Member Reviews

This reminds me of The Magic School Bus. It’s a group of kids shrinking down to find out about muscles. There are lots of facts and I think a young kid would like this book. It’s a quick and easy read.

The language used in this book is surprisingly complex, but the author manages to make it easy enough for children to understand. If you're interested in teaching your child about basic anatomy and physiology, these books are a good place to start.

So this one in the series is not for me.
A lot of things just made me feel queasy.
They entered the body through a cut, but the cut was already bandaged and presumably healing (unless they cut him right before shrinking :/ ) making it pretty much ridiculous, even in this magical shrinking world, that they would immediately reach the muscles.
The motor neurons are apparently just floating around in your body, I don't remember all of the details from Biology, but I'm pretty sure that ain't fully correct.
And then the jumping on muscles and hugging the bones part was weird to me as well.
Like I said, not for me.
The art is fun and the language is easy to follow --> hence giving this 2 stars instead of 1.
Flip through it before buying it and be mindful of your own ability to suspend your disbelief ;)

'Adventures in the Muscular System' by Alexander Lowe with illustrations by Sebastian Kadlecik is a graphic novel for kids about the Bod Squad learning about how the body works.
The Bod Squad are playing by jumping on beds when Logan looks like he might fall. Quickly the other members shrink down to see if they can stop it from happening. They learn how the muscular system operates and how it attaches to the bones. They also learn how neurons help the muscles to react.
I enjoy this easy to read and understand series for younger readers. The science is good and the stories are engaging.
I received a review copy of this ebook form Norwood House Press and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this ebook.

Thank you to NetGalley and Norwood House Press for my copy of Adventures in the Muscular System by Alexander Lowe in exchange for an honest review. It published July 15, 2o2o.
I had the help of two eight year olds and a six year old for the review of this book. The first thing they said about these books in this series is, "These are way better than Magic School Bus books, they're much more grown up".
I used this book as a discussion for their science lesson today, and they were very interested. There isn't too much information to lose their interest, but plenty of little tidbits threaded through to keep them learning as they are being entertained.
The muscular system book was a really fun one! I found the connection between muscles and bones to be really well-done and explained in a way that made sense to my kids! I think this book would keep any kids' interest from kindergarten up to middle school. Comic books for the win!
This would make an excellent gift for any kid learning about the body. Honestly, I kind of wished I had these as a resource when I was taking Anatomy and Physiology in college. They present the information so clearly that there's no room for confusion, (compared to my textbook and PowerPoint presentations!)

We are doing a human body unit study for homeschooling this year and this series of books are perfect to incorporate into our studies!

This is a really great book series for kids interested in science. It’s really educational, but at the same time a fun read for kids as they can relate to the characters.
In this book, the gang explores the muscular system. They give a lot of facts about how things work inside the human body.
The illustrations are effective and eye catching.
My kids loved reading the whole series and I would wholeheartedly recommend for kids as they can gain a lot of knowledge about biology through this book series.
Thank you to the author, publisher and NetGalley for providing me with an advance reader’s copy for an honest review.

I really liked the idea behind this story and was delighted to see that this book was one of five available featuring the Bod Squad! The characters were great and I liked the way that they were used to tell us more about the Muscular System and it does not baffle the reader with too much science – I think it was perfectly pitched.
The images were ok too – it is 4 stars from me for this one – highly recommended!

This time the Bod Squad explore Logan's muscles. We learn so much about our muscle, and some. There are muscles that can move without being told by our body, and there are some that attached to some of our bone.

Thank you to the author, the publisher, and NetGalley for granting me access to Adventures in the Muscular System in exchange for an honest review.
I've reviewed a few of the Body Squad graphic books now, and Adventures in the Muscular System is more of the same in a very good way. The Body Squad are a group of friends who can shrink down small enough to enter the human body and help out. In this title, three of the kids shrink down to enter the fourth friend's muscular system while he's jumping to investigate how the musculoskeletal system works during activity and protects the bones.
Older readers (the parents, teachers and other caregivers of elementary aged kids) will be reminded of The Magic School Bus, and the target audience kids will be able to understand the science being presented in this book easily.
I like the fact that all of these books have "further reading" suggestions at the end for kids who want to learn more about the subject.

This is a great educational book for children which shows the Bod Squad shrinking in size and going inside their friend's body to take a close look at how the Muscular System of the body works. It is an awesome book which my daughter and I loved. We both found the book very interesting and the characters and illustrations were fun and delightful.
Many thanks to the author, publisher and netgalley for allowing me to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

This is a wonderful educational book perfect for homeschooling, science classes and even massage therapy training. The illustrations are fun enough to keep the reader interested and understand the different terms being presented. It provides basic level explanations of the muscular system that is crucial to for better understanding of this body system. Overall a fun and short way of making learning easy.

This is fun to read for someone who likes science and is a visual learner. The information about the muscular system is easy to understand so that anyone can digest it without feeling saturated with information.

I got this on Netgalley in exchange for an honest review!
I really like this series! It is really informative about the functions of the body, without making it too heavy or boring!
The explanations in this are done well and adapted perfectly to a younger audience.
I think the example is maybe a bit weak, and kinda wish it used something else instead! The fact that they go into his body to "prevent him from injuring himself" just seems a bit weird.