Member Reviews

I really wanted to love this book as I love everything else that Lisa Genova writes. This is different than her novels, which I absolutely LOVE. The merging of the story and science is captivating! This was not that book. The science is dry and I have tried multiple times, including the audio version and have not been able to get into this book. Hopefully her next book will go back to being science-based novels!

I love Lisa Genova and this book isn’t any different. While there were some parts that felt a bit underdeveloped, it was overall written well and was emotional. I would definitely recommend this book for anyone.

I couldn't get through this title. It ended up not being for me, but I hope it finds a hope with other readers.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.

This book hit home for me as I work with dementia patients. This book covers memory in an easy to understand to fulfil knowledge and calm fears of losing memory with aging vs dementia.

I really enjoyed the science of this book. And the way the author lays out all the information is very easy to understand! And no, I don’t think I will be forgetting this. And I may want to re-read (and I never re-read) this book at a later date. Just to see if all of my exercising has helped.
Since Alzheimers runs in my family, it is nice to know that a lot of my memory loss is normal at the present time. Only time will tell!
I recommend everyone read this book just to learn and know what to expect at a later time in life!

This was interesting, and I appreciated that she kept it short enough to remain interesting, but repetitive enough to drive the more important points home.

4.5-5 stars.
Thanks to NetGalley for providing me with an eARC in exchange for a fair and honest review.
Lisa Genova is best known for her fiction work, "Still Alice," which deals with the experience of living with early onset Alzheimer's disease, and I was intrigued when I heard about her newest book, "Remember: The Science of Memory and the Art of Forgetting." As a neuroscientist and expert in the field of memory, Genova is well-equipped to write about this topic, and her background in fiction writing is evident in the engaging and easy-to-read style of the book.
At its core, "Remember" is a book about understanding the limitations of memory and learning to accept that our memories will never be perfect. Genova delves into the science of how memories are made and retrieved, and explores the impact of factors like emotion, sleep, stress, and context on memory.
Overall, I found "Remember" to be a highly informative and enjoyable read. Its clear and engaging writing style makes it accessible to a wide audience, and the insights it offers into the nature of memory are valuable for anyone looking to better understand this complex aspect of the human experience.
Note: this review was written by me but modified by the openAI chatbot to improve it.

Remember is a nonfiction work by the amazing Lisa Genova, who has touched our hearts and raised awareness with so many beautiful stories spotlighting various neurological conditions.
Remember, as you can probably glean from the title, is all about memory - how it works, how it fails, and what we can do to improve and maintain it. I'm sure many of you know that I work in the field of brain injury, so nearly all of my clients have some degree of memory impairment. As someone who has been doing this work for nearly 15 years, I’ve come up with a lot of ways to explain memory functioning and strategies to make it accessible, yet I still found valuable explanations and examples in this writing that I’ll be able to take away and use in my daily work.
But this book is not just for those of us who work in the field; it really is a fascinating read for all. Neuroscience and brain functioning may not necessarily be a topic that most people think of first when they’re choosing a non-fiction read, but I’ve yet to meet a person who isn’t fascinated to learn about how their brain ticks.
Lisa's writing has an easy conversational tone, without excessive jargon, and without the repetitiveness and redundancy of a lot of nonfiction works of this nature. Every page has a new gem or nugget of interesting information.
It’s the new year. If this genre of nonfiction is not some thing you’ve ever tried before, why not give it a go?

Lisa Genova's new book on memory offers some fascinating insights into how our brain not only forms and stores memories, but also lets us forget the mundane and unimportant and also what we can do to improve our ability to remember. Her lively writing style and way of delivering information simply with anecdotes to illustrate makes it very readable and easy to understand.
Divided into three sections, the book deals firstly with how we make and retrieve memories and the different types of memory, then with why we forget and why poor retrieval of memory (such as forgetting names at a party) can happen to anyone and finally how to improve our memories and do what we can to fend off Alzheimer's with exercise, diet and sleep (unfortunately not with red wine but coffee is beneficial as long as it doesn't affect sleep). Reducing stress, meditation, learning to pay attention and be in the moment and mental stimulation are also discussed as important ways to improve brain function and memory. It was also a relief for my ageing brain to be told that making lists and using Google are both perfectly valid memory aides. This is a book most people would enjoy reading, especially if you're interested in memory and how it work

Genova, a neuroscientist with a Ph.D. from Harvard, is a gifted storyteller. She can breakdown all the medical jargon into easy to read and understand sections. I can't imagine that this would be an easy task for anyone, let alone someone studying the brain and memory. Genova addresses Alzheimer's disease, a very real fear for most of us, especially when one is regularly teased for their forgetfulness. I found Genova's writing hopeful and calming. I have definitely been doing some things wrong, but I learned that there are some techniques that I can utilize to improve my memory.

