Member Reviews

A sweet, heartfelt and uplifting story about second chances... it was just the dose of positivity I needed at the moment! A wonderfully refreshing holiday read. I haven't read Fiona Gibson before but I'll be looking out for her books!

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This book really got me. Scout was such a dynamic character and I loved the premise of navigating second chances surrounding being the owner of a dog. I loved the character development, they felt real to me which always makes a story better. Would definitely recommend!

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After a couple of darker recent reads, I was in the mood for something sweet and funny, and Fiona Gibson’s latest seemed likely to hit the spot.

Suzy travels to the Hebridean island of Sgadansay for a holiday with boyfriend Paul, but it turns out Paul - king of the unsuccessful get rich quick scheme - has something else up his sleeve. When it inevitably all goes horribly wrong, threatening the livelihoods of many islanders, Suzy’s left to pick up the pieces.

Meanwhile Ricky, who was raised on the island, and son Arthur are back visiting Ricky’s dad, with Ricky’s girlfriend Meg - alternative healer and Instagram queen - in tow.

Then there’s the titular dog, Scout, who shows up - lost and hungry - at Suzy’s holiday rental one night and soon works his way into her heart, as well as acting as a catalyst for other relationships to form.

This was a lovely read - I liked all the characters (the main ones, anyway) and it was refreshing to read about a heroine of around my own age. Suzy certainly doesn’t have everything together, but she’s likeably determined and principled. Ricky, his dad and son are equally endearing characters, albeit grumpily so in the case of his dad.

I see some reviewers have complained of a lack of romance - while there is a romantic element, this is not the main focus, which is a plus for me. (I can only deal with romance in a book when it’s very lightly handled - I realise many people feel differently.)

A really engaging read.

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This story is a very different concept for a book but I loved it and it worked really well. The characters probably apart from (Paul) where all delightful. The book is about new beginnings, friendships and family and a wonderful pet who can bring all these things together.

I havent read anything by the author before I will definitely be looking out for her books. I love the descriptive way she has of describing both York and the Island. Beautiful. Having been lucky enough to work with both people from the Shetland and Orkney Islands in my work she described the community spirit perfectly. Would definitely also like a follow up book to see what happens to Suzy and Scout going forwards.

Thank you Netgalley, the publish and author for giving me a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Suzy's children are leaving the nest and just when her life should have less worry her boyfriend dumps her and leaves a whole lot of trouble for her to deal with.
Suzy travels to a Hebridean Island to try and fix the mess her ex has left on one of his get rich quick schemes. She discovers that everyone blames her and she is not received well by the locals. That night she hears a noise at the door of her holiday rental. Outside, wet and bedraggled is a little terrier dog.
She takes him in and names him Scout and he makes her stay there much easier..
Everyone loves Scout and he soon becomes a catalyst for friendships to be made. Scout was abandoned when Suzy found him but what will happen if his real owner responds to the posters of the dog around the Island ?
A cute dog, a grumpy Scotsman, whiskey and a beauty Hebridean Island, what more could you ask for in a story.
Fiona Gibson's books never fail. They are always a good read. They make you laugh and make you cry.
I always look forward to reading her latest.

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Firstly huge thanks to NetGalley and Avon Books for my ARC in exchange for an honest review

I was hooked with the title as it was oozing Flatshare vibes (blame the romantic in me ) and the cover was screaming at me wanting a hug *sigh*. The Dog Share tells the story of a woman who has left a business that could almost be no-existent and so tries to make it work while rescuing the cutest stray. I was expecting swoon-worthy romance from the first chapter but it wasn't so. Book does also touch on found family, friendship, and how dogs can bring people together. I do look forward to reading more Fiona Gibson books.

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The Dog Share is a contemporary chick-lit novel. Suzy Medley is in over her head, but the unconditional love of a small terrier helps her turn her life around. It's uplifting and heartwarming - with Scout by her side, it seems as though there's nothing that Suzy can't do!

The story is mainly set on a remote Scottish island with a bustling, close-knit community and all the highs and lows of island life. Many of the inhabitants are employed by the local whisky distillery, but with the business' future hanging in the balance, tensions are high as Suzy embarks on her own island adventure.

