Member Reviews

Everly & her best friend Harper return to Everly's childhood home of Shroudhaven to clear out the house & the attached antique shop of her deceased mother. Everly is intending to clean the house out and sell it as soon as possible and return to her job as a building super. That's her hope anyway. Shroudhaven seems to have another thing in mind for her as the mysterious happenings start in before they even make it to the city limits.

It's an interesting book. I enjoyed it.

Everly has PTSD from her childhood. She's a strong woman, skilled with her hands, but her anxiety and self doubt cripple her. Her friend Harper is an online Influencer and does her best to support Everly and convince her of her strengths and right to have a happy life. Her mom was a hoarder. The house is a sty and the antique storefront hasn't been entered since the death of her father when she was a baby. Which her mother blamed her for. Everly's had a hard road to travel.

All the characters are well fleshed out, all have their own distinct hangups and reasonings. The magic system in place is coming at the fabled monsters from a totally different direction. I'm curious to see what happens next in Everly's world.

Thanks to Goodreads for providing me with an ARC for my unbiased review.

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Darkness Unknown is fabulous!! It's a terrific start to a new series and I'm eagerly awaiting the second book! When comparisons are made by a fellow review to Holly Black and Sarah J. Maas, an author really has to bring it. Let me just say that French did just that, but better???

The writing in this book was beautiful, which made the environment even more magical. I could picture everything so well and felt like I was actually there with the main character as they make this harsh journey of self-discovery. This book contains great world building and character development. I was quite nervous when I started it and was incredibly pleased to find it was a gem. The only down side was it had one heck of a cliffhanger. Fortunately, the second book is coming!

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for providing a copy for review.

This was a fairly quick read. I enjoyed it overall, but I was left feeling like it was missing something. Mainly, I felt like there just wasn't enough character development. I realize this is the first of a series, but a little bit would have helped. Everly initially was fine, but by the end her immense insecurity and anxiety just annoyed me. Harper was pretty one dimensional, while trying to prove this internet celebrity wasn't like most "influencers." The monsters were interesting, slightly confusing, but interesting none the less. This was really your typical, YA/NA urban fantasy.

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When Everly returns to Shroudhaven to settle her mother's estate, she isn't prepared for the house out of an episode of Horders or for the monsters that stalk the town. Shroudhaven is full of secrets and none carry more than her first love. Everly is about to discover that her childhood memories aren't quite as they seem and that her own gifts may be what she needs to save those she cares about.

This was an interesting take on supernatural beasties - both human and monster. I did find the beginning of the book a little slow-paced but once the secret is out, the plot rolls well.

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I think this was supposed to be paranormal popcorn fiction. There’s nothing wrong with that. Sometimes we all want a handful of popcorn. Unfortunately successful popcorn fiction hinges on a decent pace, compelling characters and good world building – the speculative version does at least. This read as if it wasn’t quite done cooking. The plot was a messy blur and not enough thought went into the creation of the world. I’m a bit stumped as to how this was a reimagining of the vampire-werewolf subgenre tbh.

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I wasn't able to get into the novel due to the characterization and style but the novel had a good set up at the begining

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ARC from NetGalley

3.5 stars

This is a dark urban fantasy mystery with an unsatisfying ending. Though some things were wrapped up, the most important things weren't, and while I understand that a series will have an overarching theme/goal/whatever that ties the books together, I need closure on some things. I know nothing about the magic system. I know nothing about Everly's powers. I have no idea what's going to happen to Rylan. So, what do I know? Not much; hence, unsatisfying. This book is a good example of why a lot of people either prefer to read standalones or will wait until a series is finished before starting it. If I had all the books lined up and ready to go, cool, cool, I can deal with that. But I don't.

All that bitching aside, it was interesting. I liked that Everly is a bigger girl but that we only really know it from the cover and from a single mention. It shouldn't define her, just like it shouldn't define anyone. Your size is not you. The mystery in this book was interesting. The magic system is interesting. It's a new take on vampire and werewolves, etc. I'm not entirely sure how I feel about it yet because I don't know much about it, but on the whole it was a quick and satisfying read until the end when it ceased to be satisfying *shakes fist*

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This is very much an introductory book. We meet the cast of characters, learn about the supernatural creatures, and get the beginning of a story. I thought the creatures were interesting and it was a cool spin on werewolves and vampires. Evie is an okay heroine, we know she was abused growing up and is a kind person, but she needs to be fleshed out more.

The reason I only gave this three stars is that the story feels like it's just beginning and then the book ends. I feel like this should have been longer so we had time to be drawn in, at this point I'm not sure whether I'm intrigued enough to continue. The romance wasn't really there and I don't know where the series is going.

