the poor romance, I liked it, just not enough.

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I really went back and forth on this book. There were parts of it I really LOVED and then parts that unfortunately fell really flat for me. :(

I LOVED the dog aspect. Obviously! A story with a cute and fun dog (and nothing bad happens to him) heck yes!!!! Scout is adorable and clearly so very loved!!! (I personally can't imagine sharing my dog with anyone, nor do I know any dog owners that would, so it was a little hard for me to imagine that. However that part didn't factor into my rating at all!)

There were several plot lines that held airs of mystery about them. At first I was intrigued, but none of them are resolved until the end of the book. I started to get really annoyed at constantly being reminded of these secrets, but not finding out any information about them! I think it would have been better to reveal secrets throughout the story, until waiting until the very end for all of them.

I did really enjoy Suzy and her relationships - I thought she was a well rounded character who grows a LOT in this story.

The author also did a nice job of describing the scenery and making me be able to imagine exactly where the story took place.

If the first half of the book would have advanced like the second half, I'd be giving this more stars, Unfortunately it was just a little hard to muddle through at times.

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Thanks to netgalley for the chance to read this book.

Suzy’s partner leaves her with a distillery business on a Scottish island about to go into liquidation. A shabby terrier turns up on her doorstep who she names Scout. Suzy decides to try and turn the business around but will the islanders forgive her for what her ex partner did and try and help her.

A book of friendship, relationships and love.

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This book is definitely a slow burner, in fact I put down at about 30% in, and and very nearly didn't pick it up again. I'm glad I did though, as it was a really nice read. Dogs really do bring people together, and Scout proves to be no exception. Although, the title is a bit of a nonsense, as there really isn't much dog sharing going on, just a bit of helpful dog walking with an obvious outcome. However, the descriptions of Sgandsay Island were just lovely, and it sounds like just the place I'd love to visit. The characters were all likeable, and it's just a nice, feel good kind of book. Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers for the ARC.

My review is on Goodreads and will be posted to Amazon on publication day.

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Fiona Gibson wrote a sweet second chance story that was the balm I needed. I curled up with my dog as I read it and immediately fell in love with the characters. The storyline was engaging and well crafted.
3.5 stars rounded up!

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Couldn't get a good pic of my dog to go with this post, but I DID get to pick up the companion book to my journal at the @copperfieldsbooks warehouse sale this weekend!

The Dog Share by Fiona Gibson
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐/5

I am familiar with Gibson's previous work, and have loved all of the previous offerings that I have read. This book was no different. The story revolves around a found dog on an island off the coast of Scotland, a distillery, and various different characters that are weaved together around this dog.
To begin with, I have had to share my dog before and I think it is just a wonderful story premise. The characters behave just as one would regarding the custody of pet would. I also enjoyed the injection of a Scotch distillery, as I have recently found myself learning to enjoy whiskey and this book couldn't have come at a better time for me.
It made me want to visit the island in the book, which I don't THINK actually exists but if it does or someone knows the island it's based upon, that is my new vacation destination!
I highly recommend this book if you need something sweet, uplifting, and well-written in a dark old winter!

This ebook was provided by netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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T'his is a fun book about love and friendship. Suzy and her (ex) boyfriend bought a distillery that the boyfriend quickly ran into the ground. Suzy is forced to take it over with little to no experience and unhappy employees. She adopts a dog and develops lots of relationships with the locals. This is a fun easy read. It didn't always keep me captivated but was enjoyable.

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First, I want to thank NetGalley and Avon Books UK for my eARC of The Dog Share by Fiona Gibson in exchange for my honest review. This will be released March 4, 2021.

Synopsis: Suzy is left in between a rock and a hard place when her ex leaves her in financial ruin with a failing business. After a unsuccessful meeting with the employees, a shabby terrier shows up at her door. When she takes the dog in, her teenager children visit more, and she makes connections with the people around her.

Rating: 4/5
I was so happy to receive this ARC! I mean a romance with a dog, please sign me up!

I loved that the story wasn’t a predictable romance. Yes, I knew who was going to end up together in the end, but there were twists and turns I didn’t expect! The conflict of the story was not what I thought it would be which was nice for the guessing factor! I also loved that the main characters were close to middle-aged and it wasn’t your typical young love romance.

