Member Reviews

A heartwarming book set in Scotland, on a Hebridean Island. The setting was excellent, it was vivid - I could see myself there, engaging and true to life. It is my home country so it must be good. The story is told from alternating points of view between Suzy and Ricky. Scout the dog, a stray is central to the story as the title would suggest.
The book is about family drama, romance, friendship, traditions and history as well as Scout the dog.
I enjoyed this book, easy reading, very relatable, likable characters - an uplifting read.
Many Thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for a copy of this in return for an honest review.
4 stars - a great read.

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The cosy Scottish island setting is definitely what first won me over in this book. I always fall for this kind of settings that makes me one just want to run off and live in a small cottage where I just drink tea and look out the window at the beautiful landscape. And except from the setting the dog of course made me fall in love with the story. Animals as side characters are also always a safe card for me to like a book. I like the whiskey storyline and the female main characters struggles and personal development with themes like finding yourself and a bit of a start over theme. I did also like that you got to see the point of view from both the male and the female character.

The only problem I had with this book was that the build up was too long. The book is called the Dog Share and the premise of the book focuses on it, but it does not happen until more than half the book. So, the book really felt like it had a slow start, because that felt like the main story. I feel like it could have been more focus on the whiskey storyline in the marketing, so it does not feel like you just wait for the dog storyline to start. Because I really like reading about the main character and her story arc and I think it holds up before the dog sharing starts. But I think most people do pick it up because of the dog storyline because of the title and marketing. I think if it were not for the longer set up this could have been five stars but now, I would give it a strong four stars.

I strongly recommend the book to people who like cosy feel good stories set in Scotland (also especially if you like older main characters) and do not mind a bit longer set up and have a bit smaller focus on the romance.

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Another great feel-good book from Fiona Gibson. Suzy Medley has tended to drift through life with no particular career goals and ended up as a writer of obituaries. She has had a medium-term relationship with a man who seems to be full of bright ideas but actually has no clue about what he is doing. When this relationship falls apart it is Suzy who ends up picking up the pieces. Enter Scout, a dog so cute that even Suzy, who resisted the pleas of her children to get a dog, gradually falls in love with him. Of course there is human love interest as well, plus new friendships and a new challenge.

Snuggle up by the fire and immerse yourself in this book.

Thanks to Net Galley and the publishers for the opportunity to review this book.

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Suzy goes to a remote Hebridean island to try to sort out her ex partners mess in running a distillery. She is adopted by an adorable dog who had been left on the island . Through the dog she makes friends, who share the dog walking. Her previously lonely life is given direction. An enjoyable, feel good read.

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This is an entertaining novel about Suzy and her love and friendship for an abandoned terrier, who befriends her when she Is at her lowest.

Set in the beautiful Scottish landscape of Sgadansay Bay, Suzy and her new friend eagerly explore the beach, while trying to restore the whisky distillery business which was ruined by her ex partner Paul. In a story running parallel, Ricky, his girlfriend Meg, and son Arthur are also visiting the same area, staying with his father. When problems arise, Scout, the lovable terrier brings them together in an enjoyable, humorous story.
The characters are skilfully drawn, and you feel you know them within a few strokes of the pen. The story has a a friendly, light-hearted tone , but it also sends a strong message. Suzy is determined to save the distillery, working hard for its success, although the odds are stacked against her.

I liked her dogged motivation in wanting to help the villagers who have lost their jobs, her developing new friendships and growing love for Scout, the stray dog she befriends. Romance is also in the air as the story unfolds.

I always enjoy Fiona Gibson’s books, and recommend this one.

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“Sometimes it seems as if my emotions are strapped to a roller coaster, and the shady-looking fairground guy is having a smoke and has forgotten to activate the stop button.”

Suzy Medley is having a bad day when a shabby terrier turns up at her door. Just like Suzy, Scout has been abandoned, although only Suzy has been left with a financial mess and a business in tatters, thanks to her ex.

Suzy takes Scout in and her chaotic world begins to change in unexpected ways: strangers become more welcoming and her teenage kids can’t wait to come home to visit. Then, a chance encounter on a windy Hebridean beach makes things more complicated, because Suzy isn’t the only one who needs a furry friend to brighten up their lives.

