Member Reviews

"I wonder now if, as well as those millions of scent receptors, dogs also have the ability to love a whole bunch of people unconditionally, with no limits on numbers."

I received an e-ARC copy of this book from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Actual rating: 3.5/5 stars

The Dog Share is a very heartwarming, adorable, and light read about a lost dog who unexpectedly came in a woman's life, and had managed to spread that love to other people. It also focused on themes of self-discovery, family, and love that just made a book feel like a really warm and familiar hug. I do have to admit that the main reason I picked this book up is because of the word "dog" on the title alone, since I always love a dog-centered story. However, the dog scenes weren't as many and huge as I expected it to be, but I still appreciated the role he played in the book. I just wished the readers would get a lot more dog scenes - especially for dog lovers, like me.

It was a cute and quick read that I managed to devour in a few days. It was definitely predictable in terms of its over-all plot since it tackled on a lot of the characters' problems and concerns, but it was the characters themselves drove the story forward. The personalities and histories of the main characters were an interesting thing to read as the story progressed, but Scout - our lead hero dog - just highlighted everyone greatly. I wasn't attached to to everyone as I hoped I would be, but I still enjoyed their stories.

If you're looking for a book that is super lighthearted and will be a breeze to fly to, then I highly recommend this book showcasing an adorable dog who helped people discover themselves and bring families together.

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First of all, I really want to thank the publisher and NetGalley for allowing me to read and advanced copy.
That being said, I’m really sad and sorry because the book didn’t meet my expectations. Maybe it was my fault, but it’s just that the title, cover and summary made me expect something I didn’t get.

I found it a pleasant and easy read, but I also found it predictable and boring at parts. It took me a lot of time to get invested, and I persevered but really nothing surprising happened.

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4 Stars!

Some fun British slang. Empowering female friendships and even sisterhood. Romance between older people. Fresh starts or do-overs. Scottish Islands. Whisky. For all of those, it's worth a read.

The title or even the book cover can be slightly misleading. Yes, there is a dog (a 2 year old terrier-type) and he is shared but not with whom or a in a way you'd expect. Still, it's a very heartwarming and weirdly engrossing read. Set in the Hebrides, it follows the stories of two families, not including the dog. When I read any book featuring dogs ("Dog" is in the title too in this case) I'm trying to look at the following -
- Is the dog anthropomorphised? Nope, not at all. Almost to the detriment of the plot, a little bit of dog's POV here and there is actually needed, I now realise.
- Is the dog a Disney dog? Totally. He apparently has only the most minor behaviour issues - a single toileting accident and a proclivity for chewing cloth, just one health issue - being underweight, and fetches balls and sticks like a pro. It's not entirely unrealistic but very, very rare to find a dog like that. Good for the protagonists. He is also walked off-leash, and I'm not sure about the legality of that, but it's just too good a dog to be true.
- Is there any realistic dog issues or their solutions? None, sad. There was so much scope.
- Is the dog treated as family or pet or...? Well, if you believe the marketing, the dog would be a major plot point, but sadly that whole thing feels a bit contrived. They might as well have been sharing a coconut shell ladle.

That said, it was a guilty pleasure, I got very drawn into the story and enjoyed the twists and turns.
Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher and author!

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Thank you Netgalley for providing me with an Arc of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I was really looking forward to this book however unfortunately Ths Dog Share didn't grab me as much as I hoped it would.

I thought I was a pleasant and easy read, but I did find it predictable and there were parts where I was bored. It seemed to take a long time to get going, and I persevered but nothing really happened.

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Uplifting and sweet, The Dog Share by Fiona Gibson is a great entertaining escape!

It’s a dogs life that is very sweet and entertaining to read about and there is whisky and delicious food amongst the island and city life that can sometimes be a bit more complicated than it first seems. The Dog Share makes for a great story to escape into. It’s also fun, feeling like you’re legitimately snooping around the lively WhatsApp chats in the book.

Suzy and Paul are going to the Hebrides with her mum, from York whose reaction is quite funny because there is something recognisable about her reaction. Things, however zany and unsettled with many work plans, there is something really sweet about Suzy and Paul, as well as a sense of lightness and fun about them 2 years ago, but then the book brings readers up to the present and the atmosphere changes when holiday plans aren’t happening as expected.