It's not a bad start, just needed more details and plot. If I see the sequel around, I might give it a shot.

I received a copy of this from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

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Darkness Unknown was okay but it could have been a lot more enjoyable if the author didn't make everything vague and 'mysterious' on purpose, leaving us readers not really knowing what was going on and what creatures were in this world. I wish things had been explained sooner and better.

I also didn't really believe or care about the romance especially since he pulls away and then after that, the only interactions they have are in her dreams and she doesn't even think he's real for a little while. It was in a word, weird. And again, I didn't believe in the romance and I didn't feel any sparks/chemistry.

<i>(Thank you for letting me read and review an ARC via Netgalley)

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I have received this ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Darkness Unknown went by pretty quickly for me but I feel like I'm left with a lot of questions after that ending. Yeah, it was a cliffhanger (sort of) but this whole book was a bit confusing for me to comprehend. No, I haven't dipped into the wine that badly - just a glass or two. Yet, things just weren't making sense to my poor brain.

Some things would happen but then they weren't really explained that well. Or maybe I just wanted more information about things. Maybe I'm just getting super picky - it happens and I'm sorry! Then there's the characters, they were interesting but then again - things didn't add up for me.

The whole mixture of paranormal and supernatural aspects was pretty cool but explained pretty badly for me. Things had a name but then nothing after that. Like, thanks for giving me a name for whatever you are... but nothing else? No details? I NEED DETAILS!

Other than that, it was an okay book and I'm sort of intrigued to see what book 2 will be about. Hopefully things will start to make sense and I will get some answers.

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I received an ARC of this book through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

3.5 stars

I think this is the perfect book for Young Adults getting into the fantasy genre. When I say Young Adult, I truly mean young adults. (Think thirteen to eighteen year olds.) I actually feel that I would have liked this better if I were a bit younger. It would definitely be something I'd eat up! With that, I do think that the story isn't age-friendly. Readers above the targeted audience's age would have a hard time acclimatizing to it.

My favorite thing about the book is its representation. Plus-size women are rarely featured as main characters in books, especially in the fantasy genre. It's definitely a step in the right direction.

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Even if I found the world building interesting the plot didn't keep my attention and it fell flat.
Not my cup of tea.
Many thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this ARC, all opinions are mine

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This book took a lot of twists and turns but did a great job introducing me to this wild and crazy world!

After the recent death of her mother, Everly is tasked with returning home and facing some ghosts she left there. Armed with superintendent level know-how, an influencer BFF, and some unresolved issues with her crush from high school, she faces it head-on. She is one tough cookie for juggling all the baggage of her childhood and still managing to tackle the hoarder-level mess her mom left her.

As if that wasn't tough enough, she also has to face some weirdness in the form of supernatural elements that have apparently always been there in her town. Oh, and did I mention she's got anxiety issues? She may just be the most relatable main character I've come across in a while. As book 1 in a series, I know not everything is going to get resolved, so I'm happy for the journey this book took us on. I want wayyyy more Harper and to see more of Everly kicking butt in future installments!

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Really good book! I absolutely loved Everly! The story was pretty good and I loved all the paranormal stuff going on. This author definitely has a good writing style. Definitely suited me and it was perfect to read this month!

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Arc recieved for an honest review.

As much as I liked the premise for this book it did not reach its potential. The plot never really peaked and although the story is unfinished it didn’t really hook me in to wanting to read the next. The main character is a big girl and referred to as chubby at one point in the book but this didn’t come across anywhere else in the story. The rest of the background story was glossed over and didn’t make me interested in the mc. The mc seems like a wet blanket rather than someone with anxiety or depression. Being a plus size person with depression I thought I’d feel more reading this than i did. I was unable to connect with any of the characters. I honestly wanted to be hooked by the plot but am dissapointed it never really progressed.

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It was my first book written by S. A. Fenech and I requested it because the synopsis sounded really intresting for me. Did I received what I expected? Not really, but from the beginning.

Plot looked for me super intresting. We have a girl, Everly, who is back to her hometown after the death of her mother. She wants to clean a house and family's antiuque store. She gives herself and her friend - famous Instargamer, five days for that and after that she wants to back to her current life. The town is a little stereotypical place where community has a local legends and forests are hunted by werewolfs, vampires, etc. Everly sees something what she shouldn't see and it changes her plans.
Motives used for plot building are the old ones and it makes this book extremely predictible.