My favorite part of the story (besides the dog) was watching Suzy’s character grow. She began as a woman that appeared disheveled, who lacked confidence and direction. But she turned around her circumstances and became warm, friendly, confident and dedicated. She also followed her instincts on what was right and became courageous. I was rooting her on most of the book!

I loved how Scout brought happiness and connection to others. This is so relatable for me because I see how dogs bring out the best in people. Scout brought out the best in Suzy when she was in the midst of struggling. It was beautiful to watch unfold.

The story was told in multiple perspectives which I enjoy. The issue I saw was the introduction of characters and plot. I was confused for the first few chapters of what was going on. I could see readers DNF due to the lack of introduction to characters and plot. The prologue did not include any names so when I went into the first chapter, I was like “who’s dad and this child?” Is this referring to the past? And then the story shifts to Suzy two years earlier. Personally, having names in the prologue would have helped! Readers: pay close attention and it will unfold!

If you are looking for a lighthearted read with romance, a dog, and second-chances, this is the one for you!

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I loved this book! It was heartwarming and strong. It was exactly what I needed with everything going on in the world! A happy little escape!

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This was a heart-warming, feelgood read. You really felt connected to the characters and the story flowed well.
I loved that the romance revolved around a dog, which made it different and more enjoyable to read. If you love your pet(s), you can completely relate to the story.
The plot mostly follows the story of two main characters, and is told from each of their point of views, changing between the chapters, I felt the author did this so well and it was very easy to follow.
I found the story to be modern and not a traditional romance novel, which meant I enjoyed reading it much more. The book was really well written and the author did such a great job with portraying each character.
There were a few points that I felt could have been explored further, and others which could have been less involved, but this was an enjoyable quick read.

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The idea behind this book is great. A dog that seems to be abandoned on the island in Scotland is found by Suzy and brings together a group of people in a sort of found family type of way. I loved Gibson's setting and the building of the Herbidean Island, I could picture it and found myself dreaming of a visit there. I think, however, the book just wasn't for me. I can see this book being good for people who like a slow burn, type of feel good book. I prefer things to move a little faster and be a little less monotonous. I found at times the backstories of the characters were too much and the book tried to accomplish too many different plot lines. If there had been a focus on a couple of them, with more in depth development, it would have been better to my liking. I went into the book expecting a romantic comedy and it had very little romance and seemed more serious to me than comedy.

This book would be suited for people who enjoy a slower paced novel with lots of detail, but it just wasn't for me. I received a copy of this from NetGalley and the publisher for an open and honest review. All opinions are 100% mine.

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I DNF-Ed this book about 50% of the way through. There was not much reason to keep going. I also didn’t care for the way it was formatted, which made it very hard to read / distinguish speech from narration.

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This book is so cuuute.
Definitely going to check out more books by Fiona Gibson after this.
Scout was really cute and well-portrayed. Suzy's life turns around once Scout comes into her life. I mean, we have all had days that we just feel so alone and just need a cuddle from a pet and Scout provides just that.
The book focuses on the growth of a woman and less of the romantic angle which I really liked. The blurb of the book did not warn me how much I would love the story. It is a story about growth.

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This book hinted at so many wonderful things that could be found in the story - second chance at love, cute dog story. Unfortunately, to get to that part, you have to get through 15% of the most confusing book ever written. It tells a story, then jumps to another one in the middle of the first story, there are sections that are added with *** in front of them haphazardly and creates such a jumble that I'm not sure what is going on. I think if the story had started with Suzy meeting the dog and the first 15% backstory was given to us in bits and pieces, it might have worked better. Once you do meet the dog, however, it gets a little better.

I received a copy from #NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I requested this book from Netgalley for a couple of reasons:

1. The cover is cute
2. I love dogs

That's it. Those are the reasons. But after I started reading, I realized that Fiona Gibson has written quite a few books. I'm surprised that I never stumbled upon one before.

Not only that, but after finishing The Dog Share I really hope to read more of her books because I really enjoyed this one.