Set between York and (primarily), Scotland – between Glasgow and the Hebrides, this is a rather uplifting story, with a kindness and sense of caring for each other is enough to warm anyone’s heart. There is also a dog, who just turns up and it is fun, yet true about how people talk to dogs. Suzie then sets up a dog sharing arrangement with Cara, who she later meets.

There is also Ricky in Glasgow, who is a tutor around schools and enters one where Arthur is attending and Ricky can already guess how that would be seen. This adds even more interest in the story and a plays well off of the contrast on the island life. There’s humour to find in all parts of the characters lives. It really is an entertaining and uplifting read with plenty that people will be able to relate to, whether it is about the dog, food, business as she picks up the pieces of her life. She isn’t totally altogether, which makes it seem realistic. All in all, it’s a rather pleasing book to sink into and relax and read.

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When I saw the title and the cover of this book, I was immediately pretty sure that I really wanted to read this. A book about a dog? Yes!
The Dog Share was a cute book with a beautiful storyline in it. It focuses on family, friendship, tradition and it does so in a heartwarming way.
I love how Scout (dog) is so loved by everyone he’s surrounded with and I love how Suzy puts her all into trying to save the Sgadansay distillery.
Scout puts a feel good element into the story and always is the cheerful, connecting link between the characters. He sounds like such a lovely dog.
I loved how we got to learn more about the characters in the story and how their lives all have their own ups and downs. I think I liked each and every character in this book in some way, which is unique.
I loved how Sgadansay was being described and how I could form my own image of the island in my head. The descriptions really made the place come alive, which added to the story. I already dream of a trip to a place like Sgadansay.
However, I had some problems with the pacing of the story. I had a feeling the story only started to progress after reading about 55%, which seems a little late for me. The whole 55% I thought: when is the actual dog share about to happen? when will something significant happen? However, after that 55%, the story started to progress more and more, and then I flew through it.
Overall, this is a cute and light story if you want to dream away about a beautiful island and a lovely bond between a dog and several human beings.

Thank you NetGalley and Avon Books for providing me an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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The book is a fun concept, but I found it just too sugary sweet and convenient.  The writing was perfectly fine, so I am giving this one 3 stars and jot it down as not my style.

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What a fabulous book! I love Fiona Gibson’s stories, and this one certainly didn’t disappoint. Little Scout becomes the centre of the story and of everyone’s attention. From street stray to much loved companion, he’s alongside his humans as they live life on a remote Scottish island. Fiona Gibson draws excellent characters and realistic storylines. 5*

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After a couple of thrillers and a bit of lockdown gloom, I was in the mood for something sweet and funny, and Fiona Gibson’s latest looked as though it was going to hit the spot.

Suzy travels to the Hebridean island of Sgadansay for a holiday with boyfriend Paul, but it turns out Paul - king of the unsuccessful get rich quick scheme - has something else up his sleeve. When it inevitably all goes horribly wrong, threatening the livelihoods of many islanders, Suzy’s left to pick up the pieces.

Then there’s the sharing dog of the title, Scout, shows up, lost and hungry, at Suzy’s holiday rental one night and soon works his way into her heart, as well as acting as a catalyst for other relationships to form.

a super sweet story, nothing too serious or hard to follow, just curl up and enjoy!

Thank you to NetGalley, the author and publishers for an advance copy in exchange for an honest review

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A new novel from Fiona Gibson is always something to look forward to and in The Dog Share the author harnesses a nations love for our canine counterparts, celebrating the unifying power and positive impact on our wellbeing this breed of animal can have in our lives. Whether you’re a dog owner, a borrower or simply harbour dreams of a life full of dog walks and loyal companionship let your heart swell with gladness at the abundance of doggy love that fills these pages. Tag along with Suzy and Scout, an artist, a young boy, a music teacher and a grumpy grandpa in this Hebridean adventure where characters of a human variety are upstaged by a loveable one of the canine persuasion. This is just the beginning of a whole new chapter for Suzy and those she meets whilst in the company of her new four legged friend and I absolutely loved it!