Suzy herself is friendly and intelligent, yet lacking in self-confidence and belief in her own capabilities. She's instantly likeable and it's all too easy to relate to her. With a string of failed relationships, two grown-up children flying the nest, and the threat of bankruptcy looming on the horizon, the last thing Suzy needs is a new pet and a relocation. However, with a strong plan, plenty of helping hands, and a small pup by her side, Suzy is determined to make the best out of her situation. She is bold, brave, and inspiring - sometimes, you have to step outside your comfort zone to truly reach your full potential.

The romance element to the story is a sideline to the main plot, rather than being the overarching focus of the book. It's understated and natural - plus it has the perfect meet-cute situation! While the developing relationship is sweet and enjoyable to read about, the real star of the story is Scout and his own relationships with each of the main characters. Everyone loves Scout, and he loves them all back equally. Who doesn't love a story about a rescue dog finding their forever home?

Part romance, part contemporary fiction, and partly just a simple reflection on the love of animals, The Dog Share is a delightful read sure to warm your heart!

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Thank you NetGalley and Avon books for the ARC of this book in exchange for my review.

First, the author did a wonderful job setting the scene. I could picture the setting almost as if I’d visited before.

However, I went into the book expecting a romantic comedy and this is not it. This is more like a “found family” novel. The main characters didn’t meet until halfway through, which made for a slow buildup. Which is great if for those that enjoy that journey, that’s just not for me. Maybe it’s because I have little kids and my attention span is zilch.

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this book is just incredibly CONFUSING and for absolutely no reason at all.

I had to dnf it at around 50%, and even at that point, I couldn't tell you what was going on.

This has a decent idea around it but executed very poorly, and the only reason I was even reading this was for the dog(NOT ENOUGH OF THE DOG IN THE BOOK).

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The Dog Share caught my eye on NetGalley since it looked like the perfect heartwarming rom-com.

I wanted to love this book, but I had a really hard time getting into it. I didn’t hate it, but it didn’t grab my attention the way I hoped it would and I thought it was just okay. The premise was adorable, but the two main characters don’t meet until three-quarters of the way through the book!

I loved the parts about Scout, and how the love a dog gives can completely change your outlook on life. I agree, and I think everyone should have a pet!

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3.5* but closer to a 4 than a 3.
I enjoyed this book, the characters were likeable and it was an interesting set up for the relationship. It was interesting to see Suzie’s and Ricky’s lives in the city beforehand as well as once they were on the island and made it easy to understand where the characters were coming from emotionally. My only criticism on the characters was that I felt the inclusion of Meg was unnecessary for Ricky’s story as I didn’t really feel like she impacted the story or the relationships he goes onto have with Suzie.

Cara was one of the characters I really enjoyed her presence and I love to see characters have relationships outside of their romantic ones. The dynamic of ScouT being shared between Cara, Suzie, Ricky and Arthur was quite cute but I wish the original owner hadn’t been included as I didn’t really feel like I needed an explanation. I really enjoyed the set up of how Suzie came became the owner of the whiskey distillery and how her relationships with all the characters bloomed. Ricky and Suzie seemed well suited and I liked them together I just wish we’d been able to see more chemistry between them and see their relationship blossom more throughout the book rather than just towards the end. Mostly, I enjoyed this read but I think it would’ve been a solid 4* had I gone into it realising it was less rom-com and more fiction but I would still whole-heartedly recommend as long as you don’t expect to see too much romance.

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Adored this read...real happy escapism. Lovely characters, easy to read... happy ever after tale. Just what's needed in the present climate. Started off by thinking it would be Suzy and Paul's story....but enter Ricky and Arthur and grumpy grandpa Harry ..and of course the delightful Scout...perfect ingredients for a feel good read. I really enjoyed it Will be looking out for more by Fiona Gibson. Highly recommend.

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While I was expecting this to be a fluffy ditzy romance, I was pleasantly surprised to see this book was more about the wonderful Scout and how he helps Suzy and him both heal. Now this was a friendship I 100% support and can relate to how Suzy feels about Scout. He opens her up to new people. Her kids want to see her more so they can see Scout.