The story is told from two different perspectives. On one hand you have Suzy. She's in a bit of a pickle. Her partner just left her alone to deal with their failing business (which was all his idea to begin with). Newly single, she must also try to bring the distillery back to life that Paul almost ran into the ground.

And then there's Ricky. He's a sweet, single dad. His ten year old Arthur keeps him on his toes. When he takes his son and his new girlfriend to visit his father on the island where his father lives, he finds that he's in for a lot more than he bargained for.

Something that surprised me is that these characters don't meet until about halfway through the novel. I can tell from other reviews I've read on goodreads that that bothered some readers. But not me. I think it made sense because we really got to know each character separately so that when they finally met each other, we understood why they acted the way they did.

And then there's Scout, the lovely pupper who brings just about everyone in this novel all together.

Suzy finds Scout when he turns up at her hotel one night and she's instantly smitten. I enjoyed the fact that she bonded with Scout so quickly and that although she tried to find his original owners, she found him way too loveable to give up for adoption when his owners were nowhere to be found.

This is a special story because Scout pulls together so many different characters from so many walks of life. I think that's what's so special about having a pet. I know that with my dog, it makes me feel so good to come home at the end of a long workday and have her there waiting for me.

Most of the time I think it's because she wants her dinner, but I'm sure she's happy to see me too! Lol.

I recommend if you like stories about friendship, pets, and starting anew. Of course it's difficult to start fresh and deal with chaos, but at the same time, it might have been just what Suzy needed. After all, without the drama that her partner Paul left behind, she never would have met Scout. Or all her new friends on the island.

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DNF at 31%. I don't think this book is for me. The plot was just going so. slowly. the two main characters hadn't met (or even knew of each other's existence) at the 30% mark. I feel like the conflict between Ricky and his girlfriend is going to be based on her not agreeing with his parenting choices - but his kid needs to eat vegetables like what ? It just didn't grab my interest enough to keep going.

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An enjoyable, feel good read with some likeable characters who aren’t the typical heroes/heroines. It’s rare to find the restorative powers of animals as a plot line in books, so if you’re a dog or animal lover, you will enjoy this novel!

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Suzy finds herself in front of a very angry crowd at Sgadansay’s Whiskey Distillery, after her no-good ex-boyfriend abandons her to pick up the pieces of his failed investment. Suzy is staying in a holiday cottage on the island feeling very deflated, where a stray dog turns up at her door. After much deliberation and searching for the dog’s owner, Suzy later decides to keep the dog, now named Scout.
Ricky is visiting his dad on the remote Sgadansay island with his son, when walking on the beach they come across Scout and Suzy. Over time a friendship develops and it turns out their paths are more intwined than they originally thought.

It was a cute feel-good story, I enjoyed how it was written from both Suzy and Ricky’s point of view. The setting sounded stunning and it was a great book to unwind with from a busy day. For me, it took a little while to build up, and I would’ve liked a little more ‘story’ towards the end.

Thank you to NetGalley and Avon books UK for letting me read this ebook.

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This was a sweet novel about how a dog helps bring people together. I had a little trouble getting into the story at first because the main characters were rather dreary, but it soon got better as we got to know more about this small island in the Hebrides.

I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book that I received from Netgalley; however, the opinions are my own and I did not receive any compensation for my review.

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This book was sent to me by Netgalley. When it came around to reading this book I was really excited and intrigued to see where it would go. The book follows two different families with their own personal struggles. Scout found suzy on the island of Sgadansay after being abandoned on the beach and this is where their journey began .
I really enjoyed the story and how it wasn’t purely based on people sharing a dog, however I did often forget that I was reading about a ‘dog share’ because it was often lost with who he was with and sometimes he wasn’t even mentioned in some parts of the story. This can be seen as a good thing because it meant that the book focused on other significant points which did play a big role in the union of the characters. Which is why I have given it 4 stars.
When first reading the book I struggled with the pace of it as it starts with the initial history of the characters. It was around 45%-50% of the book where I found that I flew through because things were happening a lot quicker and this is where it became more enjoyable.

Overall I did enjoy the book, it was a very light read and I imagine that it would be a great summer read. To those who love dogs I would highly recommend, it really does highlight how one dog can bring so many people together and who knew one dog could bring families together.

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