Main character Everly is a girl with a lot of issues. She has the panic attacks, she is from pathological family - mother was an alcoholic and she has a lot of men who not really like a child at home. Everly blames herself for everything, I am suprised that she doesn't think that ozone hole is her fault as well. At the beginning I was thinking that is fine that she has some issue and she tries to fight with them, but later her character doesn't change. Everly considers everything as issue with her and even in very hard situations she needs her friend who pushes her to the action.

Supporting characters are much more intresting in my opinion. Harper, Everly's friend, She keeps both feet on the ground, but is able to accept that the world is different from the one she knows. For me, she is a little babysitter for Everly and her private, not paid therapist.
Second really nice character is Callan. He is Rylan's (Everly's beloved) brother. He can handle a difficult situations very well, he supports Everly and also manages his invastigation.
Finally Rylan, Everly's beloved. He is a person who wants to save the whole world. Such a type of martyr...

Logic is a little lame. Everly felt in love with Rylan when she was 13 years old, but she knows that he is the one forever for her. She dreams about him every single night, but she doesn't do anything with it becasue she feels guilty for situation which had place around 10 years earlier.What?! Maybe when you are 16 years old reader you can belive in that, but the older audiance not really.

Summarizing after synopsies I expected werewolfs, vampires and spooky things, but I received the mish-mash of everything. We recieved a lot of things, events which haven't been fully explained. I followed the characters and I felt pretty lost. I didn't feel connected with characters and I really didn't care for them.
For me it's much more young adult book, even if the characters are older, but rest things are the target for teenagers. Idea for a world is intresting, but I think author hasn't used its full potential.

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I hadn’t read this author before, but I was anxious to as this seemed like it would be an interesting book. I started reading it, and I was pretty much hooked right away. This book isn’t perfect, but I found Harper and Everly to be interesting characters who drew me in from the beginning. They work so well together. Add to that a spooky and strange atmosphere, I was invested in the plot to see what was going to happen. There were a few quirky things that were a little too convenient and contrived, but overall, this book was pretty darn good. Recommend. I was provided a complimentary copy which I voluntarily reviewed.

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3 1/2 stars...

Darkness Unknown had a unique take on paranormal creatures. They aren't your standard, run of the mill vampires and werewolves....there's a twist. I won't say that the storyline was the most inventive, but there was some originality to it which made it refreshing and different. Also, I really like the way the author portrayed Everly as a "full size" woman without talking about it continuously. It felt like a natural flow into the story.

Everly and Rylan have a history and I was eager to see more of their story explained. I did like their connection and unrequited love story. Even though some of their tale is explained, there were still some significant parts that I felt were missing. Hopefully more will be answered in the second book.

Also, I felt like the story had a flow going and then we were left hanging. That's not unusual in books sometimes, but this one really felt like a "hard stop" type of cliffhanger. There were so many open questions. Even so, I will look to read the next book in the series because my curiosity has been piqued.

Thank you to NetGalley for this ARC. I voluntarily chose to review it and the opinions contained with are my own.

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Thanks to NetGalley for providing me an eARC of this book in return for a fair and honest review.

Darkness Unknown follows Everly and her best friend Harper as they return to Everly's childhood home to clean it up and possibly sell it. However, things in Everly's hometown are not what one would call normal. Seeing her old crush attacked (and killed?) by a monster is just the beginning to an adventure that unveils the shadowed part of her town.

My thoughts:

Okay, so this book was kinda confusing, but we will start with the positives. Darkness Unknown does, in fact, have new lore for the existence of werewolves, vampires, and other such creatures. I like the way the "magic" system works in this world, but we need a lot more explanation before I am fully invested. I also love the best friend, Harper. She is a social media influencer and slightly spoiled, but she is still a steadfast and reliable friend to Everly. A few of the other characters show promise but did not have enough exposure for me to fully connect with them in this book.

In contrast, we spend plenty of time with Everly, but I still don't care about her. Her choices and reactions to everything felt very disjointed to me and seemed to only happen to further the plot. Also there is a kind of X-men type mansion for training/fighting the monsters and it is mentioned that the environment there is racist and homophobic, but then nothing more is said about it???

Continuing the theme of not explaining things, Everly's history and about 3 other big mysteries are left unresolved at the end of this book. Now, I understand this is a series, but I need something to be resolved for me to want to continue the series.

Ultimately, this book series could be really good if the mysteries are resolved well, but I'm not sure if the first book was a good introduction to the series.

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This was a fun book to read. I really enjoyed the friendship between Everly and Harper and thought the crush that Everly has on Dylan was adorable. I also though French's take on the supernatural creatures was refreshing since it isn't your standard vampire or werewolf story. I'm definitely excited to see what happens next in this series.

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