In case you don't know....Scout is a dog. :) that is what makes this book so entertaining and fun to read!

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The Dog Share was a wonderful book that explored the impact that dogs can have on humans. The book was about what it means be a friend and to love unconditionally and I think that the author did a great job of tying those themes together. I really enjoyed this book and I look forward to reading the other books that Fiona has written. Thank you to NetGalley and Avon Books UK for the e-book copy.

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I love dogs and fell in love with the concept of dog-fueled romance as soon as I read The Happily Ever After Playlist which is one of my all-time favourite books. As soon as I saw the cover of The Dog Share, I knew I had to read this as well.

Well, I liked it. It was quite enjoyable and you just can't help but love Scout and the happy bubbly way a dog can turn lives upside down (in a good way)! The only thing that prevents me from giving this a higher rating is the fact that I think I was expecting more of a romance and less of a general adult fiction vibe. If I was in the mood for a women's fiction, I think I would have rated this higher, but I just wasn't in the right headspace to love it and that's totally a me problem and not the fault of the book.

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I found this to be a lovely, heartwarming read, perfect for these difficult times. I read it quickly as I enjoyed it so much! The novel is set on a Scottish island and the scenery is described beautifully. I wanted to go there! Suzy courageously changes her life when her boyfriend deserts her and the distillery that he insisted that they buy together. Meeting Scout the dog is a turning point as he helps her to make friends and settle in. The characters are appealing and I enjoyed the feel good story. I’ll be buying this well-written and entertaining book for friends. Thank you to the author, the publisher and NetGalley for an arc in exchange for an honest review.

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Thanks Netgalley and the Publisher. Love this author she always makes me laugh. This was a great book, great characters and of course the dogs.

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Thankyou to NetGalley and Avon Books UK for providing me with an e-arc for an honest review, all opinions are my own

Before i start, i want to make it clear that i like this book. I didn't love it, but i didn't hate it, it was just okay for me. That being said, i have some thoughts.

The Dog Share is about a woman who, after being left with a shipwreck-sized mess of a distillery by her ex, moves to a small Scottish island, tries to resurrect the company and rescues a stray dog, making many friends along the way.

I think the cover and tagline definitely betray the content of this book. It give off romance vibes but this is definitely NOT a romance. I went into it expecting a light hearted romantic comedy centred around 2 people sharing a dog, but what we get is not that. The two MC's don't even meet until more than halfway in the book.

Maybe it's because i'm 20+ years younger than our main characters, and therefore couldn't connect with them personally, but i just didn't /care/ about them. I didn't care about her family/children and i didn't care about his relationship with his exes. And given that they don't meet until over halfway in the book, what little romance there is between them felt rushed.

That being said, i think this has more of a 'found family' trope ingrained in it, which i love! I think it embodies the fact that dogs bring people together and it was very believable that a dog like Scout could cause all these people's lives to entwine. I liked a lot of side characters in the book and i think that's what saved it for me. And there was even a sneaky wlw relationship thrown in there, bonus points if you can spot it.

Ultimately this book is about friendship and all the wonderful ways things can change when a dog enters our lives.

3 Stars ☆☆☆

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Another wonderful Fiona Gibson novel.I was immediately drawn in to the story the characters came alive felt like they were friends.Who can resist a story with a little terrier as a main character.Highly recommend sit back and enjoy.#netgalley #avonbooksuk

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The book talked about Suzy Medley's life. Everything is going wrong but then, one day, a dog shows up at her doorstep, wet and freezing and lonely and Suzie decides to take him in. That's where her life changes as Scout attracts people in her life and Suzie finds herself. She falls in love and finds people she can call family and finally does what she always wanted to do but never realised. This was one really beautiful book! The way Fiona Gibson described everything and the events, narrated in shifting POVs was an absolute delight! The ending was so peaceful and satisfying. The language was simple and easy to understand and the overall plot was amazing. A great read for romance lovers or dog lovers. In short, it was an enjoyable read!

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