Member Reviews

This is a sweet and charming story set on a small Scottish island. Loved every character in this. Everyone in this is somehow brought together by a dog. It’s awesome that a dog plays a central and important character and instrumental in bringing happiness and providing emotional support.

A dog turned up at the holiday cottage Suzy is staying in on the island. She has come to close the distillery, which her fickle minded boyfriend Paul impulsively bought, led to bankruptcy with his in-competence and walked out on her. She had never given in to her children’ demands for a puppy when they were kids.

Ricky is originally from the island and now works as a music teacher, living with his son Arthur and girlfriend Meg in Glasgow.

Loved the WhatsApp chats between Suzy and her young adult daughter Freddie and Son Isacc. Their banter was hilarious.

I didn’t mind the romance taking a backseat in this. It’s mainly about the fabulous characters and their struggles. Island is the perfect setting for this book and Gibson has brought it to life with her beautiful writing.

Both the main characters Suzy and Ricky are adorable. Admired Suzy for her steely determination. I’ve immensely enjoyed reading when the story is told from Ricky’s perspective. He is utterly adorable, pleasant, and helps his students who aren’t privileged. Arthur is too adorable and his remarks are hilarious.

Overall, it’s a cute, heart-warming and entertaining book filled with lovable people and a adorable puppy.

Thank you NetGalley and Avon books for the ARC in exchange for my review.

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I recieved this book via Net Galley and give it my honest opinion.

This book was a slow starter, however it did not disappoint. The storyline was good and relatable in some parts. Not my favourite book from Fiona but still an enjoyable.

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Suzy has never wanted dogs despite pleas from her children when they were younger, so when a stray turns up at her holiday cottage she's not too keen to take him in. She has enough on her plate trying to sort out the distillery her ex partner bought on their last visit to the Scottish Island. However she changes her mind and the dog brings comfort and friendship. Some delightful characters and great descriptions of the island make this a really enjoyable read.
Given this book by Netgalley and publishers in exchange for an honest review

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Thank you NetGalley, Avon Books UK, and Fiona Gibson for the opportunity to receive an ARC of The Dog Share. I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced reader's copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

The Dog Share is another beautiful book from the author of The Mum Who Got Her Life Back which I really enjoyed reading. In this novel, Suzy Medley finds herself in a financial disaster due to her ex. But the day gets brighter when a shabby-looking dog shows up at her door. She names him Scout and her world is about to change again. Soon, her adventures with her new pal might result in a new love interest - Scout is already in love, but will Suzy be able to overcome her traumatic and damaging past? You'll have to read to find out.

This book was such a warm, charming, and uplifting story! This was just what I needed during this time of unease. I highly recommend if you are looking for a pick-me-up. I can't wait to see what Fiona Gibson comes out with next!

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for allowing me to read this book in exchange for an honest review
Suzy Medley is having a bad day…
… when a shabby terrier turns up at her door. Just like Suzy, Scout has been abandoned, although only Suzy has been left with a financial mess and a business in tatters thanks to her ex.
Suzy takes Scout in and her chaotic world changes in unexpected ways: strangers have never been more welcoming and her teenage kids can’t wait to come home to visit.
Then a chance encounter on a windy Hebridean beach makes things more complicated, because Suzy isn’t the only one who needs a friend.
Scout has plenty of love to go round… but does Suzy?

I enjoyed this book in so much as it wasn't difficult to read or hard to get in to, It just didn't wow me, The characters were nice, the setting was nice even the story was nice. The only thing that wasn't nice about this book was the dog! (He was adorable!!). Its listed as romance however I feel its more about a woman who finally likes who she is and knows what she wants to do. There's a messy ex, kids at Uni and parents who are slightly detached from her. All in all it was ok but didn't thrill me.

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Absolutely loved both the concept of the book and the incredible characters. I love that there is such a varity and complexity of relationships. The idea that one dog can have such an incredible life and be so well loved but touch and change the lives of so many people. It's heartwarming and funny in equal measures. I found myself cringing, laughing out loud and wanting to shout at the characters becuase it really was such an amazing roller coaster of emotion. I found that in some ways it was predictable, but in a really good way and I love that feeling of knowing that you've figured it out or being surprised that you guessed it wrong. It's a story about discovery, empowement and embracing the important stuff. Thoroughtly enjoyed reading it!

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This book was skiing cute and I loved the dog friendly plot. I enjoyed all the characters and watching them all come together by the end. I recommend to anyone wanting a fun, sweet, and quirky romance...only if you love dogs!

Thanks to Avon Books UK and NetGalley for a copy to honestly review.

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This was billed as a romantic comedy, and it’s not. In fact, the main characters are still dating different people over halfway through the book and overall the book has a somber tone. The last little bit of the book is uplifting and I believe there is one kiss between the Suzy and Ricky.

The bright spot of the book is Scout. There needed to be more Scout. And Arthur, that young boy was terrific. The tagline “Two strangers, one dog. It’s complicated.” make you think there is some type of tug of war with Scout, but there isn’t. And, it’s not - complicated that is.

This should have been described as women’s literature or a “coming of middle-age” book rather than a rom-com. There is nothing romantic about this book. It wasn’t a bad story, just dry. The descriptions were vivid and it was interesting to read, but nothing what you’d expect from the description.

