Member Reviews
This whimsical book is a perfect holiday gift for children and adults alike! Featuring the iconic Christmas poem, along with charming illustrations that bring the season to life. Look for the delightful dog, cat and mouse in each scene that captures a segment of the poem. 12 DAY OF CHRISTMAS is the third in a joyful series that includes SILENT NIGHT and THE CHRISTMAS CHOIR. Highly recommended!
5 of 5 Stars
Pub Date 06 Oct 2020
Grateful to Laura Hawthorne, Quarto Publishing Group - Frances Lincoln Children’s Books, and NetGalley for the review copy. Opinions are mine.
#12DaysofChristmas #NetGalley
A pleasantly illustrated copy of the titular song, carol, poem – or whatever you specifically want to call it. The verse is well presented, as are all the peculiar gifts and characters that are involved. For some time you're due to find everything mentioned in every image, but after a while that stops – only for one giant, concluding spotting and counting test to undergo, where the whole shebang is brought all together. An obvious yet enjoyable choice for seasonal gift.