Member Reviews

Wayfarer by R.Dawn Hutchinson
Rating: ★★★☆☆

Wayfarer by R.Dawn Hutchinson left me with mixed feelings—it turns out it's a sequel, and I haven't read the first book yet. I plan to revisit it later and may change my rating.

Jumping into the story without the context of the first book was a bit confusing, but Hutchinson's world-building and character development kept me interested. The plot had its share of twists and turns that intrigued me, although I felt like I was missing some important background.

Overall, Wayfarer offers an adventurous journey for series fans. I'll revisit it after catching up with the first book to get a clearer view and possibly adjust my rating.

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***Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with a digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.***

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This is the second book in the series. Frankie and Elise are back at home in Stromboden after many years of exile. Both children have developing powers that they are just learning to use. Frankie can open portals to other places and Elise can hear the thoughts of those around her. The children were poisoned with Obluvium when they were babies by a man named Carvil, but the biggest threat to the prince and princess now are their parents. The king and queen are overprotective, scared of their children's powers, and might keep them from saving their friend Onora who is trapped in another world.

The children's personalities and powers start out weak in the beginning, but there is growth and evolvement as the story builds. I was really invested in them by the end. I absolutely loved Onora. She was the action star of the book and kept things lively and moving forward. The chapters alternate between the children's story and Onora's story always pursuing the point of when their stories collide. The author does a great job of writing the fantasy world. I was able to visualize the subtle differences from reality.

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this was a great sequel to the book, the characters were great and I really enjoyed going on this journey. I look forward to more in this series.

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Didn't realise this was book two Inna series and so was lost to beging with and so had to read the first one first

But once I had unloved this book, full of twists and turns and inner workings of royal life

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I got asked to review this book, i tried to persevere with it. The authors writing is really good but the storyline just wasnt gripping me enough, to make me want to complete the book.
I gave 3 stars as the authors writing is good just wasnt a book for me unfortunately.

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