Scout has plenty of love to go round… but does Suzy?

The story follows two people/families brought together in Sgadansay, a remote Scottish island in the Hebrides.

Suzy and Ricky are just under fifty years old so this is not the young, cutesy romance brought about by a dog as the title will have you believe. As I see it, this is a story about friendships, fresh starts, and second chances.

Entertaining, funny, and strangely addictive, it validates that there is no age limit to building deep meaningful friendships, finding love, or getting a do-over.

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ARC provided by NetGallery in exchange for an honest review.

This book started off really confusing to me. I loved that a dog was involved but I ended up giving up on it because it didn’t make the cut to me. I don’t know if it was the writing but I lost interest by the middle.

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An entertaining lightweight read. The characters were well rounded and likeable and what's not to like about a book which contains a dog. I was really tempted to go and experience the more laid back lifestyle on a Scottish island after having read this.

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I loved the setting for this book and the characters and reading it is a pleasant way to spend a couple of rainy afternoons. Having said that, it was very predictable and a little lightweight for me which is a shame. I’m sure fans of this genre will enjoy it though.

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Romance set on a Scottish Isle. Interesting scenario where Suzy, the heroine is left in charge of a failing distillery by her partner.
Ricky returns to the island with his son, Arthur to visit his father, Harry.
The connection? A dog named Scout, loved by all.
Great research, the characters feel real and the story flows well. I enjoyed it.

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The Dog Share
By Fiona Gibson
Pub date 3/4/21. 4.5 stars out of five
Suzy Medley is having a bad day…

… when a shabby terrier turns up at her door. Just like Suzy, Scout has been abandoned, although only Suzy has been left with a financial mess and a business in tatters thanks to her ex.

Suzy takes Scout in and her chaotic world changes in unexpected ways: strangers have never been more welcoming and her teenage kids can’t wait to come home to visit.

Then a chance encounter on a windy Hebridean beach makes things more complicated, because Suzy isn’t the only one who needs a friend.

Scout has plenty of love to go round… but does Suzy?

Thank you to @fiona_gib #NetGalley and @Avonbooks for my arc , this was an absolutely delightful read. I gained a new appreciation for the Hebrides islands, and realize there is such a lot more of the world I want to see. Fiona brings you to Scotland, you feel the wind on the beach, the lovely simplicity of the slower pace of life. Suzy as a character grows a spine in Scotland, she finds that the world is for the living not just writing obituaries. She realizes her worth is more than a mother , or nurturing the whims of a man who doesn't care about what she wants or yearns for. Back in the nineties the movie Must Love Dogs , had a similar catalyst.., now it is a business, a dog and the will of. stubborn retired distiller that drives the pace of this story. The dog Scout reminds me of the beloved Benji of my childhood loved by everyone, and spreading his wagging tail like pixie dust. My fave rom com of January, it makes my top five! In the past two years my fave romances have come from the UK, fans of @victoriacooke will love this!

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Although the overall plot was rather predictable - which romance isn't, though - I quite enjoyed this lighthearted read.

The first half was rather slow, but the second half just flew by.

Review based on an ARC provided by the publishers.

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I thought the book overall was good. I liked the romance. I could have done without all of the dog story. I think the story would have worked without it.

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Suzy Medley's life is a mess. Not only has her ex left her, he left her with a massive debt from a distillery on an Island off Scotland, which quite frankly he bought on a whim and Suzy didn't even want!

It's a far cry from Suzy's day job - writing obituaries for newspapers, but Suzy feels it is incumbent upon her to at least go and apologise to the staff in the distillery - even if the mess lies squarely at the door of her ex!

What Suzy wasn't expecting was to find herself adopting a stray dog which turned up at the cottage where she was staying. With Scout (as she named the dog), she finds a renewed closeness to her children, a lovely new friend who has just lost her own dog, and a boy and his father, who are all happy to share ownership of Scout.

A sweet, touching, and easy read with a lovely uplifting ending.