Welcome to the island of Sgadansay, where the reader steps back in time to when holiday makers Suzy and Paul initially fell in love with its quaintness, succumbing to the beauty of its rugged landscape entertaining Paul’s ill advised plan to use his father’s inheritance to buy the local whisky distillery. Fast forward to the present day when the business is now failing, Paul calling time on both his latest harebrained scheme and his relationship with Suzy. So it is in somewhat of a personal and professional crisis that we catch up with Suzy, returning to the island in order to salvage what she can of the business and build bridges with the local community who currently view her with disdain. When a scruffy little terrier unexpectedly but fortuitously arrives in Suzy’s life,you can expect a welcome change in direction for this woman with a huge capacity for love.

The Dog Share is a gentle warm tale scoring highly in terms of the feel good factor with ordinary down to earth characters you’d be happy to chat with over a coffee or a pint in the pub should they exist in real life. It would seem the Hebridean island of Sgadansay has magical healing properties bringing strangers together in a wonderful mix of second chances and new friendships with even the possibility of love on the horizon. Could it be the wildness, beautiful beaches and raw beauty of this island that bewitches tourists and newcomers alike? Or is it the completely adorable stray dog Scout that is solely responsible for uniting these characters at a time when they most need a distraction from their individual woes? I don’t think you need to phone a friend to arrive at the correct answer! To be honest I fell hook line and sinker for both the setting and for Scout, lapping up the charm and loveliness Fiona Gibson’s writing exudes. The route from A to B is pretty much uncomplicated in a storyline that offers minimal diversions en route to new beginnings, new found happiness and a future that promises love and romance (plus plenty of dog walks!) Kindness emanates from these pages as the author introduces us to the characters, young and old who will share in Suzy’s love of Scout, offering the hand of friendship without a second thought so the only vibes going on here are good ones. There’s a real sense of community too which the author embraces, enveloping both her characters and readers in a comforting bubble of positivity, a welcome escape from the more negative aspects of life.

Reading this novel is as easy as a hot knife slipping through butter as Suzy Medley valiantly makes amends for the havoc caused by her ex partner Paul’s decision to buy the distillery and destroy a once thriving profitable business. I loved that she’s a woman who refuses to shy away from her problems,taking responsibility for past mistakes. Suzy is on a mission to right these wrongs, buoyed up by the presence of her canine companion who manages to give her a new lease of life in middle age, providing a purpose to her days bedsides worrying about the distillery and its workforce. That she finds so much comfort and joy in the presence of Scout and the strangers she meets along the way is probably the most endearing aspect of this novel. Most (if not all) the characters exhibit such openness and friendliness that I don’t have a bad word to say about this innocent, uplifting piece of fiction.

I give a huge round of applause to Fiona Gibson and a splendiferous 4 stars for delivering yet another heartwarming helping of loveliness. A sense of happiness accompanies you throughout this dog worshipping delight of a read and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend to fellow book lovers. The Dog Share is woof-alicious!! My thanks as always to the publisher and Netgalley for giving me the opportunity to read.

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This is the perfect book that contains romance, laugh out loud moments and made for dog people. The book has an uplifting feel to it which makes it an easy read, one to read around the pool, beach, or in the bath. The cover is very eyecatching and one that I would pick up in a book shop. Very well written story overall.

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This is exactly what I needed - my first read of 2021 and it's sweet, funny, uplifting and gentle. There's no pretence about Fiona Gibson's books; she writes good, old-fashioned feel good stories that aren't too taxing and are never boring.

Some will say the plot is predictable - well, yes, it is in a way but I would say that with this book, it's not the destination but the journey that matters and the people you meet along the way. I adored the characters, there are no nasty surprises or hidden tricks that make you regret falling for them; they are honest, every day folk living their lives and finding happiness as they intertwine.

Great as a little 'pick me up' for anyone feeling a bit down on life right now. Just imagine yourself on a beach in Scotland, all bundled up against the cold, running around with a dog and grabbing hold of joy wherever you can find it.

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I am a big fan of Fiona Gibson and have read most of her books so was really excited to read this one. It didn’t disappoint. She’s a great author who creates characters you care about. A go to author for me when I want a light hearted entertaining read to pass a few hours.