Thanks to NetGalley and Avon Books UK for the ARC and these are my honest opinions.

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Adorable and escapist - just what the pandemic ordered! An excellent addition to collections where lighter WF and contemporary romance are popular.

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A really uplifting story, set mostly on a remote Scottish Island. Great characters, strong story, and of course the adorable star of the book, stray dog Scout. An inspirational story of determination, love and how a dog can bring people together. My favourite book so far from this author.

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Absolutely delightful, light-hearted romance novel which centres around an incredibly cute and personable dog. Set against a backdrop of a rugged Scottish isle, with a plucky heroine determined to undo the mess she's accidentally gotten herself into, an eligible bachelor with a cute and charismatic young son, a curmudgeonly older man who's necessary to resolve everything, and mostly, really mostly, the dog. A scruffy terrier called Scout, he's definitely the star of the show.
There's not a huge amount of depth in this book, and there are some unnecessary additions - Suzie's feckless ex, for example, didn't add much, although he was necessary for the setup in the beginning. But overall, this is light, enjoyable, and cute, and was a perfect cozy read for a winter's night.

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Suzy Medley's boyfriend Paul is a bit of an enthusiast, he picks up hobbies and jobs then drops them six months later, but he's charming and funny and handsome and great with Suzy's kids so she forgives him. Until he sinks all his inheritance from his father into a whisky distillery on the remote Scottish island of Sgadansay. Within months he's run a thriving business into the ground and walked away with his usual disinterest leaving the livelihoods of his employees hanging in the balance.

When Suzy visits the distillery to talk to the workers she is greeted with hostility, alone and feeling very inadequate she meets a stray dog just when she has reached rock bottom. Somehow just looking after the stray dog fires up Suzy's enthusiasm and the next thing you know she is determined to save the distillery.

I am a fan of Jenny Colgan's novels about Scotland and so I was hoping for something along the same lines, which this was, to a point. However, this felt like there was a really great book happening somewhere just out of sight. Everything was very superficial, we didn't see much of the distillery, we didn't see much of the romance, there were two side plots involving Suzy's sister and her love-interest's ex respectively which didn't really go anywhere and were swiftly resolved. Overall, this felt like the synopsis of a book rather than the actual novel.

I liked it but I didn't love it and I didn't really engage with the characters.

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

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Great little heartwarming tale of a remote Scottish Island, a failing distillery and Scout the little stray dog bringing everyone together! I really enjoyed this book, its a lovely romantic story with characters you fall in love with, perfect for curling up and losing yourself in.

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This story follows Suzy and Ricky and is set on a small Scottish island. Suzy ends up sorting out a distillery that her boyfriend Paul thought would be his next business venture. Ricky's father worked at the distillery until he clashed with Paul. Throw into the mixture Scout a stray dog who has a way of bringing people together. The story is told between the two main characters and while being a feel good and enjoyable story has deals with some difficult issues.

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Fiona Gibson's The Dog Share is a wonderful heart warming tale set on a wildly beautiful Hebridean island full of fabulous characters. When Suzy's world is falling apart and she is feeling at her lowest ebb, a lost dog Scout arrives at her door and from then on things start to change for them both. Scout is central to Suzy meeting new friends and growing her confidence as she fights to save the iconic local distillery almost destroyed by her ex's terrible business ideas. The picturesque island harks back to a simpler time with a strong sense of community and a slower pace of life. A beautiful feel good book that I would recommend not only to dog lovers but to anyone with a heart and soul. Many thanks to Netgalley and Avon Books UK for the advance reading copy of this gem of a novel.

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I love a Fiona Gibson book and this one didn’t disappoint!

Set on a remote Scottish island, the story follows Scout, a terrier type dog who brings together a host of lovely characters.

Scout has been abandoned and turns up at the rental cottage of Suzy, who has arrived on the island to clear up the mess of her ex-partner’s business.

Ricky and his son go back to the island to visit his father, and meet Scout and Suzy on the beach.

It was a genuinely enjoyable read, heart warming and quirky. I loved it. Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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This book took me a little while to get into but when I did it swept me along. Scout was the reason - it's amazing how much better a dog can make you feel and to see the impact he had on the people whose lives he touched was simply delightful.

It was poignant and dealt with some relatively heavy subjects, and the tone wasn't comedic in any way, but it was nevertheless a lovely story and most definitely uplifting.

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An easy read perfect for starting my New Year. This book is so cute and the romance is sweet. The characters in this book have two things in common... most have been left or lost someone in their lives and a cute little terrier mix brings them all together. Somehow one small dog who is also abandoned ends up bringing happiness to all and isn’t that what a dog does? Definitely recommend if you are looking for a light read with a cute, happy ending.
Thank you #netgalley for the early read!

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Set on a wonderful island, Suzy doesn't want to let people down and does her hardest to turn around the mess that her ex left her in. A stray adorable doggie named Scout comes to Suzy's door and they develop a bond immediately. Another fun fab read full of great settings of likeable characters.

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I really recommend this book since it mentions second chances and the power of helping with a little companion! During this crazy year I almost lost my mind but thanks to a little dog I adopted the struggle was less sooo I really recommend this book

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