Member Reviews

Finding You, Book 2 of Allie Boniface’s Drake Isle series, begins as island inhabitants as well as former Misterion students enter the storyline of the series. In this story we find many are back on the island for a special event. One such is one of Blake Carter’s very best friends, Trey Jennings, who has made a killing in tech marketing. When he returns to the island he is reminded of his good friend Piper’s death but he also feels free for the first time in a long time.

Trey meets the striking Lillian Santini, owner of a major beauty salon on the island, Lillian’s Lovelies. While the attraction and chemistry are palpable, the fireworks happen when Trey, unknowingly, buys the building that houses Lil’s salon out from under her. Purchasing this building would have afforded Lil her business, her home on the second floor, and a rental unit on the third. At last she would be in a place of financial freedom.

Through this story, love is found, perhaps lost; lies are told and discovered; storms ravage the island and the heart. This is a well plotted story with endearing characters. The story, the people, the place, will make you want to visit Drake Isle again and again. I very much enjoyed this book and do recommend it!

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Thanks Netgalley for allowing me to read this book! This is the second book in the Drake isle series. Sparks fly when Lillian who is a single mother of twins meets Trey who is enjoying his carefree lifestyle.

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A fun read with little drama.
ARC provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

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This is a super fun read. I really enjoyed this one!

Many thanks to the author, the publisher, and Netgalley for my ARC. All opinions are my own.

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I truly enjoyed this book. Fast moving, detailed, intriguing storyline, and great developed characters. This author has a great way of telling the story that is refreshing and captivating. I want to go to Drake Isle. I want to visit all of the sites on this quant little island off the cost of Boston. Pick this book up and settle into your favorite chair to start reading. Enjoy!

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Trey and Lillian who have plenty of chemistry and plenty of baggage. Both are settling in life until they meet, yet opposites find a way to attract. The island is simple living and a small town at its finest, and Lillian is doing well with her kids, shop, and good friends. Trey is a mainland or city guy, lived on the island during his college years, self-made. With each other, life is better. While Trey and Lillian are overcoming their pasts, we have secondary characters who are very present in the story, plus the undercurrent of a mystery. As life on the island moves on, we get more to the Piper mystery and Sebastian returns to the College, not a fan of him. Looking forward to the next book and getting another peek at what is happening on the island.

This is the second book in the Drake Isle series.

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An adorable book. Lillian, a pretty young woman who decides to go to Drake Island to make it her new home. Since then, Lillian has raised her twins and opened a beauty salon. One day, Lillian meets a man who vowed never to trust a woman after a bad experience he had long ago. Trey has a jet-set lifestyle. He is a billionaire who has hidden a childhood full of problems. However, the attraction Trey and Lilian feel is immediate. This attraction will allow Trey to heal his wounds from the past and have hope for a better future. This book is full of compelling conversations between Lilian and Trey. I like that the author described the events clearly and entertainingly. The setting on the island seems excellent to me. This book made me want to live those days on the beach. I think it is fascinating to imagine such a romantic relationship could take place in a small town. I love Lillian because she is a girl who has well-defined goals. But, meeting Trey might cause her to modify her plans. I thank NetGalley and DFM Publishing for providing me with a copy of the book in exchange for my honest review.

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Finding You is the 2nd book in the Drake Isle series but can also be read as a standalone.
This is the story of Lillian, a single mother of adult twins who has lived on Drake Isle for the last 20 years. She meets Trey a younger millionaire that is a friend of a friend who instantly feels an attraction to Lil. Lillian really tries to hide her attraction as she has heard about his previous bachelor ways.
Their is a odd side mystery that is never solved involving Treys best friend Piper who died in what was deemed suicide over 10 years ago. As well as a side character story that doesn't really seem to make any sense. Who knows if either of these will be addressed in the next book.
Overall its a sweet but basic romance novel.

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Finding You, the second book in Allie Boniface's Drake Isle series, is easily read as a standalone.

It's a tale of second love with some mystery. The small town atmosphere is present throughout. The setting is well developed, and the small town mysteries are well done.
The romance is nice, but the pace was too slow for me to fully enjoy it.

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Lilian and Trey grew up with similar experiences, his being worse. Trey has made something of himself doing something he loves. Lilian, I would compare to a Phoenix, she was able to rise up from the ashes her ex left her in and rise to the top. She went from having twins and having nothing, to owning her own business from the help of the townspeople on the island.

I thought this book was good, I just felt like things bounced around a lot. We would be following Trey and we would bounce to Piper in a flashback. I do hope we find out what happened to her, the new professor seems fishy. I think the same thing happened when we were on Lilian, we would be following her story and then the story would bounce to something else.

I didn't like that Cami, who seemed like a stalker, showed up on the island to try and trap Trey with a baby. It's a good thing he was able to figure out the truth before things got too far. It seems fitting that while Trey was dealing with things from his past that Lilian's ex would show up as well, I kind of figured he would but I hoped it would be for his twins.