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First I just want to say thanks to Netgalley for the digital ARC of The Dog Share. What a sweet read!! I really enjoyed seeing Suzy and Ricky’s story come together and how it all played out. Two single parents unlucky in love, brought together by chance and Scout of course. I’ve never read a book that had a prominent character being a dog, and Scout really managed to bring everyone together that needed him. It was such a sweet and heartwarming read and I just loved it.

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DNF 34%
I just gave up. When i read what the book was about it sounded sort of adorable, plus there was a dog involved! Scout, adorable right? Well yes. But not enough to make me continue reading. I was just lost and confused most of the time, what was happening? Why? Where is the dog? Just general so much what going on in my head and in the end i lost interest.

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This is a story about friendship, love, forgiveness, and a dog aka all things I love.

Scout - a scruffy, Heinz 57 terrier - changes the lives of all those he meets. He offers them a second chance and a new lease of life, after being abandoned on an island and also gains a new family from the opportunity for himself. I do think Scout was the best part of the book but there are so few scenes that involve him and instead, this is more a look at the characters and their problems - whether that be financial or relationship-orientated.

Whilst the romance was a little cliche and predictable this was a charming back to read in an afternoon. There are some nice elements including Suzy's growth and her commitment to life on the island of Sgadansay and the distillery she's trying to save, but ultimately the plot is a little to slow to develop. Whilst Suzy is principled and determined, there felt like a lack of characterisation to those around her, and ultimately I wouldn't call it a 'dog share' until the latter half of the book. Her friendship with Cara is a nice element that I would've like to see developed a little further.

*Thanks to Netgalley and Avon for the review copy

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Suzy’s husband just left her with a failing business and all sorts of problems when a stray dog finds her. She ends up deciding to keep the dog, but she’s not the only one who falls in love with Scout. This dog ends up bringing so many new people into Suzy’s friends and maybe even a new love interest? Too bad this guy’s dad hates Suzy...

I love dogs so any romance involving dogs is something I want to read. I thought this book was super sweet! It took a while to set up the story (the real action didn’t start happening until about halfway through). But once I got to that halfway point I flew through this cute story.

Read this if you love easy, heartwarming stories and are a dog lover!

Thank you to NetGalley and Avon for the advanced digital copy in exchange for an honest review. The Dog Share comes out March 4!

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Charming, sweet, and incredibly scenic, this book transports you into the lives of a small cast of characters all orbiting around one little dog. This book was honestly just what I needed today: wholesome content, character growth and a little bit of romance too. Though, I will say that I wanted a little bit more out of the romance. The focus on Scout and Suzy was adorable though, and I did love Suzy's development throughout the story.

And honestly, every single character meeting Scout falling instantly in love with him was potentially my favourite element of the book.

Huge thanks to Netgalley and Avon Books for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!

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"I wonder now if, as well as those millions of scent receptors, dogs also have the ability to love a whole bunch of people unconditionally, with no limits on numbers."

I received an e-ARC copy of this book from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Actual rating: 3.5/5 stars

The Dog Share is a very heartwarming, adorable, and light read about a lost dog who unexpectedly came in a woman's life, and had managed to spread that love to other people. It also focused on themes of self-discovery, family, and love that just made a book feel like a really warm and familiar hug. I do have to admit that the main reason I picked this book up is because of the word "dog" on the title alone, since I always love a dog-centered story. However, the dog scenes weren't as many and huge as I expected it to be, but I still appreciated the role he played in the book. I just wished the readers would get a lot more dog scenes - especially for dog lovers, like me.

It was a cute and quick read that I managed to devour in a few days. It was definitely predictable in terms of its over-all plot since it tackled on a lot of the characters' problems and concerns, but it was the characters themselves drove the story forward. The personalities and histories of the main characters were an interesting thing to read as the story progressed, but Scout - our lead hero dog - just highlighted everyone greatly. I wasn't attached to to everyone as I hoped I would be, but I still enjoyed their stories.

If you're looking for a book that is super lighthearted and will be a breeze to fly to, then I highly recommend this book showcasing an adorable dog who helped people discover themselves and bring families together.

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