As with most nonfiction books that I read, this book took me while to get through. I usually can only read nonfiction a little at a time. I still found this book fascinating, however.
Learning about how our brains process memories was so interesting. She gives many different ways to help you remember what you want and need to remember depending on the situation or what it is you need to remember. She also explains what normal memory loss is and why that happens.
I highly recommend this book if it sounds like a topic you would enjoy.

I read Genova’s book Still Alice and knew I wanted to read this one as soon as I saw it. I think we all worry about getting Alzheimer's or dementia in our lifetime, so I wanted to see what the science says about forgetting a person’s name, where I parked, or what I had for dinner last night really means!!
In Remember, Genova uses her own personal experiences while explaining the research to make it read less like a textbook and more like a story. Our emotional state, our sleeping habits and how much stress we are under can all play a part in what we remember or can recollect. I’ve found this to be true in my own life and it was a relief to know that there is actually scientific evidence to support that theory. Genova has a way of explaining a complex matter in layman’s terms and I was able to learn a lot while reading this book.

Are you worried about your brain as you age? Why do you remember what you did on your wedding day but unable to remember what you did yesterday?
Remember by Lisa Genova helps us to learn how our brain works. It also makes us aware that we can forget things without it being a sign of dementia.
I’m a fan of her fiction books but must say that this non fiction book held my interest. The brain is an amazing organ that I find needs exercise as well as the remainder of our body.
Thank you to Lisa Genova and NetGalley for a digital copy of REMEMBER to read and review without compensation.
I highly recommend this book.

Lisa Genova has written brilliant fiction based on captivating neurological diseases. This non-fiction title uses anecdotes and the latest neuroscience research to introduce readers to the science of memory formation and memory loss. As with her fiction writing, Genova has a knack for drawing readers in with just the right balance of science and story. Written with a broad audience in mind, teen readers interested in science and medicine will find Genova's work accessible. Similarly, adult readers will be pleased that the science is neither "watered down" nor excessively abstruse. Overall, this is an excellent r ead for 2-3 sittings that will leave you thinking about your own memory for months afterwards.

I was surprised by how much I loved this non-fiction book by Lisa Genova. I have read all of her fiction books and am a big fan.. this book is very different from her normal fare, but it was easy to read and actually very comforting..I would recommend it to anyone who has a relative with Alzheimer’s or who has lost a relative to the disease and is worried about their own future. I would also recommend this to anyone who is middle aged and concerned about their memory. The author gives great tips on how to best protect our memories.

Highly recommend for everyone!! Grab a highlighter and a notebook/pen bc you’re going to want to take some notes…I’m someone who has a “bad memory”. It’s fascinating to read about ways to hone your memory - she gives strategies! - and why your memory “fails” sometimes. Fascinating doesn’t describe how reading this book is - ! Go get it. So good.

“Remember” was an in-depth, interesting and practical look into how and why we remember or don’t remember certain things or types of things. The author discusses the different types of memory and how they form, as well as why we cannot and do not want to remember everything. She offers a variety of tips for improving memory, many of which are probably familiar to many readers. One of the more interesting chapters was on intentional forgetting; how to help forget some of the negative or unpleasant memories that we can get stuck dwelling on (which makes them harder to forget, as dwelling on a memory helps reinforce it).
I received a copy of the e-book from NetGalley in exchange for a review.

Remember is Lisa Genova’s first nonfiction book, and it attempts to make the science of memory accessible to the lay person. For providing another tool in the arsenal to help someone, I applaud the book. For providing an approachable yet scientifically based text, I applaud the book. For its almost too casual tone, I question the book. Yet, this is one I think I may reread occasionally such that I can remember its lessons.
Read my complete review at http://www.memoriesfrombooks.com/2021/12/remember.html
Reviewed for NetGalley.

I think I missed my true calling. I should have learned more about the brain and how it works and turned it into a career. I love learning about all the things the brain can do and this was another well explained area of new learning for me.
I have been recommending this to everyone. I started reading it to learn more about my parents and their diminishing memory but found that there were important lessons to learn for myself and for people of all ages.

This is an incredibly important book! Lisa Genova describes perfectly how I have felt at times and friends as well. When we share the vulnerabilities of aging we are detecting, memory is one of them. Clients I work with are very involved with a wide range of work relating to memory, including The Alzheimer’s Association, AARP & non profits which support those with brain damage. So my work has included quite a bit of reading on memory. What I love about Remember is I felt reassured, it’s not written textbook style and provides ideas one can do such as quality of sleep to help tend that part of our brain which stores what often means the most to us. Highly recommend!! Now Suri— where’s my phone?