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This was such a cute medium paced read but the premise of this book was so exciting and full of potential but the execution was disappointing. The characters were well development yet the relationship main romance lacked something and wasn't given enough time to truly emotional connect. In addition, the story itself felt unnecessarily dragged out slow at particular times all throughout. In this case with backstories and characters that veered off the main story. Nevertheless though it was a tad predictable and not enough conflict in my opinion, this was such a sweet book that I think most people will still enjoy!

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Suzy Medley is a mess after her ex abandons her in the midst of a financial crisis, and a business out of control. In such desperate times, a lost terrier turns up at her door and uplifts her mood and life in unexpected ways. Scout, the dog is fun loving, sweet, affectionate and gives everyone a reason to smile. Suzy's life is filled with new hopes and she is determined to set things right.

At first, I was very impressed with the title, cover and the blurb when I requested this title on Netgalley. I already had it in mind that I will love this book. However, this book did not live up to my expectations. As excited as I was to read about the role of the dog, I found it to be scanty in the story. Rather, I felt there was more focus on the history of the characters and their exes. Also, the dog's part felt like a sidekick as the title made sense after around 100 pages. The fight for rescuing the distillery seemed genuine but the dealings with Harry, which Suzy feared and dreaded, was solved too easily. The part of Cara in the story felt unfinished, like her friendship with Suzy could have had more significance.

I loved the role of the dog, the descriptions of the idyllic life on the island, Harry as a character, and the relationship between Harry and his grandson, Aurthur. I loved the concept of the dog share. Also, Suzy showed great spirit as an independent woman tackling whatever difficulties were thrown her way.

Overall this book is a fun, light read involving an adorable little pup and set in a beautiful island of Sgdansay.

Thank you Avon Books and Netgalley for this e-arc.

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This charming tale takes place on a remote Scottish island in the Hebrides, Sgadansay, where most of the inhabitants depend for their living on the local distillery which makes a famous brand of whisky. Unfortunately, the distillery has recently been purchased by a dilettante who knows nothing about either whisky or running a business. In fact, he has recently absconded, deserting his romantic and business partner. Suzy is 48 years old, a divorcee with grown children, whose main job is writing obituaries for newspapers. She travels to the island to tell the employees of the distillery that it is about to go into liquidation. While she is stuck on the island in a bad storm, a stray dog appears at her door. Her relationship with the lost dog, whom she soon adopts, leads to a relationship with several of the islanders, whose own lives need the comfort and love which the personable pup can give. Needless to say, the humans who end up sharing the dog also begin to share their lives and affections with each other.
This is a well-written, engaging read with appealing characters, a remote and romantic setting, and an interesting storyline with some subplots that sustain interest throughout the novel. The reader will cheer Suzy as she navigates a midlife change of direction and decides to take on the challenge of running the distillery herself, changing the fortunes of the business, its employees, and her own life as well. Suzy finds friendship, acceptance, purpose, and even romance as she discovers that she has more to offer and receive from life than she ever could have imagined a few short months earlier. I highly recommend this poignant feel-good story.

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Second chances are at the heart of this wonderful novel. I am never disappointed when I pick up a Fiona Gibson book.

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Told mainly from Suzy and Rickys perspectives.

Then... Suzy and boyfriend Paul take a trip to Sgadansay Island, not their usual holiday but Paul has a surprise in mind, he wants to buy the island distillery. Now... all change, Suzy's left alone to face a struggling business, having to decide what to do. Whilst returning to the island, one evening a stray dog appears at her door, where a bond grows which she didn't expect, what to do 🤔

Ricky grew up on the island, is visiting his father during the holidays when his son Arthur, sees a stray dog that catches his attention. The same dog, he's certain he sees on his return visit.

Great lighthearted read, plenty going on work and family wise. Having the new addition to the family, really does encourage people to be more friendly towards strangers. A love for Scout that has no limits, as they all want to share time with him.

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Such a fantastic book, I loved the setting, characters and story so much!
As a fan of dogs I could not resist this book! It was charming and heartwarming in equal measure ❤️
I loved the island and would adore to visit, Fiona’s descriptive writing is so detailed, I could really imagine being there.
A perfect book to escape into, it was such a lovely story and I enjoyed it immensely 😊🥃🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

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Such a sweet book. Lighthearted and loveable characters. Thank you for letting me read this one. Super enjoyable. I hope people enjoy it as much as I did! ☺️

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