Received ARC in exchange for voluntary honest review

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Lilian, a single mother who run a hair salon found herself to be attracted to Trey, a successful businessman. Lilian giving her background, staying in a small town, is skeptical on her attraction to Trey. What more this is the only attraction that she found herself unable to walk away from. Trey have his secret. It is also where he is unable to commit himself, not until he met Lilian. There are many knots tangled in his life too. Just like Lilian, he wonder too whether this relationship between them will work.

It was a good read for me and the storyline have kept me going into the night.

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A great story. I was sucked into this book by the first chapter. I couldn't put down my Kindle until I finished the book. Can't wait for the next one.

Lillian Santini has a rough life until the day she accidentally gets on the wrong ferry and ends up in Drake Isle. That was 20 years ago, when she was pregnant, alone, and down to her last dollar. Today she's raised her twins and owns a successful beauty salon all in her own. She has no interest in settling down again or risking her heart. Then she meets Trey.

Trey is a billionaire, his different lifestyle, not to mention his age 8 years younger than her, doesn't appeal to her. That is until he starts letting his guard down and sharing his secrets. He comes from a childhood similar to hers. She begins to fall for him.

Until his old life plays catches up and threatens to destroy everything he's built with Lil.

A must read!

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This is the second book in this series, but it can be read as a standalone easily because I didn't have the opportunity to read the first book yet, but I intend to based on my enjoyment of this book. Very descriptive narrative of the island that was the setting for these two lost souls. This was a sweet and thought-provoking read that I enjoyed and found hard to put down. I voluntarily read and reviewed an ARC for NetGalley.

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A gentle story of finding love a second time around. Lil has had a difficult time of things in her life, being a young single mom and starting her own business, but has done well for herself. Trey had a very rough start in life, but is now running his own company and is a millionaire. They meet when Trey comes for a wedding to the island on which Lil lives and where Trey went to college. Sparks fly and then they don’t. There’s a lot of back and forth in the relationship, especially on Lil’s part. I felt like we saw more of how Trey felt about Lil than Lil’s interest in Trey. She seemed slow to be invested, and didn’t display the same level of interest and commitment we see from Trey. The descriptions of the island and small town living were delightful. It made me want to move there. Although the ending felt a bit rushed, things were tied up nicely and set up for the next book in the series. I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley. This is my freely given, honest review.

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This was a quick read. Pleasant romance with interesting back stories. I skipped over the intimate details. I was sorry to see the mystery is a cliff hanger. I do look forward to reading the next one. I have not read book one. Thanks to the publisher for providing a copy via NetGalley.

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Lillian Santini has lived on Drake Island for the past twenty years. She arrived on the island when she was six months pregnant and desperate, but found good friends and has a good life. She has raised her twins, Sarah and Matt, while opening her own successful beauty salon. When she meets Trey Jeffries, her feelings for him are totally unexpected. He is somewhat younger than her, but he pursues her in a slow and gentle way. Trey knew from the first time he saw Lillian that she could be the one. He has never wanted commitment of any kind, but now his thoughts go to Lillian and a life with her. A beautiful and sensual story of a younger man and an older woman…a woman who never expected what life still had in store for her. I received an advance review copy at no cost and without obligation for an honest review. (by paytonpuppy)

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This is book two in The Drake Island Series and it is Lillian and Trey's story and what an emotional story it is. I really enjoyed reading this book and I really conected with the characters. I can't wait to continue this series.

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Lovely romantic story. A little different to your typical romance.
Older woman, struggles her whole life, raised twins on her own on a wonderful Island community.
She meets a younger man and 5hey fall in love. But there are things in their way, keeping them apart.
Lovely light story. Looking forward to reading the next book. Thankyou.

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I enjoyed reading Finding You, as we spend a summer on Drake Island. Our story revolves around Trey and Lillian who have plenty of chemistry and plenty of baggage. Both are settling in life until they meet, yet opposites find a way to attract. The island is simple living and a small town at its finest, and Lillian is doing well with her kids, shop, and good friends. Trey is a mainland or city guy, lived on the island during his college years, self-made. With each other, life is better. While Trey and Lillian are overcoming their pasts we have secondary characters who are very present in the story, plus the undercurrent of a mystery. As life on the island moves on we get more to the Piper mystery and Sebastion returns to the College, not a fan of him. Looking forward to the next book and getting another peek at what is happening on the island.

Thank you to NetGalley and DFM Publishing for the advanced copy in exchange for my honest review.

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A pleasant read with relatable characters, set in Drake Isle, “Finding You”, by Allie Boniface (DFM Publishing), features a hero who falls head over heels for the older heroine.
I found the romance part cute and sweet, with the besotted billionaire hero courting the strong, nonsensical and very attractive hairdresser.
Trey has a broken past and emotional and physical scars, but his professional success dominates the plot.
The intensity level didn’t reach what I would have liked, perhaps because the story dragged a bit, stopping in mundane events, and some plot lines were left unsolved (I assume to be resumed later in the series); I was very curious about Piper’s death and Tilly’s future.

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